Sex Education Wiki

I think I'm going to stick with baker. I do really like toast. Wow.
— Aimee to Maeve and Steve[src]

Aimee Gibbs is one of the main characters in Sex Education. She is portrayed by Aimee Lou Wood. She is the best friend of Maeve Wiley as well as the girlfriend of Isaac Goodwin who wants to become a baker when she graduates from high school.

In season 1, she is one of the school's popular girls, a member of The Untouchables, who has an unlikely friendship with Maeve, whom she deeply cares about. Aimee's also dating the headmaster's son, Adam, with whom she starts having bed problems, eventually breaking up with him after Adam flashed in front of the whole school. Aimee also comes from a wealthy family and The Untouchables often use her house for hang-outs and parties. She is always in a relationship and is way nicer in comparison to other members of the school's The Untouchables clique, which she leaves at the end of the first season, in order to officially become Maeve's friend. She also starts dating Steve, with whom she falls in love.

Aimee continues her growth in season 2, deciding to become a baker when she leaves school. She also comes through a horrible experience; she gets sexually assaulted on the bus on her way to school, which later leads her to the trauma of getting on the bus, worrying about meeting the man once again. This experience causes Aimee to start pushing Steve away, being afraid of any kind of closeness with him. During the detention, she's comforted by the rest of the girls, who help her deal with her trauma by getting on the bus alongside Aimee.

Prior to season 3, she tries to rebuild her relationship with Steve, as they start taking care of their shared animal, Goat, which is supposed to bring them closer togther. She also improves her baking skills, baking more and more cakes and cupcakes. Despite this, Aimee's still struggling after the assault and thanks to Maeve, she signs up for therapy to Jean, who helps her with starting loving herself and her body again. Thanks to Jean, she also discovers that every vulva is unique and what's more, finds out about feminism. Finally, Aimee decides to break up with Steve, which, however, doesn't come easy, and encourages Maeve to take the advantage and go to America. However, due to the closure of Moordale Secondary, Aimee needs to find a new school alternative to graduate.

In season 4, Aimee, alongside some other former Moordale Secondary students start attending Cavendish College, where she decides to sign up for Art. On her way to her first class at the new school, she gets stuck in an elevator with Isaac, whom she met a year before, but doesn't recognize him at first. With season 4 going on, the two develop a bond, and end up being in a romantic relationship. Isaac helps Aimee with finding what she wants to show through her art and also makes her realize she isn't stupid but original, whereas Aimee starts liking Isaac for who he is, thereby curing his broken heart after an unfortunate affair with Maeve, who chose Otis over him. Aimee also supports Maeve who comes back to Moordale after her mother passes away and organizes her a funeral. Aimee also finally deals with her bus trauma. In the series finale, Aimee burns the jeans she was sexually assaulted in at the bus stop.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Aimee starts off dating Adam, but eventually breaks up with him as he flashed the entire school during lunch, Ruby convinces her to do this. She formed a friendship with Maeve Wiley and left the Untouchables for her as they were bullying her. By the end of the season, Aimee starts dating Steve.

Season 2[]

Aimee gets sexually assaulted on the bus to school, when a guy ejaculates on her jeans. She escapes the bus after asking the driver to stop. The assault has psychological ramifications on Aimee and she began to push away her friends, her boyfriend, and her family. Her attempts at dealing with the assault are a running theme in the season. Aimee is able to some extent overcome this at the end of the season, where she shares a detention with Maeve and a number of other girls. She eventually opens up to Steve and welcomes a hug after struggling to have sex and couldn't have him look at her body as she felt disgusting.

Season 3[]

In season 3, Aimee is still struggling with the sexual assault. She pushes Steve away, has them get a commitment goat, and is afraid to break up with him even though she realizes she wants to be on her own for a while. She does therapy sessions with Jean to try and talk through everything. She eventually breaks up with Steve at the end of the season, leaving him heartbroken.

