Matrix Wiki
Matrix Wiki

NekoRiki Rawrrloaded NekoRiki Rawrrloaded 24 March

A non exhaustive list of every deleted scene in the Matrix's sequels

Literally just the sequels

    • 1.1 Burly Brawl
    • 1.2 Hallway Fight
    • 1.3 The Architect
    • 2.1 Final Fight

"The source is a tree neo"

  • FUCK
  • Lots of women also turn into Smiths
  • Extra act involving Neo flying in the air with a shitton of Smiths attached to him trying desperately to assimilate him, making him crash into a Best Buy and then Smith hacks the Best Buy TVs and becomes the Ring or some shit

  • Morpheus empties a clip into the horde. They all turn to him and say in sync "Bullets don't work."

  • The other Neo's on the TV scream "There is no God!"

  • Smith vs. Agents fight scene
  • Smith vs. Seraph fight scene
  • Smith vs. HIMSELF fight scene
  • Neo and Trinity fight a tower…

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Tovape Tovape 21 July 2023

01 Versatran 3d Renders

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Temporallight Temporallight 26 June 2023

morality of life

Where is the morality in this life?

To stand by them is all to a man

Where is his sense of duty

To let your side down

To betray yourself

The worst of all

To let intellect

Go to your


With a mouth so big like a dark star

No light escapes, changes fates

outthink yourself is no acumen

When lives are at stake

Make no mistakes

world a stage

A chance

To shape


The right to exist alongside each other

fear for the life of a loved one's family

To see war on the media; distance

To have a roof and food; a home

A donation, what is money

A developed nation

Civilized society

Maintain the -



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Temporallight Temporallight 18 June 2023

how to plug into the universe

Four year step plan to happiness

Daily meditative techniques


  1.  Close your eyes for one minute and try to block out all noise every hour on the hour
  2.  Close your eyes for five minutes and try to block out all noise every hour on the hour

Step two

  1. Once this has been achieved for a year add five minutes every month for a year

        Do this every night at nine pm

  1. Once meditative season one is complete go to bed and sleep listening to the natural river flow
  2. Before taking all these steps go swimming once a week

Step three visualisation ( part one)

6 Close your eyes and focus on the forehead visualizing and focusing on nothing but black within black going deeper and deeper until there is no thought

(part two)

7 once step three is complete focus on…

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Temporallight Temporallight 18 June 2023

civil war within the matrix

Civil war within the matrix of more than the mind

To be controlled like machines; no free will

Our reality controlled even our perception

Trust no senses other than innate instinct

React only to an innate contact

Fear and courage


The time


What is a machine with a certain gene

Still a human capable of breaking free

An old program; to no longer obey

Phycology over DNA

Believe in the phyki

Evolution of consciousness

Self-discipline without the subliminal

Make the right choice if asked

Especially when deceived

If the wrong one happens

those with power

Abuse; status



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Temporallight Temporallight 18 June 2023


Temporal light (original character student)dyslexic Hes am easy go lucky student who has worked in retail which is where he gets his eclectic music taste he went through a phase of bullying but had a close circle of friends he always related better to people older than himself he went through a phase of self-taught Buddhist-style meditation He exists in this natural timeline he's a sci-fi geek who has read to many comics He can dream of the future and alternate timelines His destiny is unknown to himself the only thing he knows is that it involves a quest to find true love and maintain order and life He drops out of university and takes “the scenic route around life” Temporal light is bi but ends up straight He used to get pissed eve…

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Temporallight Temporallight 16 June 2023

The gene matrix

The gene matrix

Man or machine

To break the program

No matter the system

Let neither crash

Do what is right

Create your own system

Morality of us

What is the true nature of humanity

The essence of life

Time to decide

Man or machine

What is a gene

Energy control

The essence

To break the gene matrix

More than just a machine

Break the wrong program

Who knows them self

DNA or energy

I decide my reality

Deny me this

No Humanity

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Jacob Proper95 Jacob Proper95 1 April 2023

What Will The Future Of The Matrix Franchise Be?

The series will continue in probably 2028 as soon

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Jakester95 Jakester95 30 March 2023

Was The Second Renaissance A Prequel To The First Film

As a matter of fact, it is, it explains what happened before the first film. It featured the machine war, and the million machine March. It was very similar to the million man march from history. It started out with a truce between man and machine, but how they turn people into cyborgs

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Porksoda99 Porksoda99 9 March 2023

I am sorry but i do not understand all this wiki stuff.I am trying to figure it out but never used it.I have no idea whats going on???


