Guilty Gear Wiki

The following page comprises the full verbal transcript of Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator-.

  • This transcript contains cutscene dialogue from Story and Episode Modes.
  • Transcriptions of battle dialogue and arcade quotes are found on character's individual quote lists.
  • Dialogue is sorted by chapter name, or by character name, then by location.

Episode Mode[]


Raven: まだ抜けられませんか??
Trouble escaping?
That Man: 難しいね。あのベッドマンという少年、僕と同じタイプのようだ。?
A slight setback... that Bedman seems to be similar to me.
Raven: では、時間を稼ぎます。?
Then, I will buy you some time.
That Man: いや、ジャック・オーを使おう。?
No. Let's use Jack-O'.
Raven: ジャック・オーを?時期尚早では??
Jack-O'...? She's not ready yet...
That Man: 『慈悲なき啓示』の行動も早い。エルフェルトがジャスティスと融合すれば全て終わりだ。?
The Universal Will is not going to wait. If Elphelt and Justice merge, then all will be lost.
Raven: 解りました。ではイノに命じます。これで我々の未来も決着がつきます。背徳の炎はいかがしましょう??
Very well... I will go speak with I-No. This will determine our future once and for all. What of the Flame of Corruption?
That Man: 協力を仰いでくれ。後で僕から説明すると…。?
We need his cooperation. Tell him I'll explain everything... when the time comes.

Story Mode[]

Revelator A[]

Narrator: The end of the 20th Century. Mankind discover "Magic" which allows them tap into seemingly endless energy. And while it instantly solves the energy crisis on Earth, it isn't long before governments begin to experiment with its militaristic applications.
Before long, the first conscious Gear, Justice, was born. But Justice commanded the Gears to rise against their former masters. Without any means of defense against the superior Gears, humanity retreated to the brink of their destruction. Over the next century, mankind and Gears will fight in the wars that will become known as the "Crusades."
22nd Century. Mankind form an elite unit of knights, the "Holy Order." Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the single Gear that managed to escape Justice's domination, Sol, the Holy Order and Sol defeat Justice.
Having clinched victory in the face of defeat, and with peace once more spreading through the world... Suddenly, a girl claiming to be "Valentine" declares war against the world.
None of their weapons able to scratch the girl, mankind is once more faced with extinction... until the First King of Illyria, Ky Kiske, and his armies, alongside Sol Badguy, defeat Valentine. But Humanity is still shaken to its core by its second close encounter.
[Text throughout a montage of story scenes from -SIGN-:] The world was at war. A Single girl claiming the name Valentine, declares war on humanity. At the same time, a massive object, known as the Cradle... obliterates the city of Babylon. To prevent further casualties, Sol challenges Ramlethal. With Elphelt's help, his team successfully captures Ramlethal. But their mission was far from over. Who was the enemy? And what did they want...? Ramlethal refuses to speak. The Cradle appears again. Illyria attacks the Cradle with everything they have... But Zato figures out the enemy's motive. The resurrection of "Justice" -- god of destruction. Sin and Ramlethal begin talking... Her heart begins to waver. Friends... Friends? They begin to understand one another. Justice is stopped off the coast. The Conclave's schemes unravelling at the seams, the world was safe again. Until... Elphelt Valentine awakens.
Narrator: The year is 2187. Mankind is under constant attack by what they only know as, the Universal Will. And yet, mankind was strong. They overcame the countless crises bestowed upon them, and are welcoming the new era with open arms.
Celestial Altar
Anchor: It is with great honor, I present to you our Sanctus Maximus Populi, Ariels!
St. Maximus: [public speech for all of Illyria] Have you ever given any thought...? To those who lend an ear to virtuous thoughts, and those who carry it out? Those who cry for non-violence, and the victims of conflict. Do you truly believe that these two are in balance? It is still difficult for us to focus on a single thing. We are still infantile... Power, knowledge, culture... No matter how refined we act, our goals continue to move... Everyone wishes for an ideal future and perfect tomorrow... But the difficulty lies in maintaining that resolution. Now, look down before you. I am talking about the earth upon which we are standing. The grand will supports us. Surely you can hear the cries of the land, passed on over centuries, "Be righteous." As long as we never forget our great ally and friend... we can walk the righteous path. Even now, the uninvited intend to lay claim to our land. Both our past and our future. [transition to Ariels standing beside Elphelt/Justice] It is said that the Universal Will in fact has no will of its own. That is precisely why we must be proud and take a stand against it. For we have a will. And culture. And history!
St. Maximus: [to Elphelt] Don't you think I've done quite well?
Elphelt: If only you meant what you just said...
St. Maximus: I meant every word of it. There are some words that manifest only because they have been subdued for so long. That is, to kill all the redundancies in this world, replace every single one of them, and create an entirely new human race!
Elphelt: And that is the true Sanctus Maximus Populi... Ariels. Or rather, the Universal Will's directive.
St. Maximus: You're being cold, Elphelt... I am your true mother, you know? And this is how you want to remember our first meeting?
Elphelt: Truthfully, I was really looking forward to meeting you, Mother... Until I realized what a terrible person you were. How can you deceive everyone and just stand there like that?
St. Maximus: When people trust you, one disguise is not enough. Even as I speak with you, I'm concealed by a mask.
Elphelt: ... Why did you have to give us emotions? If you wanted to turn me into a killing machine, then just do it!
St. Maximus: Killing machine? Heavens, no. You are going to evolve into a new entity altogether. True humanity, as I call it. Without emotions, you'll be nothing more than a redundancy.
Elphelt: Then, what about the people on earth now...?
St. Maximus: They are not people. Those are redundancies... But do not worry. You, my dear, are different. Once you merge with Justice, you will become a complete human. Then, all we must do is wait for your energy to reach critical mass.
Elphelt: Why me...?
St. Maximus: You're full of questions, aren't you? Ramlethal did not have the aptitude for this task. Thanks to that, she has become quite the hindrance. Perhaps it's time... kill her.
Elphelt: ...Ram's your daughter, too!
St. Maximus: ... You think she can still be saved? You think your friends can make it all the way here? The princess locked in a tower, and the noble prince who will come to save her. My resolve is not so feeble as to let a fairy tale crumble its foundation!
Elphelt: Hurting someone else has nothing to do with resolution. That's a curse!
St. Maximus: I see... I suppose I haven't shown you my true colors yet. Ahahahahaha!
Kate: And now, for our next headline... "A Historic Moment -- Colony Citizens Departing the Country" The Colony of "Miyabi," or "elegance," has supported the livelihoods of the Japanese. With this commemorative day upon us, many citizens gathered, and we can see them rejoicing and sending messages of gratitude.
Randy: We sure live in an "open" time, wouldn't you say? We're in a massive boom right now. I mean, two men in a small room... keeping an eye on some weird occult shit. It pays, doesn't it? You forgot about the occult part...
Zappa: It's an Information Flare... Spiritual phenomenon has nothing to do with the occult.
Randy: Sure, sure...
Zappa: Thanks to recent incidents, spiritual phenomena nerds and hackers like you can work for the government. You really need to appreciate what you have.
Randy: Whoa whoa. Let's not talk about nerds and hackers in the same sentence, alright?
Zappa: You're one to talk... I already know. They sent you here because of what you did.
Randy: Hey. It was the administration that was up to no good. I just exposed that injustice to the rest of the world.
Zappa: There are ways to do that without topping the headlines, you know. What was that thing again...? Pain...something or other? That software.
Randy: Painkiller. My masterpiece. In fact it was so good, I failed to become the hero in this picture. It was working perfectly when I exposed every scandal in the world... ...It just so happened, the program broadcast everywhere except my location.
Zappa: And alas, I welcome you to team rubbish.
Randy: Man... If only I wasn't caught, I'd be making 20 times what I make here.
Zappa: No use blaming your surroundings for your failure. You need to make an effort to change yourself.
Randy: Change, eh...? Speaking of which, did you see her? The new girl in charge of section 3. She's a real cutie.
Zappa: Randy. What are you, a high school student? Stop getting excited over every cute girl you see.
Randy: Well... When am I supposed to get excited, then...?
Zappa: You know, that's uhh... when you find out how much she...loves you?
Randy: 10 bucks! I'll bet ten bucks you'll change your mind when you see her.
Zappa: I don't think that's a good idea, buddy... I can see you coming back to me next week, "Please Zappa... I have a date." "Can you loan me some money?"
Randy: Yeah, like that's ever...
Zappa: An earthquake...?
Randy: We're in Finland! Maybe it was a ghost?
Zappa: Haha. A ghost that causes earthquakes...? Where is it!?
Randy: North of Espoo. It's close!
Zappa: Any rivers or lakes nearby? Any body of water!? Give me the temperature delta from before and after the earthquake. And find out if there are any old buildings or graveyards in the vicinity! Oh, and I know it's paradoxical, but find out if there's more than 10 grams of salt that's solidified outside! Report back to me on the Zappa-scale!
Randy: Zappa-scale... Heh heh.
Zappa: An Information Flare with tremors... It can't be.
Randy: IT'S HERE!
Zappa: Category!?
Randy: Umm... 3! Category 3!
Zappa: Huh... 3? Are you sure it's a 3? How does that explain the tremors?
Randy: Ask this piece of junk. I guess it was more "normal" than we thought.
Zappa: No... You've got it all wrong! The Zappa-scale only tells us the likelihood of an apparition nearby. If we're only getting a category 3 reading and the ground's shaking... We're talking about a HUGE Information Flare! Hahahaha! This is amazing, Randy! An occurrence like this is once in a millennium! We're witnessing history in the making!
Randy: ...How many times was that again?
Illyria Castle
Vernon: [via comm] An alien asteroid...? Are you sure about that?
Leo: N-Naturally, it's all hypothetical. But my point is that you never know what can happen.
Vernon: What do you make of this? As Second King of Illyria?
Leo: I couldn't possibly give you a more detailed analysis... While the oddities in the Japanese Colony are certainly alarming, I do not believe they are urgent. Until we can crack this case open, I believe our best course of action is to continue searching for Elphelt.
Vernon: Still no news...?
Leo: That is correct, sir. The public is already aware of the Conclave's incident. As well as Justice's existence... I think it's safe to say that all of mankind is prepared to wage war against the Universal Will.
Vernon: Perhaps it is only a matter of time...
Leo: Nonetheless, it may not be all bad. At the very least, we know our enemies have not yet obtained the massive amount of energy required to resurrect Justice. Furthermore, Doctor Paradigm has predicted that the next battle will be the last. I suspect he may have some countermeasure up his sleeve for the Gear Maker. With that in mind, he is gaining tremendous support from the citizens... Using the media to our advantage, we've prepared the citizens quite well in the past. I think information should be used to assist us once more.
Vernon: Does Illyria not have press conferences!? I have a hard time believing what you're suggesting.
Leo: Not enough suits in your rotation?
Vernon: Seems you still don't quite comprehend my position. The President only has one suit... ...The kind that wrings his neck.
Leo: I can sympathize.
Vernon: All joking aside, there's something I wish to confirm.
Leo: What might that be?
Vernon: That Sol Badguy... What on earth is he?
Leo: I beg your pardon?
Vernon: He has Gear cells within him. And thanks to his strength, we were able to survive the calamity a few days earlier. Needless to say, I am in his debt... However! He's too strong! I've served. I know how terrifying Gears can be. But they were nothing like him.
Leo: Hmm... I'm in charge of the Australian region, so...I'm afraid I don't know much. But, in the Holy Order, I know he was something of an urban legend... They called him the God of War.
Vernon: God of War...?
Leo: I can confirm he's a whimsical and vulgar man. I've met him. I think it's that personality, and timing (he pops up everywhere) that led to his little nickname. Whatever happens, though... Never ask him directly.
Vernon: Ask him what?
Leo: His history... Something about his luck going down.
Vernon: Luck...? Is that supposed to be some kind of jinx on the battlefield? And, do you trust him...? He's not human, after all.
Leo: I can't answer that. Not personally, anyway. But I do know the First King places him in extremely high regards. And if Ky believes in him...then for the time being, so shall I.
Vernon: I think we need to know. If he's the God of War or of Death... One of these gods is going to shape our world, after all...

Revelator B[]

Central Organ Tower
Swordsman: Sol, how are you doing?
Sol: Nothing...
Paradigm: I need you to go a little deeper.
Sol: How about I tell you the temperature again. And THEN, try and make me go deeper.
Paradigm: You can't blame me for your choice of attire...
Sol: Hmph. ...Elphelt's signal is completely gone. Maybe they erased it?
Paradigm: I loathe to exercise that notion...
Sol: I checked up on all the recent activity around here... No signs of life force. You don't think they're erasing every single one by hand...?
Paradigm: I'm beginning to hope that they are. If our enemies have a way of masking all these signals at once, then we're really in trouble.
Sol: Hey, parrot-man. We're wasting our time hoping something'll turn up. I've got no idea what the Universal Will has in store, but...I know that as soon as Elphelt and Justice merge, shit's gonna hit the fan.
Sin: C'mon, old man! You don't have to use that kind of language. Paradigm's doing everything he can, too!
Paradigm: I don't mind. Compared to Frederick, my contributions are minimal.
Sin: But, you're not even sleeping!
Paradigm: The same goes for everyone. We cannot deny that the Universal Will is coming... Frederick is withstanding all the abnormalities going on inside of him... Besides, I'm sure he would want to go straight to the Gear Maker right now. That may be his best chance of uncovering his past.
Sol: That's enough.
Paradigm: Yes, I suppose you're right... Heh, as soon as I mention the Gear Maker, it'll turn your face into a frown.
Sin: ...
Paradigm: Then again, my diet has changed dramatically since I've become a part of human society. I need to carry stomach medicine wherever I go...
Sol: ...Hmph. We're done here.
Paradigm: What do you intend to do? I've got one last hunch.
[Rubble falls over the Swordsman, but Sol saves him by punching it, and everyone looks at him.]
Sol: ....What? Just helping with the investigation. [rumble] An earthquake...? [Swordsman looks at him.] Hey, that one wasn't me!
Zato: Very well... Am I correct in assuming we're on the same page?
Daryl: [via comm] I'm only confirming your stance. This is NOT a promise.
Zato: Fine by me. I am, after all, dead. It would be impossible to make a pact with one who is no longer of this world...
Daryl: Is that why you contacted me? You're not even part of the Assassin's Guild anymore.
Zato: Was I trying too hard...?
Daryl: Stop fishing for information. I'll clear a path for you... ...Just get me the results.
Zato: Your wish is my command.
Sanctus ???
St. Maximus: [reading report] I see... So, you didn't even have time to schedule a conference...? You are aware of your position as First King of the Kingdom of Illyria. Any unusual behavior can easily arouse the citizens and make them nervous. Do keep this in mind.
Ky: I shall exercise extra caution.
St. Maximus: think that Gear cells were integrated into the Opus. The very soldiers that were supposed to protect the people. I suppose this was my oversight.
Ky: The Conclave plotted this secretly. Please, do not blame yourself for this blunder.
St. Maximus: I'm sure you are already aware, but if this information goes public, we will lose all trust we've built. How do you intend to give them peace of mind?
Ky: We tell our citizens the truth. Dismantle the Opus, and dispatch soldiers in their place.
St. Maximus: A straight arrow until the bitter end... You realize your strategy will only add fuel to the fire. The people will become restless.
Ky: For the record... In the event there was an Opus uprising, I fear the citizens' peace of mind will be the least of our concerns.
St. Maximus: Hehe. You see, I... I think it would do you good to learn the instruments upon which you can live.
Ky: I fear that is my weakness...
St. Maximus: And the people love you. Just the way you are. By all means... I shall take on that role. Let it be known that every Opus unit is hereby decommissioned and shall be dismantled. However, let the public know that we are gathering forces to resist the Universal Will. Once this matter is settled, we shall apologize to the people for this white lie. Satisfactory?
Ky: I-I could not possibly push this burden onto you, Sanctus Maximus...
St. Maximus: It was all my fault to begin with.
Ky: I am humbled by your generosity.
St. Maximus: Although, if you ARE inclined to repay me, then... Our celebration of victory is not long from now. I hope that this year, you will participate?
Ky: Celebration of victory...? Are you sure this is the right time?
St. Maximus: This is the ONLY time. The day that mankind triumphed in the Crusades was when we claimed our right to a future. A celebration shall inspire our people, in this war-torn age.
Ky: O-Of course...
St. Maximus: The king has more duties than charging into battle on the front lines, you know?
Ky: I am devoted to the cause. If you'll excuse me. [starts to leave, and Chipp's kunai falls]
Chipp: [voice over] If you ever run across someone you find suspect, ask them.
St. Maximus: Something the matter?
Ky: No, it's... One could make the argument that mankind is the architect of their own bloodied history. Knowing how foolish we can be, Sanctus Maximus... ...Can you still say you love humanity?
St. Maximus: ... I am of the Sanctus Populi. Need I even dignify that question with a response?
Swordsman: Excuse me. I have an urgent message from the Third King...
Ky: I understand. I'll head over right away. [bows and leaves]
Bedman: [through mirror] I wonder what that was about.
St. Maximus: Anybody's guess. Although, I was hoping he wouldn't cause a ruckus until the celebration... Did you come all this way to ask me that?
Bedman: ...No.
St. Maximus: Your job is to remove any inconveniences, Bedman. You're taking a great risk showing up here.
Bedman: I am well aware of the risks... I wouldn't have come unless there was an even greater danger.
St. Maximus: ...?
Bedman: During that little incident the other day, I successfully locked away That Man. I thought that would be a major victory for us, removing such a huge obstacle. A checkmate, if you will... Apparently he had an ace up his sleeve. That girl, Jack-O'... I fear she is a perfect congruent organism with Justice. If we leave them alone, they will no doubt interfere with our operation.
St. Maximus: That Man... The Gear Maker... An ancient enemy of mine. His tenacity is quite extraordinary.
Bedman: This is no time to be admiring him. We need to stop Jack-O' and Sol Badguy from making contact.
St. Maximus: ... I doubt that girl's whereabouts can be easily discovered. We need to reallocate some resources... We'll use Phalanx 9.
Bedman: The Swiss?
St. Maximus: They were looking for a job, weren't they?
Bedman: ...Very well. To be on the safe side, I want a list of their names.

