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Suzuran is one of Baiken's Special Attacks, first appearing in Guilty Gear X and last seen in Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2.


Baiken runs forwards while holding her sword. While running, she gains autoguard against any attacks that don't hit low.

Only in Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Plus R, she can follow-up with her unique guard-cancel specials, either she blocks attacks with Suzuran or not (this also includes performing her Baku Force Break and its followups without needing to block attacks).

In Xrd Rev2, the followups are instead done with a single button press instead of the original motion needed.

Followups are as follows:

Attack Input Description
LeftDown LeftDown + Punch during Suzuran Baiken stabs her opponent diagonally upwards with a 5-bladed spear coming out of her unequipped arm, shredding the opponent with the spinning blades. The opponent gets launched on the last hit.

Can only be used in ΛC+R.

  • LeftDown LeftDown + Kick during Suzuran (GGXX series)
  • Kick during Suzuran (GGXrd series)
Baiken passes through her opponent.
  • LeftDown LeftDown + Slash during Suzuran (GGXX series)
  • Slash during Suzuran (GGXrd series)
Baiken stabs her opponent while facing the other way.
LeftDown LeftDown + Heavy Slash during Suzuran Baiken flips over her opponent, slashing her opponent overhead.

Can only be used in the ΛC games.

LeftDown LeftDown + Dust during Suzuran Baiken does a palm thrust, imprinting the kanji of the move's name. This can be followed up by Ki, Rin, Ryuu, Hou (GGX series), Sakura, Tsuki, Tsuru (GGXX series).

Can only be used in the ΛC games.

GGRev2 Kuchinashi

Kuchinashi (口無, Kuchinashi?, lit. Unspoken)

Punch during Suzuran Baiken jumps and slashes her opponent upwards.

Can only be used in Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2.

GGRev2 Rokkonsogi

Rokkonsogi (六根削ぎ, Rokkon Sogi?, lit. Six Root Paring)

Heavy Slash during Suzuran Baiken slashes her opponent while traveling through them.

Can only be used in Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2.

GGRev2 Yashagatana

Yasha Gatana (夜叉刀, Yashagatana?, lit. Yaksha Katana)

Dust during Suzuran Baiken pulls out a steampunk-looking shotgun that fires a single projectile that stuns the opponent.

Can only be used in Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2.

DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash during Suzuran Baiken makes five grappling hooks burst through her kimono sleeve, then uses them to pull her to the other side of the screen while charging through her opponent.

Can only be used in Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2.



  • Suzuran is a homophone of "lily of the valley" (鈴蘭?).