Guilty Gear Wiki

The following is a list of Eddie's commands throughout the series.

Guilty Gear X[]

The following is Eddie's move list in Guilty Gear X and Guilty Gear X Plus.

Type Name Command
Normal -- Right + Punch
Right + Heavy Slash
Special Invite Hell DownDown + Slash or Heavy Slash
Break the Law DownDown LeftLeft + Slash (hold OK)
Summon Eddie DownDown RightRight + Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash
→ Tiny Attack Punch during Summon Eddie
→ Moving Attack Kick during Summon Eddie
→ Anti-Aerial Attack Slash during Summon Eddie
→ Drill Special Heavy Slash during Summon Eddie
Drunkard Shade DownDown LeftLeft + Slash
Damned Fang RightDownDown Right + Slash near opponent
Overdrive Executor DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Slash (air only)
Amorphous RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash
→ Megalith Head RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Slash during Summon Eddie
IK Black in Mind Enter Instant Kill Mode → DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash

Guilty Gear XX[]

The following is Eddie's move list in Guilty Gear XX, ♯Reload, Slash, Λ Core, Λ Core Plus and Λ Core Plus R. Changes between releases include:

  • Normal Eddie's Executor removed in ♯Reload, and Executor-X added in Slash.
  • His Overdrive Attack, Megalith Head, was changed into a special attack in Slash, but it was removed from Normal Eddie's command list in Λ Core. It has remained as an Overdrive and, since Λ Core Plus, a Force Break in his EX mode instead.
  • Since Λ Core, Shadow Gallery can be performed as a follow-up to Break the Law in Normal Mode. Exhaustion added as a Force Break for both modes.
  • Post-Λ Core, Normal Eddie's Drill Special follow-up is replaced by Shadow Hole but he gains a Force Break version of it. The follow-up remains in his EX mode as before.
  • In Λ Core Plus, Summon/Recall Eddie can be performed in the air his EX mode.
  • In Λ Core Plus R, Normal Eddie received a number of changes, while his EX version was left untouched. Normal Eddie can perform the Traversing follow-up to Summon Eddie, previously exclusive to EX Eddie, and his Small Attack and Traversing Attack switch inputs. He also gains a new move, Eddie Summoning Vice (DownDown LeftLeft + Heavy Slash), that can follow up with his previously lost Drill Special.

Note: GG and GGX Eddie have no Force Breaks; GG Eddie adds Charge (Heavy Slash + Dust), and Black in Mind is replaced by Morbid World (Punch + Kick + Slash + Heavy Slash). The following chart uses the most recent, localized names from Λ Core Plus R.

Type Name Command
Normal Mode EX Mode
Normal -- Right + Punch
Right + Kick (post-ΛC)
Right + Heavy Slash
Right + Punch
Right + Kick (post-ΛC)
Right + Heavy Slash
Flight UpUp UpUp
Special Invite Hell DownDown + Slash or Heavy Slash DownDown + Slash or Heavy Slash (air OK)
Break the Law DownDown LeftLeft + Kick (hold OK) --
Shadow Gallery LeftDown LeftDownDown RightRight + Slash during Break the Law (post-Slash) --
Summon Eddie DownDown RightRight + Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash DownDown RightRight + Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash (air OK) (post-ΛC+)
Eddie Summoning Vice DownDown LeftLeft + Heavy Slash (post-ΛC+R) --
→ Small Attack Punch » Kick (post-ΛC+R) during Summon Eddie or E. S. Vice (post-ΛC+R) Punch during Summon Eddie
→ Traversing Attack Kick » Punch (post-ΛC+R) during Summon Eddie or E. S. Vice (post-ΛC+R) Kick during Summon Eddie
→ Anti-air Attack Slash during Summon Eddie or E. S. Vice (post-ΛC+R) Slash during Summon Eddie
→ Drill Special Heavy Slash during Summon Eddie E. S. Vice (post-ΛC+R) Heavy Slash during Summon Eddie
Shadow Hole Heavy Slash during Summon Eddie (post-ΛC) --
→ Overhead Attack Dust during Summon Eddie or E. S. Vice (post-ΛC+R) Dust during Summon Eddie
Megalith Head RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Slash during Summon Eddie (post-Slash) --
→ Traversing DownDown LeftLeft + Punch during Summon Eddie or E. S. Vice (post-ΛC+R) DownDown LeftLeft + Punch during Summon Eddie
→ Traversing Feint -- DownDown LeftLeft + Kick during Summon Eddie
Drunkard Shade DownDown LeftLeft + Slash DownDown LeftLeft + Slash
Damned Fang RightDownDown Right + Slash near opponent RightDownDown Right + Slash near opponent
Shadow Gallery LeftDown LeftDownDown RightRight + Slash (air only) LeftDown LeftDownDown RightRight + Slash (air only)
FB Drill Special DownDown + Dust (post-ΛC) --
Exhaustion DownDown RightRight + Dust (post-ΛC) DownDown RightRight + Dust (post-ΛC)
Megalith Head -- RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Dust during Summon Eddie (post-ΛC+)
Overdrive Executor DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Slash (air only) DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Slash (air only)
Executor-X DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Slash (air only) (post-Slash) --
Amorphous RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash --
→ Megalith Head RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Slash during Summon Eddie RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Slash during Summon Eddie
Program -- Punch or Kick or Slash or Dust during Megalith Head
Dark Sentinel -- RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash
IK Black in Mind Enter Instant Kill Mode → DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash
