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The following is a list of quotes attributed to Leo Whitefang.

Guilty Gear Xrd[]

  • "Who am I?" (Guard: "You are the king, sir!") "Am I important?" (Guard: "Yes, sir! Very important!") "WRONG! I'm SUPER important!"
  • "Who dares stand against me?!" (Guard: "An utter fool, sir!") "Who challenges me?!" (Guard: "Only the brave, sir!") "WRONG! Both are fools!"
  • "Grave crimes deserve...?" (Guard: "Grave punishment!") "Petty crimes deserve...?" (Guard: "Grave punishment!") "Yes! And only I may pardon!"
  • Ky (post-Rev 2): "Who's the most important king!?" (Guard: "Yes! Lord Ky!") "Who's the best looking king!?" (Guard: "Yes! Lord Ky!") "D'aaaaaaah! Leave some for me, too!"
  • "The definition of 'defeat' reads 'The fate of those who fight me!'"
  • "Attempting to analyze your defeat would be an utter waste of time. The truth is painfully simple: You lost because you aren't me."
  • "There are only two entries in my dictionary for inimitable: Your mother's apple pie, and my skill."
  • Instant Kill attack:
    • "These royal blades are ten times stronger than any other!" → "My strength is ten times that of any other man!" → "Since I feel generous, I'll DOUBLE their multiplied power, for 200 times the force!"
    • "A lion always hunts with 100% of its strength." → "Your very genes remember that terror!" → "Every human knows in their soul to run in fear when the LION BEARS HIS FANGS!"
    • "Take my blades, harder than any steel..." → "And add to their strength my dignity and my grace!" → "Windrad des Weltraum!"
  • Instant Kill Outro (Round):
    • "Take a break. This may be a duel, but I don't want you hurt."
    • "Well done, an impressive display for an ordinary citizen."
    • "You've seen my power. Forget pride and just bow out."
  • Instant Kill Outro (Match):
    • "Gute Reise..."
  • Instant Kill reactions:
  • Self: "Imitation lowers the value of the impostor while elevating the subject. Please, pretend to be me as much as you like!"
  • Sol: "Arrogant bastard... How dare anyone have more freedom than a king?!"
  • Ky: "If you desire diplomatic dialog I may be able to oblige you, but somehow I doubt that's what you're really after. I must warn you, the only entry my dictionary has for 'Victorious Cry' is 'Serves you right!' Then again, perhaps it's gauche to say that to your face. Heh heh heh... ha ha ha ha ha!"
  • May: "I cannot brag of a victory over a child, therefore I would appreciate it if you could speak of your glorious defeat at Leo's hands on my behalf."
  • Faust: "We must contact the capital hospital... I've captured a wild doctor! Ha ha ha ha!"
  • Potemkin: "If I were to compare this battle to a king's meal, then this bout would be... yes, a bit of cheese. Nonetheless, cheese can be an excellent appetizer, or a compliment to a fine wine. Be proud of your accomplishment."
  • Chipp: "Under 'quick,' it says... Hmm, well, not much I suppose. Let me just add 'irritating' in here..."
  • Zato: "Perfect order does not by definition eliminate crime, and imperfect justice allows some to escape punishment, but I must warn you... In my book of law, there is no such thing as a statute of limitations. I WILL catch you."
  • Millia: "Forbidden magic that grants one unnatural power over their hair... the Forbidden Curse Angra. If this were to become public knowledge, do you know how many stylists would be out of business?"
  • Axl: "A journey that meets every expectation is a sorrowful one, because it leaves you without a reason to return. The same can be said for battles. For your sake, I hope we never cross blades again."
  • Baiken (post-Rev 2): "Eat a piece of bread with sweat-drenched hands and the flavor will be satisfying. Eat it with bloodstained hands and you'll start to crave blood. I refuse to stand idly by as you charge towards your own destruction."
  • Johnny (post-Revelator): "What's this? A gambler's nature is to sniff out the losses rather than victory... is key? Hmm... Wait a sec, that doesn't sound right. You challenged me, which makes you an utter fool! I shall rewrite this definition."
  • Venom: "How dare you! Is everything a game to you? Have you learned nothing?! All things in moderation! Expect my authority, of course."
  • Jam (post-Revelator): "I get it now... this is your strategy, right? Knowing you'd kick really high, you've picked the most inappropriate attire. You must change into something decent immediately. A-Although, I suppose we could wait for me to, um... double-take."
  • Dizzy (post-Revelator): "They say that a beautiful rose has thorns, but some are worth the pain. If there is only one such rose in the world, then even more so. Ky, what a lucky guy you are..."
  • Slayer: "Dandyism...? No no no, there's no need to explain, I'll simply look it up. Hm... I see, I see... Damn, this definition is far too long! I'll just replace it with my name! Ha ha ha!"
  • I-No: "I find you guilty of all charges! Your sentence will also be determined be me. A stay of execution, you say? Also decided by me!"
  • Sin: "The dictionary contains truth, but not how one is meant to interpret it... except for mine, of course! Now I will teach you some reason lessons by reading aloud excerpts from my--what?! Not interested?!"
  • Raven (post-Revelator): " You may live forever, but that does not mean your name will. What you can do, however, is retell stories of my majesty!"
  • Bedman: "You little bastard... How are you so powerful?!"
  • Ramlethal: "It hurts to be thrown away, and it hurts to thrown another away, but one who discards nothing has nothing to gain. This loss has taught you something. Cherish that knowledge."
  • Elphelt: "Argh! Women's style confounds me! Is this scandalous? Or classy?! I cannot tell!"
  • Jack-O' (post-Revelator): "Victory obtained through outrageous means... it is only a matter of time before one will see through you. I respect your originality, but you should brush up on your basics."
  • Haehyun (post-Revelator): "Pardon me, but the word hospitality doesn't exist in my dictionary. Surely, the Kum family would understand... The way you dedicate yourself to a single cause."
  • Answer (post-Rev 2): "Just because someone's knowledge is vast does not mean that their knowledge is true. Allow me to tell you something you would have known if you had only read my dictionary: I AM INVINCIBLE!"
System Voice
  • "Bedman. Y-You... What the hell are you doing here?"
  • "Chipp Zanuff. What happened to your election?"
  • "I-No. Definitely on the most wanted list."
  • "Hmm... Oh! Ky Kiske!"
  • "Leo White-- Oh shit, that's me. Hold the timer!"
  • "May... A child?"
  • "Millia Rage. ...Who has a criminal record, of course."
  • "Ramlethal Valentine. What? You gotta be kidding."
  • "Sin-- Do I really have to read your whole name?"
  • "Slayer? We're letting non-humans in now?"
  • "Sol Badguy. Both the bounty AND bounty hunter?"
  • "Venom. Hmph, should I arrest you right here?"
  • "Zato-1. I could've swore I saw your death certificate."
  • "Versus..."
  • "I want a clean fight. No funny business."
  • "Begin!"
  • "Time's up! What's the verdict?"
  • "Well done!"