Season 4[]

After dumping Steve, Aimee remains single for half a year now. At Cavendish College, Aimee starts doing art and befriends her classmate, Isaac, who was also flirting with her best friend. Despite this, Aimee starts developing a relationship with him, who wants to help her with understanding art and the two start having feelings for each other. Meanwhile, Aimee is also very supportive of Maeve, who comes back home after getting the news of the passing of her mother. Maeve also becomes a bit jealous of Aimee and Isaac's relationship, telling Aimee it makes her feel uncomfortable. Aimee respects her decision and decides to remain friends with Isaac, but not for long, as Maeve asks both Aimee and Isaac to have a chat during which she, however, gives them the green light to be together. In spite of this, Aimee is still not ready to kiss Isaac, as it is still too much for her after the assault. In the series finale, Aimee overcomes her trauma and burns the jeans the abuser assaulted her on. She also shares a kiss with Isaac, who informs her that they can go at whatever speed Aimee wants them to go.



Isaac Goodwin (boyfriend)[]

Main article: Isaac and Aimee

Isaac is Aimee's boyfriend. Aimee and Isaac met for the first time during Otis' house party in episode 2.6, when Aimee and Steve approach Maeve and Isaac and Aimee asks Isaac why he is in a wheelchair. In season 3, Aimee supports Maeve in developing a relationship with Isaac, which eventually doesn't work out.

Aimee and Isaac 405 1

In season 4, when Aimee starts attending Cavendish and is on her way to the first class, she gets stuck in an elevator with Isaac, whom she doesn't recognize. He reminds her of who he is, and after Aimee says an inappropriate thing to him, the two later decide to resume their relationship. The two attend Art classes and are slowly developing a bond. Isaac invites Aimee over, wanting to show her how art can be shown. The two end up almost sharing a kiss, but are interrupted by Joe, Isaac's older brother. After Maeve comes back home, she isn't comfortable with Isaac and Aimee being a thing, and the two decide to remain friends. However, Maeve eventually gives them a green light, wanting her friends to be happy. Despite this, Aimee's still not feeling comfortable with kissing anyone, still struggling after the assault. In the end, however, Aimee deals with her trauma and finally shares a kiss with Isaac, who assures her they can go at whatever pace she wants them to go.

Steve Morley (ex-boyfriend)[]

Main article: Steve and Aimee

Steve is Aimee's ex-boyfriend. The two first met when Steve went over to Aimee's house for a study session, after being invited by Ruby. Aimee dumped Kyle for Steve, starting dating him in mid-season 1.

208 Steve and Aimee at the Gibbs House

After Aimee was sexually assaulted on the bus, Steve tries his best to support his girlfriend during her tough period. Aimee starts to push Steve away, as she's still not comfortable with closeness with any man after the traumatic situation she went through. In season 2 finale, Aimee's ready for some kind of closeness with Steve; for hugging.

In the new term, Aimee starts to ignore and push Steve away once again. Eventually, Aimee decides to break up with him, which makes Steve heartbroken, but he accepts and respects her decision.

Kyle (ex-boyfriend)[]

Kyle is Aimee's ex-boyfriend. Aimee began dating Kyle shortly after she broke up with Adam, who used to be Adam's best friend. Aimee and Kyle were flirting at Aimee's house party, which made Adam furious, later starting to beat Kyle, beginning fighting with him. Eventually, Adam smashed a vase of Aimee's grandmother's ashes on Kyle's head. Despite that Aimee and Kyle continued dating, Aimee only broke up with Kyle after she met Steve and fell for him.

In season 3, on the school trip Steve and Kyle are talking. Then Kyle describes Aimee as a total fuck-machine, which Steve calls inappropriate.

Adam Groff (ex-boyfriend; former enemy)[]

Main article: Adam and Aimee

Adam is Aimee's ex-boyfriend. Aimee is Adam's ex-girlfriend. The two dated, but Adam was often unable to ejaculate during sex. Aimee's friends, The Untouchables, encouraged her to break up with Adam because he was bringing down her social status, and the last straw was when he flashed students in the cafeteria.

101 Aimee and Adam in the Groff House

With Otis's advice Adam finally managed to ejaculate the next time they had sex, but Aimee broke up with him anyway, leaving Adam confused. Later, at Aimee's house party, Adam showed up uninvited and demanded closure. He broke into her house and during a fight, smashed the urn containing Aimee's grandmother's ashes.

They were likely on amicable terms by season 4 however, as Aimee was willing to invite him to attend Erin Wiley's funeral.


