
The largest countries of the world

The question of the largest country in the world is in itself a bit problematic. Whether you take the most inhabitants or the largest surface area, both comparisons do not include small states such as Hong Kong or Singapore, although they play an immense role, even for the Western world.

With 1.426 billion inhabitants, India is the most populated country in the world.

The USA is in third place in terms of population and fourth in size. Australia is in 56th place in terms of population, but with an area of 7,741,220 km² it is in sixth place worldwide.

The list of the smallest countries is headed by the Vatican.

â–¼ Listing by Population

â–¼ Listing by Area

30 most populated countries

RankCountryPopulationAreaPopulation per km²
1India1,425.8 M3,287,300 km²433.7
2China1,425.7 M9,562,900 km²149.1
3United States333.3 M9,525,100 km²35.0
4Indonesia275.5 M1,913,600 km²144.0
5Pakistan235.8 M796,100 km²296.2
6Nigeria218.5 M923,800 km²236.6
7Brazil215.3 M8,515,800 km²25.3
8Bangladesh171.2 M147,600 km²1,159.6
9Russia144.2 M17,098,300 km²8.4
10Mexico127.5 M1,964,400 km²64.9
11Japan125.1 M378,000 km²331.0
12Ethiopia123.4 M1,104,300 km²111.7
13Philippines115.6 M300,000 km²385.2
14Egypt111.0 M1,001,500 km²110.8
15Congo (Dem. Republic)99.0 M2,344,900 km²42.2
16Vietnam98.2 M331,200 km²296.4
17Iran88.6 M1,648,200 km²53.7
18Turkey85.0 M785,400 km²108.2
19Germany83.8 M357,600 km²234.3
20Thailand71.7 M513,100 km²139.7
21France68.0 M549,100 km²123.8
22United Kingdom67.8 M243,600 km²278.3
23Tanzania65.5 M947,300 km²69.1
24South Africa59.9 M1,219,100 km²49.1
25Italy58.9 M301,300 km²195.6
26Myanmar54.2 M676,600 km²80.1
27Kenya54.0 M580,400 km²93.1
28Colombia51.9 M1,141,700 km²45.4
29South Korea51.7 M100,300 km²515.0
30Spain47.8 M505,900 km²94.4

The largest countries by area

RankCountryAreaPopulationPopulation per km²
1Russia17,098,300 km²144.2 M8.4
2Canada9,984,700 km²38.9 M3.9
3China9,562,900 km²1,425.7 M149.1
4United States9,525,100 km²333.3 M35.0
5Brazil8,515,800 km²215.3 M25.3
6Australia7,741,200 km²26.0 M3.4
7India3,287,300 km²1,425.8 M433.7
8Argentina2,780,400 km²46.2 M16.6
9Kazakhstan2,724,900 km²19.6 M7.2
10Algeria2,381,700 km²44.9 M18.9
11Congo (Dem. Republic)2,344,900 km²99.0 M42.2
12Greenland *2,166,100 km²0.1 M0.0
13Saudi Arabia2,149,700 km²36.4 M16.9
14Mexico1,964,400 km²127.5 M64.9
15Indonesia1,913,600 km²275.5 M144.0
16Sudan1,879,400 km²46.9 M24.9
17Libya1,759,500 km²6.8 M3.9
18Iran1,648,200 km²88.6 M53.7
19Mongolia1,564,100 km²3.4 M2.2
20Peru1,285,200 km²34.0 M26.5
21Chad1,284,000 km²17.7 M13.8
22Niger1,267,000 km²26.2 M20.7
23Angola1,246,700 km²35.6 M28.5
24Mali1,240,200 km²22.6 M18.2
25South Africa1,219,100 km²59.9 M49.1
26Colombia1,141,700 km²51.9 M45.4
27Ethiopia1,104,300 km²123.4 M111.7
28Bolivia1,098,600 km²12.2 M11.1
29Mauritania1,030,700 km²4.7 M4.6
30Egypt1,001,500 km²111.0 M110.8

crowds It is noticeable that the first places of both rankings are quite different. Only Russia, USA, China, Brazil and India are in the top 10 of both tables. It is noteworthy that all these countries have large uninhabited desert or mountain regions. The settlement is therefore concentrated primarily in large urban areas with enormous population density.

India and China are by far the most populous countries and the only ones with more than one billion inhabitants. Together they account for about 36 percent of the total population and occupy nine percent of the habitable earth's surface. In April 2023, India replaced China as the country with the highest population to date and is now just ahead. China's population is now expected to continue to shrink slightly, while India's population will continue to grow.

Russia, on the other hand, is by far the largest country on earth in terms of surface area and extends over a length of more than 9,000 km. At 17,098,250 km², it occupies only slightly more space (11%) than China and India combined. The share of the world population, on the other hand, is only two percent. Large parts of Russia consist of deserts and permafrost areas. Only 23 percent of the area lies west of the Urals (the border between Europe and Asia), but 85 percent of the inhabitants live here. Only 27 percent of the population lives outside cities.

Bangladesh is the only country on the list with a population of 171 million on a relatively small area of only 147,630 km². For comparison: Iowa is about the same size, but has just 3.1 million people. Illinois is slightly bigger than Bangladesh, and has a population of about 12.8 million. With 1,160 inhabitants per km² (3,003 per mi²), Bangladesh is the only territorial state in the world to occupy a top position in population density.

* Greenland is not an independent and sovereign country, but territory of the Kingdom of Denmark. Further information on the definition of a country can be found in our article What is a country?

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