Sex Education Wiki

I was happy not having any friends. And then you came along and made me think like I wasn't that strange after all, but it was just a lie.
— Lily to Ola [src]

Lillian ''Lily'' Iglehart is one of the main characters in seasons 1-3 of Sex Education. She is portrayed by Tanya Reynolds. She is the girlfriend of Ola Nyman, who likes writing filthy erotic stories about aliens.

In season 1, Lily is introduced as one of the members of the Swing Band, who actively tries to have sex with some of the guys at school, due to being desperate to finally have sex. She also draws erotic alien comics and likes to role play as her original characters. She often gets lost in fantasy worlds of space, planets and aliens. Despite Lily’s explicit scenes in her stories she doesn’t find them to be anything “dirty” or “bad”.

In season 2, Lily befriends a new student at her school, Ola, falling for her and eventually starting dating her, realizing that she's bisexual. Lily also becomes a member of the Aptitude Scheme and bonds with the rest of the girls during the detention, later getting on the bus with Aimee, helping her with deal with the trauma after she got sexually assaulted on the bus. Lily is also the director of the school reproduction of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, but presented in a more modern and dirty version.

Lily continues dating Ola in season 3, however, having first relationship problems; Lily doesn't understand how much Ola misses her late mother, and Ola tells Lily she doesn't believe in aliens, which upsets Lily and this ends up with them having a fight. Lily also takes part in a story writing competition, of which she wins, and her dirty story about aliens is published in the local newspaper. Therefore, she's humiliated by Hope in front of the whole school, which leads Lily to shut herself off from other people. However, she is eventually convinced by Otis of her uiniqueness and originality. Finally, she also makes up with Ola and returns to believing in aliens.


Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Throughout the season, she is very desperate to have sex; and she does not majorly care about the reputation of the person she has it with.

She draws comics about her sexual fantasies involving aliens. Lily strikes up an unlikely friendship with Otis. She tries to have sex with him and several other boys at the school so she can lose her virginity. When she experiences pain during intercourse (with a boy called OctoBoy), Otis diagnoses her with vaginismus. She feels she has to so she isn’t behind, despite not being interested in any of the boys.

Season 2[]

Lily and Ola become friends and Lily helps Ola with her relationship with Otis. Eventually, Ola and Lily experience some sexual tension. Later on in the series, they share a kiss and start dating. Lily accepts her sexuality at the time, realizing she’s surprised herself and her attraction.

Season 3[]

Lily and Ola are dating but Lily finds out that Ola doesn't believe in aliens. Lily gets shamed at school for one of her stories and she stops going to school temporarily. She throws away all of her alien decorations and costumes. Otis talks to her and eventually Lily opens up again, expressing how left out she feels at times because of her passions. Her background is explored as well, with her not fitting in since she was a child. She goes back into wearing alien costumes and she and Ola make up, showing growth in their relationship.



Ola Nyman (girlfriend)[]

Main article: Ola and Lily

Lily is Ola's girlfriend. The two met after Ola started attending Moordale Secondary and Lily was the first person Ola met there. Ola and Lily started as friends, but with time Ola developed feelings for Lily, despite being with Otis at the time.

After Otis and Ola broke up, Ola decided to tell Lily how she felt about her and the two shared a kiss. At first, Lily was confused about the whole situtation, but with time she found out that she liked Ola too, but she was just too uncomfortable with thinking she might have been a lesbian. Finally, Ola and Lily became a couple.

308 Lily and Ola at the Eighth 2

Both of them enojoyed being a couple, until the school trip to France, when Ola told Lily she didn't want to have sex with all the alien stuff anymore, which made Lily mad at Ola. After Lily got ashamed in front of the whole school because of her stories, Ola was the only person that tried to cheer her up, but Lily was still angry at her after the trip. In season 3 finale, the two made up, apologizing to each other for all of the misunderstandings they went through.

OctoBoy (attempted sexual encounter)[]

OctoBoy and Lily met during the school dance in episode 7. OctoBoy was watching Lily dancing, after what she approached him asking if he wants to have sex with her. He agreed, after what the two started dancing together.

At the beginning of episode 8, they're having intercourse, during which Lily experiences pain, which later turns out to be vaginismus.


Carol Iglehart (mother)[]

307 Lily and Mrs Iglehart in the Iglehart House

Carol is Lily's mother. Mrs. Iglehart has a hard time understanding Lily's interest in aliens.

When Lily was young and Lily's teacher talked to Mrs. Iglehart about Lily's sexual alien stories, Mrs. Iglehart was embarrassed and felt awkward talking to her daughter about it. In season 3, when Lily didn't want to go to school, after she was humiliated by the headmistress, Carol tries to cheer her daughter up, even telling her the story about how she saw an alien-like object when she was at nursing school.

Her father[]

Lily's relationship with her father is unknown. The only certain thing about it is that he, similarly to his wife and Lily's mother, doesn't like or understand the stories his daughter writes.


Eric Effiong (close friend)[]

302 Moordale Swingers 2

Eric is Lily's friend. The two are in Swing band together. Lily was the one vote that allowed Eric to join Swing band. The two went to Eric's house to rehearse, during which Lily wanted to have sex with Eric, but Eric revealed that he was gay. The two played dress-up and watched porn on Eric's laptop until they were interrupted by Eric's father, Abeo. The two often had Swing Band rehearsals together, druing which they were sitting beside each other.

