The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

Perninha123 Perninha123 16 days ago

The Last of Us media data de lançamento

  1. The Last of Us Development Series - 28 de fevereiro de 2013
  2. The Last of Us: American Dreams Issue #1 - 3 de abril de 2013
  3. The Last of Us: American Dreams Issue #2 - 29 de maio de 2013
  4. The Last of Us Original Soundtrack - 13 de junho de 2013
  5. The Last of Us Official Map App - 13 de junho de 2013
  6. The Last of Us - 14 de junho de 2013
  7. The Last of Us Strategy Guide - 14 de junho de 2013
  8. The Art of The Last of Us - 19 de junho de 2013
  9. The Last of Us: American Dreams Issue #3 - 26 de junho de 2013
  10. The Last of Us: American Dreams Issue #4 - 30 de julho de 2013
  11. The Last of Us: Left Behind - 14 de fevereiro de 2014
  12. The Last of Us: One Night Live - 28 de julho de 2014
  13. The Last Of Us Remaster - 29 de julho de 2014
  14. The Last of Us Remastered Signature Series Strategy Guide …
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Salmablog Salmablog 20 July 2023

Building a Custom Gaming PC: A Gamer's Guide to Personalized Performance

For passionate gamers seeking the ultimate gaming experience, building a custom gaming PC offers unparalleled performance, flexibility, and personalization. Choosing each component carefully allows you to create a gaming rig perfectly tailored to your gaming preferences. In this article, we will delve into the step-by-step process of building the best custom gaming PC, empowering you to unleash the full potential of your gaming dreams.

Step 1: Define Your Gaming Goals and Budget

Before embarking on your custom gaming PC journey, determine your gaming goals and budget. Are you aiming for 4K gaming, competitive multiplayer, or an all-around balanced experience? Setting a budget will guide your component selection and ensure you make the right …

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Jgmortim Jgmortim 5 June 2022

Finding Unreleased Material from TLOU Animated Short Film

While doing research for the article The Last of Us (animated short film), I discovered that despite removing the portfolio page from their website, Oddfellows never removed or restricted access to the images they uploaded. The images can still be accessed by entering the URLs into a web browser. Which got me thinking, maybe there are more images I can find by guessing URLs. I wrote a script to guess and checks URLs based on the patterns I overserved in the known file names. My script checked 3,124,000 URLs in early February 2022 and I found 13 files that were never used, of which 4 were images never shown to the public before. This blog is the first internet source to mention them. The tables below contains links to all of the known image…

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Jgmortim Jgmortim 4 February 2022

An Analysis on the Use and Decline of Print Media Following Outbreak Day

This is a work in progress. At the moment I'm compiling a list of sources.

  • 1 Within first year after O.D.
  • 2 Sources
    • 2.1 From FEDRA and FEDRA Personnel
      • 2.1.1 TLOU
      • 2.1.2 Left Behind
      • 2.1.3 TLOU Part II
    • 2.2 Firefly Issued
      • 2.2.1 TLOU
    • 2.3 WLF Issued
      • 2.3.1 TLOU Part II
    • 2.4 Center for Disease Control Issued
      • 2.4.1 TLOU
    • 2.5 Newspapers
      • 2.5.1 TLOU
      • 2.5.2 TLOU Part II
    • 2.6 References

  • Newspapers are still being published in Pittsburgh

  • Boston Q.Z. map
  • Military pamphlet
  • Drafting notice
  • Wanted poster (Part I)
  • Patrol routes map
  • Evacuation leaflet
  • Field ops log - Mostly hand written
  • Traitors flyer
  • Abandon zone note - Mostly hand written
  • Applicant checklist
  • Lost areas map
  • Salt Lake Q.Z. map
  • Lt. Torres' final memorandum
  • List of known WLF agitators

  • Wanted poster (Left Behind)
  • Warning note - appears to have been…

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Jgmortim Jgmortim 23 January 2022

State of the World (TV Canon)

On this page, I will be attempting to catalog every reference in the TV series to countries other than the USA. From these pieces, I will be providing my interpretation on what we can learn and infer about the state of the world. If you know of something I missed, or believe my interpretation is incorrect, please let me know!