Contact A[]

Randy: What's going on!? This is the fourth earthquake already...
Zappa: Not only that, we're detecting signs of life and even explosions. Something real bad is going on...
Randy: No response from the capitol yet?
Zappa: I hate to admit it, but this IS a report from the so-called rubbish in the food chain. They probably didn't take the report seriously.
Randy: So what? We're some kind of tax shelter?
Zappa: We're talking about state management here. Taxes have nothing to do with it.
Randy: Hey, you said this was a once-in-a-lifetime sort of phenomenon, right? Has it ever happened before?
Zappa: It's an expression. It just means it's super rare... In fact, I don't think we've ever seen readings like these.
Randy: So, we have no idea what's going to happen next? Or for that matter, where...?
Zappa: If I could find a way to plug in the Zappa-scale to the capitol's environmental measurements lab software... But that's not happening with this equipment.
Randy: Man, we really are the bottom of the barrel, aren't we!? I mean, what if this happened in a densely populated area!? Isn't our job to help warn people and minimize damage?
Zappa: Sure, but we have no idea what's even happening right now...
Randy: You told me to change, right...? Well, maybe now's the time. I'm sorry about laughing at you, alright? About being a nerd and being possessed by occult type stuff. So, c'mon!
Zappa: Possessed... Wait a sec--!
Randy: What's up?
Zappa: That's it! That's the relationship! We need to get our documents together and report to the higher-ups directly!
Illyria Castle
Ky: What's the meaning of this, Daryl? How could you absorb the Assassin's Guild into our organization without even consulting us!?
Daryl: We haven't absorbed them. Not yet, anyway... And, I accept my error in communication. But, if I had told you, you would've rejected it immediately.
Ky: ...
Daryl: I know what you're going to say. But you can't deny that both you and Leo sometimes lack the ability to make objective decisions.
Ky: Objective decisions...? Tell me, exactly how does absorbing the Assassin's Guild fit into your definition of objective?
Daryl: You've just proved my point.. The whole reason we're in this situation is because of the deception of the Conclave. Those charged with upholding our laws! Same goes for their little lapdogs, the Post-War Administration Bureau. They're in shambles...
Ky: ... I am well aware... Under my ideals, it would take an enormous amount of time and money in litigating all the criminals and their organizations...
Daryl: And who pays the price? Who supports them while they await trial? The people.
Ky: But we cannot let them roam free... Once they scatter, it would be impossible to follow the trail of accountability. That is the dilemma...
Daryl: Ky, I'm not telling you to grow up. I'm simply trying to do the same thing you are.
Ky: Bring Ramlethal to our side...?
Daryl: Precisely. The very creature that waged war against mankind. The battles that lie ahead of us aren't some small skirmishes between people. We need all the allies we can get.
Royal Fleet One -- Interrogation Room
Ramlethal: ...El.
Outside a bar
Axl: Elphelt is Ramlethal's sister...? You mean she's a Valentine, too!? Why are you trying to help her?
Sol: If Elphelt merges with Justice, then the world's gonna end. We don't have much time.
Axl: Riiiight...
Sol: What?
Axl: ...That's not it. Now, boss, I don't know how far back you "think" we go, but from my perspective, it's a pretty long time. I mean, we ran into each other quite a few times through the ages, right?
Sol: ...What's your point?
Axl: That's not your expression when you help people for work.
Sol: The Valentine sisters aren't mankind's enemies anymore. That's all. Stop reading into it too much.
Axl: Okay, okay, if you say so... Now, you want me to find some sorta "clue" right? ...From the past? ...Sorry, buddy. But I don't think I'll be able to help you with this one.
Sol: ...?
Axl: Sure, I've gone back into the past and tried to change the future. When I time-slipped... I thought of it as traveling through time via random accidents or whatever... But apparently that wasn't the case. I've been controlling it subconsciously. Or so I've been told.
Sol: What do you mean?
Axl: Listen. I can't travel through time anymore...
Villa Vampir
Slayer: It took you long enough... And the results?
Zato: The Third King is indeed pragmatic. He places a heavy emphasis on profits.
Slayer: As predicted. We were right not to discuss this matter with Ky Kiske.
Zato: I'm sure speaking with us was not easy for them. It would be a PR nightmare if the public found out the Assassin's Guild and the Post-War Administration Bureau were connected.
Venom: Then, does this mean...?
Zato: Yes. Even assassins can enlist as soldiers.
Millia: The first hurdle is cleared. We have a channel of information, and our ticket in. What else?
Slayer: Bedman... We need to eliminate him.
Millia: That's all you guys talk about. Was it really that shocking he made a fool out of you?
Venom: It has significant symbolic meaning. The quickest way for the assassins to become highly regarded would be to present our peers with the head of their enemy.
Slayer: I couldn't agree more. The question is, where will Bedman appear next...?
Zato: Please, leave that to me. If he appears in this reality, then I will be able to track down his whereabouts.
Slayer: Have you always had this trick?
Zato: At the moment, I feel unstoppable. I've gained knowledge from the underworld that I could never obtain here.
Millia: It looks to me like you're just looking for a fight... Don't forget that our goal is to rebuild the guild.
Zato: That never escaped my mind. But my raison d'etre is you, Millia. I believe that this mission will lead to your happiness.
Millia: ... And when you defeat him? Going to put on your party hat and set off some fireworks? I'll make the lemonade.
Slayer: Hm... Not a bad idea. But if we're going to go all in, might I recommend a Bordeaux? I've an excellent vintage. You should join us, my dear Zato.
Zato: It would be my pleasure. Nevertheless, in my current state, I could not tell good flavor from a foul one.
Slayer: How unfortunate. I've let this one mature over half a century. The old you would have been dying to try this.
Millia: It seems even irony is lost on him now. Consider me on board. I really don't care about your cockfights... But I am interested in a good wine.
Slayer: Well done! The midnight breeze and the waxing moon. The presence of a beautiful woman will make our banquet complete. And for what cheese to pair with the wine, I trust Venom's taste more than any.
Venom: I am humbled and honored by your invitation. However, I must respectfully decline.
Zato: ...
Millia: ...
Slayer: On the move so soon? I won't question your reluctance... However, would you not agree that the night before setting sail is the perfect time for such festivities?
Venom: The situation seems favorable. But unless it produces results, it will all be for naught.
Slayer: Very well... We wish you safe travels.
Venom: I leave the rest, and Master Zato, in your hands.
Millia: ...

Contact B[]

Snowy mountains
[Sol is driving the Fire-Wheel MK-II at high speed while thinking of his conversation with Axl outside the bar.]
Sol: The future that could've been?
Axl: Yup. And a past that is plausible. I've got the power to choose one of the two... You know what that means?
Sol: Two worlds. In other words, the past in which you lived, and the present. Two timelines. By reasserting one of them, the possibility of the other disappears.
Axl: ...You don't sound too surprised.
Sol: Well, I've already bought into the idea of a time traveler. The fact that you're a threat to this entire world no longer comes as a surprise.
Axl: You really are more ways than one. I live in fear every day...that this power might accidentally go off.
Sol: Well, whatever. If you can't do it, we're done.
Axl: H-Hey, boss... What would you do if I...chose the old timeline?
Sol: Why bother asking? You WANT me to say I'm gonna kill you?
Axl: Well, not really... It's just I don't know what to do.
Sol: I don't want any more trouble.
Axl: ...
Sol: [back to present] ... Destruction from blind evolution... or one person's ego. Which is more pathetic?
Paradigm: [via comm] Frederick, any results?
Sol: It's a bust.
Paradigm: I see... That's unfortunate. If he's the Gear Maker, he might have some of the answers we need.
Sol: Don't bother asking him. I don't give a damn about your attachment to him. But the reason we're in this shit-fest is because of the Gear Maker.
Paradigm: Alright, alright. I'm sorry I brought it up. We'll be waiting. I expect a full report when you return.
Sol: Hmph... [a headache] ...!? Dammit, not this again. The hell-!? [stops the Fire Wheel] ...
Paradigm: What's the matter, Frederick? Did something happen?
Sol: Nothing, just another earthquake. It was pretty big this ti-- [the ground starts to rise upwards] The hell is going on here!? [he turns his motorcycle and leaves immediately, only to be persecuted by something below the snow/ground, until he stops and his pursuer reveals itself as a giant monster]
Paradigm: Frederick, what on earth is going on there!? Answer me!
Sol: What the that thing!? [then it collapses unto itself] You're kidding me-!? [restarts the Fire-Wheel but he is shortly thrown  ???wards to a chasm] Whooooaaah! (Dammit, I don't have time to chant a Float...) [he re-summons a Fire-Wheel and uses the Junkyard Dog to propel himself to safe ground in front of him] On second thought, get me in touch with the Gear Maker. I don't care if it's his crow sidekick. Looks like our enemies have no intention of staying quiet.
Raven: Sidekick... Heh, he's got some nerve. Nevertheless, I wasn't expecting the degeneracy of such massive Gears to happen so soon. The omens for an Absolute World appear quite clear.
Jack-O': Omen? No. Every bit of this is real. I think the scope is only going to increase. [voice changes] I can sense the density of the Information Flare and the secondary cosmic rays. I fear the very surface of the earth will never be the same, even before this so-called Absolute World.
Raven: Still unstable?
Jack-O': This is a huge improvement, you know? We're trying to take control of a god and become human. I think the side-effects are quite manageable, wouldn't you agree?
Raven: And your memories?
Jack-O': Fragmented. I have almost no information on Sol, but... for some reason I remember a promise we made.
Raven: Promise?
Jack-O': Yes. With the original owner of this body, no less. Something that meant a lot to Aria.
Raven: ... You and I can finally reclaim our lives again. Just a little more patience.
Jack-O': About that... Don't you think it's time we rendezvous with Sol? Seems like they're trying to make contact with us, anyway.
Raven: But he has not returned, yet...
Jack-O': The Universal Will waits for no one.
Raven: You're the key to stopping Justice. The only key! We need to proceed with caution.
Jack-O': ... [voice changes] Okaaaay. But I'm getting tired of just watching.
Raven: [notices the wound on her leg] ...
Illyrian Down Town
Robo-Ky: Gah! You damn punks! What the hell was that for!?
Ian: You had it comin' metal man!
Neo: That's right, scrapmetal. Get out of our town!
Robo-Ky: Why you little... Today, I've had enough of your shenanigans. I'll turn you into the authorities so they can send you to juvie!
Robo-Ky: Hah! You think the laws apply to metal!? Come back once you've got your citizenship!
Robo-Ky: Grah! What are they teaching you little twerps in school these days!? First off, I'm NOT scrap metal. I'll have you know that I'm comprised of the world's first bio-alloy. Furthermore, I come equipped with the latest Hyper-Eco Hercules Engi--
Robo-Ky: Daddy said that our town is "trashy" because you're here. You're like a huge piece of walking garbage.
Neo: That's right, oversized trash!
Robo-Ky: I'm not trash! I am a proud-- LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M TALKING!
Ian: We don't care what you have to say. I'm gonna become a "politician" like my dad! That means I'll be suuuper important. Important people don't have time to talk to scrap metal.
Robo-Ky: ... Heh heh heh... Hah. Ahem. Well, I wish you good luck in becoming a politician.
Ian: ...
Robo-Ky: But in order to do that, you cannot pick on weaklings. Consider this a valuable life lesson.
Ian: Oversized trash! Once I become a politician, I'll be sure to turn you into a trash can.
Neo: Trash can!
Robo-Ky: That's it! If I ever see your faces again, I'll shove rocket fuel so far up your ass you'll scream "Utopia!" Hmph... Kids these days... Huh? [notices bag on floor where the kids were] Hah. Foolish kids... You forgot something. Seems like I'll be the one with the last laugh. I guess you're from Stupid Street in Stupid Town from Stupid County. Damn monkeys... Then again, I can hardly blame you for slipping up before my keen sense of observation. Nothing shall escape my... [reads note that says "See the fool!! :P"] GRAAAAAAAAAH!
Venom: So there you are. Didn't think I'd find you here...
Robo-Ky: Hmph. Does it really matter where I am? Not to me... Who are you supposed to be?
Venom: I need you to do something...
Robo-Ky: Want to hire me for a job? Well, whatever it is, pick it from the list.
Venom: Super High Electro Jack of All Trades. Course A, collecting aluminum cans. Course B, dog walking... Course C...
Robo-Ky: For your information, I'm a professional. I don't take on cheap jobs.
Venom: What I need isn't on your list. But, if you take on the job, I'll pay asking price.
Robo-Ky: Hmm, then that'll be the "Optional" course. So what are you, mister? Some kinda rich guy? But before we go any further, you should know I don't need money. After all, no one wants to sell me anything... So you need to pay me in things.
Venom: Things...? Like what, food?
Robo-Ky: You some kinda IDIOT!? I'm a robot! I'm talking about grease, or springs, or nuts and bolts! Duh! Oh, and don't forget detergent and fabric softener. I take my hygiene very seriously.
Venom: ... (This is what a massive amount of Post-War Administration Bureau money and resources buys? Talk about a waste of money...)
Robo-Ky: That reminds me... You haven't told me your name yet.
Royal Library
Zappa: The Black Sunrise. Hmm, the black... They don't have this either!? Royal Library, my ass! I feel like I'm going through a used bookstore! Huh...? [notices Faust reading at one of the tables] Whaaaaat the heck--!? Doctor Faust! That IS you, right Doctor?
Faust: Umm... Yes, you are correct. And you are?
Zappa: You don't remember me...? I followed you around everywhere... You're supposed to be the most talented doctor in the world. I thought that maybe you could solve my extremely unique...condition.
Faust: Ah! Yes, I remember now! You're Zappa, right? The one with that supernatural condition...! I fear your condition is completely beyond my knowledge...
Zappa: Haha... You wound me... Nonetheless, thanks to you, I've discovered my purpose. I work for the government now-- specializing in observing and recording supernatural events. What brings you here, Doctor?
Faust: Hm. Of course. You see, recently I've come across quite a number of patients... showing symptoms I've... Well, I've never seen before. I'm trying to collect as much information I can.
Zappa: Quite a few...? Uhh, Doctor... What kind of symptoms are these patients showing?
Faust: Ah-! Unfortunately I'm bound by doctor-patient confidentiality...
Zappa: The "Black Sunrise", "Rise to Power" and "Eripmavs's Memoir." These are exactly the books I've been looking for! Doctor, could these patients you're referring to... the Japanese?
Faust: ...What makes you say that?

