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Matrix Wiki

Rama Kandra is a Program in the Matrix first appearing at the Le Vrai restaurant.


Rama Kandra and his wife Kamala where programs in the Matrix. They were fully aware of their status and apparently spent many years content with their role in the Matrix. However, after many years watching the "families" of the matrix, Rama and Kamala realized they too wanted a child of their own to raise and love. So they created their Exile daughter Sati . After simply glimpsing Neo at the Le Vrai, the two meet again at Mobil Avenue where Neo was surprised to hear Rama speak of love for her daughter - an emotion Neo believed was a uniquely human emotion. Rama then stated that it was not the word that meant anything but that it was only a placeholder for how he feels about his daughter. It is also revealed to Neo that he made a deal with The Merovingian so Sati could be given safe passage to live freely in the Matrix.

Enter the Matrix[]

In exchange for The Merovingian giving Sati safe passage towards the Matrix, Rama gave up the termination code for The Oracle's hull which The Merovingian uses in a failed attempt to completely destroy The Oracle. After the kill-code targets her shell, The Oracle survives by sacrificing her shell entirely and then returning later with a new appearance.

The Matrix Resurrections[]

After Neo and Trinity die, bringing forth a truce between humanity and Synthients, Rama designed the resurrection pods that could be used to reconstruct their bodies. He had thought the pods would be used to resurrect Neo and Trinity so they could enjoy the peace they created and have the life they deserved. However, to his horror, he discovered too late that their restored bodies were instead going to be interred at the Anomaleum where their powerful minds were going to be used to control the next iteration of the Matrix headed by The Analyst. Rama covertly transfers the Anomaleum's designs to Sati but his betrayal is discovered by The Analyst, who orders Rama and Kamala's deletion. The information that he transferred to Sati later helps her to rescue the resurrected Trinity from the Matrix.

According to Sati, Rama's role in Neo and Trinity's imprisonment was the biggest regret of his life.