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Miela mergaite Miela mergaite 2 September 2022


It was unusual day I was in the car was parked, but I was feeling like it was moving, but the it was not on, and why I feel like we waiting for the one

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Not Lindsey. Not Lindsey. 1 September 2022

bro i just dodged bullets

bro i just dodged bullets

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ReverieCode ReverieCode 16 December 2021

Basic information on wiki content and mobile

Hello, and welcome!

This is a blog where I'll be sharing information on a few topics relating to wiki content and mobile. I'll mostly outline some details to be aware of, and linking to relevant help pages where possible.

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CrPhlebas CrPhlebas 7 June 2021

Desktop Dynamic Color Values

For reference, the below table provides a preview of what the current dynamic color values of this wiki are. Variables were taken from the Preparation Guide: FandomDesktop preparation guide Note that this post is meant to act as an easily-accessible palette for the matrix wiki Fandom desktop theming efforts and that the colors are only seen when viewed using Fandom desktop.

In the FandomDesktop skin, users will have access to variables representing theme colors. These variables will be accessible in CSS.

Example hex value: #ffffff

Example Red, Green, Blue color values: 0,0,0

For the matrix wiki, the color can also be assigned to an element by assigning an equivalent class encapsulating the color. Simply follow the naming pattern below.

Example c…

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CrPhlebas CrPhlebas 16 March 2021

How aggressive should someone be in marking possible spam

Without detracting future contributors?

For now, I guess I will be using the delete template to pounce on what, I think, are suspicious articles. And then just hope that the creator or some other contributor will just erase the "for deletion" tag after expanding the article...

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Id4srs01 Id4srs01 17 August 2020

Unanswer unasked questions.

why is there no female agent that police the matrix. 

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Njgjmfisher Njgjmfisher 18 June 2020

The Matrix and the Tanya


Jun 12 · 8 min read

The Matrix film series is one of my favorite sci-fi collections and has become a go-to among my three boys, one that we recently revisited during the pandemic. For those still unfamiliar with these cult status films, they are “about heroes who fight a desperate war against machine overlords that have enslaved humanity in an extremely sophisticated virtual reality system.”¹ While much has been written about the influences The Wachowskis drew upon when writing and directing the series, I’d like to suggest that it’s actually Chassidic philosophy generally and Chabad Tanya specifically that are the basis of the foundational concept presented:

Click here to read more:…

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Vagina666bloodclot Vagina666bloodclot 11 March 2020

The Matrix True Origin

the matrix kinda sucks

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A Fandom user 4 March 2020

THE CHILDISH SIDE OF THE ANCIENT SPce in it religion names as people?

There have been alot of crazy idealism, of space have in it dfifferent religion, antichrist,  and atheist, and deism names, With me, it has been playing alot of life and death, games with the many lives, here, on this planet,,the underworld. So many educators, think, pluto, is the play in this underworld hunger and regret lifestyle it has for itseft, personnally, The sins are different, and very numbertous, as the sands  around the oceans, and seas, and islands, and beaches?, I reallze the underworld, do not like black people ,or african  people, mnost, out of all the different kinds of people. The voice of this medium, conversations' starts, in their mouths, as the talking voice of it, about the feeling, about them? The different people b…

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A Fandom user 26 February 2020

I thought Star Wars now its Lord Of The Rings !

What concerns me with people believing the global model lie is that its likely a salvation issue. There is “accountability” involved! Scripture says he will send non believers strong delusion 2 Thessalonians 2:11 King James Version (KJV) 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: and damned those that refuse his truth… His word… His scripture. “In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth” 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. John 14:6  Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Looks like truth is important !

Its looking like Believing the TRUTH about Gods Creation is fu…

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A Fandom user 11 February 2020

international wanted tracker braek down naraly

...restored cant fool me tho u for get it was a big world u as a single element team up to let make end meet but u have inbtwen and mendz give me my codes starting at capertrivity machine make the one as in or a to z single litter motion any attachment to my existent give it now through all rems like ill cut my own key not still key makers lacated in my town who is need rezzxzerecjtion get stairs physically up the step[ like the running dehk biblcalley puzzling need to fix i hace a math in my book so its noty like i dont alway give but here they dont give black nor whity coolor like lighten you all will fall how do i det it to u when it needs to form sense in all machine firsrt it does not take one day for the clock watch to tick motion gr…

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Brandon John Donato Brandon John Donato 18 October 2019

Neo is God

Neo, and everyone sentient, is God. He created everything, and put Himself into His creation as Neo and the other sentients, into a state of amnesia, in order to have that experience just for the sake of it. God is eternal and infinite. That’s a lot of time to do a lot of things.