Otis Milburn (close friend; attempted sexual encounter)[]

Otis was Lily's sexual encounter attempt, which ended up with Otis having a panic attack. Despite that humiliating experience, Lily didn't tell anyone about that. Later, Otis helped Lily with her vaginismus problem.

108 Otis and Lily on a hill 2

Lily befriended Ola, who was then Otis' girlfriend. Ola complained to Lily about Otis' bad fingering, despite Ola asking Lily not to tell Otis about that. Lily, wanting him to know about that, decides to tell him anyway. Lily was also the one who was originally invited to Otis' small gathering, which later turned out to be a huge party.

After Lily got ashamed in front of the whole school, Ola asks Otis to talk to Lily, Otis comes to Lily's house and talks to her, apologizing for being a bad friend and then comforting and supporting her, saying that she shouldn't ever give anyone power to humiliate herself and that she's great the way she is.

Vivienne Odusanya (friend)[]

Lily and Viv in France 3

Lily and Viv probably met for the first time in Aptitude Scheme classes they both attended. Despite that, they got closer after the detention they and other girls had in episode 2.7. After detention, Lily, Viv and other girls went to a junkyard to smash some stuff and ease their pain.

During the school trip to France, Viv is hanging around Lily and Ola, while sexting with her boyfriend, Eugene, she complains about, as she doesn't understand his fantasy. Lily decides to help Viv, calling herself an erotica genius. After Viv reads a message Lily texted to Eugene, she decides not to send it, as it's not what she'd text. When Lily is humiliated by Hope, Viv feels sorry for Lily, watching the whole scene, while sitting in the audience, unable to do anything.

Adam Groff (friend)[]

Despite Lily and Adam not having any on-screen interaction throughout the series, they're probably friends, and their connection is through Ola, who's Lily's girlfriend and Adam's best friend. During the school trip to France, they sit opposite each other, eating candy together.

Maeve Wiley (friend)[]

Lily and Maeve had a detention together in episode 2.7. After detention, Lily, Maeve and other girls went to a junkyard to smash some stuff and ease their pain. In episode 3.2, when Hope announces the introduction of the school uniforms, Lily, Maeve, Ola and Aimee sit together in one of the classrooms, listening to the announcement.

Aimee Gibbs (friend)[]

Lily was one of the girls who comforted Aimee after she got assaulted on the bus. In episode 3.2, when Hope announces the introduction of the school uniforms, Lily, Maeve, Ola and Aimee sit together in one of the classrooms, listening to the announcement.


Hope Haddon (enemy)[]

306 Moordale assembly

Hope was the principal at Lily's school, Moordale Secondary School. Hope publicly shamed Lily for her alien story during school assembly. After that, Lily didn't want to go to school anymore.

Miss Talbot (enemy)[]

Miss Talbot was Lily's teacher at elementary school. She didn't like the stories Lily was writing and every single time when Lily wrote a new story, she was reporting it to Lily's parents.


Lily is incredibly awkward and forces herself to have sex with guys in fear of being 'sexually behind' everyone in college, despite not feeling attracted to them. Lily loves to cosplay and likes to draw hentai. She has a passion for writing and aliens and galaxies. She is often bullied for her interest in space to be weird and isn’t good at standing up for herself in these positions.

She is bisexual. She accepts herself during season 2, realizing her experiences with Ola are real and authentic.

Despite her quiet disposition, she can be very open about her emotions at times but normally keeps to herself. When she’s hurt or feels she doesn’t fit in with those around her, she shuts down. Lily is into the supernatural community, getting interested in crop circles and theories of abduction etc.. She loves to express herself through eccentric fashion and hairstyles, especially with styles such as space buns with hair clips.


Season Total
One - - 6
Two 8
Three 8
Total 22
Sex Education: The Road Trip Sex Education: A Guide to Life
- M
= Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured

Memorable Quotes[]

To be clear, I don't want to have sex with you specifically. Just a human man with a penis.
— Lily to Otis[src]
We've been holding hands for 45 minutes. I know how to hold hands. I'm here to fornicate.
— Lily to Otis[src]
What is it with boys? It's like you all suddenly woke up with boundaries.
— Lily to Otis[src]
I don't wanna fuck a hill.
— Lily to Otis[src]

Stop. Florence, this is a play about horny teenagers. I don't believe you want to have sex with him at all. And Jackson, you're a terrible actor.
— Lily to Florence and Jackson during their first rehearsal[src]
Eyelash. Make a wish.
— Lily to Ola[src]
Why are the Groffs ruining my show? Colin...Colin?!
— Lily after the play was interrupted by Mr. Groff[src]

And I told everyone.
— Lily admitting that she told the whole school about Otis and Ruby[src]
I don't think my story was dirty.
— Lily when Hope was humiliating her in front of the whole school[src]
Thanks, Otis. But I don't think I'm an artist.
— Lily to Otis[src]


  • At first, the role of Lily was supposed to be given to Aimee Lou Wood instead of Tanya Reynolds, but eventually both the writers and Aimee Lou Wood decided the role of Aimee Gibbs fit the actress better.
  • Lily hates roller coasters.
  • It is unknown what's happening with Lily in season 4, as she's not mentioned in it even once. Yet it is possible that she went to Taylor's Secondary School alongside her girlfriend Ola. She also can be seen listed in Eric's contact list on his phone.


Sex Education Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Lily Iglehart.

Promotional Images[]