Table of Contents:

⌘ - Item reveals details about the world post-outbreak
⊗ - Item does not reveal details about the world post-outbreak, but is included for completeness
  1. Canon Sources
    1. ⊗ Madagascar: Talk Show Discussion (E1: Conversation)
    2. ⌘ Indonesia: Disturbances in Jakarta (E1: Audio/Conversation)
    3. ⌘ Indonesia: Jakarta (E2: Location)
  2. Non-Canon Sources
    1. ⌘ World: A Global Pandemic (Promotional Podcast)

During a talk show in 1968,…

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NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 4 December 2021

10 years of The Last of Us Wiki

Greetings, survivors! Today, we are celebrating the 10-year anniversary of The Last of Us Wiki! This is a huge milestone for our community, and I'm honored to be celebrating it with all you who still contribute and browse the wiki to this day.

In this blog post, we're gonna go over the history and the future of the wiki, and just commemorate the past 10 years of everyone's hard work! :D

Ten years ago today on December 4, 2011, user Sackchief founded The Last of Us Wiki on the wiki hosting platform named and made his first edit. For those who may not know, The Last of Us is first referenced as an [accidental] Easter egg in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception—another Naughty Dog game—and the Easter egg began to make the rounds in December 2011. In th…

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M67PattonZippo M67PattonZippo 25 November 2021

Twilight 2000 truck model

Hi again! This time, I'm building a model not based on The Last of Us, but it would still look right at home in post-outbreak Jackson or Boston. Specifically, this is an M35 2 1/2 ton truck. In real life, the type was commonly used by US and NATO forces from the late 50s up until the late 90s. In the first game, a lot of them are seen scattered around the University of Eastern Colorado, probably ex-FEDRA vehicles that were used by the Fireflies.

  • 1 Background
  • 2 Assembly
    • 2.1 Chassis
    • 2.2 Cab and Bed
    • 2.3 Extras
  • 3 Painting
    • 3.1 Mo' parts, mo' problems
    • 3.2 More painting
  • 4 Decals and weathering
  • 5 Final Thoughts
  • 6 Gallery

To reiterate, this truck is not from the world of The Last of Us. It's instead based on one from a tabletop RPG called Twilight 2000. This game is basical…

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NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 26 September 2021

Celebrating The Last of Us Day 2021

Greetings, survivors! Today is September 26th, which means The Last of Us fans from around the world are celebrating The Last of Us Day 2021! Since 2013, The Last of Us Day is a day commemorated by Naughty Dog that recognizes and honors the passion and support of the incredible The Last of Us community. The wiki is also celebrating The Last of Us Day by releasing a new design and many new updates!

You can read more about The Last of Us Day 2021 on the official PlayStation website:

  • 1 Community update
  • 2 What's new
    • 2.1 Photo Mode community event
    • 2.2 TV series teaser image
    • 2.3 Joel Statue from Dark Horse
    • 2.4 The Last of Us Part II: Covers and Rarities vinyl from Mondo
    • 2.5 Accessories by …

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NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 26 September 2021

New wiki design and updates

Hello everyone! To celebrate The Last of Us Day 2021, The Last of Us Wiki has a new design as well as plenty of updates! This update brings a new look to the main page, templates, and practically the wiki as a whole. One of the goals of this redesign was to slightly brighten and modernize the wiki but still retain that dark, gritty feeling known to The Last of Us series. Another was to update from the outdated coding used in the wiki's previous state. Down below are details on the new updates:

The wiki's overall theme and appearance is one of the biggest changes in this update. The wiki's wordmark is now the Fireflies logo and the community name uses the Press Gothic font popular with The Last of Us series (this change is one of my personal fa…

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Jgmortim Jgmortim 24 July 2020

State of the World

On this page, I will be attempting to catalog every reference in the series to countries other than the USA. From these pieces, I will be providing my interpretation on what we can learn and infer about the state of the world. If you know of something I missed, or believe my interpretation is incorrect, please let me know!

