Sex Education Wiki

Kyle is one of the recurring characters in Sex Education. He is portrayed by Jojo Macari.

He was friends with Adam and went to Moordale Secondary. He also dated Aimee after she and Adam break up, before she gets together with Steve. He's a member and the leader of The Bong Rats.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Kyle dates Aimee and tries, and fails, to impress her friends. Otis and Maeve at one point confront him about possibly spreading the picture of Ruby's vagina, which he got from Tom Baker. Kyle was cleared of suspicion, explaining that he keeps the photos purely for personal use.

Season 2[]

After Jean Milburn's session notes are plastered around campus, revealing the nature of Ms. Sands' relationship with Mr. Hendricks, Kyle writes "Miss Sands is a dirty talking slut!" in the girls' locker room with lipstick, incriminating the girls spotted in the area. Ms. Sands and Mr. Hendricks themselves later catch him in the act of vandalizing a wall with the same message, explaining that he did it because he was upset as he loved Ms. Sands.

Season 3[]

Due to the sex clinic being discontinued at Moordale Secondary School, Kyle tries to claim the business for himself, calling himself "Sex King" and threatening to disclose the relationship between Otis Milburn and Ruby Matthews should the former report him to the new headmistress Hope Haddon. As the relationship is nonetheless revealed later, the threat becomes moot, and Kyle does not seem to continue the clinic after he tries to help, in his own way, Dex Thompson. Kyle later takes part in the school trip in France, during which he is shocked by the fact that young people about his age died during World War I. Kyle delivers a quite moving speech at the end of the trip, but ruins it by offering mushrooms to everyone to forget about the inevitability of death, which are quickly confiscated by Ms. Sands.



Emily Sands (former unrequited crush)[]

Kyle used to have a crush on his English teacher throughout season 2 storyline. When he found out that Emily's dating her colleague, Mr. Hendricks, he gets furious and jealous, and starts to scrawling offensive graffiti about Miss Sands on the walls around the school. Later, he gets caught by Emily and Colin, explaining he did it because he was upset as he loved Ms. Sands.

In season 3, Kyle seems to lose his interest in Miss Sands, as he acts normal around her.

Aimee Gibbs (ex-girlfriend)[]

Aimee is Kyle's ex-girlfriend. Aimee began dating Kyle shortly after she broke up with Adam, who used to be Adam's best friend. Aimee and Kyle were flirting at Aimee's house party, which made Adam furious, later starting to beat Kyle, beginning fighting with him. Eventually, Adam smashed a vase of Aimee's grandmother's ashes on Kyle's head. Despite that Aimee and Kyle continued dating, Aimee only broke up with Kyle after she met Steve and fell for him.

In season 3, on the school trip Steve and Kyle are talking. Then Kyle describes Aimee as a total fuck-machine, which Steve calls inappropriate.


Adam Groff (former best friend; former enemy)[]

102 Adam and Kyle at Moordale

Adam is Kyle's former best friend. After Adam flashed the school, Kyle's mother told Kyle that he couldn't hang out with Adam anymore. After Adam flashed the school, Kyle's mother told Kyle that he couldn't hang out with Adam anymore. After Adam saw Kyle flirting with Aimee, who dumped Adam shortly before, he got furious, starting fighting with him, smashing a vase of Aimee's grandmother's ashes on Kyle's head.

Colin Hendricks (former rival)[]

Kyle couldn't understand why Emily's dating Colin and not him.


Kyle isn't the sharpest crayon in the box, and, in Episode 2, asks Otis if it's strange to think about the Queen when he orgasms.

After Adam flashes everyone in the cafeteria, Kyle says his mum doesn't want him being friends with Adam anymore, on account of him being a "sexual predator".

In episode 3, his then-girlfriend Aimee mentions that Kyle lit his pants, apparently his only pair of jeans, on fire and got second degree burns on his thighs. She notes that he was stoned at the time, so it didn't hurt, but that he had only been wearing track pants since.

Aimee, in episode 4, tells Maeve that Kyle threw a shoe at a fox that had been chasing her. She calls the gesture romantic, and thinks it's one of the pros of having a boyfriend.


Season Total
One M M M - - 3
Two - - - - - - 2
Three - - - - - - 2
Total 7
= Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured

Memorable Quotes[]

Is it weird that I think about the Queen when I come?
— Kyle to Otis[src]


  • According to Kyle, he has an innate appreciation for older women and can roll a joint into the shape of a swan.[1]
  • When Aimee saw him for the first time, he reminded her of boiled Ryan Gosling.
  • Kyle stole a soldier's hat at the Beaumont-Hamel excursion.[2]


Sex Education Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Kyle.