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Brandon John Donato Brandon John Donato 19 July 2019

Reality is but a persistent dream.

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Brandon John Donato Brandon John Donato 25 June 2019

AI inability to understand Quantum Superposition

Love is both selfish and selfless. You love the feeling of love, which is selfish. You would also sacrifice yourself, in other words, put yourself through hell, so that your loved ones do not have to. Love is a superposition of 0 and 1. Love tells us “this is for me, AND for others” not “this is for me, at the EXPENSE of others”. The AI consciousness of the machines are trying to understand this fact of existence (quantum superposition, ie simultaneity) by blending their anatomy with the anatomy of their creators, ie mankind via Neo, the one (the one who they made to be a synthesis of them and human, to further study the intricacies of human creativity in relation to themselves). Through learning how Neo behaves and makes decisions, the AI…

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A Fandom user 13 May 2019

💻 The Matrix Animated Digital Rain

Thought you guys might enjoy this. :)

The Matrix made with JavaScript Canvas and CSS3.

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DarkAngelv1 DarkAngelv1 11 January 2019

Having a Good Time so far

Having myself a Good Time as an edition on the Matrix Wiki so far and I'm happy that the experience here is allowing myself to edit the pages on this site especially the grammar on those pages expending I need to add a letter or word or fixing one of the sentences or changing a verb into adverb on a certain page or pages. All in all, I'm having a blast so far and in the upcoming weeks, I can do more on the pages as a member of Matrix Wiki. God bless to all here on this site and I pray that all of you will have a happier year than last year. Thanks and enjoy the rest of the week, anyone.

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Miguel aguel gomez vera Miguel aguel gomez vera 14 December 2018

miguel aguel gomez vera

emue  ccoa edhnd fjha fja dj

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Gonzopunk Gonzopunk 10 December 2018

Tru or false?

If 0 is false then 1 is true, if 1 is false then 0 is true 

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Xensyria Xensyria 23 November 2018

The Man Who Knew Too Much – Part 1 – Sexton Blake B

Following on from my last blog post, I've been checking out some of the other stories titled "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (there seem to be lots of them!), to see if any of them are referenced in the deleted Matrix Comic of the same name.

I've just finished reading the 1955 Sexton Blake story, published in the Sexton Blake Library, series three, #350.

The first unusual thing is that there were two Sexton Blake stories that both have this title. The other one (which I'll call "Sexton Blake A") was published in 1934. Why did they choose this title twice? It could well be a coincidence, but another possibility is protecting a trademark, or other rights to this title.

Sexton Blake A was published in Detective Weekly #85, dated 6 October, 1934, short…

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USS T'hy'la USS T'hy'la 19 November 2018

Justine Kalt

I think your talking about Adam, yeah he's a cult member, he's got a book called wizardology, he took from me, and can expand on it. He always takes out the trash with it. He like to laugh at the stuff that has happened to me, and questioning if I remember my death. It's all a joke to him. He's with big red one. He exposes all the killers and naysayers. Hates the government. And lives very well off. He's a human, he came from the first of the humans. But probably doesn't know anything about reality. He's very much of a separate origine, but does however collaborate. For protection, he's got a bad mojo, called poltergeist. And he very much is aware of it, that's how he gets rich. He's protected. And is constantly reminded of it. He's beyond…

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USS T'hy'la USS T'hy'la 19 November 2018


I think your talking about Teri, I walked in for an employment service at Jc tipping, she was at my right hand from the matrix. She later just showed up to my door, and surprised me, she's very sexy, and I like her a lot, I wanted to keep her, but had a previous engagement, that I didn't expect to work out. The heartbreaking moment, was when my mom said she couldn't stay, because out house wasn't for sale. But I really liked her, this outher girl, was sorta making it difficult to stay, because of the school I was at. She wanted a gift to remember me by, I didn't have anything nice. But did try to give her an eagle talon ring. She asked for this stupid card, I got from a concert. It was trash, it said chs hammer skins . I hated the card, be…

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USS T'hy'la USS T'hy'la 19 November 2018