Contributors: Jgmortim, M67PattonZippo

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DJRobbo DJRobbo 24 June 2020


i hope ellie and dina will get back in the next game because that part of the game with jj showed a motherly side to ellie that i like about ellie and i really liked that part of the game i don't think ellie and dina broke up i think they some time apart like tommy and maria because there's no evidence that they broke up except dina and JJ moving out of the farm house and plus they'll have to run into each other sometime or another because i assumed dina and jj moved back to jackson county because where else would she go that's safe for jj. ellie would've moved back to jackson because she has a fear of being alone

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Snivystorm Snivystorm 18 June 2020

The Last of Us Part II - Review roundup

Well, it is here at last folks, The Last of Us Part II has released today, June 19th, 2020. As expected, much like its predecessor, Part II have been met with universal acclaim. It scored a 96/100 on Metacritic, meaning the reviewers worldwide unanimously believe it is a undisputed Masterpiece on the PlayStation 4.

  • 1 A masterpiece
  • 2 The 'almost perfect'
  • 3 A solid, if not perfect game
  • 4 What about you?
  • 5 Sources cited
  • 6 References

Compiled below are only a few dozen of the numerous reviews scoring this game the impressive perfect 10/10:

  • TechRadar: 10/10
  • VG247: 10/10
  • TheSixthAxis: 10/10
  • Metro: 10/10
  • Empire: 10/10
  • We Got This Covered: 10/10
  • GamesRadar: 10/10
  • Game Informer: 10/10
  • Push Square: 10/10
  • Telegraph: 10/10
  • The Guardian: 10/10
  • Toronto Sun: 10/10
  • TheSixthAxis: 10/10
  • Da…

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M67PattonZippo M67PattonZippo 29 March 2020

Joel and Ellie's Truck Model

Hi everyone. I'm back, and this time I'm building a kit similar to the truck that Joel and Ellie used from Bill's Town to Pittsburgh. While it's not an exact replica (the kit is a Toyota Hilux, where the truck in the game is a Chevrolet), I'm doing my best to at least make it looks like it belongs in The Last of Us. The kit started off as this. Stay tuned!

  • 1 Assembly
    • 1.1 Chassis
    • 1.2 Cab and Bed
    • 1.3 Extras
  • 2 Painting
    • 2.1 Problems and Solutions
  • 3 Decals and Weathering
    • 3.1 More Problems
  • 4 Final Thoughts
  • 5 Gallery

The chassis goes together well, although there is a lot of cleanup to be done on the parts. Apparently the molds didn't join cleanly, as pretty much every part has flash to be trimmed away before being assembled. I drilled out the exhaust pipe to make it …

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Snivystorm Snivystorm 26 September 2021

The Military - Dictators?

Hey everyone. ^_^ Snivystorm here with a proposition for you readers.

We all know the military in The Last of Us by now. Hardened, powerful and brutal, the military are the strongest faction left in America after the cordyceps outbreak and rule in their little quarantine zones as dictators over helpless citizens without anything better to live for than to be subservient to the supreme rulers that are our gun-wielding dictators. Or do they?

Are these soldiers really dictators? How complete is their control in The Last of Us world? Are they benevolent, misunderstood protectors? Can there be multiple dictators in a single group? So many questions, so little code.

This has been bugging me for a while and I thought, hey, lets see what other think :D I…

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Shiv Master Shiv Master 27 February 2014

If you could have any 3 Surviving (Still living) Characters during the Infection who would it be?

Hello Shiv Master is here to ask all of you The Last of Us fans a question...If you could have any 3 characters from the Last of Us that are still living, who would they be and why...Like for Example Tommy Joel and Ellie are my friends 3 favorites so he would probaly pick them 3 to survive with...Who will you choose?

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NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 2 May 2019

The Last of Us Wiki's official Discord server!

Hey there, guys, NinjaFatGuy here. I wanted to make an announcement that The Last of Us Wiki has an official Discord server! For those who don't know, Discord is a free text-voice chat application that allows you to communicate with other users on private servers.

