Sex Education Wiki

Steve Morley & Aimee Gibbs is a romantic relationship on the Netflix series Sex Education. It started in season 1 and ended in season 3.


Season 1[]

Steve and Aimee first met in episode 5, during the Study Group in Gibbs House. Steve was invited there by Ruby, and Aimee started to have a crush on him since the get go. Later, they're both studying trigonometry, which makes Steve fun.

Between episodes 5 and 6, Aimee dumps Kyle for Steve. In spite of they enjoy being in a relationship with each other, Aimee does not enjoy sex with him that much. During making love instead of telling Aimee what he wants, he asks her what she wants, which makes her really confused. That's why she needed a help from Otis, who prescribed her wanking to discover what she likes. After wanking for the very first time, Aimee feels amazing, being thankful to Otis, finally be able to enjoy sex with Steve.

In episode 7, they go to the school dance together.

Season 2[]

Steve and Maeve (Aimee's best friend) are part of Quiz Heads. Aimee supports them during every single occasion. After Aimee got sexually assualted on the bus, Steve's trying to support her, respecting her unwill to any tendernesses with him.

Season 3[]

In the season, their relationship is slowly dying. Aimee does not want to talk to Steve much, despite he's being so kind and sweet for her.

In episode 3.5, during school trip to France, Maeve and Aimee have their first ever fight, during which Maeve tells Aimee that she is too kind for everyone that she's scared to break up with Steve, which makes Aimee cry. After a time, Aimee realises that every thing that Maeve said was true and she should stop hurting Steve, by treating him this way.

In episode 3.8, Aimee finally decides to break up with Steve, which as we can see - makes him really upset.



Sex Education Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Steve and Aimee.