Mrs. Gibbs (mother)[]

Aimee has a good relationship with her mother. The two like to spend time together on watching movies or talking about men. After Aimee was sexually assaulted, she didn't want to tell her mother about that, as she didn't want her to worry about it. After some time Aimee decided to tell her mother about the assault, and she suggested that Aimee should go to school by car, as Aimee would feel safer in a car than riding a bus.

Elsie Gibbs (maternal grandmother)[]

Elsie was Aimee's grandma who passed away some time prior to season 1 storyline. After Elsie's death, her ashes were placed in an urn that was standing in the Gibbs house living room. During the party in episode 2, the urn was crashed on Kyle's head by Adam, after he saw him flirting with Aimee. Aimee's grandmother's ashes were spilled out all over the carpet and the family were getting the ashes out of it for the next couple of days. Aimee loved her grandma so much and hence was furious at Adam for crashing her urn.


Maeve Wiley (best friend)[]

Maeve and Aimee 3

Maeve is Aimee's best friend. Aimee was originally a member of the school's "Untouchables" clique and thus, refused to be seen with the "unpopular" and "cock-biting" Maeve in public. Aimee later abandons her more sociable and popular friends out of loyalty to Maeve, and the two begin hanging out outside of school as well. When Aimee is sexually assaulted on a bus in the subsequent term, Maeve accompanies her in reporting this incident to the police, and eventually supports her in overcoming her fear and anxiety over taking the bus again.

Aimee secretly pays for Maeve's trip to France, which angers Maeve when she finds out. The two fight, but later come to an understanding and make up.

Since Aimee and Maeve both have bad relationships with their mothers, they decide to become each other's mums. When Maeve told Aimee that she wouldn't be going on the study trip to America to avoid hurting her relationship with Otis, Aimee talked to Maeve as her mum and convinced her to go to America.

After starting attending Cavendish without Maeve around, Aimee feels lonely and develops a bond with Isaac, Maeve's sort of ex-boyfriend. Maeve comes back home to bury her mother and Aimee decides to be by her side all the time, knowing that's what her friend needs right now. Aimee also decides to tell Maeve about liking Isaac; Maeve doesn't seem to mind it, but later tells Aimee she wouldn't feel comfortable with them being a couple. Aimee bakes cupcakes for the funeral and helps Maeve with organizing it, as Sean left Maeve with this all alone. Some time after the funeral, Maeve comes to the caravan park, where she meets with Isaac and Aimee and tells them she's okay with them being together and she was just afraid of losing them both. Later Aimee and Isaac help Maeve with scattering Erin's ashes over the caravan park, saying goodbye to her. After this, Maeve decides to go back to America to chase her dreams, whereas Isaac and Aimee can finally enjoy their relationship.

Otis Milburn (friend)[]

In season 1, Aimee goes to Otis to talk about her bed problems with Steve; the other day Steve asked Aimee what she liked and she didn't know, as nobody had ever asked her about that. Hence Otis prescribes her a wank, so she can figure it out. Aimee is also a huge supporter of Otis and Maeve's relationship, hoping them to finally get together in seasons 2 & 3.

After the closure of Moordale Secondary and starting attending Cavendish, Otis and Aimee become closer together, as Aimee feels a bit lonely without Maeve around. After Maeve comes back to Moordale to bury her late mother, Otis and Aimee are very supportive of her and are by her side all the time. While waiting for Maeve in front of the hospital, Otis therapizes Aimee, helping her realize she actually likes Isaac. The three (Maeve, Otis and Aimee) have a sleepover at Anna's house and the next morning Otis and Aimee are not going to school, wanting to be beside Maeve. Both Otis and Aimee are also involved in organizing a funeral for Maeve's mother, still being beside her during and after the ceremony.

Eric Effiong (friend)[]

Eric is Aimee's friend. The two were close when they started attending Cavendish College together. Eric and Aimee are also deemed as the biggest supporters of Otis and Maeve's relationship.

Ola Nyman (friend)[]

306 Aimee and Ola in the Milburn House

Ola was one of the girls who comforted Aimee after she got assaulted on the bus. In episode 3.2, when Hope announces the introduction of the school uniforms, Ola, Aimee, Lily and Maeve sit together in one of the classrooms, listening to the announcement. When Aimee was visiting Milburn house for her therapy sessions with Jean, she was often talking to Ola, later giving her rides to school. Once, when Aimee baked cupcakes and brought them with her for a therapy, Aimee gave one of them to Ola.

