The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Tara is a character in The Last of Us Part II. She is a resident of Jackson and worked as a patrolman for the community under Maria Miller's leadership.[1]


Tara has been a resident in Jackson since at least 2036. She was a mother to two sons. Before living in Jackson, she fled several hostile survivors with her family, committing actions that led to her sons behaving more like hunters than themselves. However, after reaching Jackson, the community in the town provided her and her sons a new focus: working on improving the town and living a relatively normal life.[2] To combat the growing numbers of infected hordes migrating towards Jackson, Tara joined the community's patrolmen to scout out areas they were gathering in around the town.[1]

On one patrol near the Mountain View trail, she encountered Ruby, saving her and her family from a group of infected. She befriended Ruby, learning she was a school teacher before the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak. She tried to convince Ruby to return with her to Jackson, promising her a chance to live a normal life again, free from the difficulties of fighting infected and being paranoid of other survivors. Unable to convince her, she left her a note imploring her to reconsider her offer.[2]

