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Tsurane Sanzu-watashi, originally dubbed Tsurane Sanzu Watari, is one of Baiken's Overdrive Attacks, first appearing in the original Guilty Gear.


Baiken rushes at her opponent, slashing them three times, with the characters 天地人 (Tenchijin; lit. Heaven, Earth & Man) appearing behind her; in the original Guilty Gear through to ΛCPR, they appeared one at a time, while later iterations had them all in a row on a background before the third slash.

In Guilty Gear, all three slashes were unblockable, but none of them combo'd into each other. This would be fixed in Guilty Gear X, but they are no longer unblockable from then on.

In Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 and beyond, the attack is more cinematic, having Baiken delay the third slash by gracefully swinging her sword in a circle to imprint a moon behind her, then finishes off her opponent.


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