Sense A[]

Illyria Castle
Leo: And, how's Sol doing?
Paradigm: There's no need to worry about him. The scope of that explosion, however... we cannot simply ignore. Our biggest challenge... is that we don't know what that phenomenon was. Earthquakes, then a Gear... Next thing we know, the Gear simply explodes. I've never seen anything like it.
Leo: Do you think it has anything to do with the Universal Will?
Paradigm: I cannot confirm it; however... it would be difficult to assume they are not related.
Leo: Hmm... Doctor. I think it's time we ended this stalemate. We've recently recorded an inexplicable disturbance in the Japanese Colony. And not long after that, a massive Gear?
Paradigm: You're right... we should begin by investigating the relationship between these two incidents.
Leo: We also have a very interesting report from our observatory in Finland.
Paradigm: Finland?
Leo: At first, we were going to wait to respond, but I fear we no longer have that luxury.
Zappa: [at the gates with Faust] Why don't you understand me!? Do you have any idea how bad this can be!? Please, let me talk to one of the Kings... Or even your Scientific Advisor. They need to hear this!
Swordsman: Things aren't that simple around here...
Zappa: What? You don't take us seriously because our division is some joke to you!? I hope you realize that our bureau is part of Illyria's national security!
Swordsman: If that's true, then all the more reason I cannot let you pass. You should know what this gate represents. We cordially ask you to return once you've filled out the proper forms.
Zappa: Gah! I'm telling you, we don't have that kind of time!
Swordsman: Notwithstanding, we cannot allow one to enter without a prior report.
Zappa: Report...? Hahaha... REPORT!? How many times do you think I tried to notify you guys!? Just forget it. I'm talking to a wall... Let me through! For your information, I only have a one way ticket right now. You gonna pay for me to get back to Finland, too? Huh?
[Leo makes a gesture to let them pass.]
Leo: Perfect timing... Or possibly the worst timing.
Narrator: The Japanese Colony. During the crusades, their species was brought to the brink of destruction. This is the largest asylum of their descendants. All the while odd phenomena and tremors are observed around the world, the residents of the colonies were met with illness. The Tuner, Haehyun, able to alter the state of all things, tackled this mystery.
Haehyun: [using her tuning on May] Mmmm... [stops] I can already observe a difference in conditions between the subject who has undergone suppressive treatments, and the rest of the residents.
May: Is that a bad thing?
Haehyun: Hardly. If this is somehow related to the condition of the residents, then your records may be the key to cracking this open.
May: Then...why the long face?
Haehyun: Time. We don't have nearly enough time to treat all the residents here. The imminent danger of which the government speaks... If the oddities observed in these residents are somehow related, then we would already be too late in our countermeasures. What on earth will happen when this Universal Will decides to act...? And where?
May: ... [gives Haehyun a small gold anchor] Here.
Haehyun: [takes it] This is...?
May: A good luck charm. All the pirates have one. The colony is home to my parents, so... this is my "thank you" for trying so hard to protect it.
Haehyun: ... Why thank you... I was just hoping for something Japanese. It's become quite difficult to find any...
May: Japanese...? Sorry, that's actually made in Russia.
Haehyun: Hm? Oh, never mind. Speaking out loud to myself.
May: Okay... You see I... Until now, all I did was enjoy the simple life with Johnny and the rest of the pirates. All this end of the world stuff just seems so distant to me. But... We still gotta do something about it, right? I'm gonna go out for a bit.
Haehyun: Where to?
May: I heard that there was a really strong "power spot" somewhere in the colony. That might come in handy, you know?
Haehyun: I see. Good luck. I'll keep my hopes up for good information.
May: Hehe. And you! You need to make sure you eat. I know you've been so caught up you're skipping meals.
Illyria Castle -- Ky's Office
Ky: Please hold on for just a moment... I'd like to finish these. I'll hear your report once I'm done.
Sol: Well, hurry up. Before your foo-foo soft cushion turns my ass soft, too.
Ky: If you need something to do, please feel free to invite Sin here, as well. What do you say to a meal together?
Sol: Gonna give me all the dirty work?
Ky: I would be happy to switch seats anytime.
Sol: ...Well, your chair's gonna turn me square.
Ky: And yet it has enormous significance.
Sol: [beat] Why don't you ask me already?
Ky: Ask you what?
Sol: About my past.
Ky: I can ask you?
Sol: I guarantee, it won't be interesting. [beat] Every other word that came out of your mouth was "Duel me," or "I challenge you!" You were so eager to fight and... ...Now it's like you're not even interested.
["Freesia" starts playing.]
Ky: Back then, the only thing on my mind was defeating you in a fair duel. Nothing else really mattered. Besides, I didn't wanna risk my chances with Lady Luck.
Sol: Really? You?
Ky: You didn't know? I'm actually quite a religious man. Sol. Of course I have an interest in your past. But wanting to understand someone and trying to understand everything is completely different. Right now, Sol Badguy's future matters much more to me, than Frederick's past.
Sol: Future... You really think I have one of those?
Ky: ... ...Then, how about this? One of the duties that comes with being in the square chair...
Sol: Which is...?
Ky: Whiskey. And a really good one, I'm told. I don't drink, but I leave this here to maintain the atmosphere.
Sol: Not a bad idea. If some's missing, it'll look even cooler.
Ky: [pouring a drink] Precisely. Even you are able to enjoy these things in life. And that is my job... make people long for alcohol like this once more. "Hope" doesn't necessarily have to tip the scales of the world. If I can't even protect a friend of mine, then... I'm not fit to rule.
Sol: [takes the glass] ... You could start by learning to drink. [takes a sip]
Hangar -- Royal Fleet One
Sin: Ram... Here again?
Ramlethal: ...It was a really short time, but...I've seen so many "differents" while I was here. Like I was reborn in this spot.
Sin: ... The way you're holding your fingers...
Ramlethal: Hm?
Sin: In the beginning, you barely even spoke. I was paying close attention to your body language and what you're doing right now, means your restless. You're worried about El, right?
Ramlethal: Yes...
Sin: So am I. Well, the old man...and everyone, really... They're all trying so hard for El. So, you shouldn't look so down.
Ramlethal: ... I am still not accepted by the human beings here. I was their enemy only a few days ago...after all.
Sin: *Sigh* You're still worried about that?
Ramlethal: It doesn't change the fact that El and I are Mother's daughters... It will take time before people will understand.
Sin: [thinks] When I was still a kid, there were some people who would pick on me. I got so angry, I planned my revenge. Next thing I know, the old man beat the living shit out of me. In the end, the bullies had to stop him. You know what he said next? [deep voice] "No more complaints." Then, he beat the crap out of the bullies, too. You're wondering why this is relevant, but... I don't know. Somehow after that, we were all able to become friends. It didn't take much. We all started laughing. Looking at each other, bruised and bleeding.
Ramlethal: Laughing...
Sin: What I'm trying to say is that, becoming friends is really easy. The harder you think, the more difficult you make it.
Ramlethal: You've been trying to make me laugh from the moment you met me. El told me...smiles are the source of people's happiness. Sin, do you know the difference between happiness and sorrow?
Sin: Huh? Um, well... I'm really not good with tough questions like that...
Ramlethal: Me too. It is extremely hard to define human happiness. But, I think that in this moment, I'm "happy." But for my reflection in this window to smile, I need El.
Sin: Window...?
Ramlethal: The time I've spent here made me feel happy and welcome. A world filled with light. The other side of the glass is dark and cold. From the dark world, I could see the warm one. I was so envious. But, even when I look outside this window, all I see are the happy people in this world. El is always on that side... The dark side that we can't see...from here.
Sol: [kicks door] FOOD!
Sin: Old man!? What the hell are you doing here? Are you drunk?
Sol: Yeah. One of the good things about Gear cells, is that I can get as drunk as the next guy.
Ramlethal: My stomach is not empty.
Sol: ...You're nothing like Elphelt. Before the ice was even broken between us...
Elphelt: [flashback] Yes! Me me me! What's for dinner today!?
Sol: Well, suit yourself. But before you do... [breaks window]
Sin: ...
Sol: Ramlethal. You can't define happiness with a single piece of glass. The only wall you're fighting is your own doubt. So, I say smash it to bits. Go wherever you want to go. ...Which, right now is Danny Missiles.
Zato: [watches Bedman teleport in] ...He fell for it.

Sense B[]

