Sex Education Wiki

When my mum died, I was angry all the time. My counselor told me to take my anger out on a pillow, so I punched my pillow every night for months. But in the end it turned out that talking was the only thing that helped.
— Ola to Adam [src]

Ola Nyman is one of the main characters in seasons 1-3 of Sex Education. She is portrayed by Patricia Allison. She is the daughter of Jakob Nyman, as well as the ex-girlfriend and friend of Otis Milburn, and the girlfriend of Lily Iglehart.

In season 1, Ola is introduced as Jakob's daughter, who befriends Otis and for whom she later develops feelings. She has incredibly high grades and wants to transfer to Moordale Secondary, which she does in season 2, becoming the member of the Aptitude Scheme and continuing to date Otis. Despite that, at some point she realizes that she doesn't love Otis, but has feelings for her friend, Lily, with whom she starts dating in season finale. Ola bonds with the rest of the girls during detention, getting on the bus alongside Aimee to help her deal with the trauma after she got assaulted. She also befriends her colleague Adam, standing up for him in front of their boss, which eventually they end up being fired by him. After that, Ola calls Adam her friend, which cheers him up.

In season 3, Ola keeps on dating Lily, having first relationship problems, though. Ola finds out that her father is going to have a baby with Jean, which upsets her and makes her miss her mother even more than ever. She and her father also move into the Milburn house, as Jean and Jakob decide to raise the baby together, thereby forcing Ola and Otis to live like step-siblings. Lily doesn't realize how much the changes affect Ola and doesn't seem to care about it much. Ola tells Lily that she doesn't believe in aliens, which upsets Lily, causing their first fight. Eventually, after Jean survives and Joy is born, Ola makes up with Lily, watching the night sky with her. After Jean informed Jakob he wasn't the father of Joy, Ola moves out of the Milburn house with her father.

Early Life[]

Ola is one of the two daughters of Jakob and his wife. At some point, Ola's mother got very sick and she often helped Jakob to take care of her when he couldn't. Eventually she passed away due to cancer, and Ola along with her sister started taking care of their father such as driving him everywhere on shifts so he could keep his job as a handyman, as well as getting a job herself at Browns Village Stores as a cashier, which earned her a title of the employee of the month. She also got very high grades in her previous school, which eased her transfer to Moordale Secondary

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Throughout the season, she is a casual friend of Otis at the start, even going to the dance with him. She later becomes jealous that Otis seems to be more interested in Maeve, but after an apology from Otis they begin their relationship.

Season 2[]

Ola is the new girl at school. She befriends Lily, who tours her around the school. She is dating Otis for the first half of the second season. They try to have sex, but it doesn't happen, as Ola realizes she has feelings for Lily and breaks up with Otis.

While working, Ola does a quiz on her phone and realizes that she is pansexual. She later goes to Lily's house and kisses her. Lily initially rejects Ola, but eventually realizes she has feelings too. They start to date.

Season 3[]

In season 3, Ola is dating Lily. She admits she doesn't believe in aliens and doesn't fully enjoy having the role play sex Lily enjoys. Lily gets hurt and starts to doubt Ola's feelings. She pushes her away.

Meanwhile, Ola is struggling with missing her mom and grappling with the fact that her dad is having a baby with Jean Milburn.

At the end of the season, Ola and Lily make up.



Lily Iglehart (girlfriend)[]

Main article: Ola and Lily

Ola is Lily's girlfriend. The two met after Ola started attending Moordale Secondary and Lily was the first person Ola met there. Ola and Lily started as friends, but with time Ola developed feelings for Lily, despite being with Otis at the time.

Ola and Lily in Lily's room 2

After Otis and Ola broke up, Ola decided to tell Lily how she felt about her and the two shared a kiss. At first, Lily was confused about the whole situtation, but with time she found out that she liked Ola too, but she was just too uncomfortable with thinking she might have been lesbian. Finally, Ola and Lily became a couple.

Both of them enjoyed being a couple, until the school trip to France, when Ola told Lily she didn't want to have sex with all the alien stuff anymore, which made Lily mad at Ola. After Lily got ashamed in front of the whole school because of her stories, Ola was the only person that tried to cheer her up, but Lily was still angry at her after the trip. In the season 3 finale, the two made up, apologizing to each other for all of the misunderstandings they went through.

