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Ra-Akar the Sand Titan is a boss found within the Desert of Beginnings. To summon Ra-Akar the Sand Titan, You must place a Thumper in the middle of its den.

Defeating Ra-Akar and standing under his soul will reward the player with the Soul of Ra-Akar, which grants a 5% chance on melee or range hit to spawn an ancient orb that follows the hit target and deals damage on impact. This orb functions like the boss projectiles.


ItemAmountChance per rollChance for one
Titan's Chest Titan's Chest1100%
Soul of Ra-Akar Soul of Ra-Akar1100%
1 roll of the following 4 items
Ra-Akar's Necklace Ra-Akar's Necklace125%
Scarab Visor Scarab Visor125%
Scarab Harness Scarab Harness125%
Scarab Legs Scarab Legs125%
5–7 rolls of the following 11 items
Ancient Gemstone Ancient Gemstone142.45%95.99%
Galaxite Ore Galaxite Ore2–540.77%95.28%
Crystal Spearhead Crystal Spearhead14.8%25.48%
Desert Diamond Desert Diamond11.2%6.98%
Ring of Sand Ring of Sand10.24%1.43%
Ra-Akar's Necklace Ra-Akar's Necklace11.2%6.98%
Scarab Visor Scarab Visor11.2%6.98%
Scarab Harness Scarab Harness11.2%6.98%
Scarab Legs Scarab Legs11.2%6.98%
Ra-Akar Figurine Ra-Akar Figurine13.36%18.5%
Beast Booster Beast Booster12.4%13.54%


Achievement Just Deserts  
Just Deserts"Defeat Ra-Akar the Sand Titan"
Defeat Ra-Akar the Sand Titan for the first time.


Buffing your character with range attack boosts is key as well as having the octarine shield. The boss shoots out glowing orbs that you likely will need to tank on occasion. So having the octarine shield can help you avoid a fair bit of damage. It also helps if you obtain the Burnzooka before getting into the fight. The Burnzooka can be found in various chests in some of the Desert's molten areas. The benefit of the Burnzooka is that towards the end of the fight, the boss will start calling hordes of Bomb Scarabs to his aid. The arena is big enough that if you get them all to follow you in a straight line, you can fire the Burnzooka (which passes through multiple enemies at once) and take down 4-5 scarabs after just a few well lined-up shots. If you don't have the Burnzooka, you'll have to just use your range weapon of choice to take out the scarabs. There's eventually so many of them that they require attention instead of just leaving them to chase you and focusing on the boss itself.

If using Azeos' dash feather, circling the boss while dashing will be sufficient to outrun glowing orbs.

The boss has 4 main moves. A burrowing move where he's invincible while he randomly rages across the field. Very easy to avoid and he doesn't "chase" you. A whirlpool move where he generates whirlpools of sand on the field. They don't do immediate damage and give you time to get out of them if you're within the generated area before damage does get dealt.

The glowing orbs which follow you around the arena get faster over time so they're extremely hard to outrun, though not impossible if you have sufficient speed bonuses (armor, food, running skills...). They're not too difficult to avoid as they disappear upon hitting a wall. The easiest strategy to avoid them is to either stand against a wall and wait until they're right next to you before moving away, causing their inertia to make them hit into the wall, or you may also hide behind the temple pillars which will act as a shield and destroy most if not all of the orbs. If you're quick on switching between items and not chased by the scarabs, you can also put down some walls between you and the orbs. However, chances are you won't be able to destroy all of them so your best bet is to use a shield and tank any that are left.

Best gear lineup:

