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The following is a list of quotes attributed to A.B.A.

Guilty Gear XX[]

  • Self: "There's another artificial life-form besides me!? There was no record of it..."
  • Sol: "Is it solitude that makes a human's mind so violent?"
  • Order-Sol: "I'm trying to focus on the fire not being hot...But it still burns..."
  • Ky: "Police? If you can't even protect yourself, how can you protect the people?"
  • Robo-Ky: "He refers to many interesting proverbs...Maybe I should write them down in my notebook."
  • May: "When it rains, it snows..."
  • Faust: "I can't drop anything on your deaf ears! Don't come near me! Don't touch me!"
  • Potemkin: "To me...YOU'RE the artificial life-form..."
  • Chipp: "Like a sloth to a flame...That's you."
  • Eddie: "Are you...the same as me...?"
  • Millia: "No matter how powerful your hair is now, one day it will be gone..."
  • Axl: "There's no depth to your attacks...It's like you're reading out of a manual..."
  • Kliff: "Be nice to old people..."
  • Baiken: "A starving samurai pretends to be chewing on an ice pick? Truth is, he's bluffing..."
  • Testament: "...By the way, what's your blood type?"
  • Justice: "You're...not built like me...I can't use you for my Paracelsus..."
  • Johnny: "What does that look mean? You're so confusing..."
  • Venom: "Wait...I need to analyze the necessity of your bangs. First, by using this equation..."
  • Anji: "Endangered species...? You certainly don't look like one at all..."
  • Jam: "Hunger is the worst sauce. One blood infusion packet, please..."
  • Dizzy: "Those who live in glass houses should cast the first stone...Don't do anything stupid."
  • Slayer: "That woman...You have a handy blood transfusion packet there..."
  • Bridget: "Don't expect the unexpected...Still, he's no match for Paracelsus."
  • Zappa: "The woman behind him is waving at me...D-Does she think I'm her friend!?"
  • I-No: "People say "the more the gloomier", but she's just too much to take..."

Guilty Gear -Strive-[]


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.

  • Generic:
    • (P2) "I told you. You can't have him."
    • (P2) "Exterminate... No other conclusion..."
    • (P2) "I'll make an example of you..."
    • (P1) "Boorish, vulgar, ill-mannered animal..."
    • (P1) "Here's the right fool for the job..."
    • (P1) "A brute in sheep's clothing... No reasoning with this one."
  • Self:
    • (P2) "The sentence... Public execution!"
      • (P1) "Is that shoddy fake meant to be my Paracelsus?!"
    • (P2) "Dull, delusional, senseless woman... Wallowing in dependence..."
      • (P1) "Wicked, treacherous, worthless woman... Empty imitation..."
  • May / Millia / Baiken / Bridget / I-No / Ramlethal / Jack-O' / Giovanna:
    • (P2) "I'll make an example of you..."
    • (P2) "There's no cure for a twisted mind..."
    • (P2) "You think you can tear our love apart?"
    • (P1) "Brazen beast. All seduction, no substance."
    • (P1) "You think that will lead my Paracelsus astray...?"
    • (P1) "Go away, go away, go away, go away..."
  • Testament:
    • (P2) "I'm shocked. To think a person could change so much..."
      • (P1) (Testament: "That makes two of us, I'd say.")
    • (P2) (Testament: "Care for some tea?")
      • (P1) "What I care for is Paracelsus."
  • Elphelt:
    • (P2) "Why is she holding a marriage certificate? Eek! She's coming this way!"
      • (P1) (Elphelt: "Do you like concerts? If so, please come see my show!")
    • (P2) (Elphelt: "Our street show's about to start! Here's a song about a lovely couple!")
      • (P1) "Incomprehensible... Scary... Let's run, dear..."
  • "Together, forever... In perfect harmony... For all time... Uweh heh heh..."
  • "With that obstacle gone... Let's talk, dear. We have all the time in the world."
  • "Well, dear? Kah ha ha! I'm the one for you, right?"
  • Self: "Our love is well-honed... No cheap imitation can fool us."
  • Bedman?: "Huh? We don't need a bed? No need to be shy..."
Taunts and Respects
  • Taunts
    • "Mhmhmm... Keep your leering eyes off my husband!"
    • "Ahahmhmm... no rubbernecking please~"
    • "Ngheh... Heheh... Take a good long look."
  • Respects
    • Paracelsus: "This battle brings back memories..."
      • A.B.A: "Ewha!? Trivial in truth..."
    • Paracelsus: "You put up a good fight."
      • A.B.A: "Ewha!? Enjoy it while it lasts..."
    • Paracelsus: "You're quite the tactician."
      • A.B.A: "Ewha!? Good for nothing..."
  • Jealous rage taunts
    • "Ngh unforgivable!!!"
    • "Why!? Why why!?"


