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Enlightened 3000 Palm Strike is one of Kum Haehyun's Overdrive Attacks, first appearing in Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator-.


Haehyun creates 8 ethereal images of both his hands that form a circle out of 10 total palms, which then hover around his real hands as he creates a barrier in which he can move the opponent back and forth while they're on the ground, or in any direction if they're in the air - as long as the button is held. Haehyun can move the opponent around for up to 3 seconds before the actual attack.

Once the button is let go, he merges the ethereal hands with his own to make both of his real hands large, then claps both hands together, making the opponent roll to the back end of the screen.

If used in a combo, the activation of the barrier will count as an attack and keep the opponent rolling around in said barrier.


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