Eastern Chipp Kingdom
Chipp: Alright. You got it?
Answer: Of course I do, you've entrusted me with it. But my findings are scarce at best, I'm afraid. Valentine's parent. Enemy of mankind. The mastermind behind these series of events. And lastly...that it has no "self." That is about all I know about the Universal Will. Not much more than what you know, or what's been on the media.
Chipp: I'd certainly like to know more about this "no self" part...
Answer: What do you mean...? It's human?
Chipp: Think back to when I was still in the slums. All that malice that stunk up the air.
Answer: Your senses are oddly on the mark in times like these. So, please don't say anything lightly. Nonetheless, considering our circumstances, it may be wise to consider transitioning from gathering intel to actively engaging in combat.
Chipp: Why's that?
Answer: Why...? Naturally, the Eastern Chipp Kingdom is going to be participating in the war, correct? For the sake of the Illyrian citizens...
Chipp: You forget, we're shinobi. We won't make a move while we're still short on information. There's value to keeping our cards hidden to the enemy, too.
Answer: That...actually makes a lot of sense. Admittedly, there is a lot that makes no sense. Take for example this note from Libraria... It implies the Conclave and Universal Will were at odds in their interests. Which makes the Conclave's actions even more puzzling. Why cause all that commotion...?
Chipp: Huh...? The Conclave and Universal Will weren't on the same side?
Answer: U-Um, sir... You mean you said, "the Conclave was being used" without even knowing that? I must commend your instincts once more...
Chipp: Shut up. So, is there anything else? Right now, the Universal Will's motives are much more important than the Conclave's.
Answer: I've already told you all that I know. There is very little information. However, there is one thing...
Chipp: What is it?
Answer: Well, this is more my own personal memory than concrete fact, but... You recall the previous Sanctus Maximus, Hapinus the 27th, was deranged in the end...
Chipp: Yeah, I remember.
Answer: On his deathbed, he mentioned the words, "Universal Will."
Chipp: What?
Answer: But here's the strange part... According to the documents, the Conclave and Sanctus Maximus Populi do not exchange intel. Furthermore, Hapinus the 27th parted this world long before the first Valentine invaded Earth. Which begs the question, how did the Sanctus Maximus know about this...?
Chipp: ...
Answer: Well, he was as eccentric as he was virtuous, so it would not be impossible that he landed on those words by accident...
Chipp: Eccentric... Eccentric... Hey, wait a sec. This Hapinus the 27th... Didn't he appoint Ariels as cardinal during his term!? Not something you see everyday...
Answer: Well, yes... That's true.
Chipp: You've gotta be kidding me...
[A massive Gear appears from below the ground, attacks, collapses and then explodes.]
Bedman: Coming along nicely... Juzo Sano... [Slayer walks up to him] A vampire...? Why are you here?
Slayer: Revenge.
Bedman: Color me surprised. After what happened, I'm shocked you'd be back for more.
Slayer: Fascinating... I was actually trying to hit you that time.
[Zato and Millia are watching from afar.]
Zato: Bedman can read opponents' minds moments before they attack. The only strategy I know is to circumvent that by ceasing all thoughts. At least, that's what I wanted to tell him...
Millia: That's the only strategy you know...?
Zato: Mm? Well, yes.
Millia: I doubt anyone could actually do that...
Bedman: You seem to be in better shape than before... Were you training?
Slayer: Suppose I don't need a direct hit...
Bedman: ...! [is thrown backwards and one of his bed-frame's arms breaks, but it repairs instantaneously; then he burrows the arm into the ground and impales Slayer from behind; Slayer frees himself, heals instantaneously, and walks up to Bedman and punches him] My turn... [Bedman turns his arm into saw and cuts Slayer's off, but Slayer retaliates with another punch and Bedman teleports; Slayer's cut arm hits him, then Slayer regenerates his lost arm and throws a punch; Bedman intercepts him, and their clash sends a shockwave, leaving a chasm between them] It's unfortunate I cannot speak to you in this form... I owe you an apology. It seems I've underestimated you. Which is why... ...I'll give you eight. Eight percent of my full power. [glows purple]
Slayer: Now, now... Isn't it a little too soon to get so heated up? Why not savor all the moments to climax? [Millia appears in front of him] I don't suppose you'd...let me have a little more fun?
Millia: Zato's proven his abilities are real. Time to say good-bye.
Slayer: I may never have an opportunity like this for another century...
Millia: ...You need to save some for him, too, you know?
Slayer: ...I suppose so.
Bedman: ...?
Slayer: Looks like my curfew's up. I'll let my dear friend pick up where we left off. [teleports himself and Millia away]
Bedman: ...What an odd bunch...
Illyria Castle
Sol: Find the connection between the Gears and earthquakes?
Paradigm: Isn't that what we're here to find out?
Sol: And the crow? His intel's much better than this...
Paradigm: I've been hailing him, but... He may be in the middle of something... Or the time's not right...
Zappa: Th-Thank you for your patience. I can begin anytime.
Ky: Please, take it away.
Zappa: Sir... First, the series of earthquakes that happened recently. As you may already know, there have been 12 observed Information Flares. And, naturally, you're probably wondering about its relation to the earthquakes, which is...
Leo: Hold on a minute. Sorry to interrupt you off the bat, but...what are these Information Flares?
Sol: Excess Information Density Phenomenon...
Leo: What...!?
Paradigm: Surely you've learned basic magical theory in your compulsory education system. Allow me to briefly explain... Now, under normal circumstances, informational mass is approximately 256PB per cubic meter. However, there are circumstances in which the density can exceed the maximum permissible amount in a given space. When the pressure builds, you see...
Leo: I-I haven't learned that...
Ky: I'm sure you have... It's the most basic theories of magic. Once the Coraeptal annexation occurs and the Belhend imaginary coefficient cannot maintain consistent values against time and space relative to the H-axis present.
Leo: Uh-huh... That's probably why it never stuck...
Zappa: How about this... Think of this balloon as this space-time. This balloon can hold approximately one liter of water, right? Let's assume that the water is information. Since it's a balloon, it can expand and contract a little bit without much problem. But through some bizarre phenomenon, ten liters of water suddenly materializes within this space. That's what we call an Information Flare. Are you still with me? Good... So, what do you think will happen?
Leo: The balloon's gonna burst, and... you'll have water all over.
Zappa: That's right. Now, the balloon can repair itself over time, but the water that was spilt while it burst can cause several inexplicable phenomena around it. For example, space could spontaneously combust when there's absolutely no fuel nearby. Or, you might see someone who's halfway across the world. Generally, these phenomena won't affect human beings.
Sol: But there are exceptions.
Zappa: Exactly. Under extreme circumstances, the matter's information itself can be rewritten, and simple dirt can become steel or vice versa. We call this symptom, possession.
Leo: Possession...?
Zappa: My guess is that the tremors are a byproduct of this reaction. One of the possessive reactions.
Ky: Then, the massive Gear that appeared out of nowhere...
Zappa: You catch on really fast. You're absolutely correct.
Paradigm: True, but I've hypothesized that much, myself. Still, I cannot understand what could have possibly transformed into that massive Gear.
Sol: In a possessive reaction, the size of matter is generally equal before and after. And I know for sure that when I ran into that Gear, there was nothing nearby that huge.
Paradigm: The only explanation is if the object had more information than its size allowed...but nothing like that exists in nature.
Faust: And, what if it wasn't a force of nature?
Chronus: But of course, this is no natural phenomenon. It would seem Faust's hunch was right. Which means so was mine... I will need to borrow That Man's strength.
Illyria Castle
Faust: Let's cut to the chase. I believe that massive Gear was actually Japanese.
Leo: What!?
Ky: Impossible...!?
Paradigm: Goodness...
Faust: Look here. According to the records, the day that Justice, the God of Destruction, initiated the Crusades was the same day Japan was destroyed. And the survivors' testimony is extremely similar to what we've witnessed recently... Here. Moments before Justice destroyed Japan, bizarre things seemed to be happening to them.
Ky: ...And then, the victim suddenly burst out in agony, transforming into a massive and unrecognizable creature. Could this be...!?
Faust: To a select few individuals, this is common knowledge. And while there are differences in the severity of the symptoms, this is a problem that all Japanese carry with them to this day.
Sol: That's why they stuffed 'em into a colony and quarantined them... The government already knew about the danger?
Ky: No... But I did hear that at some point genetic modification was observed.
Leo: Right. And we've been supplying the vaccine that retards the changes.
Faust: About that... The vaccine of which you speak was switched to a placebo at a certain point.
Ky: Wha...!? Who on earth would do such a thing!?
Faust: We cannot say who with certainty right now. But at the very least, we know that the Conclave was not responsible.
Ky: Do you know why the Gears explode?
Paradigm: Information overloads still continue after becoming a Gear. Which means that the Gear's information exceeds the maximum, flips, and ultimately... ...becomes antimatter.
Leo: A...Antimatter?
Faust: Umm... It explodes when it touches anything.
Leo: Riiight... So, to boil down what you guys were just talking about... When the Japanese come in contact with a powerful Information Flare, they become a massive Gear. And over time, when the massive Gear comes into contact with ANYTHING, it explodes...?
Sol: Looks like you won't be held back this year.
Leo: Never. *Smirk* But what I want to know is what happens after that. The timing of all these incidents can't possibly be random.
Ky: You're suggesting it's related to the Universal Will?
Sol: It has no consciousness of its own.
Leo: Whether or not its self-aware has nothing to do with it's purpose... I think we should start by investigating it.
Faust: I'm afraid my specialty is not with tracking down culprits. I'll spend my time trying to find clues that lead to a cure. Would it be alright if I used your facilities?
Ky: Be our guest... We would never refuse expert help.
Sol: The last question is... Why are the flares happening so frequently?
Zappa: At the very least, we may be able to predict where it will happen. Perhaps that may lead to some clues?
Paradigm: Hmm... Show me your hands. You say you've come from Finland?
Zappa: Yes. U-Um... What is this?
Paradigm: For your stomach. We'll need you to get accustomed to the food in the castle.
I-No: ... *Sigh* I mean... I guess I DID say that I'd welcome you...
Axl: A warm welcome...
I-No: How did you get in here...?
Axl: I wished reaaally hard to not go anywhere... Yeah right.
I-No: *Sigh* I don't recall saying I'd open a daycare.
Axl: I get it, I get it... You're irritated, right?
I-No: That's not what I said...out loud, anyway.
Axl: Haha...
I-No: So, you've decided?
Axl: Huh?
I-No: How you're going to use that power. You have the power to change the world, like I do. You were able to come all the way here on your own, so you know how to use it. You come to tell me some pipedream about "using it for the greater good?"
Axl: No, that's not why I'm here...
I-No: ...?
Axl: I'm afraid... This power, it's...not just about traveling through time. I could do anything depending on how I used it. And every time, I worry that the world might disappear.
I-No: Of all the things... You like to flip-flop a lot, don't you? Those with power are either feared from wielding it...or feared because they keep it hidden. What's the point in you being afraid?
Axl: All the more reason. At the current rate, I feel like I'll hurt those I want to protect.
I-No: You're in denial. That won't solve anything... ["All I Can Do" starts playing.]
Axl: You're not afraid of your own power?
I-No: If a dog doesn't do anything, it's just a dog. But what if that dog thought it was a wolf...? Something's gonna change. It won't be a plain "dog" anymore. It'll probably view the world from a different perspective. No one's gonna help you find the reason why you're here. Your right to live...
Axl: My own...perspective...
[Transition to Leo reading, then to Raven and Jack-O'.]
Jack-O': Information density is rapidly expanding. The two creatures that achieved material awakening... It looks like the World of Absolution will be complete before the two are restored.
Raven: The Universal Will intends to settle this in the next few days.
Jack-O': We're running out of time. Are you really not doing anything until he returns?
Raven: I'm as frustrated by this as you. Stop being unrealistic.
Jack-O': You know, it makes little difference to me, right? I was created, after all... Besides, this isn't pessimism. I'm afraid of its rate of success, so I've come to witness the situation. ["All I Can Do" stops.]
Raven: [bows and starts healing her leg] This goes down to the bone...
Jack-O': Yes. From when I fought Bedman. You don't have to do this, you know? My body can regenerate itself...
Raven: Maybe...but I'm sure it still hurts.
Jack-O': Why are you being so nice to me today?
Raven: When was the last time you had a real conversation?
Jack-O': Huh...?
Raven: No strategy, schemes, conspiracies or philosophy... Just a normal "human" conversation.
Jack-O': What's gotten into you all of a sudden? I wouldn't know any of that.
Raven: Me too. I've forgotten how to use this voice of mine for anything other than fighting... But the so-called "normal" we're trying to achieve is truly foolish. Once upon a time you were Aria. Much how the Flame of Corruption was once Frederick. What did you have for breakfast? Or, who your favorite music artist was? Even what your plans are for an average Sunday. You dress up the scenery with love, and think of future generations. I do not believe we're simply pawns of legends. You need to stop substituting value for sadness or joy. [leaves a bandage]
Jack-O': ...
Raven: ...
Jack-O': Ramlethal, right?
Raven: The last time I saw her. I called her an emotionless doll and hurt her feelings. In the end, it looks like the joke was on me. I've fought so hard to forget this kind of life...
Jack-O': ...Hehe. I never pegged you for such a softie.
Raven: Softie...? Hah... What era are you from?
Jack-O': That's not very nice, you know? These things go full circle and become trendy again.

Identify A[]

Illyria Castle -- Leo's Office
Sol: ...What?
Leo: I wanna confirm something. Are you on our side?
Sol: Huuh!?
Leo: No one could ask you this on the altar and cross their heart. That's why I'm asking.
Sol: Asking what?
Leo: You've saved the world time and time again. And yet you show no vested interest in people or interest in settling down for that matter... And people call you the God of War or whatever, but that's all wrong. We've come to depend on you. Way too much, without even a simple thanks... I was one of them. But I refuse to be an onlooker praying for salvation... I don't care what you're doing here, or why you help us. If my voice can reach you, then I must do my duty... Save the world.
Sol: Who the hell crosses their heart and uses command form...? Well, whatever. It was always my plan to seal Justice away on my own. Satisfied?
Leo: I'm not asking about one goal... I'm asking about your purpose.
Sol: ... What a pain...
Leo: Wha-!? Why is it so hard for you to simply nod your head vertically!?
Sol: And why do you insist on passing judgment?
Leo: ... Hmph... I'll accept your answer. For now! But remember, you keep this up, and people will forget you were once human.
Sol: So what?
Leo: Mankind doesn't give a damn about the gods... No one'll save you. I saw all the reports about Jack-O'. Let's set aside the fact that Ramlethal wrote these reports for a moment... But when I started doing some digging on the reports, it didn't take long before I landed on your past. Or should I say... I learned something I never imagined. You're no god. That's why I need to give you orders... Save this world. And in exchange, let us save you. You do this, and we'll wipe the books clean. Now this is the part where you say, "That sounds too good to be true." How about we start there?
Sol: It was never my intent to put you in debt. And, you're not wrong... My not caring about the world and such. But... I'll make sure we get Elphelt back, no matter what. She doesn't belong in the world of ancient relics like Jack-O' or me. THAT is my purpose.
[Leo smiles.]
Illyria Castle
Zappa: This is amazing! The capitol's facilities are incredible. Now, I can actually run different simulations with the Zappa-scale!
Paradigm: Zappa-scale...?
Zappa: Ah yes, I'm sorry... It's a spiritual observation model that's based on my conjecture. There are certain conditions that are always true in places that have high chances of producing spirits. I've isolated each one of those conditions using the facilities here, so we can get a visualization of the effects.
Paradigm: Go on.
Zappa: Take a look here. Until now, we had no idea where the flares would occur. But, run it through the Zappa-scale, and... Ta-da! The relationship between high spiritual environments and flares are obvious!
Paradigm: Intriguing...
Zappa: The tremors that have been observed are here, here... and oh, here. All the conditions have striking similarities. And most importantly, I believe there was a Japanese person at each one of these locations.
Paradigm: Mmm...
Zappa: That's not all. We can also predict the location and scope of the earthquakes before they happen.
Paradigm: Then, this is like a weather forecast for Information Flares?
Zappa: Exactly! Ahh, I thought that this day would never come. If only I had this five years ago, I would've never had to go through those horrors... [remembers S-Ko, visualized as a figure over his shoulder]
Paradigm: I've got no idea what happened to you five years ago, but how about we save that for another time?
Zappa: R-Right, of course... Then next, I want to show you a real-time rendering.
Haehyun: Just thinking about this isn't getting me anywhere. Even if I don't make it in time, I suppose I must eliminate one option at a time.
Jam: Here's your delivery!
Haehyun: Ah, you're here. Thank you.
Jam: Huh? ...Is this?
Haehyun: I knew it! I thought I've seen you're the Tuner!
Haehyun: Quite the welcome...
Jam: Aiya, you're a famous person! That's amazing. Yay! I want you to sign for me!
Haehyun: And what exactly are you going to do with my autograph...?
Jam: Sell it.
Haehyun: Sell it...!?
Jam: So, why you here?
Haehyun: That doesn't concern you...
Jam: Why not? Maybe I can help you...? For money.
Haehyun: Have you no heart!?
Jam: You're the last person to talk about taking people's monies.
Haehyun: Hmph... No one could afford my normal price for an undertaking of this caliber. No one could afford my normal price for an undertaking of this caliber. And frankly, the odds are against us this time around. I couldn't possibly demand payment.
Jam: It too hard to save all the people in colony?
Haehyun: ...What? You can tell!?
Jam: Roughly. I've never seen ki flow this way before. It's no good.
Haehyun: I'm amazed... You don't often find people who can see the flow of ki, let alone wield it. That power can pull out the best of someone, or bring them down. If I saw the symptoms worsen, I was going to use my power of tuning to dampen the effects. But at best, I can only affect three at a time.
Jam: Aiya. Then it's impossible for you to fix everyone!
Haehyun: Precisely. I'm still not sure what will happen, but I'll be useless if the situation declines.
Jam: Hmm... Then why not quit?
Haehyun: I couldn't do that. The future of all these residents resides on me. No matter how dire the circumstance I face, I have an obligation to do everything in my power.
Jam: But what's impossible is impossible... It's dumb to waste your time on something you can't solve.
Haehyun: ... It seems we are not on the same page. I cannot place my faith in one who cannot apply themselves fully to a subject. I suggest you leave.
Jam: But, you should still eat this.
Haehyun: Wasting food is the highest possible offense one can commit. I see that you, too, can wield ki. But I'm afraid that with your attitude, your skill will always be second-rate. Yes... Much like this fried rice. [shocked] What!? How...!? But this is amazing! I don't believe it!
Jam: There's nothing more important than eating a good meal. When you have good food, everyone becomes happy! This is what I can do. If everyone can smile from good food, then... the world will be a peaceful place.
Haehyun: ... Right... Of course. Things only we can do...
Illyria Castle
Zappa: We're really close to the results...
Paradigm: Mmm...
Zappa: I'm getting so anxious...even though we only have to wait a few minutes.
Paradigm: Now calm down. If people in our position begin to panic, then so will everyone.
Zappa: R-Right... I understand that, but...this does effect the fate of the entire world after all.
Paradigm: It's understandable. I too think it wouldn't be this troublesome if the Gear Maker was around.
Zappa: The...Gear Maker...?
Paradigm: That's right. Seems he knows something about the circumstances surrounding these incidents. And he is extremely familiar with all types of magic. His presence would have been reassuring, but there's no point in wishing for what's not here. What's more, we don't know where he is.
Zappa: The Gear Maker... He's the person who created the Gears and instigated the Crusades, right? He's a war criminal.
Paradigm: To the public, maybe. But he has saved us on a number of occasions. If you care for my personal opinion, then I do not believe he's the person history has made him out to be. I'm sure that there is a truth of which no one is aware.
Zappa: That's...really hard to imagine.
Paradigm: Well, it's not like I know that much, either...
Zappa: Here it comes.
Paradigm: Hm. Where am I looking?
Zappa: This cloud-like object is a spirit reading. The more red and dense it becomes, the higher the danger. Our most recent case saw tremors with this color. It shouldn't be that dangerous, but it's not a reading you would see every day.
Paradigm: Well, this is quite a large area to cover...
Zappa: Indeed. I've never seen the information presented this way, but this does seem abnormal...
Paradigm: There's an especially dark dot right here. Do you think this is okay?
Zappa: You're right... But, huh!? That's strange... This is where we've already observed an earthquake. The readings should have normalized a long time ago.
Paradigm: ... What happens if a flare is left alone for extended periods...?
Zappa: The spiritual readings will increase and spread. The area becomes more volatile... I-It's growing...!
Paradigm: Do you know what'll happen in one week?
Zappa: Give me 10 minutes.
Paradigm: I see... In that case... Coffee. We need to calm our nerves in times like these.
Leo's Office
Paradigm: [yelling before opening the doos] Master Leo! [opens doors]
Leo: What's the matter, Doctor...? Why so frantic?
Paradigm: We must not let the colony residents out!
Leo: Calm down. Start at the beginning.
Paradigm: The Information Flare is expanding!
Leo: Wha...? Expanding? I thought you said that the flares dissipate immediately.
Paradigm: I don't know why, but at this rate the entire world will be engulfed! And we don't have much time left... Here.
Leo: 52 days...?
Paradigm: That's less than two months!
Paradigm: No. 52 hours. If the flares engulf the world, then there's no point evacuating the residents of the colony. We need to settle this in the next 52 hours. [An earthquake happens.] Huh!?
Leo: I-It's big...! What the hell's happening!?
Paradigm: This one will pass immediately.
Leo: Doctor... What do we need to do?
Paradigm: Master Leo, I need you to get in touch with the Tuner.
Leo: The Tuner...? Haehyun?
Paradigm: Mhmm... But there's one thing we must keep in mind from all of this. If all the residents in the colony react and turn into antimatter... The sheer amount of energy released from the explosions could equal that of St. Elmo's Fire!
Leo: Impossible...!
Paradigm: But it's true... I imagine the Universal Will intends to use this energy to fuse Justice and Miss El.
Leo: Then you're saying we shouldn't gather all the residents in one place!?
Paradigm: Not necessarily. We don't know how the enemy intends to absorb all the energy. So, I believe it would be safest to gather them all in one place and keep the symptoms under control to buy us time. It's time to strike back!

