The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

MK is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1]



MK was a resident in Seattle who lived with a man named Tom who lived and worked at a pharmacy near Lakehill Seattle Hospital. After the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak and the Washington Liberation Front's defeat of the United States military and FEDRA, MK feared Seattle was becoming unsafe.

Their suspicions were confirmed as Seraphites moved into MK and Tom's neighborhood. Becoming frightened by the Seraphites attacking their neighbors, MK plotted to flee their home with Tom and head towards the WLF's base to seek protection from them, viewing the Seraphites as crazy in comparison to the militia group.

They left a note for Tom to find informing them of their plan and stated they had left some supplies in the pair's safe, stating the code is 38-55-23. MK also stated they had left that night to scout for the best patrol to reach the WLF base safely.[1]

Events of The Last of Us Part II[]

In 2038, Ellie Williams comes across MK's note and can use it to unlock their safe to collect supplies from inside it while heading towards Lakehill Seattle Hospital..[2]