Guilty Gear -Strive-[]


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.

  • Generic:
    • (P2) "A fool who doesn't fear me, huh?"
    • (P2) "Oh, I'm not strong. I'm ABSURDLY strong!"
    • (P2) "Rejoice. You'll be the definition of 'Loser' in my dictionary."
    • (P1) "Are you fine with such words as your last?"
    • (P1) "A silent victory's worth more than any pretty speech."
    • (P1) "I will rise above everything in my way."
  • Self:
    • (P2) "Pretty good for an imposter."
      • (P1) "Ridiculous."
    • (P2) "Rejoice, for you'll learn what you lack as an impersonator."
      • (P1) "The genuine article has nothing to learn."
  • Ky:
    • (P2) "This one's for the title of 'Genius.'"
      • (P1) (Ky: "If it's just the title, you can keep it.")
    • (P2) (Ky: "I hope you haven't gotten rusty.")
      • (P1) "I'm not the one spending all his time behind a desk."
  • Millia:
    • (P2) "No need to think up excuses, it's only natural that I'll win."
      • (P1) (Millia: "Sure, but you might want to start brainstorming.")
    • (P2) (Millia: "Should I roll out the red carpet?")
      • (P1) "I'm your boss. Respect me, but don't flatter me."
  • "You've fought well against me. Now rest."
  • "The reason you lost is you've fought against me."
  • "Only two things in this world are insurmountable. A mother's recipe and my genius."
  • Self: "Continue to impersonate me if you wish. The existence of a counterfeit only raises the value of the genuine article."
  • Ky: "Call the media. I want this win on the front page tomorrow morning."
  • Millia: "Focus on recovery if you have any strength left."

Round Loss

  • "M-My shoes were untied!"
  • "I like your spirit!"
  • "You didn't down me! I just slipped!"

Game Loss

  • "I-I'm just lying down. That's all!"
  • "You didn't best me!"
Taunts and Respects
  • "'Toilet bug'...a name given to those who show zero respect for our honourable King Leo. I'll make sure the royal library gets a copy of this dictionary!"
  • "You displease me...but more than that, I am simply disappointed."
  • "Your skills impress me, that is all!"
  • "Hey, one of you! Doesn't anyone know their weak points?!"
  • "Bring me a spare dictionary! I'm writing their name under 'audacious' a thousand times!"
  • "Hey, does anyone know this person's weakness?"
  • "Woah ho, no one told me you were so strong!"
  • "Late night love letter. Gum under shoe. Farting in class. You want me to document that?"
  • "Mm... Maggot. One who does not worship King Leo."
  • "I've written it all down, even your name!"
  • "I assure you, the dust will fly."
  • "Dogshit. A lowly being that stands against King Leo. Lacks common sense."
  • "This is unpleasant! Worse yet, it's disappointing!"
  • "Don't be stubborn. Settle down and take a deep breath!"
  • "You're free to pull your punches, but don't complain when you lose."
  • "Your humility is irritating. Be proud!"
  • "Not bad! That is all."
  • "Well done! The end."
  • "Join the knights at my command!"
  • "Give me some time! I'll be much nicer to you."
  • Against Ky: "Bambino. One who excels in looks, charm, and martial arts. Tries to establish genuine relationships, annoyingly. May have grown cocky after getting married and having a son. Has the air of a pampered prince, but ac- I'm getting so sad for some reason."
