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Tyrant Rave is one of Sol Badguy's Overdrive Attacks introduced in the original Guilty Gear, the other being Dragon Install.

Tyrant Rave has many variants, in their Λ Core Plus R spelling: The original technique; EX Sol's ver.Alpha technique; ver.Beta, which has been Sol's mainstay version since Guilty Gear XX, and Order-Sol's ver.Omega. Sin Kiske also gains his own version in Guilty Gear -Strive-, known as Tyrant Barrel.


In Guilty Gear, Sol swings his sword, Fireseal, upwards to cast a big wheel of fire in front of him akin to a barrier that will go up and forward. In Guilty Gear X, he instead first throws a punch forward with his unarmed right hand to create flames, and then immediately swings the Fireseal upwards. The resulting fire has better-defined nucleus, sporting an upside-down pyramid-like rune with an eye inside.

From Guilty Gear XX and onwards (as "version Beta"), it is changed to a one-two punch where he first does an explosive uppercut with his free hand before delivering a second punch wreathed in fire magic amplified by his sword.

EX Sol's move (or "version Alpha") has him slide across the screen while surrounded by flames. Order-Sol's Tyrant Rave (as "version Omega") has three hits: The first is an uppercut with flames, fashioned after the Beta version; the second is the free-hand forward punch from the X version, and the third hit has him swing his weapon upwards to cast the explosion of fire, but much smaller and less-defined than other Tyrant Rave versions.


Tyrant Rave has numerous variants—from Order-Sol's precursor technique, to the Guilty Gear version, to its current iteration from Guilty Gear XX onwards—, but in most cases, the command input is RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash and consist of Sol creating a large flaming wall between himself and his opponent, often complimented by the use of his sword.


Tyrant Rave[]

GG Tyrant Rave

Original version.

Sol in the original Guilty Gear, or GG Mode Sol in Guilty Gear X, casts a wheel of fire placed in front of him that deals multiple hits as it advances forwards. Decently fast, wide, and air unblockable, the flame lingers after Sol recovers, making it potentially useful to cover the air.[1] (EX Order-Sol also uses this move, only his version only does one hit instead of multiple.) In Guilty Gear X, Sol punches the opponent, manifesting flames, then swings the sword upwards.

In the Λ Core titles, the X version's flaming wave is reused as a Force Break follow-up to Fafnir, although it counts as an Overdrive Attack. This can be done after Fafnir's Force Break variant in all Λ Core updates, or by Normal Sol, after the Special Attack variant, only in Λ Core Plus R. The input is LeftRight + Dust for both Normal and EX Sol, except in Λ Core Plus R, wherein Normal Sol's is changed to RightLeft + Dust instead. The more Clean Hits Sol lands in a combo, the more damage Tyrant Rave inflicts when performed as a finisher.

Tyrant Rave ver.Alpha[]

EX Sol's Tyrant Rave ver.Alpha has him charge at his opponent (using the Grand Viper rush animation) on the ground or in the air while surrounded by fire, mirroring Ky's Ride the Lightning.

Tyrant Rave ver.Beta[]

In Guilty Gear XX, Tyrant Rave changes to his mainstay one-two punch attack, doing only two hits total instead of multiple. Used as a large damage combo ender, this move has a large hitbox and is difficult to contest or punish.[2] This is the version that Sol continues to use in Xrd and in Strive (although in the latter, it is simply referred to as "Tyrant Rave"), and the one that Robo-Ky II in Guilty Gear Isuka is able to equip and execute with the input DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Slash.

Tyrant Rave ver.Omega[]

Order-Sol's Tyrant Rave does three consecutive hits depending on his Charge Gauge level. At Level 1, he does the second left-handed punch from version Beta with some flames; at Level 2, he continues the motion by throwing the Guilty Gear X free hand punch, also with a flame burst; and at Level 3, he follows both these hits by swinging his weapon upwards and creating an extra explosion of fire that blows away his opponent.

Tyrant Barrel[]

GGST Tyrant Barrel 2

Tyrant Barrel.

Sin's answer to Tyrant Rave, he starts the attack with a short-range blast of black-and-red energy that launches the opponent. It can be performed with the command DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Punch. Holding the Punch button has Sin follow up with a punch while holding his flag.


  • The attack's initial punch animation from Guilty Gear X eventually spawned into its own move, Fafnir. Most likely due to this, Sol can follow-up Fafnir with a Force Break version of Tyrant Rave that simply consists of the flame casting animation.
  • In Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Lanz uses the similarly-named special attack Tyrant Wave. The portrait displayed when selecting the attack shows Lanz in the same pose as Sol in his Strive artwork.
    • Coincidentally, Sol's Tyrant Rave is mispelled "Tyrant Wave" in the Λ Core North American manual.[3]
  • Akin to Grand Viper, Tyrant Rave ver.Beta's explosively-loud sound effects in the XX subseries has become a meme of sorts.




  1. See Tyrant Rave section.

