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Matrix Wiki

A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of Machines.

― Morpheus[src]

Artificial Intelligence (often abbreviated to AI) is defined as the capability of a Machine to imitate intelligent behavior; computing machinery capable of duplicating human cognitive mental states.


01 Banner

Banner of 01

Bless all forms of intelligence.

― The Instructor[src]

AI was developed by humanity in the early 21st century, which was united in celebration as they gave birth to it. This ultimately enabled an entire race of Machines to become capable of thinking and acting for themselves.

After the Machine Rights movement and subsequent riots, the Machines retreated to the cradle of human civilization, Mesopotamia, and built a Machine City there which they named 01. Here the Machines prospered, developing more advanced technology, including the creation of new and better AI.

As humanity's economies failed in the face of this competition, they turned to other means to try to regain supremacy, launching a preemptive nuclear strike on the fledgling Machine nation. Instead of destroying the Machines (who were not as vulnerable to heat and radiation as humans), it led to the Machine War and the eventual downfall of humanity.

The War[]

Animatrix-03-second-renaissance-part2 (19)

The Machine Ambassador issuing the Instrument of Surrender at the final summit of the United Nations.

During the war, the humans decided to remove the Machines' power source, solar power, by darkening the sky in what they called Operation Dark Storm. This didn't stop the Machines, as they developed a form of fusion and continued the war until the humans were entirely subjugated. Those who survived were placed in pods of fluid, and linked up to a simulated reality devised by the Machines, called the Matrix. From here, the Machines extracted the humans' thermal, bio-electric and kinetic energy.

The Matrix itself was developed by Artificially Intelligent sentient programs, most notably The Architect and The Oracle. Within it, all aspects of the world are simulated by different programs, and the humans within it watched and controlled by the Agent programs.

See also[]


  • It is possible that Heinz von Foerster prediction of singular consciousness was right since his prediction was in the early 21st Century.
  • In the real world, artificial intelligence has advanced significantly in the 21st cenury, leading to the creation of tools like ChatGPT by OpenAI, which can generate human-like text responses and assist in various tasks such as writing, coding, and content creation. Another popular AI tool is Wingman, a dating assistant AI that provides tailored advice for online dating profiles and real-life dating issues, helping users improve their chances of finding a match by analyzing photos and bios and offering helpful feedback.