The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Josephine Roberts is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1]



Josephine was a citizen from San Diego who managed to be one of 35 people to successfully board A.J. Malidore's ferry before it left the city that had fallen into chaos after the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak on October 2, 2013.[2] She owned a crossbow, which she brought on the ferry with her though the crew confiscated it.[3] While aboard, Josephine grew suspicious that the two people who had fallen ill with seasickness in the ferry's make-shift infirmary, Barnes and Quinn, were actually infected with the CBI.[4]

On October 5 at 07:30, Barnes escaped the infirmary, having transformed into a runner as Josephine predicted. She found the man by 14:50 and threw him overboard to his death. At 19:05 that night, she once more confronted Malidore about the need to scan all passengers for traces of the infection, but the captain once more dismissed her pleas.[2] However, her brave actions earlier in the day earned her favor with the crewman in charge of storing the weapons. Believing his fellow crewmen incompetent in dangerous situations, he voiced support for her to have access to her weapon, giving her the combination to the safe.[3]

However, the next day, more people in the infirmary had transformed into runners, leading Josephine to use her crossbow to kill them all by 21:00. Malidore figured out it was her and confronted her in his cabin later that night. Josephine grew angry at him for not believing her, laying the blame for the ongoing crisis among the passengers as his fault. The pair argued, ending with them each shooting one another. Malidore, having used his sidearm rather than a crossbow, landed a more lethal shot, leading Josephine to bleed out much sooner that him as even more passengers on the ship transformed into runners.[2]

Events of The Last of Us Part II[]

Abby Anderson can find Malidore's ferry and notes he wrote about Josephine aboard it by his decayed corpse in April 2038.[1]

