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The following is a list of quotes attributed to Zato-1.

Guilty Gear[]

  • Self: "Fool! How dare you say you've mastered shadows!?"
  • Sol: "How can you touch a shadow? It's impossible."
  • Ky: "Ha! You mean to say THIS is the power of a Holy Knight?"
  • May: "When little brats bother me like this, they die!"
  • Baldhead: "...Hmmm. Quite an unusual opponent."
  • Potemkin: "Your massive size is useless against a shadow."
  • Chipp: "At least it was funny watching you fly around."
  • Axl: "My mind can detect and defeat any attack."
  • Kliff: "And you used to be a hero, old man? Can you even see?"
  • Millia: "At last...! Only your blood can ease my soul..."

Guilty Gear X[]

Guilty Gear Xrd[]

  • "Remember... My name is Zato-ONE!"
  • "One against one..."
  • "I will show you darkness."
  • Millia: "Perhaps this way, I can find something I've lost."
  • Millia (post-Revelator): "I will protect you. Even by force."
  • Millia (post-Rev 2): "I will protect you. That is all."
  • Venom: "If your mind cannot remember, then perhaps your flesh will!"
  • Venom (post-Revelator): "Don't preach, attack. Before your skill dulls."
  • Venom (post-Rev 2): "Your resolve is second to none."
  • Slayer: "Please be gentle, sir."
  • Slayer (post-Rev 2): "I shall accompany you. However, unworthy I may be."
  • "I sense... discord."
  • "This no longer excites me..."
  • "I do not care."
  • Millia: "I pledge this to you, I will become our knight."
  • Venom: "Trust in yourself. You are stronger than this."
  • Slayer: "Surely you jest... Next time you must REALLY fight."
  • Slayer (post-Rev 2): "I shall accompany you. However, unworthy I may be."
  • Instant Kill attack:
    • "Guzmania Magnifica!"
    • "Resistance is futile."
    • "I shall remember you"
  • Instant Kill Outro:
    • "Nothing to gain after all."
    • "I do not care."
    • "Nothing excites me."
  • Instant Kill Outro (Round):
    • Millia: "I sense... discord."
    • Venom: "No quarter."
    • Slayer: "You left me with no choice."
  • Instant Kill Outro (Match):
    • Millia: "Do you believe me now, Millia?"
    • Venom: "He is so strong now..."
    • Slayer: "Am I still a child?"
  • Instant Kill reactions:
  • Self: "Amazing that you can mimic me to such a degree, but you are missing all of my experiences in Hell. Shall I give you a lesson?"
  • Sol: "As I know all too well, even unlimited power can only be harnessed in a limited number of ways. Not that it matters."
  • Ky: "As King of Illyria, you are an ambassador for the world. I am honored to have fought you. Not that it matters."
  • May: "Everything is so effortless for children... Wait, are you Japanese? I do not know if you will make it in time, but you must head for the colony."
  • May (post-Revelator): "Your ungodly strength is a legacy from the incident in 1999...I suppose it's somewhat amusing? What's with those eyes, Millia? Wait, it's not okay..."
  • Faust: "You must defeat me. If I triumph, it means fate is nothing more than survival of the fittest."
  • Potemkin: "I envy the way your dedication motivates you, though I would prefer it if that power overwhelmed me."
  • Chipp: "A mission, a purpose in life...If a heart with compassion had not toppled me, I would have lost as you did."
  • Millia (post-Revelator): "I won't ask for forgiveness, or for you to let me go. I won't tell you that I wish to turn back time...But I would ask that you let me be with you."
  • Axl: "To the best of my knowledge, there is no record of your existence. What is this...?"
  • Baiken (post-Rev 2): "Had I witnessed your raging passion before dying, I would have called you foolish. But now? I simply don't care..."
  • Johnny (post-Revelator): "You blade...Only when I've accepted it cannot be seen by the naked eye was I able to survive...It does in fact move at the speed of lig-- never mind."
  • Venom: "You seem to have recognized your worth. That same recognition is what I now seek."
  • Jam (post-Revelator): "The power...of course--! Your bizarre 'ki' has tapped into the backyard long before we discovered magic. really doesn't matter."
  • Dizzy (post-Rev 2): "I apologize, that was completely overdone. Eddie was overzealous of his reunion with you."
  • Slayer: "After taking this form, I finally understood why you are who you are. There is no need for an answer, is there?"
  • I-No: "Interesting. Your delirious ecstacy is the same as mine...though I no longer have a heart left with which to empathize."
  • Sin: "Someday you will face a great battle. If this is how you face it, you will not survive."
  • Raven (post-Revelator): "I see you somehow have a growing attachment to the idea of pain...And my very lack of interest, you fight pleasant. I suppose there are are still areas where I can be useful."
  • Bedman: "Your fighting skill is tremendous... Why did I not sense an existence like this in the underworld?"
  • Bedman (post-Revelator): "Sure, I've seen through you smoke and mirrors. But challenging me in a mental battle is not the solution. You will most definitely lose."
  • Leo: "Records are fascinating things. Their creation is subjective, as is their later consumption--after all, all human activity is seen through the lens of personal experience. That said, I hope that if I am to be remembered, it will not be as human."
  • Ramlethal: "I have no interest in your goal, or in the future of humankind, but I will not allow a world in which Millia would suffer sadness."
  • Ramlethal (post-Revelator): "You're...yes, of course. Irrelevant. I think this is in both of our best interests."
  • Elphelt: "Both the Conclave and Ramlethal could not see the larger plan, of which the Cradle was only a part. Perhaps you were involved in that greater scheme...?"
  • Elphelt (post-Revelator): "So, you are to become Justice...Being produced en masse in a world with no borders between others...or living in isolation in a barren world. I wonder which is the worse of the two."
  • Jack-O' (post-Rev 2): "As long as you bark orders to your familiar, you will never achieve the teamwork Eddie and I enjoy. Eddie and I have, through our arguments gained trust for...why does this matter?"
  • Haehyun (post-Revelator): "Your attack may appear flashy but are actually quite vulnerable to your opponent's state of mind. Too bad I'm not attached to my 'self', that your tricks will not affect me."
  • Answer (post-Rev 2): "I understand now...Your strength does not lie in your ability to remember, but rather your ability to forget. Can you teach me?"
System Voice
  • "Select a warrior who piques your interest..." "Well then... Please select a fighter who interests you..."
  • Self: "You are darkness itself..." / "Darkness itself..."
  • Sol: "I don't get it..." / "I don't know..."
  • Ky: "You shine like a dried squid..." / "A shimmering brilliance..."
  • May: "Glimmering..." / "It's shining...!"
  • Faust: "Gray..." / "Ashen..."
  • Potemkin: "Dull, but ever shining...." / "Dull, but persistent, light..."
  • Chipp: "Dazzling...!"
  • Millia: "My Millia..."
  • Axl: "You and I share... something..." / "Somewhat similar to me..."
  • Baiken: "Dark...It looks like the depths..."
  • Johnny: "Brightness...but...also some shade."
  • Venom: "Venom!"
  • Jam: "A muddle of the prismatic colors..."
  • Dizzy: "Ah... Too bright..."
  • Slayer: "You've been black for quite some time..." / "It was dark a long time ago..."
  • I-No: "Very close to black..." / "I see something quite black..."
  • Sin: "Too white... you're beautiful..." / "A pure white...Beautiful."
  • Raven: "Monotone..."
  • Bedman: "A very strong light..." / "A powerful light...!"
  • Leo: "Harsh, yet beautiful..." / "A charming astringency..."
  • Ramlethal: "Colorless!" / "Achromatic...?"
  • Elphelt: "I see... nothing?" / "I can't see anything..."
  • Jack-O': "Half achromatic... The rest..."
  • Haehyun: "Oh... Vibrant..."
  • Answer: "A grain of light within shadow..."
  • Opera House: "My house."
  • Heaven or Hell: "None of this matters."
  • Let's Rock: "Let's get dangerous."

