Matrix Wiki
Matrix Wiki
Docbot beauty

A typical Docbot preparing to examine one of its charges

A Docbot was a hoverbot deployed to maintain the pods that Humans were grown and kept in within the many power plants of the Real World. It served to integrate, re-integrate, connect, or eject humans who were disconnected from the Matrix. The disconnection could result from accepting the red pill, self-substantiation, or by death.

Notably, docbots did not kill awakened Redpills, likely because of the potential danger of removing the Prime Program. The disconnected are simply sent to liquefaction facilities where they are expected to die from muscle atrophy and lack of nutrition. The dead are then liquidated to be intravenously fed to sleeping Bluepills.

In appearance, a docbot was arachnid-like in structure, with four long, spiked legs surrounding its face. A camera lens of sorts protruded from its front end, supposedly acting like an electronic eye. Another leg attached to its underside contained a claw. When a Redpill was detached from their pod, the claw gripped them harshly around the neck and appeared to also house the apparatus that detached the data probe from the headjack.


A Docbot conducting human experimentation during the early years of the Machine War as documented in the Zion Archives

Docbots were also seen during the early years of the Machine War performing human experiments that would later contribute towards the completion of the Matrix.

