Guilty Gear Wiki

Savage Fang is one of Sol Badguy's Overdrive Attacks, first appearing in Guilty Gear XX as his past self, and would be passed on to his EX regular form.


Order-Sol jabs his Slab into the ground, creating a diagonal pillar of fire similar to regular Sol's Dust Gun Flame. The properties of this attack change based on his Charge meter;

  • At level 1, Sol creates a single, wide angled pillar.
  • At level 2, Sol creates 3 of the level 1 pillars in a row.
  • At level 3, Sol does an alternative Napalm Death, shrouding the front of his body with 6 tall pillars of fire.

In the case of EX Sol, he jabs the Fireseal into the ground, surrounding his body with a barrage of flame pillars, not unlike Order-Sol's level 3 variation.


Game Damage T. Gain Level (0-4 range; stun time duration it causes) G. Type Cancel Frames
GGXX ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? (Startup) / ? (Active) / ? (Recovery)


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