We recommend all users to create a Discord account if you don't already have one and download the app for your desktop and/or phone, and join our server by clicking on the following link:

Join The Last of Us Wiki's official Discord server!

On our Discord server, you can discuss anything from The Last of Us, the wiki, or simply socialize and communicate. The server can act as a live, faster method of using the wiki's forums, message walls, and discussions. The Discord server will be used …

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That Walking Dad That Walking Dad 21 May 2020

Minimalist No-Damage Grounded Walkthrough, Part 3: The Outskirts

Hello, my fellow survivors. Welcome to the third part of my walkthrough for the remastered version of "The Last of Us".

In this series, I am demonstrating how to complete "The Last of Us" on Grounded difficulty, without sustaining any avoidable (unscripted) damage, and with a bare minimum of supplies. In other words, this my walkthrough is a complete opposite of a thorough trophy guide. There are a few rules I follow:

  1. Damage is limited to unavoidable scripted damage (e.g. one that Joel sustains because of the explosion at the check point).
  2. Healing is limited to unavoidable scripted healing (e.g. when Joel is forced to use a Health Kit after the Fireflies attack).
  3. Weapon and skill upgrades with parts and supplements are not allowed.
  4. Crafting is …
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That Walking Dad That Walking Dad 27 March 2018

Minimalist No-Damage Grounded Walkthrough, Part 2: The Quarantine Zone

Hello, my fellow survivors. Welcome to the second part of my walkthrough for the remastered version of "The Last of Us".

In this series, I am demonstrating how to complete "The Last of Us" on Grounded difficulty, without sustaining any avoidable (unscripted) damage, and with a bare minimum of supplies. In other words, this my walkthrough is a complete opposite of a thorough trophy guide. There are a few rules I follow:

  1. Damage is limited to unavoidable scripted damage (e.g. one that Joel sustains because of the explosion at the check point).
  2. Healing is limited to unavoidable scripted healing (e.g. when Joel is forced to use a Health Kit after the Fireflies attack).
  3. Weapon and skill upgrades with parts and supplements are not allowed.
  4. Crafting is…
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That Walking Dad That Walking Dad 27 March 2018

Minimalist No-Damage Grounded Walkthrough, Part 1: Hometown

Hello, my fellow survivors. This is the first part of my walkthrough for the remastered version of "The Last of Us".

In this series, I am demonstrating how to complete "The Last of Us" on Grounded difficulty, without sustaining any avoidable (unscripted) damage, and with a bare minimum of supplies. In other words, this walkthrough is a complete opposite of a thorough trophy guide.

The first chapter of the game, titled Hometown, is a very simple introduction into the basic movement mechanics. Including it in this series is merely a formality.

I hope you will find this series useful and enjoyable. If there is anything, I could improve on - which I am sure, there is - please, let me know in the comments. Any feedback of yours is greatly apprecia…

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RifleGirl298 RifleGirl298 10 January 2018

Joel Miller

This is a rundown of Joel in my own words. Most of this is theorized as we glimpse a little of his life before the infection.

Joel Miller was born on the 26th of September 1984-1985 in Austin,Texas. A ferocious boy,Joel took to his father at once. Joel had an older sister who wanted nothing to do wityh him and moved out when she was 16.

Later on,Joel's brother Tommy was born,his mother dying after giving birth. Joel had never been close to his mother and felt no loss;he still had Tommy and his father. However,his father took the loss of his wife badly. He shunned Tommy,believing the death of his wife was Tommy's fault.

Joel looked after Tommy for most of their lives. Their father began drinking and died from alcohol poisoning when Joel was mo…

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Snivystorm Snivystorm 26 September 2021

Joel and Anna - Parental Conflict

Hey everyone! ^_^ It’s me, Snivystorm, back again with another blog.

