The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Don Carter is a minor character in The Last of Us Part II.[1]



Don lived in Seattle and married a woman named Sasha. Around September 2013, Don fell ill with the Cordyceps brain infection after a runner attacked him. His wife admitted him to Lakehill Seattle Hospital but he was separated from her and was quarantined in the lower levels with several other patients. He saw a doctor who put ointment on his bite mark. However, he was then left for three hours without any update on his condition. Angered and feeling his condition worsen, he wrote a formal letter of complaint for a nurse to deliver to the supervisor.[2]

However, the outbreak soon occurred and the hospital was placed under complete quarantine as military soldiers were dispatched to the hospital to prevent the rapidly growing number of patients from escaping into the city.[3] Don awoke to find he had been locked in his room, unable to escape. He complained that he was starving but was unable to eat or drink what was left for him. He heard screaming outside as the patients in the basement succumbed to the infection. Eventually, he scribbled another note expressing that he could feel his mind fading, his eyes hurting and cried out for his wife. He transformed into an infected but was still trapped in the room, leaving him to eventually die.[2]

Events of The Last of Us Part II[]

In April 2038, Abby Anderson can find Don's fungi-infested corpse in the room he was locked in, along with his note, while searching the hospital for medical supplies. She can break into his room by breaking one of the glass windows.[1]

