Guilty Gear Wiki

13 Luc-KY, also localized as Ky-shot No. 13 in Λ Core, is Robo-Ky's Instant Kill following his revamp in Guilty Gear XX ♯Reload. Formerly he used the attack Rising Force from his predecessor, Ky Kiske.


Hitting the opponent with his sword with a motion very similar to his old version's Impala Hunt, the foe is sent spiraling away as Robo-Ky reclines on his fold-out chair and spits out four miniature Robo-Kys from his mouth through a mini-stairway that extends diagonally to the ground. They march forward, then grab the victim as they get to their feet in a stunned state. Then they fly into the air and violently explode.

Although the attack is capable of dizzying the opponent, the stunning hit is generally an air missile, making it rather unreliable. While in Instant Kill mode, the Heat gauge decreases very quickly similarly to Ris-KY Lovers.


Game Damage Gain Level Guard Cancel Frames
GGXX Destroy[1] -- 5[2][3] All[1] -- 9+9 (Startup) / 4 (Active) / 26 (Recovery)[2]


  • The move's name is likely a pun on the Japanese word 階段 (kaidan?), meaning "stairs, stairway".