Now I don't know about you, but that new trailer at PGW has got me psyched to talk about The Last of Us Part II. In fact, I'm gonna delve into some theories. We all know the obvious ones, Joel likely being dead, the unnamed woman from the recent PGW trailer likely being Ellie’s mother Anna and that the game very well could be occurring in Seattle given the similar appearance of the road signs and such in the trailers. I could do a massive blog about each of these individual theories and even things I personally want to occur in the game (above all a new type of Infected to fight :D). However, I want to focus on just one specific theory, namely: the theme of parental conflic…

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Joel the hunter Joel the hunter 18 July 2017


Many have there difrent opinions on Ellie and i do not see why they should not but the this that bothers me is that some end up fighting over it wich is pointless i think that is is not right to fight over this cause it is just a one of the game chars and i know everybody has there own opinions but i think they should not have to fight about her cause most fight over he sexuality and i think whatever they think of Ellie or her sexuality they should have to keep to themselfs like me i have thought about Ellie but i do not go fighting about what i think if the other thinks something else i think you should respect what the others say and i think they should respect what you have to say also and if not nobody should say anything. I would not …

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Joel the hunter Joel the hunter 15 July 2017

What is this?

Why is this website so souless i dont mean like it is bad it is amazing i mean its like it has no soul cause nobody is ever on it XD will anyone ever get on this website O: i look at accounts that have been here years i look at mine here for days and i am more active then them ever! Is it that it never had anybody or everybody left cause this is a amazing game! I am the only person i have ever seen with a blog lol i mean on this website on other websites almost everybody does but anybody who does talk to me i thank them alot (hardly anybody) but i really thank them alot i will not say names or more acurate their name but i will say it is amazing that i can talk with anybody here and i am happy that i can at all. So    what is the point of …

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Joel the hunter Joel the hunter 12 July 2017

Hello i am joel

as you know i am joel the hunter and i like that you have come to see this if you have and if you have you might want to know more about me. i am weird like real weird. i am not a normal person i dont even know what normal is cause whatever it is i am not. for some reson sometimes i find game girl atractive to me lol. not only in the last of us in other games too. if you dont like it so far then you should leave. the girl that i like from the last of us is Ellie it is kinda weird but i dont know i am myself. everybody is difrent i would not mind if somebody else liked toads lol. so i know that i will never  get to know anybody from any game so whats it worth right? but for me i dont know why i still like them i mean why not? I never listen…

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Snivystorm Snivystorm 26 September 2021

Joel - Hero or Villain?

Hey everyone ^_^ It's Snivystorm here!

Now I know, I know, it seems out of place for me to be doing this now when all the hype is on the new The Last of Us Part II which was revealed only days ago. Now don't get me wrong, I'm just as hyped as you guys for it (we get to play as Ellie *squeals with joy*). However, it's because of this new found focus on Ellie that I want to take a step back and re-evaluate the man who started it all. Joel.

This is the man who we effectively began our journey with, but just what sort of man was he? He did seemingly good things, saving Ellie's life, fulfilling Tess' wish and looked after his daughter. However, is there another side to this man and how does this shape our view of him being a 'hero'?.

I hope you enjo…

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BenRG BenRG 6 December 2016

TLoU Part II Tentative Teaser Analysis

It's amazing how many questions Naughty Dog were able to raise with a single 4-minute video wasn't it? Especially as most of it was a music video! Anyway, I've been thinking (probably a bit too hard) about the The Last of Us Part II Reveal Trailer and I have a few thoughts that I'd like to share with you.

WARNING - This blog post will contain spoilers for The Last of Us, Left Behind and the reveal trailer for The Last of Us Part II

  • 1 The Game's Title
  • 2 Joel - Alive or Ghost?
  • 3 Who Are 'Them'?
  • 4 Ellie's Motivation
    • 4.1 Possible Romance
  • 5 Joel's Motivation

Not 'The Last of Us - American Daughter' or 'The Last of Us - Ellie's Vendetta' or anything like that. 'The Last of Us, Part II'. Neil is telling us that this is not a sequel, it is a direct continuation, time s…

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NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 4 December 2016

The Last of Us Part II officially announced!

The Last of Us Part II was officially announced at Sony's annual PlayStation Experience event on December 3rd! Naughty Dog also announced a standalone addition to the Uncharted series titled Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.

