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Gun Flame is one of Sol Badguy's Special Attacks, first appearing in the original Guilty Gear and has been a staple of his move set since.


In its original incarnation, Sol jabs Fireseal into the ground and releases a flaming projectile that scrapes across the ground, attacking his opponent's feet. This also applies to his EX forms as both current Sol and Order-Sol in the Guilty Gear XX subseries.

Additionally, in Guilty Gear X and beyond, the projectile is replaced by 3-7 small angled pillars of flame (which does more damage up-close as opposed to from afar); or just one big pillar when in Dragon Install - also getting a Feint version as of XX where Sol does the motion, but nothing comes out (and has a very small hitbox when it hits OTG up-close).

For the ranged-fireball-projectile version, it inflicts a small launch on hit that can be teched rather easily. While for the recurring flame-pillar-rowed version, it inflicts a high vertical float that can allow Sol to followup with juggles if he manages to cancel it with either an FRC (XX games) or YRC (Xrd). Even then, the latter version is known to be a solid pressure/mid-ranged-zoning tool if cancelled like so as Sol can either regain the neutral, apply a disjointed offense or force a certain reaction though mainly with properly established pressure (Gun Flame still moves slowly on its own).


To be added...


  • In the Guilty Gear X and XX games, the flame wave graphics for Grand Viper are reused for the EX-classic version of Gun Flame used by EX Sol, Kakusei Sol and EX Order-Sol.

