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I'm not spending the rest of my life with some asshole telling me who to shoot and where to shit.

Riley Abel[4] is the deuteragonist of The Last of Us: American Dreams and The Last of Us: Left Behind, and is mentioned in The Last of Us Part I.

A sixteen-year-old survivor who lived in Boston, Riley disliked the military and often spoke favorably of the Fireflies, defending their supposedly radical actions. During her time in Boston, she befriended Ellie and the two quickly bonded and became best friends.[5]


Background and early life[]

Riley was born around 2016 or 2017. When she was a little girl, her father was infected with Cordyceps brain infection and killed her mother, tearing her to shreds. Riley was forced to kill him in order to save her own life.[6] Sometime later, she is put into military school with other children living in the Boston quarantine zone for protection. Though Riley adjusted to the lifestyle of the military school and made friends, she was opposed to the totalitarian rule without a democratic government and came to support the Fireflies. Near the end of her fifteenth year, Riley was faced with the option of joining the military or being released into the general population to fend for herself.[7][8] She chose to join, sharing a room with another girl named Liz for three years. Riley, however, was set on finding a way out of her predicament, unwilling to follow military rule.[8][9][10]

Events of American Dreams[]

Meeting Ellie[]

My name’s Riley. You ready to do this, Ellie?
―Riley to Ellie[11]

During Ellie's earliest tenure in the quarantine zone, Riley prevented further harm from coming to the newcomer when she stopped a group of bullies from beating her up. Grabbing the offending boy by the wrist she tossed him to the ground and threatened to 'stomp his balls'; the threat was enough to send him and his gang running. Amused by the turn of events, Riley inquired what they wanted with Ellie and the young girl responded with the suggestion that they wanted to steal something of hers. Riley, eyeing her Sony Walkman with curiosity, advised Ellie to watch her back and make friends quickly. Ellie immediately dismissed Riley's advice, offended by the idea that she needed help at all.

Riley noted that Ellie had “serious trust issues” and spotted the zone’s authority figure immediately afterward. Before she left, she told Ellie to run and bumped past her as she took off. Riley secretly pick pocketed and stole Ellie's Walkman during her escape.

In the mess hall Riley and her friends were discussing the actions of the Fireflies that led to the decimation of a jeep and the death of an individual being scanned for infection. Riley believed that they had to have been cornered or pushed into such drastic measures. One of her friends warned her to watch what she said out in the open about the Fireflies; Riley suggested that her friend not believe everything said to him as the situation was bound to be more complicated than described.

AD - Riley sneaking out

Ellie watches as Riley sneaks out.

Ellie confronted Riley in the mess hall and demanded that she give her Walkman back. Riley denied knowing what she was talking about. Ellie continued to press the issue until Riley relinquished the Walkman and insulted her taste in music.

Later that night, Riley creeped through the school with the intention of leaving the quarantine zone. Ellie managed to sneak up and surprised Riley as she was about to leave the building. Embarrassed, Riley ordered Ellie to go back to her room. Ellie refused, demanding Riley show her how to get out of the quarantine zone. Riley hesitated before she finally conceded and allowed Ellie to follow her. She acknowledged Ellie by using her name and told the girl not to make her regret her decision. The two managed to get across the yard undetected by the patrolling guards and climbed over the fence. Ellie inquired to how Riley knew her name, and Riley responded with a vague answer and a smile before she finally introduces herself.[11]

Leaving the Quarantine Zone[]

In less than three months I turn sixteen. That’s how long I have to find a way out…
―Riley to Ellie about her future[3]

Riley and Ellie outside the zone.

Outside of the school, Riley led Ellie across the city’s rooftops, undetected by the soldiers patrolling the streets below. She stopped on the ledge of a building just below her and asked Ellie if she ever thinks about the future. Ellie took the question lightly, thinking it rhetorical. Riley elaborated on her question more seriously and asked Ellie again what she wanted to do with her life.

Ellie assumed there was little point thinking about the future, considering their circumstances, but Riley asserted her mindset was exactly how the authorities within the quarantine zone want people to keep thinking. Riley told Ellie she won’t spend her life being told what to do as a soldier; she had three months before her sixteenth birthday, and she intended to find out the answer herself. Ellie, however, remained baffled and continued to ask Riley what more could their lives be.