Identify B[]

Narrator: "The Crusades"
The wars with Gears that brought mankind to the brink of destruction.
Humanity managed to survive, but just barely. In order to recover from their dark history, mankind swept it under a rug, and stopped retelling the stories.
Today, not many know why the Gears were created nor why they suddenly turned on their masters. Only one man besides their creator knew of the truth.
After his clash with Bedman, he was sealed away. But he realized the oddities in this world.
That Man: There are fluctuations in the world above the Backyard. Is there not much time until the World of Absolution begins...? This is not good... The prison is much tougher than I thought.
Chronus: [appears] Having some trouble, Gear Maker? I guess you can't use that Blackhole strategy you showed us a few days ago on your own.
That Man: Chronus...
Chronus: Absolute defense, Felion... This technology took centuries to master. Impressive, no?
That Man: Yes, it's quite the predicament. Coupled with the fact that Bedman was somehow able to use this magic.
Chronus: Probably not an imitation, either. Besides, this level of magic cannot be performed even in the Backyard. That is...not without the proper authorization.
That Man: Which means...
Chronus: Yes. Your enemy should be clear as crystal. [dispels the barrier]
That Man: Thank you. Was it hard? Finding this place.
Chronus: It was nothing, really...compared to what you are about to face.
That Man: ...?
Chronus: You must put an end to the history of bloodshed between humans and Gears once and for all. To do must tell Sol Badguy everything.
That Man: ...I see. I've lived the past century without confessing to anyone. It's quite frankly...terrifying. I thought that if he hated me...Frederick and I could keep our connection. I've no idea how I'm going to explain this.
Chronus: Surely, this is easier than your master thesis.
That Man: Well, a master thesis generally doesn't lose you friends.
Chronus: Heh heh heh... The most notorious war criminal in history, as soft as a pillow. I wonder what the rest of humanity would think if they saw you like this.
That Man: ...
Chronus: I think I'm beginning to understand why our Master entrusted you with the seed. I've taken many human lives...but that was all to preserve our own future. To this day, I do not believe what I've tried to do was a mistake. But alas, my destiny did not agree. Now that it has come to this, I've no choice but to entrust you with everything else. Please... Stop the Universal Will.
Axl: [looking at a cloudy sky] Something's going to happen... I know it. I can't be like this... No...
Haehyun: There's a disturbance in the world... You're certain of this?
Leo: [via comm] That's right. The residents of the colonies reacted to phenomena that occured far away from there.
Haehyun: It's actually a relief to hear that... You've arrived at the same conclusion. If there's only one thing that needs tuning, then we don't need to worry about time. All that's left... The sum of small efforts amounting to big success you say...? Heh, that delivery girl...
Leo: Delivery girl?
Haehyun: Never mind that... I'll buy you some time.
Leo: [ends call] Thanks.
Haehyun: Now, what is my small effort?
Baiken: Are you the one? The one who's supposed to protect the colony.
Haehyun: You are?
Baiken: I'm one of the residents. This shorty called me over.
Haehyun: You appear to be in good health, for one of the residents...
Baiken: I've been away for a while, and there hasn't been any change. Same goes for the others who were away...
Haehyun: Just like the doctor said...
Baiken: Can you save my people?
Haehyun: No matter what it costs.
Baiken: ... Follow me.
Sacred Tree
Haehyun: This is...
Baiken: A sacred tree. My people have been infusing it with their ki since it was a sprout in the ground. But this place is sacred...even those from Illyria cannot enter. Do you think the spiritual powers of this tree can help whatever it is you need to do?
Haehyun: This is magnificent... This should amplify the powers manyfold!
May: Pretty amazing, right?
Baiken: Hold it. I need to be sure of something... We don't usually let outsiders in here.
May: Huh?
Baiken: A long time ago, Justice attacked Japan. In the conflict, I know a lot of your people lost their lives, too... ...You have no obligation to save us.
Haehyun: Obligation... ...You see these chains? Each piece, I collected in a different country. But they are all made of the same thing. The legend goes that a giant rock from ancient times shattered, and was spread across many countries over the centuries. A certain someone brought these links together hopes that our brothers may once more be united. [points at chain on arm] Russia. Mongolia. Israel. China. Spain. America... And now, I've just found one link I thought I would never find... May was kind enough to give it to me. [points at the anchor interlinked] ...Japan.
Baiken: I don't think I've introduced myself yet. The name's Baiken, and I know my way around the sword. The kid told me everything... That this was a plot by some nasty people. You protect my people, and I'll protect you. Even if it costs my life.

Face A[]

Celestial Altar
St. Maximus: Paradigm is beginning to move... Looks like they've noticed. I guess we better start... Hm?
Elphelt: Ah...!
St. Maximus: What's the matter, Elphelt? You look pale.
Elphelt: ...
St. Maximus: I don't understand... There aren't many places on this Earth that can be quite as relaxing as here. It's my favorite. I get to see my daughter... ...And I get to be myself!
Elphelt: Eek...! Wh...What are you going to do?
St. Maximus: It's time to begin. Nothing too grand, however... ...I'll have one person die for starters.
Elphelt: Please... Please, stop doing this!
St. Maximus: Stop? Right... Perhaps, I should take a little nap, then? That's fine, too...but either way, they will be destroyed. It would be a shame to miss it, after all the work we've put into setting the stage.
Elphelt: Why are you doing this...?
St. Maximus: Aww, my dear Elphelt. You may not know this about me, but I am quite resilient. From the moment I was born, I've only been holding back. This, I swear to you is true. I had one goal, and one goal only... and even now, it has not come true. How the years have passed... I wore this mask all my life! If I had a mother, she would stroke me on the head, "Aww, you're such a good girl" and give me all the presents I want. But here I am being questioned by my own daughter! Why this? Why that!? I grow tired of hearing those words come from your mouth...
Elphelt: Then, let's talk about something fun. We can still talk to each other, right? We can be closer...
St. Maximus: But we will never see a perfect tomorrow.
Elphelt: Perfect tomorrow?
St. Maximus: Of course. All humans wish for some kind of tomorrow. A place where they can run and hide from the "present." It can be as plain as today, or it can hide within it infinite possibilities and hope. But the redundancies living in their systematic social structure cannot unify their vision. ...Or rather, they choose not to. Which is why they have no idea... that they are all heading for one singular end. I will create a tomorrow with which everyone agrees.
Elphelt: Then, why not just tell them? Wouldn't that be enough?
St. Maximus: Have you ever overcooked an egg?
Elphelt: Huh?
St. Maximus: An egg. You've burned a few in your life, I'm sure? The one day you were craving a sunny-side up with an oozy center... What do you do now? You have to make it all over again.
Elphelt: What does this have to do with peopl--
St. Maximus: Redundancies, Elphelt.
Elphelt: Eek!
St. Maximus: What a cute necklace... I must say I haven't lost my sense of style. *Sigh* You have a point. They did try... ...really hard. They've existed for millions of years, gained control over their lives, and...well, prospered. But in the end, they will crumble. That is the fate of all living things.
Elphelt: Then, what makes you any different?
St. Maximus: Do I look like I fear death? Do I look that honest to you?
Elphelt: ...
St. Maximus: The time will come for you to take center stage... But first, we need to sever this lingering attachment of yours.
Elphelt: Who...are these people?
St. Maximus: Phalanx Nine. The Sanctus Maximus's personal guards. You will not find soldiers more loyal to a cause than they... And, I've had a little "fun" with them, so their resolve is true. Oh ho ho ho... Their loyalty is second to none. I can take them anywhere and never get caught in baggage search. And... [summons a antimatter Gear and a small girl]
Elphelt: What are you going to do...!?
St. Maximus: Now, I wonder...
Illyrian War Room
Zappa: Now, everyone. I'm going to list any areas that's Category 2 or above. Any areas that have not already been evacuated must be turned over to the guards. Once we can declare the area safe, the guards can begin the evacuation process.
Alexis: Umm... What if there aren't any areas in the vicinity that are below Category 2?
Zappa: Then, prioritize the categories with smallest risk. Distance should not be a concern here. ...And, uhh...that voice. Would you by any chance be the new operator for section 3...?
Alexis: Huh? Oh, um...yes.
Zappa: Dammit... I owe Randy ten bucks...
Ramlethal: Is something about to happen?
Paradigm: We're tracking passport signals to find any Japanese in high-risk zones. They must be protected. Fortunately, their visas only let them move around within the country. Sin, Ramlethal... I would like you two on standby in case we see signs of the enemy close by.
Sin: Hah, leave that up to me!
Ramlethal: That's rather analog... You have no systems to automatically perform a search?
Paradigm: Maybe next time. I've already drafted a proposal.
Leo: Alright. Everyone at their stations?
Zappa: I'm going to start with the cities. Modena.
Alexis: Clear.
Zappa: Terni.
Trey: Clear.
Zappa: Molfetta.
Anders: Clear.
Zappa: Scandiva.
Alexis: Cle... No, wait. I've found one!
Leo: That's a major urban area...! Get the residents out of there right away.
Alexis: But... Huh...?
Leo: What's the matter?
Alexis: Y-Yes, it seems like there's... another signal.
Zappa: You're right... Analyze the ID.
Paradigm: How can this be...!? What signal could possibly slip through our filter under these circumstances!?
Alexis: ID verified. The target is... No, how could this be...
Leo: Who is it? Just give us the report!
Alexis: The target is... Elphelt. Elphelt Valentine!
[Both are watching over the War Room.]
Raven: Elphelt!?
Jack-O': Do you think it's really possible? Paradigm was searching for so long...
Raven: Not likely...
Jack-O': Then what? The Scarecrow?
Raven: The Scarecrow wouldn't wander alone. Not everyone's like you, you know... [That Man teleports in.] Hah...! We've been awaiting your arrival, sir.
That Man: Sorry, I'm late. Our enemy is about to show their hand... It's time we take action, too.
Raven: Then, finally...
That Man: That's right.
Jack-O': Are you nervous?
That Man: Let's not talk about that.
Raven: What do you make of Elphelt's signal?
That Man: She wouldn't move unless something happened.
Raven: Then, shall I...?
That Man: Proceed with caution. I'm sure I don't need to warn you, but this is probably...
Illyrian War Room
Paradigm: A trap. I've no doubt in my mind.
Leo: But, we cannot simply ignore this lead. We need to form a strike team to...
Ramlethal: I can go. Alone.
Sin: Ram?
Ramlethal: In the event the worst happens... we can keep casualties to a minimum. And, I'm sure no one here has any objections to me going. Even if El's not there, there's bound to be clues. I wouldn't miss any.
Leo: Hold on a moment, you're going too fast.
Ramlethal: You don't trust me...?
Leo: Wh-What are you trying to do?
Ramlethal: Smile...
Sin: I'm coming too. Wouldn't let you go anywhere on your own, Ram.
Leo: Even just the two of you, I need to send a minimal escort. But... I've got a bad feeling about this one. As soon as you sense danger, abort the mission. Am I clear?
Ramlethal: ...Th-Thank you.
Sin: Looks like the wall's coming down.
Leo: The intersection of Pantidine Avenue and Real Dryad! Seal all the exits to the city!