  • "Paracelsus... Right, Paracelsus is the key!"
  • "Serve... Serve your sentence, first come first kill..."
  • "Yes... Perfectly fitting..."
  • Paracelsus: "A.B.A, stop it! Hey, hey!"
  • Paracelsus: "No violence, no violence!"
  • Paracelsus: "Woah! Get a grip, will you!"


  • Scratch
    • "Rrrnghnghngh Regret!"
    • "Trrrnghnghngh Repent!"
    • Tghtghtgh Reflect!"
  • Heavy slash
    • "No closer..."
    • "Homewrecker..."
    • "Fool..."
    • "You..."
  • Restriction and constraint
    • "Too frail..."
    • "We'll crush you..."
    • "Yes!"
    • "Give it up!"
  • Frenzy and astonishment
    • Paracelsus: "Why me!?"
    • Paracelsus: "Why!?"
    • Paracelsus: "Come on!"
  • Bonding
    • "Infidelity, unforgivable!!"
    • "You... Give him back!!"
    • "Here goes... Dear... Don't leave me!!"
  • Changing and swaying
    • "Rip out the root!"
    • "Hair raising rage!"
    • "Changing!"
  • Jealous rage heavy slash
    • "Atone!"
    • "I'll destroy you!"
    • "Judgment!"
    • "Eyesore!"
    • "Go away!"
    • "Take this!"
  • Law is key, key is king
    • "Why you... Rahhhh!!!" (Jealous rage)
    • "Learn some sense." (Normal)
  • Keeper of the key
    • "Key holder!"
    • "Keeper of the key!"
    • "Interrogation." (Normal)
    • "Execution!" (Jealous rage)
  • Hit
    • "I'm floored..."
    • "It's all fuzzy..."
    • "Rain... Fog..."
    • "Noo..."
    • "Skittering agony..."
    • "Unforgivable!"
    • "Mediocre..."
    • "What!?"
  • Bone crushing excitement
    • "Need more bandages..."

Jealous rage idle[]

  • "I... I won't give up Paracelsus... not to a filthy homewrecker who doesn't understand what things are worth..."
  • "H-How dare you be so shameless? Trampling our love like it's nothing... Who raised you like this?"
  • "I'll hunt you down and trick you curse you crush you! You'll regret repent cry faint beg for forgiveness!"
  • "...J-Just... Just... Please... go a-away..."
  • "Why? Why do you block our way? Why bother us? Why don't you understand? Why?"


  • Winning
    • "Hmm... Ehe, bone deep grudges get splintered~"
    • "Ohh ahaha~ Pride comes before a brawl~ Khyaheh~"
    • "Ahahahmhmm~ Big fish in small ponds don't get harpooned~"
  • Winning (Jealous rage)
    • "No trial, only punishment!"
    • "Not enough, not enough, not enough!"
    • "Mmmhmhm... That's what you get ahahaha~"
  • Losing round
    • "In for a penny, in for a pound..."
    • "Back to square zero..."
    • "When it rains, it roars..."
  • Losing game
    • "Pathetic human!"
    • "Curse... You..."
    • "My dear..."