Cost of daily necessities

Comparison of worldwide cost of living

Living ist most expensive in Iran and cheapest in Palestine. In our ranking of 110 countries all around the world the USA comes in 17th.

The cost of living is calculated periodically in nearly representative baskets of consumer goods. But many factors complicate worldwide comparisons. E.g., a typical apartment doesn’t have a standard size nor fittings. Even the quality of a branded packet of butter isn't the same in developing countries. Consequently, comparisons like this have to to be looked at with caution.

In addition, the level of the prevailing average income should play a role in a cost comparison.

Cost of living and purchasing power related to average income

We adjusted the average cost of living inside the USA (based on 2022 and 2023) to an index of 100. All other countries are related to this index. Therefore with an index of e.g. 80, the usual expenses in another country are 20% less then in the United States.

The monthly income (please do not confuse this with a wage or salary) is calculated from the gross national income per capita.

The calculated purchasing power index is again based on a value of 100 for the United States. If it is higher, people can afford more based on the cost of living in relation to income. If it is lower, the population is less wealthy.

The example of Switzerland:
With a cost of living index of 123 all goods are on average about 23% more expensive than in the USA. But the average income in Switzerland of 7,958 USD is also 24% higher, which means that citizens can also afford more goods. Now you calculate the 23% higher costs against the 24% higher income. In the result, people in Switzerland can still afford about 1 percent more than a US citizen.

RankCountry/RegionCost indexØ Monthly incomePurchasing power index
1Iran151.3332 USD3.4
2Bermuda *144.510,434 USD112.9
3Cayman Islands *140.45,167 USD57.5
4Turks and Caicos Islands *131.72,103 USD25.0
5Barbados123.51,624 USD20.6
6Switzerland123.07,958 USD101.1
7Bahamas114.92,627 USD35.7
8Israel114.94,595 USD62.5
9Iceland114.45,722 USD78.2
10Denmark104.96,127 USD91.3
11Vanuatu102.9304 USD4.6
12New Caledonia *101.43,114 USD48.0
13Virgin Islands *101.01,161 USD18.0
14Norway100.97,878 USD122.1
15Australia100.55,070 USD78.8
16Ireland100.46,644 USD103.4
17United States100.06,398 USD100.0
18Luxembourg96.77,433 USD120.2
19New Zealand96.44,091 USD66.3
20Canada95.34,443 USD72.9
21Marshall Islands95.2606 USD9.9
22Faroe Islands *93.06,202 USD104.2
23Micronesia92.7345 USD5.8
24United Kingdom90.94,103 USD70.6
25Finland89.04,574 USD80.3
26Sweden86.45,292 USD95.7
27Aruba *84.32,784 USD51.6
28Netherlands82.25,019 USD95.4
29Belgium81.44,491 USD86.2
30Japan80.73,546 USD68.6
31San Marino80.23,927 USD76.5
32France78.03,774 USD75.6
33Qatar77.95,843 USD117.2
34Austria77.44,643 USD93.8
35Hong Kong *77.24,531 USD91.8
36Germany77.04,503 USD91.4
37Singapore75.85,600 USD115.5
38South Korea72.43,016 USD65.1
39United Arab Emirates72.34,097 USD88.6
40Italy71.13,183 USD70.0
41Estonia68.92,260 USD51.2
42Spain68.02,674 USD61.5
43Macao *66.73,640 USD85.3
44Greece62.31,818 USD45.6
45Portugal62.22,163 USD54.3
46Jamaica60.5480 USD12.4
47Czechia59.52,175 USD57.2
48China56.71,071 USD29.5
49Haiti56.6134 USD3.7
50Costa Rica56.51,077 USD29.8
51Chile55.71,280 USD35.9
52Mexico53.2902 USD26.5
53Croatia51.91,633 USD49.2
54Saudi Arabia51.82,307 USD69.6
55El Salvador49.1393 USD12.5
56Honduras48.5229 USD7.4
57Brazil48.2678 USD22.0
58Hungary48.01,584 USD51.6
59Ecuador46.5525 USD17.7
60South Africa46.0565 USD19.2
61Serbia45.1774 USD26.8
62East Timor44.6165 USD5.8
63Guatemala44.1446 USD15.8
64Albania43.3564 USD20.4
65Montenegro43.2873 USD31.6
66Poland42.91,575 USD57.4
67Romania41.81,298 USD48.5
68Bulgaria41.31,113 USD42.1
69Nigeria40.7180 USD6.9
70Russia40.51,063 USD41.0
71Morocco40.1306 USD11.9
72Iraq38.5439 USD17.8
73Georgia38.0467 USD19.2
74Cambodia37.8141 USD5.8
75Philippines37.6329 USD13.7
76Colombia36.7542 USD23.1
77Kenya36.0181 USD7.8
78Indonesia35.0382 USD17.1
79Malaysia34.0986 USD45.3
80Bolivia33.5291 USD13.6
81Argentina33.5966 USD45.1
82Benin33.2117 USD5.5
83Mongolia33.1355 USD16.8
84Thailand33.1603 USD28.5
85Cameroon32.0137 USD6.7
86Bangladesh31.5235 USD11.7
87Kazakhstan31.0802 USD40.4
88Vietnam30.8334 USD17.0
89Kyrgyzstan30.5120 USD6.2
90Ukraine30.0355 USD18.5
91Azerbaijan30.0472 USD24.6
92Ghana29.9198 USD10.4
93Turkey29.6887 USD46.9
94Tajikistan29.2101 USD5.4
95Tanzania28.4100 USD5.5
96Algeria28.1327 USD18.2
97Tunisia27.9319 USD17.9
98Belarus27.8601 USD33.7
99Uzbekistan27.2183 USD10.5
100Nepal27.0112 USD6.5
101Bhutan26.7274 USD16.0
102Laos26.5193 USD11.3
103Myanmar26.1106 USD6.3
104Sri Lanka25.4301 USD18.5
105India24.6199 USD12.6
106Pakistan23.4130 USD8.7
107Egypt22.9342 USD23.3
108Zimbabwe22.5143 USD9.9
109Palestine17.2384 USD35.0

The calculated cost of living index is based on the OECD, the Worldbank, the IMF and Eurostat figures and has been completed by our own researches. It does not take into account the differences between poverty and wealth, as well as prices for goods that do not belong to normal needs. Therefore this list should be regarded as a mathematical theorem. Whether it is realistic to survive with a purchasing power index of 3.4 (Iran) does not matter in this table. This would correspond to about one-29th of the purchasing power inside the US.

Quality of life in relation to cost of living

Cost of daily necessitiesIn the search for a potential adopted country, the cost of living usually has the highest priority. However, other factors such as medical care or political stability should also be taken into account. In a further evaluation, we compare numerous factors of different countries in order to derive a ranking for the quality of life.

Other indices

There are some other indices, e.g., the study by the Swiss bank UBS issued about every three years or from the EDA (Federal Departement of Foreign Affairs). Both studies refer only to some few and usually large cities in which UBS and Switzerland have representation.

* The marked countries are not independent and sovereign states, but dependent territories of other states. Cf. also our article What is a country?
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