Riley ignored her question, instead asking if she had ever ridden a horse. When Ellie answered in the negative, Riley led her down into an abandoned mall. They wandered through the structure until Ellie spotted an arcade across from them. Riley followed her inside and watches her pretend to play “Triple Phoenix”; Riley dismissed the game as something for children and substitutes her favorite game, “The Turning”, a brutal fighting game. Riley became despondent when Ellie cited the fortune of the children that came before them and decided to leave, believing they were wasting time inside the arcade.

They arrived at a camp where Riley’s friend, Winston Asher lived. The man was upset that Riley had brought yet another one of her friends to visit him, but Riley reassured him that Ellie was "on the level". When he asked for compensation, Riley pulled from her jacket a bottle of whiskey she stole from the school. In exchange for the alcohol, Riley asked Winston to teach Ellie how to ride a horse.

Riley took Ellie out to the stables and gave her a few pointers on how to behave around horses. As she prepared the horse for the ride, Ellie asked her if she was acting out on purpose to get kicked out of the school. Riley told Ellie she did not want to be stuck in general population, where she would be treated worse and given less in rations. She wanted to be free from the whole system. When Winston finally took Ellie for her ride, Riley searched his tent for his walkie-talkie and discovered it sometime during their absence. She feigned innocence when they return, sitting on the ground and reading a magazine.

As Winston prepared to return the horse to the stables, he told Riley to go home and avoid trouble. Riley laughed at his advice, saying that she would have to be caught in order to be in trouble. Their conversation was cut short by an explosion outside the mall. Winston mounted his horse and ordered Riley return to the school, before heading off to find his unit.

Riley ignored him and listened to the radio chatter on his walkie-talkie. Ellie, realizing that she was used to distract Winston, became furious with Riley. However, a report of a Firefly sighting interrupted her outburst. Riley, excited that the attack came sooner than expected, plotted to leave the quarantine zone for good. She intended on finding and meeting the Fireflies. When Ellie objected to the idea, Riley chose to leave her behind.[3]

Rendezvous with the Fireflies[]

What'd I tell ya? I'm good.
―Riley after she's bitten[12]

Using Winston’s walkie-talkie, Riley followed the progress of the military’s fight with the Fireflies through the abandoned streets. She told Ellie there was no chance of convincing her that heading straight for the battle was a bad idea. Using the rooftops, Riley and Ellie followed the smoke and sounds of gunfire from above until they reached McMillan and Jordan. Realizing the Fireflies were trapped, Riley pulled two smoke grenades from her jacket and offered one to Ellie. Hesitant, Ellie told Riley what they were about to do may harm someone.

Riley assured her none of the soldiers would be hurt, she intended on giving the Fireflies a chance to escape. She told Ellie it was their chance to change their fate and fight the military. She asked if Ellie was willing to let them control her or if she was strong enough to fight for “something else”. Frustrated, Ellie unpinned the grenade and tossed it down into the street. The subsequent detonation of the grenade and the Fireflies escape excited Riley, who boasted loudly from the rooftop.


Riley and Ellie in hiding.

Her shout alerted the military to their presence, forcing them to run when fired upon. Climbing down from the rooftops, Riley and Ellie took refuge in an alley behind a dumpster. When Ellie mocked Riley’s assurance of their safety, Riley was quick to remind her that she was still alive. While resting, Ellie asked her where she found the grenades. Riley revealed she stole them from Winston and her theft suggested that their “amazing friendship” was over. Ellie noticed someone standing in the doorway of a building with yellow “quarantine” tape hanging from its walls.

Riley realized the girl approaching them was infected and urged Ellie to run. However, the infected attacked, pinning Riley down, Riley grabbed a nearby rock and smashed the infected's face just as it bit her on the arm. Ellie attacked the infected woman from behind with a stick; the woman charged her and knocked her down. Ellie managed to hold her off long enough for Riley to stab her through the neck with the broken part of Ellie’s stick.

Panicked, Riley realized she was bitten and tried to dissuade Ellie from checking her arm. Ellie grabbed her arm and pulls the sleeve away to reveal no bite marks or punctures. Riley brushed her fear off in a show of bravado, but admitted she was scared when Ellie hugs her. Their moment of respite ended when two more infected appeared and chased them. Riley and Ellie ran until they reach a dead end. They were saved just before the infected reached them; a Firefly gunned them down. Relieved, Riley thanked the Fireflies and started to introduce herself when one of them attacked her with a stun rod. She hit the ground, unconscious, and was taken on the order of Marlene who recognized Ellie.[12]

Return to the Zone[]

All roads lead to the same end.
―Riley after returning to the quarantine zone[6]

Riley regained consciousness as Ellie negotiated for her release with Marlene. Ellie asked if she was alright as one of Marlene's men untie her, Riley answered in the affirmative. When Marlene gave Ellie a red envelope, she implicitly told them to return to the quarantine zone.

