Sex Education Wiki

Isaac Goodwin is one of the recurring characters in Sex Education. He is portrayed by George Robinson.

Isaac's introduced in season 2, when he and his brother are the newest residents at the caravan park, where Maeve lives, becoming her neighbors. At first, Isaac's mostly annoying Maeve, but the two eventually develop a bond as Isaac starts having feelings for her. He becomes very helpful and protective of Maeve, helping her with looking for drugs in her caravan, as she suspects her mother to be using again. When his feelings for Maeve are strong enough and he finds out about an apology voicemail that Otis left to Maeve, he decides to delete it without any hesitation, hoping Maeve will start to like him too.

In season 3, Maeve and Isaac still remain friends. Despite this, Isaac decides to tell Maeve about Otis's voicemail, but she decides to forgive him. The two start becoming something more than just friends as they share a kiss and eventually hook up. Isaac's also by Maeve's side when her mother kidnapped her sister, but then finds out that Maeve and Otis kissed on the school trip, which makes him mad and makes him leave Maeve, telling her that things between them are done. In season 3 finale, when Maeve's moving out of the caravan park, she decides to say goodbye to Isaac properly. She tells him that he'll always be in her life and still wants to be friends with him despite the things that happened between them. Isaac doesn't say yes or no, but wishes Maeve all the very best

In season 4, it is revealed that Isaac attends Cavendish College, where he's studying Art, wanting to finish his A-Levels. He meets again Aimee, Maeve's best friend after a couple of months with whom he goes to Art together. The two are starting to develop a bond and Isaac shows Aimee the beauty of art and the ways she can express it. At some point Isaac and Aimee catch feelings for each other, but after Maeve comes back to Moordale she asks them not to be anything more than friends as she wouldn't feel comfortable with it. Despite this, just before coming back to America, Maeve meets with them and tells them that she doesn't mind them being together and she was just scared of losing them. In the series finale, Isaac and Aimee become a couple and finally share their first kiss.

Early Life[]

Isaac became physically disabled when he was ten years old while playing with his brother Joe. They were still living with their parents then and they would be sent out of the house so their parents could get high. One day, he dared Joe to climb up a massive tree and Joe chickened out halfway up. Wanting to prove he was braver, Isaac climbed to the very top of the tree and subsequently, fell off.

He mentioned to Maeve that their foster parents could not handle taking care of disabled children anymore and hence, forced him and his brother out of the house.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 2[]

Isaac and his brother, Joe, move in the caravan park and become neighbors with Maeve Wiley.

Throughout the second season, Isaac starts off as a very mysterious and seemingly opportunistic character, as seen when he first encounters Maeve. As the episodes go by, he mentions being a soldier that served his country and ended up in a wheelchair due to a grenade; however, he later mentions to Maeve's friends different ways he got injured, and eventually tells Maeve the truth about his lies.

Having some kind of connection with Maeve, Maeve asks Isaac to break into her caravan in order to look for drugs in there, as she suspects that her mother is using drugs again. Eventually, Isaac, finds the evidence in Maeve's caravan with the help of his brother.

As time goes on, Isaac develops a major crush on the gothic neighbour of his, bringing him to delete the love message left by Otis on Maeve's phone in order to prevent them from potentially being together.

Season 3[]

Between seasons 2 & 3, Isaac and Maeve deepened their relationship. The two started eating breakfasts together, spending more and more time together. During this time Maeve learns that Issac deleted Otis' voicemail for her, and despite being angry with him for a while, Maeve eventually forgives him. Isaac clearly is in love with her and Maeve starts to connect with him - emotionally and physically. They hook up for the first time.

During the school trip to France that Maeve goes on, she and Otis share their first ever kiss, which confuses Maeve as she's confused about her feelings for Otis and for Isaac. After Elsie goes missing some time later and Otis offers Maeve his help with looking for her, Isaac finds out about Maeve and Otis' kiss and eventually gets dissapointed with Maeve, saying he wants someone who just wants him.

In the last episode of the third season, Maeve moves out of the caravan park, saying goodbye to Isaac, who's clearly saddened by her leave.

Season 4[]

Prior to season 4, Isaac starts attending Cavendish College, finishing his A-Levels in Art. He wants to become a teacher and finally move out of the caravan park, wanting to be on his own.

After a year, he also meets Aimee again, who, however, doesn't recognize him. The two attend Art classes together, during which they start to develop a bond, eventually falling for one another. Isaac helps Aimee realize what she wants to show through her art. Also thanks to him, Aimee becomes interested in photography.

Isaac also attends Maeve's mother funeral, during which he comforts Maeve and advises her. Eventually, Maeve also accepts Isaac and Aimee beiing a couple. In the final episode, Isaac and Aimee finally share a kiss.



Joe Goodwin (older brother)[]

Joe is Isaac's brother. After Isaac and Joe moved out of their foster parents' house, Joe became the one who cared about Isaac all the time and helped him with everyday activities, like cooking or brushing the teeth. Joe also encouraged Isaac to finally tell Maeve how he felt about her.


