The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Anthony is a minor character in The Last of Us Part II.[1]



Sometime after the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak, Anthony found his way to Santa Barbara, California. He eventually was captured and enslaved by the Rattlers. He lived within their dome, where they forced him to work for them as their slave. By the summer of 2039, Anthony tried to escape but was captured, tortured and subsequently forced to turn into a runner.[1]

Events of The Last of Us Part II[]

Soon after Anthony transformed into a runner, Ellie broke into the dome's courtyard to find Abby Anderson and Lev, whom were living in the dome as the Rattlers' slaves. Ellie witnessed two of the Rattlers mocking Anthony's runner form, which they had chained down to prevent him running away or harming them. One Rattler expressed how content he was, stating Anthony deserved the punishment despite another Rattler telling him to leave Anthony alone.

While sneaking through the courtyard, Ellie can unhook Anthony from his chains, allowing him to attack the Rattlers.[2][1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Santa Barbara"
  2. Player-determined