Riley argued against the order, stating she wanted to join the Fireflies. Marlene refused to listen to her despite Riley affirming that she wanted to help her organization restore democracy and save the city. Their argument was cut short when a group of smugglers discovered their hiding place and held them at gunpoint. The smugglers opened fire on the Fireflies first, killing the man closest to Riley. Fearing for Riley's life, Ellie dove in front of her as Marlene shot one of the smugglers.

Riley and Ellie ducked into a corner for safety while Marlene ran for cover. Seeing that she was pinned down by gunfire, Riley leaped from cover and attempted to grab a nearby gun lying on the ground. One of the smugglers grabbed her by her hood, stopping her. Ellie hit the man with a brick, distracting him long enough for Riley to grab the gun and shoot him in the shoulder and kill him. Despite the number of dead surrounding them, Riley stated that her efforts made that the second time she helped Marlene and the Fireflies.


Riley gives up.

Angry, Marlene grabbed Riley by the jacket and slammed her to the ground. She questioned whether or not Riley thought it was all a game. Though Riley attempted to protest, Marlene chided her that dressing up like her and memorizing the charter of the Fireflies did not mean she understood what becoming a Firefly meant. Upset, Riley admitted to killing her father when he became infected. However, her admission did not sway Marlene from her decision and Riley reaffirmed that she believed in the cause of the Fireflies. Marlene showed her one of the bodies of her men and brought into question his beliefs.

Threatening Riley with a gun, she suggested maiming Riley, as many of her men have ended up crippled fighting for what they believed in. When she asked if Riley still wanted to become a Firefly, Riley's determination remained firm. Ellie bit the man holding her back when she heard Marlene cock her gun. She threatened to shoot Marlene if she did not move away from Riley, firing one round when the woman tried to dissuade her. Marlene convinced Ellie that she knew her mother, Anna, and promised to look after her. Ellie asked Riley what she should do. Riley told her to put the gun down; Marlene had been nothing except honest with them. Afterwards, Marlene gave Ellie her mother's switchblade and ordered them to return to the school.

Disillusioned, Riley followed Ellie out of the sewer and back onto the surface. When Ellie noticed her friend was troubled, Riley declared that there was no way out for them. Refusing to believe that, Ellie dismissed her mother's letter, the Fireflies and everyone in the city. She suggested that they run away and leave the zone in search of another place for them both. Riley began to cry and asked her to stop talking, knowing that leaving the zone would likely end in their deaths. They returned to the school and went their separate ways, Riley telling Ellie that she would see her tomorrow.[6]

Events of Left Behind[]

Becoming a Firefly[]

Despite the rejection she experienced after meeting Marlene, Riley was still determined to become a Firefly. After parting ways with Ellie following a heated argument between them, she came across Trevor, the Firefly that Ellie bit during their altercation with the smugglers. Assuming she had gone unnoticed, she followed him until he led her into an alley.[13]

There she was ambushed by several other Fireflies and taken directly to their hideout. She came face to face with Marlene who merely asks, "What took you so long?" Marlene reveals that their previous encounter was a test to see just how committed Riley would be to their cause. As a part of her initiation ceremony, Riley was ordered to kill someone who had become infected. She succeeded and was awarded her pendant which designated her Firefly #000129.[4] Afterward, Riley inquires whether or not Ellie could join them, a request Marlene would deny shortly before forbidding Riley to see Ellie again.[5]


Riley convincing Ellie

Riley convinces Ellie to leave the quarantine zone.

Riley remained on her own for six weeks and made no contact with Ellie. Three weeks prior to the events to meeting Joel, Riley chose to return and visit her friend. Entering her bedroom, she pretended to be an infected and surprised the sleeping, Ellie. Ellie knocked her off the bed and nearly stabs her, but hesitated. Riley made fun of her reaction and asked whether or not she wanted to know what she had been up to. Instead of answering, Ellie told Riley she thought she was dead. Understanding Ellie's frustrations at her disappearance, Riley revealed that she had become a Firefly and offered to explain everything.