Otis Milburn (ex-boyfriend; friend)[]

Main article: Otis and Ola

Otis is Ola's ex-boyfriend and friend. Otis and Ola met thanks to the frequent visits of the latter's father Jakob to the Milburn residence. They quickly befriended each other and, after Otis decided to move on from his feelings for Maeve, he and Ola started dating, although they were unaware that Jean and Jakob were doing the same. Otis was unaware that his first kiss with Ola had been witnessed by Maeve, who had just come in a failed attempt to confess her feelings towards him. Although Otis and Ola got along very well, their relationship caused a massive surge of sexual desire in Otis, to the point that he began masturbating and could not stop himself from doing so for a while. Unfortunately, their good harmony in day-to-day life was not replicated in their sex life, as Otis found himself unable to please Ola through fingering during their first sexual experience together, which caused Ola to start avoiding him. Maeve's continued presence in Otis' life did not help to fix things, and in the end, Ola realized that Otis was not in love with her and that she did not truly love him either. She thus broke up with Otis. Although their relationship after that was tense for a time, especially after Otis insulted Ola during a party, they were able to repair it and remain friends.

Otis and Ola 3

Some time later, after Jean (Otis' mother) finally told Jakob about her pregnancy, Jakob and Ola moved in to the Milburn house, forcing Otis and Ola to live like step siblings. The two often had fights, as Ola was often taking Otis' stuff without asking, and Otis, who wasn't used to sharing his things with anyone, was easily getting annoyed with Ola. After all, the two noticed their wrongs and apologized to each other. Later, Ola asked Otis to go to talk to Lily, who was having a tough time after she got shamed by Hope. Otis agrees. After Jean had a baby and there was a possibility that she could die, Otis and Ola were stressed and anxious about what was going to happen to her. They sat together in the hospital all night. The two probably lost touch after Jakob found out he was not the biological father of Joy.


Jakob Nyman (father)[]

Jakob and Ola outside hospital

Jakob is Ola's father. When Ola's mother and Jakob's wife passed away, Jakob got depressed, and both Ola and her sister were taking care of him, worrying about him. With time, Jakob finally got over it and came back to work. Hence, Ola and her sister frequently drove him to his clients' homes due to him losing his license. Ola is also happy for her father when he starts dating Jean, as he hasn't been so happy for a very long time.

After Jean and Jakob broke up, Ola is upset at Jean, as she broke her father's heart, making him depressed once again. She also gets mad when she finds out that Jean's pregnant and her father gets back together with her. Then, she warns Jean that she wouldn't let her hurt her father one more time. In season 3 finale, Ola reveals to Jakob that she feels like she reminds him of pain and losing the most important person in his life, but to her surprise Jakob tells her that she reminded him only of joy. The two share a hug.

Her late mother[]

Ola loved her mother so much. She was the person Ola was looking up to, as she perceived her mother as one of the smartest people she knew. After her death, she got depressed and was angry all the time, which caused her to go to the counselor. Some time after her mother's death, she got over it, but in season 3, when Jakob is having a baby with Jean, the feeling of missing her mother comes back.

Her older sister[]

Ola has a good relationship with her sister. They used to drive their father to work. After her sister goes off to university, she misses her.


Adam Groff (best friend; former co-worker)[]

Ola and Adam in Adam's room

Ola comforting Adam

Adam is Ola's best friend and former co-worker at Browns Village Stores. Ola stood up for Adam when Yousef fired Adam.

After Otis' party, Ola leaves angrily, kicks a tree and throws a shoe, which accidentally hits Adam. Adam takes Ola to a junkyard where she can smash things and get out her anger.

In season 3, when some students make laugh at Adam (who officially came out as bisexual), Ola visits him at his house, and tells him how she was struggling with pain and anger after the death of her mother. She tells that the counselor advised her to take it out on a pillow, but later it turned out that the only thing that helped was talking. Then, Ola supports Adam and tries to help him to understand that being bisexual is totally fine, and being bisexual and being a man can go with each other, after what Adam asks Ola to do the punching pillow thing.

Later in the episode, Adam tells Ola that Otis is hooking up with Ruby.

In episode 3.7, they're seen together during 'The Thing'.

