Matrix Wiki
Matrix Wiki

Cybebe is a Synthient who switched to the humans' side, and joined the crew of the hovership Mnemosyne. Cybebe and others aboard the Mnemosyne helped bring Neo and Trinity back to the Real World after their deaths and resurrections.


Cybebe has grey armor, red eye-like lights in front, and legs to hold/carry items on the underside.


Cybebe is very tame, and allows humans to interact with them.


The Matrix Resurrections (2021)[]

Cybebe's background is unknown, but he probably had 01's access rights because he was born in 01.

Cybebe was accompanies by Octacles when Neo was freed (for a second time), and simultaneously flew Neo and lead Octacles to the Mnemosyne. As a result, Cybebe is expelled from 01 and loses access to 01.

Cybebe was introduced to Neo alongside the Mnemosyne's crew after Morpheus' test. When the Mnemosyne's crew and Sati planned to rescue Trinity, Cybebe was ridden by Bugs into the Anomaleum, accompanied by Octacles and Kujaku and greeted by Morpheus. At the end of the film, when the heist was successful, Cybebe and the rest of the Mnemosyne's crew witnessed Trinity and Neo reunite.