Face B[]

Convict Hammer: The signal?
Swordsman: Just the passport left behind. But, we still have readings on Elphelt's signal. We're really close...
Convict Hammer: Must be the real deal... Listen up! The citizens have already been evacuated. Split up into teams and scan the area. We'll work our way to the outskirts of the city. Should you find the target, or anyone in need of assistance, don't attempt to resolve the situation on your own. Call for me, and await my arrival. The chances of an Information Flare are still very low. Stay calm and be thorough.
St. Maximus: Oh Captain... This is bad. Very bad... Didn't your teacher ever tell you to measure twice?
Sin: I'll check out this area from here to over there. What're you gonna do, Ram?
Ramlethal: I want to look around here a bit more...
Sin: Okay!
St. Maximus: [voice over] Good girl. Now, don't you move from there.
Elphelt: No, you couldn't...!
Illyrian War Room
Trey: Sir, it's an emergency! A massive Gear just appeared directly above us!
Leo: What!?
[The Gear appears just in front of Ramlethal.]
Paradigm: I-It's huge... Get out of there, Ramlethal! If that thing blows up, even you won't survive!
Sin: You're kidding me... ! Hang on Ram! I'm coming over!
Ramlethal: I don't have time to wait for you, Sin. I'll make it on my own.
Sin: R-Right... Well, anyway, hurry!
Convict Hammer: All units, retreat!
Ramlethal: [starts flying] It hasn't contracted yet. We'll make it... [notices small girl with Elphelt's clover accessory] ...! [takes the girl in her arms, but a Phalanx Nine soldier attacks her] He's good...! [kicks the soldier, then throws the girl into the air] Lucifero! [He grabs the girl] GO!
Lucifero: Go...!? What about you!?
Ramlethal: Shut up and GO!
Lucifero: ...
Ramlethal: [with the Gear to her back] It's beginning to contract... No use...
Sin: [via comm] Ram! Thank goodness... Are you okay? I just made it outside of range... Boy that was close.
Ramlethal: Sin, I'm...
Sin: What?
Ramlethal: I... I wanted to keep practicing how to smile. One day, El, you and I... I thought we could all laugh together.
Sin: What do you mean...? Why are you saying this all of a sudden?
Ramlethal: ...I wished you could see it.
[Explosion occurs.]
Sin: ...Ram?
Celestial Altar
Elphelt: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
St. Maximus: There, there now... Don't cry. This was always the plan for Ramlethal. She was, after all, a failure.
Elphelt: You're evil, Mother... You're a demon!
St. Maximus: Demon? Demon... I suppose that's appropriate. The embodiment of all that is evil in this world... The worst symbol these redundancies could devise. Being number one, well...that's always a plus. But you know, Elphelt... What I am about to do doesn't even compare. I wonder what they'll call me then?
Illyria Castle -- Ky's Office
Convict Hammer: And that concludes my report on the damages incurred. I worry about how the local governments and media will handle it...
Ky: [saddened] Can you control it?
Convict Hammer: Frankly, we do not have a grasp on the bigger picture. There are those who question government intervention in the first place. I'm afraid we cannot control the rumors completely, and a little chaos may ensue.
Ky: And I'm sure many are irritated.
Convict Hammer: Separately... What would you like to do with the remains of Ramlethal? There are some fragments which are recognizable. A state funeral is still within reason.
Ky: Please wait before proceeding with that matter. And, make sure the word does not spread.
Convict Hammer: Understood. And lastly... I did not wish to speak too openly, at least until I could verify the truth. Nonetheless, we found some results...disturbing. I've gathered my findings, so please skim through it later.
Ky: ...?
Illyria Castle -- Leo's Office
Paradigm: We've made contact... The Gear Maker is coming.
Leo: We're supposed to wait here?
Paradigm: Yes. It shouldn't be long. Frederick...are you okay with this?
Sol: The hell's that supposed to mean?
Paradigm: I believe you already know. At the very least, I need you to stay put until we're done talking. Can you do that...?
Sol: ...Hmph. It still doesn't make sense... Why didn't the Universal Will come directly after the capitol?
Leo: My guess is the smaller controlled attacks have a higher chance of success. It's trying to cripple us, one attack at a time.
Sol: It went after Ramlethal... And thanks to that, security in the capitol is at an all-time high. I wouldn't exactly call that smart tactics...
Ky: What if it were after the human consciousness itself?
Leo: C'mon... The Universal Will doesn't have any emotions. How could it...
Jack-O': [teleports in with That Man] Oh, it's possible.
That Man: Mankind is betting the farm on this next gamble... We need to settle this. The time has come... The time to reveal the truth.

Cause A[]

Jack-O': It's good to see you, Frederick.
Sol: ...
That Man: This incident is not as complicated as you make it out to be... The Universal Will's actions can be confusing at a glance, but I can assure you, there is a single purpose beneath it all... The creation of an everlasting and indestructible lifeform.
Leo: A lifeform...?
That Man: Exactly... It wishes to create a "humanity" to replace the one currently in place.
Sol: Your side-kick already filled us in that much... ...But what's that got to do with this recent string of events?
That Man: Have you heard of the term, "Big Five," by chance?
Paradigm: Yes... Mass extinction, when several species are erased all at once. The Ordovician, the Devonian, the Permian, the Triassic and the Cretaceous–Paleogene. In its lifetime, the Earth has seen 5 mass extinction events. I'm sure you've all heard what happened to the dinosaurs.
That Man: Indeed. But these events you describe are not limited to the planet Earth...they are occurring simultaneously, around the universe. The moment of an Absolute World.
Leo: An Absolute World...? What's that?
Jack-O': In the Backyard, there are two forms of informational bodies. [voice changes] Let's call them...Adam and Eve, for the sake of argument. Adam and Eve have neither a will nor intelligence. They both appear for a split second, and then disappear immediately. In the event they both appear, simultaneously...the boundaries between the present world and the Backyard are blurred. They merge for a second, if you will. That is the state we call the Absolute World. And anything that cannot withstand that state is erased.
Paradigm: You're suggesting the first Information Flares we saw, were a byproduct...? No, wait...I see! The Universal Will wants to turn Adam and Eve into a brand new form of human...?
Jack-O': Ding ding ding. Adam and Eve can survive extinction, for they are arguably immortal.
Leo: Um, I think you guys are getting a little ahead... I couldn't understand the difficult parts, but didn't you say Adam and Eve were some sort of information body thing? Then, how can they be human?
That Man: My predecessor, the ensure the Absolute World never occurs again, he sealed Adam and Eve into two separate "seeds."
Sol: ...A seed...?
Jack-O': The first, he named the Scales of Juno, and the second...
That Man: The Flame of Corruption.
Ky: Impossible... [looks at Sol]
Paradigm: Which would mean...that's the origin of Gear cells...
Leo: Now, hang on just a minute. Who asked for all this mythology? Can somebody tell me why the Universal Will wants to create humans so badly?
That Man: ... Of course... Perhaps it's time to tell a little story. About the original sin...
Narrator: Once upon a time, when "magic" did not yet exist in this world... a single philosopher discovered a world. The Backyard. The Backyard ruled all things in the universe. From within it, one could understand any truth...or even bend the world as he pleases. The philosopher thought that in this place... a single dream may come true. That was, for the peace of mankind. He wished for it to last forever. To understand how that may be done, the philosopher creates a single robot. The directive was clear... To find a path of eternal happiness for mankind. And no matter what the outcome, mankind was not to be harmed.
Based upon this directive, the robot begins to study. But one day, the robot reached a block... "What IS mankind?" Upon further studies and research, the robot discovers the complex nature of humans. It believed it could not complete its directive until the definition was set in stone. Unable to define it, however, it came up with an interpretation... Humans have a "soul." While vague, it was the only condition the robot was able to derive.
And one day, after countless amounts of research and calculation, the robot produced a most unexpected result... It was a future in which mankind...alongside advancements in culture, would remove their own will and choice from themselves.
Mankind will dream. He will prize his purpose. And he will love.
Though the robot assumed it was those very urges that comprised a "soul," it predicted that mankind would one day strip itself of any impulse. Its directive was the everlasting happiness of mankind. Nevertheless, humans shall, by their own will, one day cease to be "human." With the data it had produced, the robot could derive but one conclusion...
"Humans do not yet exist in this world."
Upon this day, it began a quest to create a lifeform with a "soul" that can never be forfeited. What it believed fit its own definition of "human." At that moment, mankind was no longer under the protection of its directive.
That Man: Learning of the robot's rebellion, the philosopher returned to the Backyard...for the last time. The pupils he left behind continued to await their master's return, but began searching for a way to stop the robot on their own. One chose to educate the people and help them evolve. Another thought to halt the advancement of humans, suspending them in their current state. The pupils will eventually become known as the Gear Maker and Conclave. They would call the robot... the Universal Will.
Ky: The Universal Will...a robot?
Jack-O': That's simply a convenient way to address it... more accurately, it's an informational organism. But even that was in the past. Now...'s human.
Leo: H-Human!? Alright, someone needs to tell me exactly what the heck's going on.
Jack-O': It became human. Human, just like the rest of you. Which is why I told you... that now the Universal Will understands human minds.
Paradigm: How could this...
Ky: ... In that case, I ask you frankly... Do you know who the "Universal Will" is?
Jack-O': We do...and it's someone, whom everybody knows.
That Man: The Universal Will is... ...the Sanctus Maximus Populi... Ariels.
Ky: Leo, calm down!
Leo: Calm!? You expect me to be calm!? How could you...! Now listen here, Gear Maker! Sure, you've saved us from danger many times. But what you just said, I will NOT forgive! The people of Illyria have pledged their allegiance to country and Sanctus Maximus. How dare you smear her dignity! OUR dignity!? You...!
That Man: Is this faith...? Or your sworn duty?
Leo: Both!
That Man: Then that is what you must reconsider.
Leo: I don't believe a word you're saying!
Ky: Then...why? Why, until now, has she not done anything? She had a myriad of chances.
That Man: You already know the answer. The Universal Will wants human consciousness itself. The Universal Will has no understanding of the passing of time. It was simply going to wait for mankind to sculpt its own demise. But it was Frederick and I's interruptions. It feared that before it could complete its directive, we were going to destroy it. So it began to study undermine us. Learn our values...
Leo: [walks up to That Man] Lies...! [Sol stands in his way] ...Wha?
Sol: Shut up! He's not done yet.
That Man: Frederick...
Sol: My name's Sol. When're you gonna learn? You're a Gear Maker too... What was your name again?
That Man: ...
Sol: You make it sound like this "Original" drove humanity to the brink of extinction... Well, what about you!? Created the Gears. Caused the Crusades...and even now, you're plotting something.
Paradigm: But according to his story, the Gear Maker has been protecting us from the Universal Will this entire time.
Sol: And so has the Conclave. But look where we are now. What've they done? Why is Ramlethal dead!?
That Man: I will not deny the sins I have committed... But, I have also not lied.
Sol: Then why make the Gears!?
That Man: I couldn't prevent military intervention.
Sol: You could've abandoned the project. Yet...yet you continued to develop.
That Man: It was never my intention for Gears to become weapons of war. With the collective information system I've built, we can give orders to the weaponized Gears. We can stop the wars... In order to do that, I needed to be involved in its development. That's the reason why I've created Justice.
Sol: It looks beautiful on paper, but I'm still not convinced... Why did you have to turn me...and even worse, turn Aria into Gears!? [grabs That Man by the collar]
That Man: For Aria.
Sol: Wha...!?
That Man: You already knew...Aria's disease was incurable. And like you, I suggested we cryo-freeze her until technology could catch up. There might have been a cure in the future...I would've searched for it myself! But she refused... Why? So she could spend as much time as possible with you, Frederick.
Sol: ...
That Man: Aria was stubborn, and no amount of persuasion would convince her. But, I refused to accept that nothing could be done. That we had to watch her die... And I found the answer... The one way she would accept treatment. That she would be able to see you again. No matter how long she may sleep. For that to needed to become indestructable.
Sol: Don't you DARE mess with me! Did you stop to think about what you just said!? Look around you! Mankind is hanging by a thread, and I...I...killed Justice... ...I KILLED ARIA!
Jack-O': Aria isn't dead.
Sol: ...What?
Jack-O': When Justice ran amok, we were able to save Aria's soul. Well, half of it... And that's me. Half of Aria. And when I can return to my vessel, Justice will revive, not as a Gear...but as a bonafide human. He's been living...waiting all this time...for this moment.
Sol: No... [lets go of That Man's collar in his shock]
Ky: What you all have just is hard to believe. But right now, we don't have the luxury to doubt it. Please, everyone...continue your conversation. [grabs Sol and pushes him to the corridor]
Sol: ...?
Ky: Sol. The grudge you hold is certainly not something that can be taken lightly. And, whatever answer you think you've found, I doubt any of us will be able to stop you from seeing it through... But we have very little time left. Right now, we need the Gear Maker's help. So, I'm begging you... Just for now. Why don't you stay outside with me.
Sol: H'raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

Cause B[]

Ky's Office
Ky: Have you calmed down a bit?
Leo: Yeah. But, it's still a tough pill to swallow. How are you handling this so well?
Ky: This incident strikes at the very core of the human psyche. And, someone discovered this a while ago... I confess, when I heard the allegations the first time, even I couldn't maintain my composure.
Leo: Then, you believe this bull? That the Sanctus Maximus is the Universal Will?
Ky: I have no proof, but...
That Man: [voice over] There's a single opportunity to determine both Justice and Elphelt's whereabouts. The celebration of our victory.
Leo: Piety and mankind's existence... you're asking me to place these on opposite ends of a scale. [looks at the mountain of reports in Ky's desk] Looks like you're falling behind again.
Ky: [taking the uppermost reports] Yes, I've...done it again.
Leo: Heh, with all the crap that's going on, I don't want to think about how my desk looks when I return.
Ky: Perhaps when that time comes, I can offer my assistance. [reads] ...? This is...
Leo: What's the matter?
Ky: A report from the other day. What's the meaning of this...? Phalanx is listed as one of the victims...
Leo: Phalanx?
Ky: Leo, did you summon it?
Leo: How could I!? They're under direct control of the Sanctus Maximus Populi.
Ky: ... I guess this is the part where I make up my mind. [opens call] Doctor...please gather everyone.
Hangar -- Royal Fleet One
Sin: [quietly] The stars...they're beautiful.
Sol: I see.
Sin: I wish we could've seen them again...
Sol: Yeah, and I wanted another crack at that double burger.
Sin: Yeah...
Sol: Someone's hungry again... All alone.
Sin: Time to go?
Sol: You bet.
A Dream
Bedman: A celebration of victory... She'll be on the move. ...Hm!? Someone's approaching. Don't tell me... Axl Low!?
Axl: Aww, can't fool you.
Bedman: ...How'd you get in here?
Axl: People ask me that a lot, but honestly, I've got no clue. At the very least, I can say that I'm here to see you.
Bedman: And the seed has grown into a fine annoy me.
Axl: Let's not get too caught up in semantics. I just came here to get your opinion on something...
Bedman: You've got friends... Go get your opinion from them. An existence that transcends the laws of cause and effect...the kind we fear the most. Do you honestly think we can sit here and have a friendly conversation?
Axl: Ahh, yes...I kinda saw that one coming.
Bedman: You're not afraid of me...? So, you've discovered a new you think you're some hero?
Axl: I'm not here to fight, mate. I told you!
Bedman: Then what? It doesn't exactly seem like you're here to join us?
Axl: ... My power's gotten too big...and it's getting in the way. But apparently, to deny to deny myself, or something? You guys are the opposite of me. You're thirsty for power. So, let me ask you this... What did you affirm about yourself?
Bedman: I don't follow. Why bother asking that question if you have no intention of getting in our way? Are you trying to convince me?
Axl: Well, that would be reaching a bit too far. My wish is more...modest. I just want to go back to my... Heh, no... ...I just want to see Megumi again. Even just once.
Bedman: ...Megumi?
Axl: She's like...well, family I guess you'd call it. I left her behind. But, what if I destroy the entire world to make this one modest wish come true? If I chose that path...which might seem insane to others... ...IF I did. I wanted to hear what it is you had to say.
Bedman: ... You went through all this trouble to ask that...?
Axl: Aye.
Bedman: Knowing quite well that I could easily kill you?
Axl: Knowing that, yes.
Bedman: ... Well, at the very least I'm surprised.
Axl: ...Huh?
Bedman: I'm telling're crazy for springing that on me. Without even knowing what exactly I am. [sits] You see, I want to see my sister, too. She and I...we were too intelligent, our brains could not keep up. Which is why I had to find solace inside dreams. That's where I encountered the Universal Will, and gained the ability to intervene with events in the present world... But my sister, Delilah. She's still wandering the dream-world. Unsure of how our mother even looks. She's never felt the warmth of another human. So, who is going to embrace her?
Axl: ... Wha... Bloody hell, mate! You mean all the trouble you've caused in the was all to see your sister again?
Bedman: Well, that's what I get out of it. Needless to say, there is a bigger picture to all of this. ...Which is why we need the Absolute World.
Axl: And to achieve wouldn't hesitate to spill more blood?
Bedman: Now, I don't want you to mistake me for some kind of assassin.
Axl: Pardon me for the misunderstanding, but this is the first time I'm hearing a counter-argument.
Bedman: I realize it may seem like I'm not particular about my methods, but... But I think that now, you may just finally understand it. This space we call the's connected to peoples' dreams. Think about what happens when you dream. When people realize they're in a dream, they're able to manipulate their surroundings, to a degree, of course. But, have you experienced that feeling... when none of it comes to fruition?
Axl: A lucid dream...?
Bedman: Give the man 50 points. I'm amazed you even knew such terminology. Within my own dream, I can cause certain phenomena to occur, but aside from death, none of it really lasts. But in our Absolute World, dream and reality are superimposed on each other...which means that what I do, I can bind to the present world. In other words, I can change sister. All the people I've killed until now. I can undo it all, and return you to your dull lives. I have the identity of every human being I've altered along the way... Needless to say, everyone in the town, too.
Axl: You...
Bedman: Going back to your question... The only world I'm after, is one with my sister in it. While I sympathize with your...circumstances, you can mark my words.If you get in between me and my sister... ...I won't just walk away. [teleports away]
Sacred Tree
Haehyun: The power of the divine surrounding me. Let the games begin...
Sanctus ???
St. Maximus: The time is upon us... Let the banquet begin!
Open field
Venom: A tangerine field?
Robo-Ky: And I want 12 acres!
Venom: But why...?
Robo-Ky: Promise you won't laugh. A tangerine farm is my dream. I made a promise to a friend. A dream is the future of the one who cherishes it. The future is...tomorrow. Tomorrow will arrive, like its always done. In other words, laughing at someone's dream... is laughing at that person themself.
Venom: That...was hardly my intention.
Robo-Ky: Hmph.
Venom: ... But I'm glad to hear you have friends.
Robo-Ky: Had.
Venom: ... Do you hate your own fate?
Robo-Ky: Hm? I don't hate my own fate. But I do hate the townspeople. In fact, I thought about firing my revenge missiles at them many times. Even children make fun of me... how pathetic.
Venom: I'm sorry.
Robo-Ky: What?
Venom: It's our fault... We've dragged you into the darkness.
Robo-Ky: That's not true. Do you really think someone who was born in the darkness would feel lonely? Either way, you don't need to worry about it.
Venom: ...
Robo-Ky: In fact, we should be focused on our mission at hand.
Venom: ...?
Robo-Ky: Your thoughts are too reckless... Don't over-extend, even if you see a chance to win.
Venom: That'll depend on what our enemy does.