The Last of Us Part II was announced with a trailer, which reveals that the sequel will take place several years after the original. Ellie returns as the playable character, who is now 19-years-old, as she plays an acoustic guitar and sings in an abandoned house. Joel enters the room and appears to ask Ellie if she is ready to go through with what sounds like a plan. She replies "I'm gonna find and I'm gonna kill every last one of them."

Creative director Neil Druckmann released his statement on the sequel saying:

While the trailer d…

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CJwat11 CJwat11 15 July 2016

Perk Tier List (Personal Opinion)

Here's a brief look at most perks in The Last of Us Factions MP. I might've missed a few.

Tier D (The ? Perks)

These perks are only good in rare situations or with a bit of luck. 

Pistol Auto-Zoom: This perk transforms any pistol (excluding the Shorty) into a COD zoomed sidearm. However, for most pistols, this will mess up its versatility factor since without skill with quickly firing, the pistol becomes extremely difficult to use at close range. Plus, it makes your FOV even worse than with normal aiming, making it easier to be shivved/snuck up on. This perk is one to avoid at all costs, unless players are doing challenges or something similar.

Fortitude: While this perk has a great use in Survivors and Supply Raid, it will not be as effective…

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EllieIsBeast EllieIsBeast 19 April 2016

The Last of Us Sequel

Do you guys think they will make a Last of Us 2? It was accidently announced in a podcast a while ago. Do you think they'll leave off right after the last scene with Joel & Ellie or after they have traveled far? I hope they don't have it so that Ellie is an adult and Joel dies; too many people are attached to Joel.

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H3adHunt3r H3adHunt3r 19 April 2016

The Last of Us Prequel

This blog will be about a possible The Last of Us prequel that might eventually be made,

what kind of prequel would you want It to be?, share ideas and discuss your thoughts on them with others on this blog!  ^.^

I'll start with my prequel idea, It'll be about the early days of the outbreak on Joel or Tommy's story starting from shortly before the Prologue and ending roughly 4-6 weeks afterwords when the country has completely fallen apart from the infection. The action and chaos will be on a much greater scale then the 1st game's main storyline, comparable to The Last of Us Prologue chapter and the Uncharted games. It will also show us Joel's ex-wife and his other daughter and reveal their fates. Most of the game will show the world falling…

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The Pure Dragon The Pure Dragon 17 March 2016

Bronn in Last Of Us??

Is  it just me or does Robert look like Bronn from Game of Thrones??

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Lumy12 Lumy12 12 October 2015

Does Ellie still have her switchblade at the end of the game?

I don't think she does, but I seem to be in the minority.

We see her lose the blade when she battles David.  After Joel finds her, we see them leave right away, without scavenging the place.  Are we to assume they got outta there, found no one else in the area so then went back in?  I just assumed they left and thus, bye bye switchblade.  Maybe it's one of those "video game" things we just accept... like, how can she possibly have her backpack in the last scene too?  Joel didn't carry it out, and I can't imagine he'd leave Ellie unconscious in the car to go back in there and look for it.

I could pay more attention next time I play the Spring season... but if I'm not lucky enough to get that glitch in the tunnel, I'm too busy getting my butt …

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Pizzaking357 Pizzaking357 6 September 2015

the first game

Do you remember the first game you ever played?Do you remember the excitement that you felt?It felt amazing did it?My first game was blackopps. I kick ass in zombies a lot of ass.Remember the awesome cheats.Like gta,sains row,blackopps.The guns all the guns!Remember the malee weapons,the guns,the exsposives like pistols,axes,sticky bombs.It was complete heven.

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CJwat11 CJwat11 31 August 2015

How to tell if someone might be hacking

Simply put, hackers are a huge problem in video games. Now they are popping up in The Last of Us, so I came up with a good system to catch these unfair players, and ban them to put them in their place.

First off, you see a player do something that is off, i.e shoot through cover, infinite ammo, buffed health, etc.

Start by doing this, and this may take a while.

