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To Oscar is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part two, America's Playground.


The note is given to the player character by Jack Hunter after conducting the interview with Little Rob during the quest Hells Eagles. It is removed from one's inventory after returning to and speaking to Oscar Gonzalez to conclude the quest.




Seems you didn't get the memo the first time. Well, here it is: proof definitive that I'm whole, healthy, and unharmed. You're welcome.

This errand runner you sent after me... Intriguing person, I admit, but they screwed up big time. Came in guns blazing, blood everywhere... the story would be much more robust if they hadn't splattered the brains of those poor fools I'd slipped in with all over the cave wall.

Luckily, they made up for it. In fact, without them it may have been my brains splattered by Little Rob, so in the end I have to thank you for sending them my way. Of course, you could have come up here yourself (you lazy bastard), but nonetheless...

I got the story, and with that I'm off. You probably want me to come down to the Crater and meet up with you, but that's a no go. Once the Eagles find out we murdered half the Crosshair the target on my back will be too big to hang out in a raider haven.

I'm going to the rendezvous point. You know the one. I'll meet you there and then it's on to the next gig.

Don't keep me waiting,


