Sex Education Wiki

Daniel ''Dan'' is one of the recurring characters in Sex Education. He is portrayed by Daniel Ings.

He hooks up with Jean and later becomes the father of her daughter, Joy.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Dan runs into Otis Milburn at the start of episode 1. Wearing a yellow bathrobe; mistaking Otis' room for the bathroom.

They have a short conversation; Dan shakes Otis' hand but looking down at his bed, he sees the cream and tissues and porn magazine, clearly implying that Otis was masturbating (albeit the fact that he was pretending to). Otis assures him that he was a left-handed.[1]

Due to Dan's young age, Otis teases him about having an Oedipus complex. To make matters worse, when he leaves, he accidentally refers to Jean as "mum."

In episode 7, Dan makes the same mistake and accidentally refers to Jean as "my mum" instead of "your mum" when talking to Otis.

Season 3[]

In episode 3.5, Dan is reunited with Jean as she is leaving the Moordale Community Hospital with Jakob, they have a short conversation.

Season 4[]

Dan works at Smithdale Bank[2] and asks Joanna, Jean's sister out on a date. Despite this, he eventually had an accident, which made him stood Joanna up. In season finale, Jean also invites him over to inform him that he's the biological father of her daughter, Joy.



Jean Milburn (hook-up)[]

Jean is Dan's one-night stand. Otis, Jean's son, teased Dan about having an Oedipus Complex. On two occasions, Dan accidentally referred to Jean as his mum.

After some time, Dan and Jean met again in front of the hospital, where Jean was leaving and Dan was entering. The two had a little chat, during which Dan freaked out after noticing that Jean's pregnant, thinking that he's the father of her baby. Fortunately for him, Jean and Jakob assure him that the baby is not his after what Jean and Jakob are returning to their car and Dan's entering the hospital.


Dan seems to be attracted to elder women and as he hooked up with Jean he mistakenly calls her his mother a few times, suggesting he has some kind of "mommy issues".


Season Total
One ✔ - - - - - ✔ - 2
Three - - - - ✔ - - - 1
Four - - ✔ ✔ M ✔ - ✔ 4
Total 7
✔ = Appeared M = Mentioned
- = Did not appear P = Pictured


  • Dan drives a motorcycle.
  • Dan's dream is to go to New Zealand to see the locations they filmed Lord of Rings.


Season 1[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