Guilty Gear -Strive-[]


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.

  • Generic:
    • (P2) "I'll show you a darkness deeper than death."
    • (P2) "My name is Zato-1..."
    • (P2) "I'm here to scout you."
    • (P1) "Show me what you've got..."
    • (P1) "This is pointless."
    • (P1) "Let us begin."
  • Self:
    • (P2) "Do you even care?"
      • (P1) "I can't say I do."
    • (P2) "Am I the imposter?"
      • (P1) "No, it could be me."
  • Millia:
    • (P2) "You should start acting more managerial."
      • (P1) (Millia: "You're right. Here's an order: spar with me.")
    • (P2) (Millia: "Time for some employee evaluation.")
      • (P1) "You already know every inch of me, do you not?"
  • Slayer:
    • (P2) "Show me what you can do."
      • (P1) (Slayer: "Nonsense. I'm here to learn from you.")
    • (P2) (Slayer: "How would you grade my vintage?")
      • (P1) "You're at your ten-year best. Whatever that means."
  • "I'm bringing you back with me."
  • "From now on, I'm your boss."
  • "Congratulations, you work for the government now."
  • Self: "We were both strong."
  • Millia: "I can't call myself your knight if I lose to you."
  • Slayer: "When will you show me your true strength?"
  • Nagoriyuki: "Where did you learn your Dandyism?"

Round Loss (normal):

  • "You reap what you sow."
  • "Oh..."
  • "I can use this."

Round Loss (timeout):

  • "That's time."
  • "Can't let this faze me."
  • "Well, that wasn't good."

Game Loss:

  • "I'll be taking my leave."
  • "I'm tired of killing..."
  • "Millia..."
Taunts and Respects
  • "You are nothing of importance."
  • "Do you not want to try?"
  • "Let's talk terms, shall we?"
  • "Beyond all expectations..."
  • "So that's the extent of your worth."
  • "Should I lower the difficulty?"
  • "Afraid of hard work, are we?"
  • "You're nothing to me."
  • "You make me yawn."
  • "Beautiful. Join me, will you?"
  • "How impressive."
  • "You've surprised me."
  • "How would you like a job?"