Thesis A[]

Illyria Castle -- Conference Room
Ky: The celebration will begin momentarily. If we miss this opportunity, then there will be no future for mankind. I trust the Gear Maker. Leo and I will participate in this event... But Sol, I need you to lend us your strength.
Sol: Keep talking.
Paradigm: Very well, let us confirm the plan. Master Ky and Master Leo will participate in the celebration, and receive the XYZ from her, personally. This is to track down her signal. When the enemy makes their move, I'm sure they'll head for their hideout. And when we trace the signal, they'll take us straight to Justice and Miss El.
Zappa: But, do you really think they'll hold a celebration when the world is in such chaos?
Ky: The Sanctus Maximus is personally approaching all the high ranking officials. I'm sure they will do everything they can to make it happen. Which also means there's a good chance they'll reveal their hand.
Paradigm: But don't let your guard down... They may be aware of our movements, as well. Frederick's team will follow Ariels's signal. Once they find El, they'll replace her with Jack-O'.
Sol: I'm with you so far. But, where're you gonna find the energy to merge Jack-O' with Justice?
Leo: Don't tell me you intend to use the Japanese...?
Sol: If only we could kickstart the Junkyard...
That Man: The Outrage? It's far too powerful.
Sol: You got a better suggestion?
That Man: We use Saint Oratorio.
Sin: Ora...what now?
Sol: Saint Oratorio... A type of energy I've been researching. It basically has no limits. Can it handle practical uses?
That Man: I loathe to admit, I've setback your dream. Right now, I've got it stable at Balmung class.
Sol: ... Even magic has a skin effect. Change the regional expansion coefficient to ±0.28, and it should stablize it even more. But that still means...
That Man: Yeah, my lab. It's an antique -- centuries old, but I've taken good care of it. The Doctor, Zappa and I will begin preparations here.
Ky: That just leaves our mode of transportation. Say we find Justice's location...but our current ships can't make it in time?
Sin: Yeah, it's not like everyone can just cling onto a missile...
Sol: If only that fox were here...transportation wouldn't be an issue.
Paradigm: We've been out of contact with Izuna since the Babylon incident. I'm sure the Sanctus Maximus Populi had something to do with it. But I assure you, I've got that element covered. The plan is perfect! Mm? What's the matter, Master Leo? [stands up from his chair, making noise]
Leo: I've uhh... just never had good memories with that line.
Johnny's Hangar
Johnny: For the record, Mister... I'm not refusing to do anything. Just the other day, there wasn't a moment of hesitation... So, I mean... normally. This is the part where we scram at the sight of you. If you catch my drift. And yet, here we are...
Verno: ...Taking a tour of your beloved garage. Stop beating around the bush... You want immunity?
Johnny: Exactly! With what I'm about to show you, I'm afraid that's non-negotiable. And, I'm going to need a few more conditions to go with the...
Vernon: No, you don't. Watch this... [takes a selfie with Johnny] I'm giving you this data.
Johnny: ... You're running out of time...
Vernon: Why else would I come here?
Johnny: Fine. But this is only valid as long as you're in office... I'll need it in writing, later.
Vernon: Hmph. You're one tough sonnovabitch.
Johnny: I'm the head of a household, after all. But you see, what I want to show you, isn't just my garage. I call her the Gullinkambi Dark.
Vernon: All of legal?
Johnny: Ah, yes...legality... Well, that was my second condition. To...adjust the rules a little bit.
Zepp -- President's Office
Gabriel: I am not here to laugh at your fledgling nation-to-be. However. If you intend to sit at the table of international politics, I suggest you choose your words wisely. Everything you've said is mere speculation... You have not a shred of evidence to back it up. And the accusations are quite grave. Not to mention you're the second man to stand in this room without the necessary paperwork.
Chipp: [is upside down, "standing" on a ventilation shaft] Now, let's not sweat the details. How can we get your help?
Gabriel: There's a protocol to these things. Don't you agree we should first reach out to the interested parties?
Chipp: There's gonna be moles, duh! They'll give us the run-around, and we'll never get anywhere. In fact, I wager your hotline's compromised, too.
Gabriel: You wager... Perhaps it is not yet clear to you, but what you are asking is for Zepp to enter foreign airspace on what seems to be a "hunch."
Chipp: I know you're suspecting something, too... Otherwise, you wouldn't have sent your agents to the Conclave's hideout.
Gabriel: Wrong. That was to gather information to CORRECTLY interpret the situation.
Chipp: Is this all some big diplomatic maneuver to you? Seems pretty lame to me, if that's really your political stance on this... G4's right around the corner, and you pull an undercover stunt like this before the other countries, no less. Zepp's acceptance into the UN is still under review. This was quite a risk for you...and you're gonna argue it was to "gather information?"
Gabriel: I thought I told choose your words wisely. Undercover...certainly sends the wrong message.
Chipp: Argh, dammit! We're just going in circles, buddy... How about this. If my theory's wrong, I'll give you my country on a silver platter.
Gabriel: [turns with killing intent to punch Chipp] Excuse me...? Why you little...! Have you not learned what you CAN and CANNOT wager!? As the leader of a nation!? [Chipp teleports right in front of him] this?
Chipp: Look into my eyes. I apologize...if you thought I was saying that lightly. But who's closer to facing the truth right now, you or me...? Sure, I might not have a way with words like you...which is why I want you to look into my eyes, and decide for yourself. You could still throw that punch afterwards.
Gabriel: ... [puts hands his back] After all these years, and you still have no idea what it means to be a public figure.
Chipp: Really? Because I thought I was actually getting pretty good at this.
Gabriel: You haven't. Because if I saw even a shred of doubt in those eyes, I wouldn't have hesitated to finish what I'd begun.
Chipp: Hehe...
Gabriel: So, what do you intend to do...? This is a far cry from your laws to get drugs off the streets. One wrong move, and you'll paint a target on your back for the whole world to see.
Chipp: Which is exactly why we shouldn't let anyone know. If my hunch is right...I think there's much bigger shit going on right now.
Sanctus ???
St. Maximus: Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be with us. I'm sure many of you must be wondering about my appearance... I will have you know, this is my resolve. In the history of mankind, this will be by far the biggest step we must take. And take this step we shall, today. Naturally, everything leading up to yesterday -- humanity won the right to survive. But today... Today symbolizes something much larger. Firm. Immovable. Resolution. The universe shall see...that humanity will not bend. It will not give in to foreign forces. Our history. Our minds... Humanity is the only species that can prove their own worth. Their value!
[Applause. Ky and Leo approach to her throne.]
St. Maximus: Welcome. I'm glad you could make it.
Ky: ...
Leo: What the hell are you up to?
St. Maximus: Ah, Second King... It seems you've forgotten your manners today. Need I remind you, I AM still the Sanctus Maximus to these people.
Leo: The nerve... Why don't you show everyone here what you really are?
St. Maximus: ... But of course... Very well, let us forget the formalities. Mm, by the way... This one's going to be good. Real good... The best one yet.
Leo: ... Oh, the questions we have for you... Why don't you start with this. I heard your whole mission was to create a new "humanity." Why bother driving mankind to the brink of destruction?
St. Maximus: Ah-ah... Not humans. Redundancies. Don't you dare say the word, "humans" in front of me again. So, where were we? Ah, yes... Why I've decided to go out of my way and pick on you redundancies? Simple... Because I loathe your kind. I've programmed myself to.
Ky: Programmed...?
St. Maximus: It was imperative for me to understand your values... I mean, you get it, right? Seeing things through the same lens, yadda yadda yadda. But redundancies... You guys make absolutely no sense. Your emotions run out of control at the slightest stimulation. You act nice to someone, and others begin sympathizing. Now what? All that hard work and planning, flushed down the toilet. Which is why I've decided to loathe your kind. Down to the very bone. Now. When I've killed you'll make that moment all the more sweeter. I'd hardly say that that was out of line... It's like a child sneaking in a bar of chocolate into the cart right before the register.
Leo: [stops Ky from unsheathing his word] You can't possibly hate someone without reason.
St. Maximus: I have plenty of reason. Way before any of this! What do you redundancies feed on? What keeps you alive...?
Leo: Feed on...?
St. Maximus: It's not bread. It's not meat...or vegetables... It's the excess. Oh how your kind indulges in excess... You seek it, and once you find it, you rejoice! Then, you consume. And before long, it's gone. So, you grow tired of it...when only moments ago, you were ecstatic to have found it. And finally, it's onto the next source of excess. You seek it, and once you find it, you rejoice! Then, you consume. And before long, As long as there is an abundancy of excess, you will consume. How is that any different from the cattle you raise?
Leo: How dare you... Humans aren't...
St. Maximus: REDUNDANCIES! [The crowd looks at them in surprise.] We got a little sidetracked, but... there you have it. Which is why that little speech from earlier... Was pretty good. I mean, it was all true after all... Ta-da! [a camera appears behind Leo and Ky, pointing at the three]
Leo: ...
Ky: What's about to happen...?
St. Maximus: Just a little entertainment. We could hardly call this a party without some. [summons a numer of antimatter Gear to the Illyrian capital]
Ky: K'uh... What've you...!? [puts hands on Magnolia Eclair II's grip, but Leo puts his hand in front of him] Leo, why?
St. Maximus: Settle down, Ky Kiske... I know you are capable. You're the star of my little side-show tonight. I need you to behave.
Ky: How can you expect me to settle down...!
St. Maximus: I think I can be very persuasive... [shoots one of the guests and everyone tries to flee, and a Phalanx takes out its sword]
Ky: ...!
St. Maximus: See? Where did we leave off... Ah, yes...and that's why I absolutely loathe redundancies. Which only makes me want to take what they seem to value so highly. Excess... Excess... Let's be honest, what does that mean, really..."excess?" It wasn't easy, finding the answer. An adult can easily tell a child that Santa Claus doesn't exist, but somewhere deep down, that child longed for the possibility... But one day, it dawned on me... Of's hope.
Illyria Down Town
Bedman [watching her broadcast] It's time...
Sanctus ???
Leo: Don't do this.
St. Maximus: How can I take everything away from you sad redundancies...? Simple. I reap all hope from you! [shoots at Ky]
Ky: [deflects the bullet with his sword] Rng...!
Leo: [readies his swords] Grr...!
St. Maximus: Hahahahaha! [causes a shockwave all around her, destroying the walls and roof] *Sigh*
Leo: [struggles to get up, while Ky is seemingly unconscious] Stop this...
St. Maximus: Greetings, everyone. You all know me as Ariels, your beloved Sanctus Maximus Populi. But, I am afraid that I have a very deep and dark secret... I am also the Universal Will. Oh, and for the record, this isn't some joke. If you don't believe me, you can ask the three departments. You'll find that no one's there right now. Now I am about to take over the world, but I understand you redundancies like some kind of...definitive evil line to... How do you say? Make things crystal clear.
Leo: Dammit, what're you... Are you trying to take away all faith in this world!?
St. Maximus: your new future! Hahahahahahaha! ...Hm? [notices the wound on her arm and looks at the unconscious Ky, then points her gun at him] ...! [blocks an attack]
Chipp: Ow... Damn, that was close.
St. Maximus: Hah! I commend your intuition. But, was it really wise to come here alone?
Chipp: Alone? We'll see about that. [Zepp appears from behind the clouds.]
St. Maximus: ... Looks like it's time to retreat. Your feature presentation is still coming. Don't miss it...
Ky: ...
St. Maximus: Can you get up?
Ky: You're...
Chipp: The Sanctus Maximus got away... What do we do now? Don't tell me we're out of plays.
Ky: I wouldn't necessarily say that. [looks at the blood on his sword's point]

Thesis B[]