Upon exiting the school, they encountered a patrol and ducked inside an abandoned building for cover. As Riley led Ellie through the structure, she revealed how she became a Firefly after she tailed one of the men they met previously when they found Marlene. As they travel further up and inside the building, Riley asked about Ellie's social life, whether or not she hung out with the other kids in school, particularly Tino and her other friends as she knew Ellie speaks with them. Ellie told her she doesn't socialize with many people and that she never made an effort to become close with Riley's friends.

As Riley surveyed the area from a damaged wall, Ellie asked if Riley had "found the light" and whether or not she bought into the creed of Marlene's cause. Noting her skepticism, Riley merely told her that with the Fireflies, she was "not a solider". As they prepared to leave the ruined building, Riley rebuked a radio transmission that purported to have kept the Quarantine Zone free of the infection for thirty days.

She told Ellie that the infected continued to appeared in the zone more than the military let on, and they were lying to the population. She nearly revealed that one of the stipulations to become a Firefly was to kill an infected, but she veered from the subject entirely. Riley told Ellie to hide when she spots another patrol on the approach, they watched the trucks pass in the distance. Continuing on, Ellie suggested that she become a Firefly; however, Riley revealed Marlene wants her "safe" inside the school, concerned that Riley would get her into trouble. They finally enter the mall Riley brought her to when they first met. Riley attempted to recall that day, but Ellie demanded to know why she brought her here. Riley merely told Ellie she had a surprise for her and refused to provide a solid answer.[13]

When Ellie spotted a poster for a water gun, she informed a disbelieving Riley that she almost stole back their guns from Corporal "Dickhead" but she was caught in the act. They also passed a poster of a holiday travel resort and fantasize about going on a beach vacation to Los Angeles and discuss how Riley is bad at playing poker. Traveling down an escalator, Riley advised Ellie to give up trying to get the guns back. They reached Winston's camp where Riley lamented the loss of her friend and asked how he died. When Ellie revealed he died of a heart attack, Riley wondered how many survivors were afforded the chance to die of natural causes post-outbreak. Searching through Winston's tent, Riley discovered a bottle of alcohol and offered Ellie a drink.[fn 1] Riley drank in his memory and left the bottle behind. Reaching the other end of the mall across from Winston's camp, Riley and Ellie attempted to lift a car to use to climb to the other side of the mall. However, the support beam snapped, and the route is blocked. Riley suggested finding another way to their destination. Ellie spotted an open window above a door and offered to hoist Riley up and over to unlock the door.

Riley complied with the plan and climbed over the window. Riley unlocked the door, scaring Ellie with a clown mask. Surprised by the collection of Halloween decorations inside, Riley spied a werewolf mask and ordered Ellie to put it on. Though her friend was less than compliant, Ellie went along with Riley and pretended, halfheartedly, to be a werewolf. Exploring the rest of the store, Riley found a Frankenstein mask and hid inside a coffin in another attempt to frighten Ellie again. They fooled around in the store for a while longer before moving on. On the other side of the mall, Riley decided that they should toss bricks at the windows of blue and red cars down below. She said that if one of them won, they could ask the other a question they must answer seriously.

If Riley knocked out of all of her windows first, she asked what she had to do to become Ellie's friend again. Ellie responded initially with sarcasm before she answered "keep doing what you're doing. It's working". If Ellie won, she had a chance to ask one of three questions. They moved on, heading into the back of the mall. Ellie inquired again why they were in the mall and Riley revealed that the military lied about how the power systems worked in the city. She told Ellie that the entire city still had power, the military just "flipped the circuit breakers".

Ellie and Riley find the carousel

Riley and Ellie approach the carousel.

Having opened a junction box, she had Ellie restore power to the entire mall. Excited by the prospect of an energized mall, the two took off back down the hall toward the exit. However, Ellie hesitated and informed Riley that she was aware of her attempts to get back into her good graces. Riley apologized for the things she said to Ellie before she left, that she did not mean any of it. They stepped through the double doors and a marveled at the sight of the illuminated carousel.[13]

Fun and Games[]

When Ellie asked whether or not the military would notice the mall lights, Riley assured her that, according to a girl named Melanie, the exterior lights did not work. Ellie climbed onto one of the horses as Riley powered the carousel. She watched Ellie go around for a moment before obliging her friend's request to climb aboard. However, the moment she did, the power gave out. Sitting beside her friend, Riley revealed she found another "book of puns" for Ellie. Ellie joked that Riley may be her favorite person again, to which Riley responded "I know my girl".