Lily Iglehart (friend)[]

Lily was one of the girls who comforted Aimee after she got assaulted on the bus. In episode 3.2, when Hope announces the introduction of the school uniforms, Lily, Maeve, Ola and Aimee sit together in one of the classrooms, listening to the announcement.

Vivienne Odusanya (friend)[]

Viv was one of the girls who comforted Aimee after she got assaulted on the bus. The two developed their friendship even more after starting their education at Cavendish. Out of Aimee's ask, Viv comes to the funeral of Maeve's mother. Aimee also supports and advises Viv after she starts having doubts about her relationship with Beau. Aimee's proud of Viv after she finally decides to break up with him. Then, Aimee tells Viv she's amazing and they go to the school fundraiser together.

Jackson Marchetti (friend)[]

Aimee and Jackson didn't have much interaction in the first three seasons, apart from the period when Jackson was dating Aimee's best friend, Maeve. The two became closer after the two of them were supporting Viv after she became afraid of Beau after he threaten her. Both Jackson and Aimee were also extremely proud of Viv after she finally decided to dump Beau.

Maureen Groff (friend)[]

308 Maureen and Aimee at the Milburn House 2

Aimee and Maureen didn't have much interactions throughout the series, despite the fact that at some point Aimee was dating Adam, Maureen's son. In season 3 the two accidentally met outside the Milburn house, when Aimee came for her therapy session and Maureen came to take some stuff for Jean who went into labor. Maureen informed Aimee that Jean's in hospital and Aimee asked Maureen if she could come in and use the bathroom. Later Maureen asks Aimee about Adam and what he's like at school. Aimee informs her that they don't keep in touch, but Adam seems happier since he started dating Eric; this is the moment, when Maureen realizes that her son is gay.

After they leave the house, they loced Aimee's goat inside, so in order to let the goat out, Maureen decides to get into the house again, but this time through the balcony, whereas Aimee calls out her name, supporting her. After Maureen finally gets into the house and opens the front door, letting Aimee in. They see the goat eating Jean's lesbian magazines. Maureen supposes that the goat may be lesbian.

Jean Milburn (friend; therapist)[]

Jean was Aimee's therapist, who was helping her to be the old her again after the assault. Thanks to Jean, Aimee started being more confident about herself and learned what feminism was.


Man on Bus (enemy)[]

After Aimee got sexually assaulted on the bus by him, she was traumatized and started pushing Steve away, as she started disliking every kind of closeness with anyone. Aimee also started hating the way her body felt and was forced to seek for therapy.

Olivia Hanan (former enemy; former friend)[]


Olivia is Aimee's former friend. Aimee used to be in the Untouchables with her. When Aimee was part of their group, Olivia and others liked to make her feel uncomfortable with herself, which they enjoyed. Despite disliking each other, Olivia showed Aimee compassion and support her after she found out about the assault Aimee went through. After the detention they both had, they and other girls went to a junkyard to ease their pain out. Olivia was also one of the girls who got on the bus with Aimee, to help her fight her trauma, which she had after the assault.

Anwar Bakshi (former enemy; former friend)[]

Anwar is Aimee's former friend. Aimee used to be in the Untouchables with him. When Aimee was part of their group, Anwar and others liked to make her feel uncomfortable with herself, which they enjoyed. Anwar also liked to use her, for example when he made her to return the books to the library for him.

Ruby Matthews (former enemy; friend)[]

103 Ruby, Maeve and Aimee at Moordale

Aimee used to be in the Untouchables with her, as she was invited to hang out with them probably due to being rich. However, despite being "friends", Ruby and others didn't treat her with respect, as they would often criticize her, and gate-crashing into her house without her permission. At first, Aimee was tolerating their antics, mostly due to her people-pleasing attitude, but because Ruby was often targeting Maeve, Aimee eventually renounced herself from the clique, which in return made her another target of their harassing.

