Frequently asked questions and legal information

On this page we have answered the most frequently asked questions about us and our pages.

If you do not find your question here, we will be happy to help you personally.
Definition of "Country"
A country is not the same as a sovereign state. What is considered a country on and how it was decided in individual cases can be found here: What is a country?
Timeliness of data
Our database contains several million individual data items. Key data such as economic data or population figures for countries are updated several times a year. Population figures for cities with less than one million inhabitants are updated every several years. The rest of the data is updated about once a year. If a country has not yet published data for the last or penultimate year, we present the latest official data. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, we do not produce our own projections or estimates.
Not all, but at least some data can be downloaded as a CSV file.
To the download page...
Individual data are not protectable and may of course be copied, used or distributed. Data collections (e.g. IQ by country or Average body height) compiled through time-consuming research, evaluations, filtering and weighting of multiple sources and are indeed subject to copyright.
If you need this data for school or university, but do not earn money and do not reproduce or publish it otherwise, you are welcome to use them. In all other cases, where a not inconsiderable part of a data collection is copied, please just ask.
We prefer a citation in the form "Source:, retrieved on XX/XX/2024" including a link to the cited page.
Guest posts
We do not accept guest posts for SEO purposes. Nevertheless, if you think your article would offer our visitors a topic-relevant and clear added value, you are welcome to submit a proposal to us. However, the content requirements are high. Your guest article must be available in all 5 languages. We will mark included links as "sponsored" or "nofollow" as long as they do not lead to authoritative sources.
Data sources
Some of the data used come from our own research (not surveys) and from publicly accessible databases. Among others, the following sources were used: United Nations Population Division, the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, the Standing Committee on Geographical Names (StAGN), the German Weather Service, United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD), U.S. Census Bureau, IEA Statistics © OECD/IEA, the OpenGeoDB, the European Commission, Wikipedia, the World Bank (CC-BY 4.0), the UNHCR, GeoLite by MaxMind, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, City Population by Thomas Brinkhoff, the World-Gazetteer by Stefan Helders (now under, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, our own site and the Factbook of the Central Intelligence Agency, USA. Further sources are named on the respective pages. Almost all data has been subsequently adjusted, partly adapted to languages and restructured.
Image sources
Used images and graphics are own pictures as well as licensed content from Image Source, MEV, flickr (CC BY 2.0), pixabay (CC0), Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 1.0, CC BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 4.0), dreamstime, photocase, National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC, public domain) and Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center. The maps marked with OpenStreetMap were provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) under CC BY-SA with the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
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26129 Oldenburg

phone: +49 441 / 21 21 53 08
E-Mail: wd (at)

Owner and responsible for content according to § 18 para. 2 MStV: Lars Eglitis
VAT indentification number in accordance with section 27a of the German VAT act: DE223609296
OS platform
Online dispute resolution pursuant to §14.1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which can be found at We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure at a consumer arbitration board.