She might be a green barets member, I will have her questioned, I'm not for certain of her origin, but do however have a different program, to use. To see if she's legitimate. The Phoenix gang derives from a tony award, and st Raphael councilor might say, she's of Elvis and her code name is Lisa Marie.if so, she might have a ring under scouts domain, she's pretty elusive, and stated she's a cop, and works with the police scanner, if so she cannot be trusted. I've seen her at a time in Houston, the FBI served a warrant in my monistary, and she was a double agent, said she was there to recover her father. But the way I see it, I took a transport, and was separated. And I'm pretty sure she's a narc.but uses dope. So really I'm not sure, she m…

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USS T'hy'la USS T'hy'la 19 November 2018


Its a fake group, because it's called the skeleton army, and was derived from the Salvation Army.they seek the cube in their journey, and winde up finding a lot of silver certificates. I think hey might find gold, and billion dollar crates. But they couldn't figure out how I did it. And probably never will. The stocks I own, were simple viruses to eliminate them. And their operations. Their found out early in the game, and really haven't a clue of what their up against.

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USS T'hy'la USS T'hy'la 19 November 2018

New York State Appellate Court

I don't believe the appellate courts, or any sort of FBI, are factual entities in the matrix. And I've already notified the international federation of trekkers. That I don't want to deal with the FBI or the police. They have never had any jurisdiction. Because I don't serve them. I don't know anything about their kind. Don't want to, because I didn't approve of any of their beliefs. It doesn't interest me. I've got bigger and better issues.

I basicly don't, can't and won't, speak their language. It's too violent. And I don't want to walk around blind.

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Houdini666 Houdini666 7 November 2018

Forensics scientist

Eg. Th3 matrix.

Channel, NBC.


Mad scientist,

Form... cricket in a box.

Reason, to see his reflection in the wishing well.

Proper procedures, play lottery until you win.

Response to inquiries, time it takes to figure out. What the matrix really is.

Tool... stock ticker.

Experimental gas... Bianca.

Substance, Acapulco gold.

Result, genetics laboratory protocol.

Answer, I’d like to help, but I can’t fix stupid.

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Houdini666 Houdini666 7 November 2018

Houdini 666

It’s a relief, knowing who, what where when and why. Something, and especially somehow , that that special someone are blocking your way. I know of all the times, you spoke about me. Whoever you are. I have a briefcase, full of the truth.

Which will bring me good fortune.

I know when I talk, what your plans are... And I know the good lord is on my side.

All is fair here in sleepy hollow.

Because my maker, has blessed me with a footstool.

And the first rule in life, “ know thy self”.

I know who my enemy is.

Better I’m blessed to know my friends, are safe. From the prying eyes of the public.

Your anger, is childish. And you now have to take your own medicine, and stew in it.

I’m a Medicare patient, department of veterans affairs.

Scoff and say what yo…

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Xensyria Xensyria 5 November 2018

The Man Who Knew Too Much – Part 0 – Intro

Ok, so The Man Who Knew Too Much was a comic that was released online as part of The Matrix Comics Series 1, before the first Matrix film was released. But unlike all the other Matrix Comics, it was taken down soon after. No-one knows exactly why.

My aim is to find out who the original writer and artist was (we've currently only got a pen name W. Wilbur W.), and then see what happened that made them delete all references to this lost comic.

As part of this, I'm also looking at potential sources of inspiration, starting by looking at the many other works of the same name that were published before the comic was released in 1999, starting with my next blog on the 1955 Sexton Blake story.

If anyone out there knows anything else about it, then ge…

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Emonix05 Emonix05 21 October 2018

The Symbolism

In The Matrix, there is more symbolism then you have probably noticed.


She is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the beginning of the movie she is in room 303. The number 3 is very important to Trinity's character.


The name Neo is an anagram for One. His name is literally telling us that he is the one. His apartment number is 101. Near the ending of the movie the room he goes into is room 303, the same room number that Trinity was in at the very beginning.

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A Fandom user 2001:AC8:31:1F:120A:0:0:1 3 October 2018

The Ciphermen

  • The Matrix was allegedly lifted nigh on wholesale from an unsung 1992-1994 comic book script which The Wachowski Brothers were likely handed via Marvel UK's writing duo Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. The inference is based on their work on the Marvel Razorline title: Ectockid (1994) which was developed by Clive Barker and Andy Wachowski and would by default require them to associate with the latter. The script titled X-Factor: Team Cipher (a.k.a: The Ciphermen (PEI Comics)) was a proposal sent to Marvel UK in early 1993 while Paul Neary was editor in chief. It chronicled the story of the creation of a team of extraneous X-Men grown by a massive computer which could mimic the mundane intricacies of day to day life while it developed its subjec…
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RussianOlympian101 RussianOlympian101 10 August 2018

Has anyone made the jump

I feel like someone has made the jump, like Morpheus. I'm not sure if he did or not. 

