Core Keeper Wiki
Deceased Explorer
This article contains what can be considered major plot, lore, or ending information. It is recommended to play through Core Keeper before reading this article.

The Core at the start of the game, appearing to be disabled. It is powered down and doesn't speak.

The Core at the start of the game, powered down and unable to speak.

The Core is a major structure in Core Keeper. It is one of, if not the most important structure in the entire game, and as such also serves as the game's icon.

The Core is located in the very center of each world, and is where all players start the game. In the beginning, it will be in a state of disrepair, and must be fixed by the player by defeating the three mandatory bosses - Glurch the Abominous Mass, Ghorm the Devourer, and The Hive Mother.

Interacting with the Core before it is activated will do nothing and make a failure sound.

Symbols of The Core can be found all across the world of Core Keeper. Not much is known about it currently, and there appears to be a lot of mystery around its purpose and existence, but several locations, items, and tools seem to imply that it may have been revered by the once-thriving civilization located throughout the underground world.

Core activation[]

When first starting the game, The Core will be powered down. In order to progress, it must be restarted by obtaining three relics, all dropped upon defeat of their respective bosses - the Glurch Eye Glurch Eye, the Ghorm's Horn Ghorm's Horn, and the Heart of the Hive Mother Heart of the Hive Mother.

Upon placing each boss relic in their respective pedestal, the path connecting it to The Core will be illuminated, and will charge it a slight amount. New crafting recipes will also be unlocked, which can be crafted at the pedestals.

Once all three pedestals have been activated, the paths to The Core, as well as The Core itself, will be lit up, and the player will be able to speak with it. If the player interacts with it for the first time, The Core will mention the ruin of the underground civilization, and requests the player for help in restoring it. After this, the character will receive an upgrade, adding the Souls Tab in the inventory. If not opened already, the player will also now be able to tear down the Great Wall.

Until the Great Wall is opened, The Core will only tell the player to open it.

Once the wall is opened, The Core will then give information on the locations of the three Titans and their respective biomes. These Titans are Azeos the Sky Titan, Omoroth the Sea Titan, and Ra-Akar the Sand Titan.


Powered down[]

  • "It seems powered down" (said by player)
  • "Looks like it needs energy" (said by player)

Spoken to for first time[]

  • "Thou has awakened us..."
  • "Never have we seen a creature such as thee."
  • "There was once a thriving civilization here, but it seems all of it has been lost."
  • "We must have been dormant for aeons."
  • "We wonder..."
  • "We must ask something of thee."
  • "Seek the ancient titans still roaming beyond the Great Wall."
  • "Destroy them and collect their souls."
  • "With their energy we can restore what once was."
  • "In return, thou shall be able to go back to whence thou camest."
  • "By the power in which we now imbue thee, the Great Wall shall now be opened as thou layest a hand upon it."

Before the Great Wall is destroyed[]

  • "Thou must travel far out to the Great Wall and lay a hand upon it to open it."
  • "The titans can be found beyond the Great Wall."

Before defeating Azeos[]

  • "The flourishing wilderness in which Azeos resides thrives <direction> from here."
  • "Azeos has a liking for shiny glimmering objects."

Before defeating Omoroth[]

  • "The sunken sea in which Omoroth resides can be found to the <direction> from here."
  • "Omoroth only rises from the depths when there's a lure valuable enough for it."

Before defeating Ra-Akar[]

  • "The desert of beginnings in which Ra-Akar resides can be found to the <direction> from here."
  • "Ra-Akar slumbers deep in the sands and only emerges when disturbed by intruders."

All titans defeated (placeholder during Early Access)[]


  • The Core's dialogue about Titans goes in order of Azeos, Omoroth, and Ra-Akar; defeating Omoroth before Azeos then defeating Azeos, for example, will make The Core's dialogue immediately change to Ra-Akar's.
  • The Core's dialogue Titan dialogue is not based on the Titans defeated in the world, but rather the souls the player themselves have collected so far.


  • In its (likely placeholder) dialogue after all souls are collected by a player, The Core mentions that the next soul is still being created by the world's creators. This is most likely not related to lore, but rather a subtle fourth-wall break referring to Pugstorm, developers of Core Keeper.


Various representations[]


  • Fixed a bug where moving nearby The Core would sporadically cause particle effects to play as if the roots covering The Core had been broken.
  • Fixed a bug where The Core would appear on the map while in creative mode.