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Tyndall was the missionary controller of the Zionites and a character first introduced in The Matrix Online.


Tyndall was awakened at a young age and spent her formative adolescent years in Zion. She took to the philosophy offered by Morpheus, but she saw the struggle against the Machines as a quest larger than any one person, and so could not accept the prophecy of The One as fact. She much preferred the more pragmatic approach of Jason Lock, relying on the resources and abilities of the people of Zion to save themselves, without waiting for a Savior.

When she came of age, Tyndall eagerly became a Zion operative in the Matrix. She served capably during the Machine War, working her way up to a senior position, but retired from field duty in the aftermath of an accident that rendered her unable to jack into the Matrix safely any longer. An Agent dropped a 220kV power line on her as she was jacking out, causing feedback that damaged her neural jacks in the real world. She was almost killed.

Today she is only able to jack into controlled environments such as the control center construct or training programs. The unpredictable nature of the Matrix broadcast signal could overload her damaged jacks and cause permanent or fatal damage to her. Still, she had a tremendous amount of experience in the Matrix, so instead of becoming a Hovercraft Captain, she accepted a position as Commander Lock's liaison to field operations in the Matrix.

Description & Style[]

Tyndall is an Icelandic beauty, all cheekbones and snowy blond hair. She addresses operatives as "Warrior", or by their rank, and speaks constantly of vigilance and preparedness. She tries hard to imbue missions with nobility, and encourages you to be your best. Her manner is practiced and professional, but imbued with a sense of encouragement. She often ends conversations with inspirational phrases.

Tyndall considers herself to be a representative of Zion, but in spite of her effort to paint herself as a servant of the cause, she has become a leader through her devotion and dedication. She often takes personal responsibility for the mishaps of Zion, feeling that somehow, the fault is her own; she is quick to apologize when things have gone awry. Tyndall sometimes speaks to her operatives in the Matrix as if she is with them, likely because she desires nothing more than to return to the Matrix to work for Zion's victory firsthand.

Matrix Online Thumb This article or section is based on information from the game - The Matrix Online - and the information may contradict situations and events from The Matrix Resurrections.