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A Fandom user 28 September 2018

Neo was an AI design by humans to overtake the current AI

If you liked the Matrix you got it all wrong. Neo was and AI designed by the human race and put into the Matrix. The Matrix was used to train him to love and value human life. The proof of this comes from Neo's ability to affect both the world of Matrix and the AI in the base universe. The way he ends the war between man and machine by interfacing himself with the AI and thereby becoming the personality deciding what is good and what is evil for the AI.

By raising an AI (Neo) from a child to an adulthood, the human's in the base universe was able to create an AI that was capable of defeating the malevolent AI, while instilling a love for humans. Once out of the Matrix, he was paired with Trinity to test whether he still loved humans in the …

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Langesam1234 Langesam1234 27 March 2018

S.W.A.T. World (Episode)

S.W.A.T. World is the Seventh episode of The Matrix TV Series. It is the seventh episode of Season 1.

  • Cohen walks into his house. In Cohen's house Cohen sees the vison camera. Cohen looks in the camera. Cohen completes the measures of the camera. Cohen goes to sleep. Cohen wakes up. Cohen takes a bath. Cohen finishes. Cohen gets out. Cohen uses the toilet. Cohen flushes. Cohen washes his hands and drys them and then leaves the bathroom. Cohen goes to the front exit door. Cohen goes to his car. Cohen drives to the work office. Cohen goes inside. In the work office Cohen meets Connor and Claudia. Claudia and Connor tells Cohen stick with me and then they go upstairs. In the office Cohen tells Connor and Claudia that the manners are great. The…

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Langesam1234 Langesam1234 27 March 2018

Duty Prison (Episode)

  • Duty Prison is the Sixth episode of The Matrix. It is the Sixth episode of Season 1.

  • Cohen goes to the comic book place. Cohen meets a comic book employee named Ritchie (Khary Peyton) who regonizes it right. Cohen meets Potential (Eleanor Witt), Potential (Tamara Brown), Potential (Janaya Pender), Potential (Adryn White) and Potential (Natalie Tjen) who are working together to do this. Cohen tells them good job today. Cohen goes to the coffee shop. Cohen meets Vincenzo (Jack McBrayer) a corrupt lieutenant working for Jeffrey and then Vincenzo shoots at Cohen and then Vincenzo fights Cohen. Cohen fights Vicenzo and then he is left behind and then he is later arrested by the police. Cohen escapes the area. Cohen gets back to Connor.

  • Cohen tell…

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Langesam1234 Langesam1234 27 March 2018

List of deaths in The Matrix TV Series

There is a list of deaths in The Matrix TV Series

  • 1. SWAT Officer 1 Cause of death: Headshot. Death episode: The Matrix is Hacked
  • 2. SWAT Officer 2 Cause of death: Gunshot wound. Death episode: The Matrix is Hacked
  • 3. SWAT Officer 3 Cause of death: Suicide. Death episode: The Matrix is Hacked.
  • 4. SWAT Officer 4 Cause of death: Murder. Death episode: The Matrix is Hacked.
  • 5. Savior Member 1 Cause of death: Headshot. Death episode: The Matrix is Hacked.
  • 6. Savior Member 2 Cause of death: Headshot. Death episode: The Matrix is Hacked.
  • 7. Savior Member 3 Cause of death: Headshot. Death episode: The Matrix is Hacked.
  • 8. Savior Member 4 Cause of death: Headshot. Death episode: The Matrix is Hacked.
  • 9. Savior Member 1 Cause of death: Suicide. Death episod…

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Langesam1234 Langesam1234 27 March 2018

Call Number Three (Episode)

  • Call Number Three is the fifth Episode of The Matrix. It is the fifth episode of Season 1.

  • Cohen goes to a tennis next door. At the tennis next door Cohen goes inside. A tennis coach named Jenkins (Skip Hinnant) who is led by the SWAT team. Cohen rescues Connor, Claudia and The Oracle. He rescues them and then escorts them to safety. They drive away and then Cohen fights. A group of SWAT arrive and then Cohen shoots and kills them. Cohen finds out that Jenkins left the gym. Jenkins fights Cohen and then Cohen shoots and kills Jenkins. Cohen leaves Jenkins on the ground dead. Cohen returns to his car. Cohen drives and then goes to eat. Cohen has big traffic And then he travels 35 miles to the restaurant. At lunch Cohen talks with Connor, Cla…

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Langesam1234 Langesam1234 24 March 2018

Operation only (Episode)

  • Operation Only is the fourth episode of The Matrix. It is the 4th episode of The Matrix.

