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The Last of Us Wiki

Seattle is a prominent location in The Last of Us Part II. The city is located in the state of Washington and was formerly a quarantine zone run by FEDRA.[1] The group known as the Washington Liberation Front (WLF) control the city by the events of the game, although they face constant attack from the Seraphites, who control the surrounding area.[2]


At some point during the initial outbreak, FEDRA deployed armored units to Seattle. After containing many civilians in the zone and bombing the downtown area to clear out hordes of infected, FEDRA's military units searched for survivors in the surrounding area. They discovered a community in the lower Queen Anne suburb, being led by a strange woman. These people refused to return with the military to the quarantine zone, and their survival was later reported as a miracle by the news.[3] They also found and worked with the community in Hillcrest, with FEDRA soldier Yolanda forming a partnership with the community's de facto leader Boris Legasov.[4]

Seattle was similar in size to the Boston QZ. It had extensive fortifications, with massive walls, checkpoints, and at one point a large contingent of FEDRA soldiers guarding the zone. There were many notable locations in the city, such as a bank, a synagogue, a train station, an underground parking structure and a courthouse.[5]

As the years passed, many residents became dissatisfied with FEDRA's control of the zone, eventually culminating in the creation of the WLF and the group fighting against FEDRA authorities. The WLF printed many propaganda leaflets and plastered many of the walls with propaganda images in attempts to rally civilians living in the zone to support their cause.[6]

The last FEDRA officer to be in charge of the Seattle QZ was Lieutenant Carmelo Torres, assisted by his second-in-command, Sergeant Ward.[7] As the WLF began to attack military supply lines, Torres and Ward began to increasingly worry that FEDRA would be unable to meet ration quotas to feed the populace. As a result, they stopped admitting new residents into the zone and began expelling those who committed crimes.[7] They also began executing them[8] and targeting known WLF leaders.[9] This further angered the civilian population.[8] The military also bombed a significant portion of rebel-held territory to clear out the WLF and infected, killing several high-level WLF leadership.[5]

However, a new leader known as Isaac Dixon rose to power and led the WLF on a final offensive against the remaining FEDRA forces. With the situation becoming dire, Torres made the decision for FEDRA to evacuate the city.[10] The last forces remaining to oversee the final evacuees were caught up in the WLF offensive and ambushed in their convoy on the highway, and the WLF raided their headquarters and eliminated the last few remaining soldiers and their commanding officer.[11] Soon after, WLF raided FEDRA's headquarters in the zone and took control of the outer communities, like Boris' group in Hillcrest.[4] Seattle was now under near-complete WLF control, with their authority over the city contested only by the Seraphites.[12]

In the following years, a significant portion of the zone was abandoned and infested, as neither the WLF nor the Seraphites had the resources to hold that much territory.[5]