Some time later, after the two started attending Cavendish and Ruby left all alone, she wanted to reconcile with Aimee. Ruby was waving at Aimee at the canteen. Aimee ignored her though, still remembering about all the horrible things Ruby's done to her and Maeve. This feeling seems to change after Ruby's speech at the foundraising event, in which she shows that she has changed and wants to be a better person towards the others, in fact Aimee's look to Ruby suggests that the former bully now earned her respect. Aimee could be willing now to be come friends again with Ruby.


Aimee is a sweet, kind, and caring girl. Although she can be ditzy at time, her nurturing persona is what attracts people to her. Sometimes because of her cluelessness, people take advantage like the Untouchables and then later on when she gets sexually assaulted, she doesn't think it's serious at first but later on the incident traumatized her. She used to be a follower at the beginning of the series, trying to be a people pleaser, but towards the end starts to be more independent.

Aimee likes mind maps, and references them a lot. She loves to bake as well, discovering her passion for it through cakes. She is later teased in an argument that she only pursued it because she had the money to and because she “likes toast”. She is described as wealthier than her peers and wants to use her family's money to help Maeve, afford a trip, for example. She is very giving and forgiving as well and develops her skills at standing up for herself.


Season Total
One 8
Two 8
Three 8
Four 8
Total 32
Sex Education: The Road Trip Sex Education: A Guide to Life
= Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured

Memorable Quotes[]

My ham
— Aimee to Olivia after she dropped her ham sandwich[src]
Whatever you do, do not dress llike you. My brother brought a girl home once. She wore a Nine Inch Nails T-Shirt, and my mom thought she worshipped Satan. Also, she did a massive shit in the toilet. My dad had to break it up with a stick. So don't do that either, 'cause first impressions count. Good luck
— Aimee to Maeve on what to wear to meet her boyfriend's parents[src]
So you're prescribing a wank?
— Aimee to Otis[src]
I'm dumping you! For her
— Aimee dumping the Untouchables for Maeve[src]

Hiya, Isaac. Why are you in a wheelchair?
— Aimee to Isaac[src]
[Cough] Weed
— Aimee to Maeve[src]

Do a wee for Mummy
— Aimee to her goat[src]
I've been practicing! But all the flour, it's making me constipated. Last week I didn't do a shit for five days. Then when I finally did do a poo, it was like my bum had the gigantic orgasm. Oh, it was great
— Aimee to Maeve[src]
Oh, your poor vagina!
— Aimee while watching a video of a woman giving birth[src]
Maeve, I know you don't like emotional shit, but I've been thinking about how you don't really have a proper mum, and I wanted you to know that even though my mum has money, she's also crap sometimes too. So I was thinking that maybe we could be each other's mums
— Aimee to Maeve[src]

I switched from history. I've never done art, but I'm reading this book that says art can help process trauma, and I'm on my healing journey, so...Oh, is that why you do art? To process trauma? 'Cause you're disabled
— Aimee to Isaac[src]
I'll have the burger, please. I like lentils, but they give me really runny poos
— Aimee at the canteen[src]
I'm not smiling because I've just been to a f*cking funeral! I'm also not smiling because you're f*cking talking to me! You f*cking f*cks!
— Aimee to the workers poking her[src]
Love should make you feel safe. It should make you feel braver because you can be totally yourself around that person. It shouldn't be confusing, and it shouldn't be scary
— Aimee to Viv[src]


  • Aimee loves doing mind maps.
  • Aimee loves spiders.[3]
  • According to Aimee, she had an aunt who died after being eaten by wasps.[4]
  • Her locker number at Moordale Secondary was 122.
  • Aimee wants to become a baker when she graduates from high school.
  • Once, when Aimee was still dating Kyle, she got chased by a fox, and Kyle threw a shoe at it; Aimee perceived it as a very romantic scene.
  • Aimee farts when she's scared.
  • Aimee used to have a childhood friend called Melon, which was an actual melon. She would take it everywhere with her and loved him so much, until it all got moldy, stinky and shrunk. According to Aimee, this was her first experience of death.
  • When Aimee got sad as a kid, she would bury all her mother's jewelry in the garden, so she couldn't find it.
  • Aimee is one of the six characters to appear in every single episode of the show.


Sex Education Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Aimee Gibbs.

Promotional Images[]


