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We are getting aggravated."
"Yes we are.

― The Twins During the Freeway Chase[src]

The Twins are two of The Merovingian's henchmen in The Matrix film trilogy, originating from earlier attempts at creating a viable version of the Matrix. It is unknown why The Twins became Exiles but their existence and status as Exiles are quite known to Agents who waste no time attacking them while going after The Keymaker during the Freeway Chase.



The Twins in Le Vrai

The Twins are skilled martial artists and are proficient with the use of a knife or straight razor and are able to fight even in the close confines of a car with ease. They have the ability to take a non-corporeal form that allows them to phase through any solid matter and avoid gunfire and other weapons. Upon phasing back into their corporeal form, any shallow physical damage they may have previously taken are reset. This is demonstrated when Trinity empties an entire pistol's magazine into one of The Twins, successfully grazing an arm. The flesh wound was then healed by The Twin simply phasing in and out of its corporeal form for a brief moment, resetting the wound afterwards "just like new".

When phasing, The Twins' bodies do not retain any of its physical momentum. This is noticeable during The Twins use of vehicles as Morpheus was able to force a Twin out of a speeding car by trying to stab it with a sword. When The Twin phased out to avoid the fatal blow, the car leaves them behind as the vehicle continues to move along while The Twin's non-corporeal form is left floating in place.


One of The Twin's in their non-corporeal form

It also seems that The Twins' bodies are not completely invulnerable while in their non-corporeal form and objects passing through their bodies are still visibly able to deform or displace it ever so slightly. After suffering through a car explosion, The Twins assume their non-corporeal form in an attempt to escape but are continuously blown away. It is later revealed that they might have been fragmented enough by the car explosion as to be rendered offline, requiring The Merovingian to rebuild them.


The Twins appear very confident and very loyal to The Merovingian. They also appear to look at everything skeptically. Additionally, they seem to have a good grasp over their emotions and do not lose their temper quickly, only expressing their frustrations and agony when pushed sufficiently far enough.


The Freeway Chase[]

During the chase, they pursue Morpheus, Trinity, and The Keymaker in an SUV; one of them firing a submachine gun at their targets' fleeing vehicle. The chase continues to the expressway where a Twin uses his abilities to the fullest trying to get The Keymaker. The anomaly is detected by Agents who soon join the chaos also gunning to eliminate The Keymaker.

At one point of the chase, Morpheus is forced out of his badly damaged vehicle which stops at an overpass. The Twins attempt to run him over but Morpheus manages to side step at the last second, slicing through the side of the car damaging it just enough to make it veer sideways. The Twins' vehicle then flips over as they grapple with the steering wheel. Quickly taking advantage of the moment, Morpheus shoot at the exposed undersides of the SUV and unloads his automatic pistol where he successfully hits the gas tank causing the car to explode.

Both of The Twins were propelled into the air by the powerful explosion and they assume their non-corporeal form in an attempt to escape getting killed.

The Matrix Online[]

The Twins were, for some reason, rendered offline. However, The Merovingian brings them back online with the use of their RSI code and a cheat file that was extracted from Beirn, a prisoner who was an officer in the Unlimit organization.


  • It is unknown if The Twins are two separate programs or if they are "copies" of the same entity, as they always refer to themselves as "we" rather than "you" or "I"
  • In Enter the Matrix, they do not wear sunglasses. There is also a strange bug with their models that causes their white dreadlocks to be see-through to the other side (as if there is no texturing on the outside of the model while there is on the inside.) It seems that the developers may have realized this and only briefly showed them from the side during cut scenes, in a possible effort to limit how noticeable the effect was.
  • Link is unable to work out their program type and simply refers to them as "The Twins"


  • Rumors emerged before The Matrix Reloaded was released that their reason for becoming Exiles was that their programming became infected with a virus or are representative of a virus[1]
    • As infected Exiles, it is possible that The Merovingian was able to remove the infection (although not before it damaged their appearances and emotional subroutines, resulting in their almost emotionless demeanor) which also explains their loyalty towards The Merovingian
    • Regardless, The Merovingian seems to be familiar with fixing up The Twins' bodies as supported by The Matrix Online
  • Some suspect that they were an older version of Agents and became Exiles like Smith (who also came to behave like a virus upon becoming an Exile)



  1. Silvermen Revealed, Archived from the original on 14 June 2015. Retrieved on 5 Sep 2023, Paul Martin.