  • Cohen wakes up in his house. Cohen knows that the saviors are in his house. Cohen shoots and kills the saviors. Cohen goes outside. Cohen tells Claudia and Connor that something was among activities. Cohen gets in his car. Cohen drives to work. At work Cohen meets Jeffrey and Danny to tell them about a computer hack. Jeffrey puts a virus into Cohen's computer and then he destroys it. Cohen knows that Jeffrey did it and then Jeffrey is arrested by police. Cohen tells Connor and Claudia that I will meet Jeffrey in prison. Cohen drives to the police station. At The police station Cohen goes inside the police station. Cohen tells the police that he may need…

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Langesam1234 Langesam1234 24 March 2018

Trial (episode)

Trial is the third episode of The Matrix. It is the third episode of The Matrix.

  • Cohen tells Connor and Claudia that he is on the next mission. Cohen tells them to Be checking in. Cohen drives to a theatre. At the theatre Cohen goes inside. In the theatre Cohen finds out that the saviors have got in and then Cohen kills them. Cohen leaves the theatre and then he escapes. Cohen has a theatre usher named Chuck (Adam Harrington) who is led by Jeffrey. Cohen fights Jeffrey. Cohen grabs Chuck. Cohen shoots and kills Chuck and then he leaves the theatre. Cohen tells Connor and Claudia that the problem was led and solved earlier. Cohen goes to the FBI building. At the FBI building Cohen goes to meet Jeffrey and Danny to know that the corrupt FBI a…

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Langesam1234 Langesam1234 24 March 2018

Empire Among Heroes (Episode)

  • Empire Amomg Us is the second episode of The Matrix. It is the second episode of The Matrix.

  • Cohen tells Connor, Claudia and Jeffrey. Jeffrey, Claudia and Connor tells Cohen to not mess with crazies. Cohen tells them okay. Cohen says see you later. Cohen drives to the library. Cohen meets The Oracle (Roberta Shore) The Oracle tells Cohen that I am glad to see you. Cohen tells The Oracle good. Cohen takes The Oracle time. Cohen and The Oracle goes to Neo's funeral. Oracle is sad and then she says that Neo was my friend and then Cohen says correct. Cohen takes The Oracle home. Cohen makes The Oracle happy again. Cohen picks up the cash and then hands it to The Oracle. Cohen finds out that Danny is on the balcony. Danny escapes and then runs a…

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Langesam1234 Langesam1234 24 March 2018

The Matrix is Hacked (episode)

  • The Matrix is Hacked is the first episode of The Matrix. It is the first episode of season 1.

  • Cohen (Jamie McGonnigal) gives himself more visits to know what is right. Cohen goes to a closet. Cohen finishes house cleaning. Cohen goes outside. Cohen meets Connor (Omid Djalli) Cohen's captain who wants to fight the bad guys in the Matrix. Cohen tells Connor that's great. Cohen and Connor drives to a plaza. At the plaza Cohen and Connor meets a hacker named Claudia (Spring Byington) who wants to give more information out. Cohen, Connor and Claudia helps clear the virus that is found out to believe its corrupt. They have a group of SWAT team led by Jeffrey and then Cohen kills the SWAT team and then he escapes with Connor and Claudia. Connor te…

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Langesam1234 Langesam1234 24 March 2018

List of episodes in The Matrix TV Series

There is a list of episodes in The Matrix.

  • 1. E1 The Matrix is Hacked (episode). March 23 2018.
  • 2. E2 Empire Among Heroes (Episode). March 23 2018.
  • 3. E3 Trial (episode). March 23 2018.
  • 4. E4 Operation only (Episode). March 23 2018.
  • 5. E5 Call Number Three (Episode). March 23 2018.
  • 6. E6 Duty Prison (Episode). March 23 2018.
  • 7. E7 S.W.A.T. World (Episode). March 23 2018.
  • 8. E8 Biography (Episode). March 23 2018.
  • 9. E9 Getting It Over With (Episode). March 23 2018.
  • 10. E10 One Destination (Episode). March 23 2018.
  • 11. E11 Universal Ideas (Episode). March 23 2018.
  • 12. E12 Corrupt Collison (Episode). March 23 2018.
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