The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Mina is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1][2]



Mina was an employee at the Greenplace Market supermarket and a resident of Jackson County, Wyoming. At some point, she had her picture taken and displayed alongside other staff members within the break room above the market. Mina also worked alongside Kristen, whom she became friends with. At a later point, Mina's dog also worked at the market and earned the Employee of the Month reward for the month of July 2013.[2]

After the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak began in September, 2013, the store closed down and the some of the staff members began using it as shelter from the infected and from hostile survivors. While living there, Mina left Kristen a note that she had found some pain meds and stored them in a safe that Kristen could use for her back. She made the combination the date her dog had received the Employee of the Month reward.[1]

The store was eventually abandoned, allowing infected, including runners and clickers, to infest it. It is unknown what happened to Mina.[2]

Events of The Last of Us Part II[]

During March 2038, Ellie and Dina enter the supermarket to clear the area of infected. They break into the staff room, finding the picture of Mina on the wall and the note she left for Kristen. Upon inspecting the store's safe, it is revealed the supplements Mina left are still inside, indicating Kristen never retrieved them.[2]

