Guilty Gear Wiki

Invite Hell is one of Zato-1/Eddie's signature Special Attack, first appearing in the original Guilty Gear and in all subsequent games that he appears in, most of the time with little to no changes in aesthetic or gameplay. It is commonly known as "the Drill" and is also referred as such by Zato-1/Eddie in one of their in-game voiceline.


Zato forms a rotating black drill half the size of an average person that hits low and knock them off their feet. In all games with the exception of -Strive-, there are two variants of this attack: the Slash version causes the drill to appears closer to Zato, while the Heavy Slash version summons the drill further away. Only in the original Guilty Gear, he is able to do it in the air.

In Guilty Gear, he is able to charge the attack by holding Respect instead of the regular attack buttons - at level 2, he creates a bigger drill, and the level 3 versions create 3 drills in a row. Additionally, while summoning the drill, Zato-1 will sink waist-deep into his shadow pool on the ground, with one hand pointing upward while the other pointing downward - this unique motion actually shrinks his hitbox down and causes most high attacks to clear above his head. He can also perform Invite Hell in the air with the same command.

From Guilty Gear X onward, Zato will instead dramatically raise his hand to summons his drill. He also loses the ability to perform Invite Hell in the air since. The Aerial Invite Hell returns in GGXX Reload onward as a legacy special move for EX Eddie, using his air block sprite as his summoning animation.

Unique visual to XX series is that Invite Hell will be telegraphed by a pulse of circular shadow at the point of attack for a split-second before the drill appears.

In Xrd series, Invite Hell receives a new mechanic that greatly synergizes with another of Zato-1 special moves, Summon Eddie. After performing the Invite Hell, the drill will leave behind a pool of shadow with glowing yellow outline. Little Eddie can be summoned from this position instead of from Zato-1's, offering an extra layer of strategy. Aesthetic-wise, the drill now received a red outline and glow like most attack and movements that involved Eddie in order to break the monotonous color palette and to help both players see Eddie more clearly.

In -Strive- Zato-1 no longer has his close drill and his far drill summons closer. In exchange, this iteration of Invite Hell stays active for much longer (compared to other moves in the same game). The drill also sports a unique characteristic: after fully formed, the drill will sink back into the ground and form a larger pool of buzzsaw that stay active for a bit further before fully dissipated.


Between the original Guilty Gear up to Rev 2, Zato can chains both variations together by summoning the close drill that knocks the opponent into the far drill.

The drill counts as a projectile with an unusually long active time so it could also be used as a wall to block opponent's projectile as well.

The shadow pool that gets left behind in the Gulity Gear Xrd series can be destroyed by an opponent's attack.

