The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Pvt. Atwater reports visual/sound contact Stage-2 Cordyceps infected near collapsed office building. Moving to investigate.
―Waters mentioning Atwater[1]

Private Atwater is a minor character in The Last of Us Part I.[2] They were a soldier of FEDRA in the Boston area, in a patrol along with Waters, Private Shah, and Private Coolidge.[1]



At some point after the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak, Atwater enlisted into the United States military. In July of 2033, Atwater was in a patrol with O.I.C. Waters, Private Shah, and Private Coolidge on the outskirts of the Boston area. Atwater reported hearing and/or seeing a stage two infected near a collapsed office building.[1] The patrol went to investigate and was soon attacked by multiple infected, where Atwater was killed.[2]

Events of The Last of Us Part I[]

Joel Miller finds Atwater's corpse while traversing through the Goldstone Building with Tess and Ellie. He can also find a field ops log that mentions Atwater.[2]