1. Test it. It could be a glitch, so host a Private Match with a few friends and try it out for yourself. If you can shoot through the cover as well, it's called an exploit. This is different from hacking because it is not player made. It forms from bugs in The Last of Us, and this is remedied by being updated. However, if you cannot do the same could be hacking. An example o…

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Lumy12 Lumy12 12 August 2015

Does anyone actually switch off Gore?

Seriously, why is that even an option??   It's a mature game, so younger kids shouldn't be playing it anyway -- parental control not applicable.  So who wants to turn it off?  If you don't like gore, you don't like violent video games like this one... right?  I would love to hear from someone who does turn it off, and why.

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BenRG BenRG 9 August 2015

TLoU Fanfiction - Announcement

Okay, so my novelisation of The Last of Us has started to go up. You can get it via my homepage.

Be warned - I've got a wordy narrative style and like writing out action scenes in detail sometimes. So, it isn't exactly a casual read. There is also going to be a lot of my personal interpretation of the characters and their relationships but... well, that's what fan-fiction is all about, isn't it?

BenRG - Not sure if he dreads or longs for Episode VII (talk) 17:52, August 9, 2015 (UTC)

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BenRG BenRG 6 July 2015

TLoU Fanfiction - A Request for Input

Right now, I'm in the process of writing a fan-fiction that is, basically, a novelization of the story portion of the game; I've never seen one done 'straight' (i.e. no self-inserts and the like). However, I have run up against a creative block and I'd be interested to have everyone's input.

Should I write it strictly to the story or should I do something that I've been thinking about for a while. Should I rewrite it with Tess not getting infected in the museum. I can see both options having both its positives and its negatives. I truly haven't decided what I want to do so please let me know what you think is best.

Thanks for your input! I'll let everyone know if/when I start publishing with another Blog post.

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NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 30 June 2015

Nolan North says that The Last of Us 2 is in production

According to the voice actor Nolan North, best known for his involvement in Naughty Dog's Uncharted as the lead Nathan Drake and as David in The Last of Us, has reported that a sequel to The Last of Us is currently in the works.

When asked if he was working with Naughty Dog on any future projects at MetroCon 2015, he replied "For now, [Uncharted 4] is the last one. I know they're doing The Last of Us 2, but my character in The Last of Us kind of met an untimely demise." 

Albeit this does not fully confirm that a sequel is in the works, Troy Baker, the voice of protagonist Joel in The Last of Us, has stated that he knows nothing about a sequel. Baker says "I don't know if we're going to do another one or not. If we do, I trust Neil [Druckmann] and Bruce…

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Xwing99 Xwing99 7 April 2015

Do you agree?

I love Ellie, and I sure a lot of you do too. Let's share our thoughts on this 14-15 year old badass



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Psychoclown25 Psychoclown25 20 March 2015

I had to make a new account!

I was online on these as Wtroxell-wlms but I decided to make a new account as my PSN ID and I hope you guys could add me and we could become a badass team in Factions!!

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Jotaykra Jotaykra 20 January 2015

The Last of Us Grounded +

The Last of Us Grounded + Read all Before Attempting

Grounded is the hardest difficulty in this game it makes Survivor look like a piece of cake if you fallow these exploits you'll beat it without a problem if you want to get it the legit way, then go ahead this is for people who don't feel like having to conserve ammo.

1st thing you want to do is play the game on Easy and Easy +, the reason you wanna do this is because you have the option to use nothing but melee weapons the reason for this is that when Grounded comes, you can have all ammo and also all your Nail Bombs, Molotovs, Health Kits, and Smoke bombs lastly you'd have all your suplies.

2nd you can play any chapters you want in what order you want to but this order is what will be bes…

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BenRG BenRG 14 January 2015

TLoU Multiplayer Character Generation

A feature I'd like in any future TLoU game is a sandbox on-line multi-player world. In this, you could find your own path and adventure. One aspect of this would be character creation. I suggest that this should be based around six distinct character classes around which you could form your character. These would have several basic skills and would reward developing and equipping the character in a certain way.