Aimee Gibbs (girlfriend)[]

Main article: Isaac and Aimee

Aimee is Isaac's girlfriend. Aimee and Isaac met for the first time during Otis' house party in episode 2.6, when Aimee and Steve approach Maeve and Isaac and Aimee asks Isaac why he is in a wheelchair. In season 3, Aimee supports Maeve in developing a relationship with Isaac, which eventually doesn't work out.

Isaac and Aimee 403 1

In season 4, when Aimee starts attending Cavendish and is on her way to the first class, she gets stuck in an elevator with Isaac, whom she doesn't recognize. He reminds her of who he is, and after Aimee says an inappropriate thing to him, the two later decide to resume their relationship. The two attend Art classes and are slowly developing a bond. Isaac invites Aimee over, wanting to show her how art can be shown. The two end up almost sharing a kiss, but are interrupted by Joe, Isaac's older brother. After Maeve comes back home, she isn't comfortable with Isaac and Aimee being a thing, and the two decide to remain friends. However, Maeve eventually gives them a green light, wanting her friends to be happy. Despite this, Aimee's still not feeling comfortable with kissing anyone, still struggling after the assault. In the end, however, Aimee deals with her trauma and finally shares a kiss with Isaac, who assures her they can go at whatever pace she wants them to go.

Maeve Wiley (close friend; former love interest; hook-up)[]

Main article: Maeve and Isaac
Isaac and Maeve 2

Maeve was Isaac's next-door neighbor at the trailer park in which she resides, Isaac attempted to spark a friendship with her upon realizing that they were both abandoned by their respective parents at a young age. Isaac later helped Maeve to spy on Erin when she suspected her mother of lying to her. After Erin’s unwilling departure, Maeve went to Isaac for comfort. However, Isaac developed obsessive romantic feelings for Maeve, and deleted a voicemail message on her phone left by Otis in which the latter confesses his love to her. However, he later on admitted this to Maeve, causing her to ignore Isaac for weeks as he broke her trust, but the two later reconciled and eventually had sexual intercourse. During Erin's supposed kidnapping of Elsie, Otis and Isaac volunteered to stay by Maeve's side, but Isaac saw that something was going on between them and eventually left Maeve to sort the kidnapping on her own. Maeve later moved out from the caravan park, and said goodbye to Isaac, telling him she still wanted him in her life, but as friends. After a couple of months, the two met again at Maeve's mother's funeral, during which Isaac showed Maeve his support, telling her to tell everyone the truth about her mother, who she really was. Maeve also gave Isaac and Aimee the green light for their relationship, wanting the two to be happy. Isaac's also present when Maeve's scattering the ashes of her mother above the caravan park, saying goodbye to her.


Otis Milburn (former rival)[]

Otis, Maeve and Isaac 2

Otis is Isaac's rival. Otis first meets Isaac at his party in episode 2.6, he is the second rival that Otis encounters for Maeve's affection. Despite the fact the pair only interact four or five times throughout the series, Issac is a big rival to Otis as he sabotages him a couple of times including deleting Otis' voicemail at the end of season 2 and intellectually tries to battle Otis in-front of Maeve despite the fact Maeve's sister Elsie has been kidnapped by her mother and the police are trying to gather information at that moment. The two never reconciled and despite the fact they are no longer competing for Maeve's love, they are still enemies thanks to the past; it is shown in episode 4.1, when the two meet in the corridor at Cavendish College despising each other, or when Isaac laughs at Otis when he accidentally shows his nudes in front of the whole school.


Isaac is witty and sardonic in his humour, and throughout the show uses a mix of cynicism and self-deprecating humour, being a disabled person. He is contemptuous when it comes to meeting new people, as shown by his early interactions with Maeve and his suspicions and distrust regarding her mother. Issac is quite a charming person, being able to get along with the most people really well. This was shown to be quite the case as shown when he met Maeve's mother and charmed her, by telling her she is quite beautiful just so that she would hang out with Maeve more often.

Issac has some extremely manipulative and controlling tendencies - as shown when he deleted Otis' voicemail for Maeve just because of his opinions of him, obscuring the truth underneath merely due to his anger at Otis. Issac is also quite defensive in nature as shown when he defended his manipulative tendencies towards Maeve by saying that he did everything that he did to protect her from Otis.

However, despite his negatives, Isaac is overall quite a grey character as shown when he told the truth about him deleting Otis' heartfelt voicemail to Maeve. Isaac is a caring and empathetic human, who tried to stick it out for Maeve, but eventually broke things off with her, because he knew that despite his friends' advances towards her, she still loved Otis.


Season Total
Two ✔ - ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 7
Three ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ M ✔ ✔ ✔ 7
Four ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 8
Total 22
Sex Education: The Road Trip Sex Education: A Guide to Life
- M
✔ = Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured


Sex Education Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Isaac Goodwin.

Promotional Images[]



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Episode 2.7