Vivienne Odusanya (friend)[]

Ola and Viv

Viv and Ola met after Ola started attending Moordale Secondary, and more specifically, probably in Aptitude Scheme classes that they both attended. The girls got closer after the detention they and other girls had in episode 2.7. After detention, Viv, Ola and other girls went to a junkyard to smash some stuff and ease their pain.

During the school trip to France, Viv is hanging around Lily and Ola, while sexting with her boyfriend, Eugene, of whom she complains about, as she doesn't understand his fantasy. After Ola and Lily have a fight, Ola and Viv share an emotional talk, during which Ola tells Viv about her late mother, advising her not to break up with Eugene just because of his unusual fantasy. Ola also complains to Viv about Lily, who doesn't understand why she misses her mother so much. Eventually, Ola advises Viv to tell Eugene what she'd like him to sext her. Viv decides to abide by Ola's advice.

Eric Effiong (friend)[]

Ola and Eric met via Otis, who was dating Ola and was best friends with Eric. Eric quickly befriended Ola, often hanging out with her and Otis.

Rahim Harrak (friend)[]

Rahim and Ola probably met via Eric, who was Ola's friend and was crushed by Rahim.

In episode 2.4, Ola tells Adam that Rahim was her friend.

Maeve Wiley (friend; former rival)[]

107 Ola and Maeve in a Moordale bathroom 2

Maeve first saw Ola kissing Otis and later formally met in the hallway during the school dance. Maeve slowly begins to dislike Ola and she notices that Otis and Maeve are not simply friends. Both of them had a tension very early on, when Ola and Otis were going to have sex, Maeve texted Otis and Ola saw it, later wanting him to cut ties with Maeve. During detention they both had in episode 2.7, they made up, noticing that fighting over a boy doesn't make any sense.

In episode 3.2, when Hope announces the introduction of the school uniforms, Maeve, Ola, Lily and Aimee sit together in one of the classrooms, listening to the announcement.

Aimee Gibbs (friend)[]

306 Aimee and Ola in the Milburn House

Ola was one of the girls who comforted Aimee after she got assaulted on the bus. In episode 3.2, when Hope announces the introduction of the school uniforms, Ola, Aimee, Lily and Maeve sit together in one of the classrooms, listening to the announcement. When Aimee was visiting the Milburn house for her therapy sessions with Jean, she was often talking to Ola, later giving her rides to school. Once, when Aimee baked cupcakes and brought them with her for a therapy, Aimee gave one of them to Ola.


Ola has a strong personality and is self-centred. She's very confident and self-righteous. She cares deeply about her own feelings and shows the opposite towards others, especially towards the Milburn family.


Season Total
One - - - 5
Two 8
Three 8
Four - M - - - - - -
Total 21
Sex Education: The Road Trip Sex Education: A Guide to Life
- M
= Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured

Memorable Quotes[]

I'm obligated to call the police.
— Ola to Otis[src]
You're not a kangaroo, Otis. You're an arsehole.
— Ola to Otis[src]

Because I love you, dude.
— Ola to Adam[src]

You really hurt him last time. He didn't get out of bed for weeks. He's been through so much. I'm not gonna let it happen again.
— Ola to Jean about Jakob[src]
Who's Eugene and what does he wanna do with your sweet crevice?
— Ola to Viv[src]
I wish I could tell her about you. I know she'd love you.
— Ola to Lily about her late mother[src]


  • Ola loves Hedwig and the Angry Inch movie.
  • She loves dancing. She thinks it's fun.
  • Ola is pansexual.
  • According to Lily, Ola smells like a vanilla pod and sometimes car air freshener.[1]
  • Her LGBTQIA Pin is very important to her, as is LGBTQ+ visibility to her.
  • Ola is a Sagittarius, which means that her birthday is sometime between November 22-December 21.
  • In Swedish tradition so little woman have this name. That's because the name Ola is rather masculine than feminine.
  • When Jakob's talking to Ola in the Swedish language, she seems to understand everything, though it's possible that she can't speak it; Ola always replies him in English.
  • Ola is often seen wearing dungarees.
  • She has one hairy nipple.
  • Ola doesn't appear in season 4, as when her father found out that he wasn't the biological father of Jean's daughter, he left Jean and moved out of the Milburn house with Ola and moved back into their house.


Sex Education Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Ola Nyman.

Promotional Images[]