My suggested classes are:

  1. Sniper - Long-range fighter but generally weak or at least hesitant at hand-to-hand; also acts as a scout; Load-out is biased to long-range weapons like the Scoped Hunting Rifle with only light close-range weapons;
  1. Skirmisher - A bit like Joel (and my future Ellie); a jack-of-all-trades with fairly balanced ski…
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Mattsag207 Mattsag207 6 January 2015

What was the scariest/most intense moment in the game for you?

For me, it was a tie between the entire hospital segment at the end or during the Suburb chapter when you see the armored car come around the corner. That was terrifying, I was not expecting that. Also, everything at winter was scary, especially playing as Ellie. I also found being alone with Sam in Ish's community in the sewers was terrifying, especially on HARD. What about you?

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BenRG BenRG 26 December 2014

TLoU2 Game Mechanic - Armour

I really think that Armour is an equipment option that could realistically be included in both a single-player campaign and multiplayer game based in The Last of Us universe.

This would mostly be things you obtained from the black market in QZs or from trading posts and markets in secure settlements. For example:

  • Slum-Flak - Basically two-layer canvas clothing stuffed with things like cork panels and multiple layers of rag in between the layers. This has the effect of reducing the damage you receive from body hits from weapons by about a quarter and melee hits by about a half until it degrades after about eight or so hits;
  • Slum-Plate - Made up of bits of metal (like corrugated iron fencing), crudely shaped to fit around the body; it's heavy (and, …
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Sackchief Sackchief 26 September 2021

The Last of Us 2 leaked by Naughty Dog Character Artist

Hey everyone, its come to my attention that a leak for a sequel to The Last of Us has surfaced.  This comes from the LinkedIn page of Michael Knowland, a character artist who is serving as lead character artist on the upcoming PS4 exclusive Uncharted 4: A Thief's End as well as... well what do we have here?  It says on his LinkedIn page that he's also the lead character artist for The Last of Us 2, in which he is prototyping head sculpts.  This confirmation is pretty solid since he is on the Uncharted team and keep in mind that many games have been leaked like this before, so this is a very strong indicator that The Last of Us 2 is on the way.  Be excited.  

Update: Knowland has removed the information from his LinkedIn page.  He's probably…

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Raylan13 Raylan13 26 September 2021

Year in Fandom Tournament

Wikia's Year in Fandom is battling out YOUR favorite moments of 2014 whether you're into League of Legends, The Oscars, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Game of Thrones. The Last of Us wiki is featured in this year's Year in Fandom bracket tournament, so please click over to vote for The Last of Us on PS4!

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Alison Death Alison Death 21 September 2014

What this Game is about

"As we walk threw the vally of the shadows of death, I or we will fear no evil" Psalms:23

This world that we live in now, is not a very good place. This game is about a post apocltoliptic world and there is some weird creepy funges that takes over your body, and you become these weird creepy things. Find out on the PS4.

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UK Undead UK Undead 17 September 2014

Your best momments in game?

I really hope this series has many more games and DLCs, it is by far the best game I have ever played, I have had so many OMG WTF momments while playing its unreal, unscripted things just happen that blow me away!

This one time  a dude had me in an arm lock and another dude was punching my gut, I then hear Elly say ' HEY ASSHOLE ' and she threw a brick in the face of the guy punching me, then all of a sudden she jumped on the screen like a young white ninja and stabed the other guy in the back, he let me go from the arm lock and i punched him out, then pulled out my gun and shot the other guy in the face just as he recovered from the brick to the face....I then stood there in silence for a few seconds taking in what just happend, and Elly …

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WaiorFF WaiorFF 15 September 2014

The Last Of Us 2

I guess this decides it, we are going to have a The Last Of Us 2

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BenRG BenRG 21 August 2014

Attack of the Clicker Bugs!

I've heard of this sequence but hadn't actually ever seen it before and it's quite striking.

Cordyceps in the Real World (YouTUBE)

One thing that jumps out at me is how like the game art of the Stalkers and Clickers the various Infected insects look. Congratulations to the art department at Naughty Dog for their research and hard work, it seems!

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