Sex Education Wiki

Roland Matthews is one of the recurring characters in Sex Education. He is portrayed by David Layde.

He is Ruby Matthews' dad who suffers from multiple sclerosis.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 3[]

He is shown to have dropped a hobnob and tried to pick it up and ended up getting stuck, Ruby and Otis help him and he eats the biscuit. He mentions how much Ruby loves him and he shares a blunt with Jeffrey.

Season 4[]

Roland is incredibly mad at Otis after he broke Ruby's heart, what he shows after Otis comes to his house in episode 4.3. Despite this, for Ruby, he decides to help him making a video promoting his sex clinic, being the cameraman.



Ruby Matthews (daughter)[]

Ruby and sleeping Roland

In episode 2.7, Ruby revealed that her father has been suffering from multiple sclerosis, which caused him to quit his job, and rely solely on her mother's payment. His sickness and stressful atmosphere at her home had a huge impact on her mental state. Ruby really loves her father and deeply cares about him, often helping him to get up from bed or even roll him a joint. However, due to her social status at school Ruby is too embarrassed to even introduce him to her friends, as Otis was the first person who even came to her house.

He also helps Otis with filming his promo video out of Ruby's ask. The two also spend lots of time together, as at Cavendish Ruby doesn't have many friends and lost touch with Olivia and Anwar.

His wife[]

As he said in episode 3.3, he used to talk about her all the time when he was Ruby's age. Mrs. Matthews really loves him, what she shows everyday, by helping him out with daily activities he's not able to do anymore due to his illness.


He's an easy going dad who began smoking marijuana to alleviate the pain from multiple sclerosis.


Season Total
Two - - - - - - M -
Three - M ✔ M - - - - 1
Four - - ✔ - - - - - 1
Total 2
✔ = Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured


Season 3[]

Season 4[]