Leaving the carousel, Ellie traded jokes with Riley as they walked around. Entering a nearby photo booth, Riley and Ellie took several pictures together. Once done, they were prompted to share their photographs on Facebook, and though the term confused the two, they entered random digits into the password and username prompt. Their attempt to connect with the social network site failed so they tried to print out their photographs; they were met with several "retry" prompts that failed. Frustrated, Riley pounded on the photo booth screen until the machine lost power.

They decided to continue exploring as another loud speaker announcement alerted them of the 6am shift. Riley and Ellie mocked the woman over the speaker, quoting cautionary messages verbatim. They took the escalator up to Raja's Arcade and discovered Riley's favorite arcade game, "The Turning", was busted. Instead of moving on, Riley helped Ellie imagine how the game would be played when she commanded her to close her eyes and described the setting.

Riley confesses to Ellie

Riley tells Ellie she's leaving Boston.

Afterward, Riley overheard music coming from the door ahead and moved to open it, insisting they push forward. Ellie, reluctantly, told her friend she had no chances to mess up at the school again, stating they would pick up where they left off another time. Riley revealed they would not be able to because the Fireflies assigned her to another group in a different city. due to leave in two days. When Ellie failed to respond in the way she had hoped, Riley decided to forgo any further conversation and left to investigate the music.

On the other end of the mall, she discovers a department store. Ellie caught up to her and the two argued over the things Riley said to her before she left. Riley admitted that her guilt was not the reason she came back to see her despite what she said. Tossing her backpack down onto the floor, she states she got the water guns back and was nearly shot in the process of stealing them. Ellie acknowledged Riley's efforts with a game of water tag. After the initial round, they prolong the game. Eventually, Ellie conceded she had to leave, and that she meant what she said when she told Riley to "go" as it was her dream to join the Fireflies before they met.

Ellie and Riley kissing

Riley and Ellie share a kiss.

Riley was assured that she would be fine and that they would see each other again. After they made amends, Riley asked whether or not Ellie still had her Walkman; Ellie answered in the affirmative and Riley decided to plug the Walkman into one of the store's radios Riley stood on top the fractured surface of a counter and the two proceeded to dance to the music.[14]

Midway through, Ellie stopped. Riley attempted to get her going again, but her friend resisted and suddenly asked her not to leave. Riley regarded the Firefly pendant on her neck before breaking the chain and dropping it on the floor. Ellie then kissed Riley but apologized almost immediately afterward. Riley told her she had nothing to apologize for.[fn 2]

Escape from Liberty Gardens[]

Way I see it, we got two options. One, we take the easy way out. It's quick and painless. I'm not a fan of option one. Two, we fight. There are a million ways we could've died today. And a million ways we could die before tomorrow. But we fight for every second we get to spend with each other. Whether its two minutes... or two days... we don't give that up. I don't want to give that up. My vote? Let's just wait it out. You know, we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together.
―Riley's last words to Ellie[15]
Riley aiming a pistol

Riley and Ellie are discovered by runners.

When they attempted to figure out their next move, they were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of runners. Riley fired her gun and the two ran for cover. They blocked the door they used to escape, and Riley led Ellie through the back of the mall to safety. Blocking off another door, Riley helped Ellie lift the gate off the ground and chose to hold it up until Ellie could find something to wedge between the gate. Once she did, Riley scrambled under the gate as a runner attacked her. She killed it with two shots to the head. They then ran through the docking area which was overrun with infected. They ducked under a broken blockade; Riley got ahead of Ellie and was immediately ambushed from the side.

Ellie jumped on the runner's back and stabbed it to death. Impressed, Riley led Ellie further up into the mall toward the scaffolding to escape but their path was blocked by more infected. Taking an alternate route, they exited the room through an open window.

Ellie and Riley after being bitten

Riley and Ellie weigh their options after the fight.

Traveling across scaffolding, they almost made it out of danger when the shelf Ellie used to climb to safety tipped over and sent her falling over the edge of the scaffolding. Riley jumped down to her and saved Ellie from the infected attempting to bite her. However, Riley was tackled by an oncoming runner, prompting Ellie to stab and slit its throat. With all the runners dead, Ellie assumed the worst was over when Riley noticed her arm; Ellie discovered she had been bitten and Riley revealed her own bite on the palm of her left hand.

Riley attempted to console Ellie with some idea of hope after she threw a fit and destroyed several flowerpots with a pipe. She told her friend they had two options; shoot each other, an option she disliked, or fight the infection and spend as much time as possible together. When Ellie asked whether or not there was a third option, Riley merely apologized and stood up. The two then left the mall.[15]

Events of The Last of Us Part I[]

In the end, Riley succumbed to the fungal infection and died. However, Ellie did not, learning that she was somehow immune and later made her way to Marlene.[16] Ellie also took Riley's pendant to keep as an artifact to remember her by.[17]

Ellie would mention Riley a few times during her journeys with Joel, including her love of Angel Knives and "The Turning",[18] but only finally tells him her name and the day they were bitten by the infected in the mall after the events at Salt Lake City. Riley's death is one of many losses that would contribute to Ellie's survivor's guilt and the sense of responsibility to provide a cure with her immunity.[19]

Personality and traits[]

Like most children born after the outbreak, Riley had to learn to become self-sufficient after the death of her family. Though she was taken care of within the military school of the zone, she was primarily left to her own devices and broke the rules in face of the consequences she'd face for leaving the zone.[11]

Riley was quick to jump to the defense of otherwise weaker or preyed upon individuals with little thought of reward to herself. However, much like the world she lives in, she would take or steal from others without consideration to their situation and deny her actions if caught.[3]

She appeared to be aware of the morally gray or void nature of her environment and was quick to jump to the defense of the Fireflies if she believed they were being accused without considering all the angles of the situation. Her belief in the Firefly creed drove her to rebel against the military and fight to join their cause.[12]

Upon meeting Ellie, Riley was at first hostile towards her, but would later use her knowledge of the environment to help Ellie navigate her new surroundings. The two became close friends after venturing outside of the quarantine zone, the circumstances of their environment forcing them to rely on one another for survival. Their friendship and later affection for each other, emphasizes the impact they had on each other as both friends and possible lovers.[fn 2]

Discussions with Ellie has with Riley in the mall suggest her absence from the school, and the friction between herself and Ellie, was not only predicated by her desire to join the Fireflies, but also her growing feelings for her friend. Despite her dedication to the Fireflies' cause, however, the indirect admittance for how they both felt for each other was enough that Riley was willing to abandon them for Ellie. Even when facing death from infection, Riley chose to keep fighting as opposed to giving up completely, unable to surrender what time she had left with Ellie to suicide.[14]

Riley appreciated music and video games prior to the time of the infection. Though she calls the old music on Ellie's Walkman "shit", she will speak oppositely if the music Ellie listens to was chosen by herself. She enjoyed the game "The Turning", a fighting game, and was fan of the player character, Angel Knives, a girl who would punch a hole in her foe's stomach before kicking their head off.[18]


American Dreams[]

Riley: "Some advice, get someone to watch your back. Try and make some friends before you—"
Ellie: "Did I ask for your advice?"
Riley: "You got some serious trust issues, new kid.

Riley: "You ever think about the future?"
Ellie: "Like, the far future… with spaceships and stuff?"
Riley: "Cute."

Riley: "This is a shot at changing our fate. Are you just gonna keep letting them control your life? Or will you fight for something else?"

Riley: "I watched my dad turn and rip my mom to shreds. I killed my own father."
Marlene: "Congratulations, you're just like every other survivor in this world."

Left Behind[]

Riley: "Now c'mon, when have we ever gotten into trouble?"

Riley: "The screen turns black. Angel Knives' blades begin to glow. She pierces his torso again and again until his heart flies right out of his chest. She winds back her leg and roundhouses his head clean off. A geyser of blood covers the entire playing field. […] That is an Ultra Kill. Angel Knives throws her fists in the air, you win."

Riley: "I'm supposed to be holed up on the other side of town, I get caught as a Firefly, I'm dead. Guilt didn't make me cross a city full of soldiers, Ellie."

Ellie: "...So, who am I to stop you?"
Riley: "The one person that can."

Ellie: "Sorry."
Riley: "For what?"

Riley: "Way I see it, we got two options. Option one, we take the easy way out. It's quick and painless. I'm not a fan of option one… Two… we fight."
Ellie: "Fight for what? We're gonna turn into one of those things."
Riley: "There are a million ways we should've died before today. And a million ways we can die before tomorrow. But we fight… for every second we get to spend with each other. Whether it's two minutes, or two days… we don't give that up. I don't want to give that up."

Riley: "My vote? Let's just wait it out. You know we can... be all poetic and just lose our minds together."


American Dreams[]

Left Behind (2014)[]


  1. Depending on the choice of the player, Ellie can "accept" or "reject" the offer to drink.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Creative director Neil Druckmann confirmed in a podcast that Riley did have romantic feelings for Ellie.