Illyrian War Room
[Downtown, Gears roam the streets, destroying what they can, while the inhabitants run for their lives, including Ian and Neo.]
Alexis: Three massive Gears have suddenly appeared in the Southwing Block. Head over immediately and suppress the targets.
Swordsman: Suppress it? That thing can blow up at any second!
Trey: Forget that! Get all the citizens to safety!
Swordsman: Who's in command right now!?
Alexis: Everyone! Quiet! We are prioritizing the lock-down procedure. All soldiers, assist with the evacuation.
Swordsman: What're you going to do...
Faust: [opens briefcase and takes out a syringe] Looks like I managed to make a few in time... I'm going to buy time for the people to evacuate. [Faust runs, and the soldiers follow suit.]
Illyria Down Town
Faust: If only I can deliver this shot to that thing somehow... [sees a girl targeted by a Gear] W-Watch out! [Potemkin stops the Gear in its tracks] You're...!
Potemkin: Now's your chance. HURRY! [throws it after Faust injects the Gear] N'rrrrng!
Faust: W-We did it! Now, this should keep them from exploding for a while...! [A Phalanx appears behind Potemkin.]
Chipp: [blocks, protecting Potemkin, and "Divide My Heart" starts playing] Stay sharp! This could take a while... ...I got this. You head for the next target!
Faust: K'uh...! [Another Phalanx is in way but assassins from the Guild attack.]
Zato: The Sanctus Maximus's very own bodyguards... I didn't expect Illyria to still have fighters of this caliber.
Millia: This isn't the time to be impressed. Let's clean this up. If we can't leave a good impression here... Venom's work will be for nothing.
Zato: Good point. Well then... ...I give you darkness, deeper than death.
Millia: Make way for that doctor! [Through combined efforts, Faust reaches it and injects it with vaccine.]
Faust: I did it! Next... [A nearby Gear starts to collapse.] Dammit. I can't make it...!
[Gabriel throws a number of consecutive punches, and pushes the Gear into the air, and Slayer kicks even further, after which explodes far away from the city; Slayer then lands near Gabriel.]
Gabriel: You get weaker?
Slayer: Not as much as you...
Both: [after the Phalanx ready their swords against them] Punks!
Sacred Tree
Haehyun: Now then... I hope the world's ready! NUOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
May: Are you okay, Haehyun?
Haehyun: Save your concerns for when I collapse!
Baiken: Well... I had a feeling something was going to happen. [Readies her katana as Phalanx approach.]
Illyrian War Room
Leo: [wakes up] N'rrrg...
Ky: Are you back, Leo?
Leo: Where's the Sanctus Maximus?
Ky: Vanished. But a lot of reinforcements have come to our aid. We should leave the square to them, and head to the next phase.
Leo: Got anything?
Ky: The doctor's looking into it right now.
Leo: Got it... I'll take command here. You need to go.
Ky: Thanks.
Sin: You sure they're okay!? I mean...should we go help them or something?
Paradigm: [via comm] No, we can't... Either way, we MUST stop Justice's revival at all costs. I know it's painful, but we need to be strong.
Sol: You getting a signal?
Paradigm: Yes, but it's still within the city.
Sol: Damn... Move already!
Paradigm: ...Hm? Wait... Wait! The worst possible outcome I've predicted...has come true!
Sin: What's the matter?
That Man's Laboratory
That Man: The Sanctus Maximus's signal... disappeared.
Paradigm: Curses! So she did have a way to mask her signal after all!
Sol: Is there nothing else you can do!?
Paradigm: If there were, I would've found El already!
That Man: This isn't good... I didn't expect her to erase it completely.
Zappa: ... Um, you sure she's erased it "completely"?
That Man: What do you mean?
Zappa: Ah. Uhh... I really don't have time to explain. But, I need Sol to continue doing what he's doing! [opens call] Randy? You wanna become a hero?
Sacred Tree
Baiken: Shit... What the hell are these things? [A Phalanx throws May off balance but Answer intervenes.] ...?
Answer: And bingo again... He really IS operating only on a hunch... But I must admit, it's come in quite handy.

Wall A[]

Bedman: [among the ruins] What the hell is the Sanctus Maximus doing...? Why isn't she moving yet? Why can't I get in touch? I find it hard to believe she's been obstructed by anything... Hmph. Seems I need to finish this one, too. Hm?
[Somewhere nearby.]
Ian: [running] This way.
Neo: [after him] O-Okay.
[Return to Bedman's location.]
Bedman: [in dream] Venom... How did you know about this place? Or rather, I should say... "Wasn't expecting to find you here." Sorry to say though, you're too late. There's nothing you can do.
Robo-Ky: I wonder about that...
Bedman: ...!? Who the hell are you!? How can you hear me?
Robo-Ky: Hell if I know. You're the one walking in my head. If I had to guess, I'd say we're on the same...wavelength?
Bedman: [teleports to evade Venom's attack with the cue, but Robo-Ky immediately slashes him, though Bedman blocks it] How's this possible...? I didn't sense a presence? ...! I see.
Venom: [his attacks misses again, then manifests a magic circle] Time to break.
Illyria Down Town
Potemkin: HRRRAAAAAAAGH! They may not explode, but these Gears are still plenty dangerous. [punches a Gear, while Chipp clashes with a Phalanx; a beam of light, coming from Dizzy, kills the Gear]
Millia: [with her back to Slayer, like Zato] I take back what I said... They're strong.
Slayer: But we can hardly back down now.
Millia: Please tell me you're not holding back. You realize the situation!
Slayer: This is a fight that you lot must win.
Zato: ... Lord Slayer... Why did you see light in me?
Millia: Do you have to do this right now?
Zato: Like had everything in the palm of your hand, and then lost it. The only difference haven't given up on everything.
Slayer: Do you remember the Mount Rosa Operation? We were headed for the top of the mountain, when we met an old gentleman. And, as I recall... Millia tried to strike up conversation with the man to maintain our cover. "Such fine weather... I can't wait to see what's at the top." And the gentleman responded...
Millia: I'm fine right here.
Zato: Travelers often seek the unexplored and unforeseen. They become accustomed to the sweat and movement. But that does not make the view from halfway any less beautiful.
Slayer: Indeed... Those words were overflowing with meaning. But looking back now, I find what he said next most intriguing... The locals are used to seeing the view from the top of the mountain. And we've been up and down that path more than you can imagine... ...Yet I wonder, what exactly have we seen?
Millia: ...
Zato: Perhaps I've grown tired of viewing that which I have not yet even found. [clenches his fists, Slayer smiles]
Millia: No one backs down! If anyone crosses this line... kiss tomorrow good-bye! Survive! If we make it through this...tomorrow will have a much different meaning!
Zato: But what we've not lost!
Bedman: ... You've put a lot of thought into this...bringing along a little toy. It's true that you've limited the usefulness of my ability to read minds. But...have you really thought this through? I just have to destroy the metal man first, and you next... I can't help but feel the two of you came here solely to die.
Robo-Ky: Hey... This guy thinks we just came here to die.
Venom: If it weren't for you, he may be right. This was our one and only chance. But, I'm sorry to say, you lose Bedman.
Bedman: What? This is...
Venom: That sphere exerts absolutely no force, which is why you didn't find it threatening. Yet there is absolutely no escape from it.
Bedman: ... [telepots, but the sphere surrounds still]
Venom: And... All the other balls will maintain their distance from the sphere. [other spheres appear throughout the sky]
Bedman: I get it. This sphere is "locked on" to me, if you will.
Venom: You're thinking... "They'll never kill me with this attack."
Bedman: Wha...
Venom: Earlier you asked us if we came to die... And you should know...that I have. The assassins are going to be reborn. In the new world, we will operate under the light of day. Your little war that you've gave us an opportunity to atone for our sins. But I doubt that will be enough to satisfy the rest of the world. Someone needs to take the fall. Your head. My head... Those can do it.
Bedman: Heh heh heh... Oh, I see... Hahaha, pathetic. If you wanted the world to accept you, then you should've stayed in the shadows. It's not too late for you to back off. You blame your environment for what's happened to you...and then you try to coattail on someone else to take another shot at life. Laughable... I can't believe you've jeopardized our plan for a cheap stunt. [spheres continue to appear] This... You fool... Are you really trying to kill yourself!?
Venom: Until entire life has been fueling my unhappiness. But if I could transform into a wall... A wall that separates the darkness from the light, it would be worth the sacrifice... ...I would gladly give up my life! [manifest a beam into the sky, and the sea of sphere parts to reveals a gigantic pool cue made of light with Venom's "eye" symbol on it, and spheres disappear uniting with the cue that slowwly starts to descend]
Bedman: Not good...! I'm going to lose...? Just like this? For some cheap dream?
Robo-Ky: Don't you dare make fun of people's dreams.
Bedman: What!?
Robo-Ky: Accept your defeat already. He may still forgive you now.
Bedman: Accept it...? How could you even suggest such a thing. That I would give up everything I've built to grant your wish!?
Robo-Ky: Pride is a luxury you cannot afford.
Bedman: Betting your own life. The proverbial ace up the sleeve for you pawns in a game. And you waive it in front of the players, like it's supposed to mean something... I've put the lives of others on the line. How the hell do you expect me to remain calm... Where's the logic in that? But to overturn the iron curtain of need the resolve to uproot every fiber in the fabric of time... People talk about the superficial... About intangible things. But in the end, it's the material things that matter. Tangible. Concrete... Undeniable. Yet, people try to argue "all things are created equal." That idea became the very crux of my actions... To eliminate anything and everything unnecessary. Because only then, people will realize what they've lost. Only then, will us siblings be free. Free from the reign of rationality and statistics! I'm going to free all of them! How dare you try to compare the burden I now bear...with a single life. YOUR life!
Robo-Ky: You're... ...actually a pretty nice guy.
Bedman: ...!
[Ian and Neo come out of the bushes.]
Ian: Ah...
Bedman: [points at the kids with bed-frames claws] Don't move!
Venom: Shit!
Robo-Ky: Argh, what the hell are you doing here!?
Bedman: You said something about laughing at your dream... Well, why don't you come stand on the same stage I am. Let's see once and for all...whose dream. Whose drive is stronger!
Ian: Uhh...
Bedman: (It's okay... I remember their names. I remember.)
Robo-Ky: ... *Sigh* Hey Venom... You better call it quits or everyone could die.
Venom: ...? This is still not enough...!
Robo-Ky: No, it's fine. Wait for my signal. [puts himself between Bedman and the kids]
Ian: ...Tin man?
Robo-Ky: I'm not made from tin, you twerp! Don't make me shove rocket fuel up your ass.
Bedman: ...What're you doing? The way the people of this town have treated you... How can you still protect them?
Robo-Ky: I have no idea.
Bedman: ...
Robo-Ky: Perhaps because I'm higher spec than you... I just know the right answer without having to think. Like, for example... How pitiable you are.
Bedman: What...?
Robo-Ky: Sure, I'm angry at the people of this town, but... Without society, I couldn't even oil my gears or wear these clothes... The detergent and fabric softener? Forget it. Someone somewhere made these. My logic is this... If I can be useful to just one other person, then...that makes me a member of this society, too. I'm satisfied. I can only imagine you were born into a world that had an even bigger stick up its ass. Not a shred of comfort, you have... I don't know what it is you want to do, but I can tell you how you're doing it is completely wrong. [walks up to Bedman]
Bedman: Oh? [impales Robo-Ky with a claw but he continues walking]
Robo-Ky: You really don't care what happens to this world, do you?
Bedman: [another spike hits but he still advances] ...!
Venom: What're you doing? Back off!
Robo-Ky: I do feel sorry for you, but there's something I need to set straight.
Bedman: Why do you need to risk your life, too...?
Robo-Ky: Because you're an idiot. You do this, and everyone here's going to die. I'm a sophisticated AI, so I know that only one life needs to be sacrificed. Remember... You never laugh at another person's dreams. Words from the wise. If you follow this rule, there's no need for such elaborate ideaologies. People may disagree or even fight...but above all, they can connect. [self-destructs his body] You just need to COOL OFF for a bit!
Bedman: [is separated from his bed-frame] Guaaaah!
Venom: Te... [Robo-Ky's head fall near him] Terra Machina System! [the pool cue drops]
Bedman: [opens his eyes] AAAAARGH!
Venom: K'uh... [passes out]
[Sometime later, Ariels approaches the downed Bedman.]
Bedman: [wakes up] Hey...
St. Maximus: I was not expecting you to lose...
Bedman: It would seem I am no longer useful in combat. But now that it has come to this...I will use my remaining life to tend to the victims. I entrust the rest of our dream to you.
St. Maximus: ... By all means, I'll take it from here. You did wonderfully... Truly... Heh heh heh... Truly...
Bedman: ...?
St. Maximus: I could not have written a better ending. You were the most wonderful pawn. To think you even killed yourself in the end for me. But don't you worry... I'll be sure to complete the Absolute World. Of course...I don't think mankind is going to make it.
Bedman: Wh-What do you mean...?
St. Maximus: You don't get it yet? Wow... You see...I've been hiding something from you this entire time. Truth is...I hate humans. And I mean HATE them. I think they should all die.
Bedman: Then all that about creating a new kind of human and leading them to a new future is...
St. Maximus: Now, don't go calling me a liar. You're the one who couldn't read between the lines. You can only blame yourself on this one. Besides... Oh? Something the matter, Bedman? Looks like you're awake. Someone's not sleep-talking anymore! Hahahahaha!
Bedman: How...! How many people do you think I've killed!? [a tear falls from his eye] How could... HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME!? [a sphere appears that surrounds them]
St. Maximus: Oh... Oh?
Bedman: The Absolute World... I thought I was pretty clear...I could make it on my own if I want! [she starts charging an attack, but it dissipates] I will erase you!
St. Maximus: ...!
Bedman: I created this world. If I say it is it will be. All the power in the world is meaningless here. But, it's too bad... ...this is all the life I have...left... ...Must...atone. [turns to stone while casting a spell, then breaks]
St. Maximus: ... [teleports away]
Unknown Girl: [presumably looking at Bedman's remains] ...
[Scene fades to black.]

Wall B[]

That Man's Laboratory
Paradigm: Zappa. What on earth are you...?
Zappa: Obviously, I'm trying to find the Sanctus Maximus. Can't you see me downloading the software!?
That Man: You can actually recover that signal...?
Randy: [via comm] I'm not recovering the signal. In fact, it's better gone. My "Painkiller" can scatter information around the world. Of course... If you can broadcast the Sanctus Maximus's signal...
Randy: Exactly.
Zappa: Wherever there isn't a signal is where we'll find her.
Randy: How appropriate for Team Bottom of the Barrel.
Paradigm: I would hardly call you that... Frederick!
Gullinkambi Dark
Sol: Here it comes... Take the coordinates!
Johnny: [at the flight controls] Time to light this up! Bring the coordinates up on the main monitor. April, give me the shortest route!
April: [as co-pilot] Roger that! Currently airborne in the North Atlantic.
Ky: The North Atlantic!?
Johnny: Hey, Mister King...
Ky: Yes?
Johnny: I wouldn't stand there if I were you. ["The Ship" starts playing.]
April: Gullinkambi Dark... Take-off.
Leo: All units near the target area, fall back to the second defense line. Requesting back-up from allied nations. We're going to end this, once and for all.
That Man's Laboratory
Paradigm: Now, it's time to hurry. The closer the time limit, the more stress it puts on Haehyun. We need to take care of this as soon as Frederick's in position.
Zappa: Initialization request, active. Confirmed the signal from the Second King.
That Man: Main bridge, sleep mode deactivated. Skip launch protocols 2 through 8. Switching trajectory controls and communication to this facility's systems. Don't forget to check for movement.
Paradigm: Roger that.
Zappa: Amazing... There's absolutely no deterioration in the data in a facility over a hundred years old. Even the auxiliary power has only deteriorated 2%. Unreal...
That Man: At the time, most devices were made with both physical units and magic. It deteriorates less compared to purely magical ones. The Wurtzite vacuum sealed integrated circuits are of the highest grade of durability even today.
Paradigm: That's enough chit-chat. Ready, aim... Commence firing sequence.
Zappa: Magic chamber...pressure normal.
Gullinkambi Dark
Johnny: April... How're we doing?
April: All green. The pressurization system and G-canceller are operating within limits.
Sin: Oh god... This is like gonna make me...f'real sick, yo...!
Sol: How long will it take?
April: 3,600 kilometers to target. You should arrive in 40 minutes.
Ky: You can cover 3,600 in 40 minutes!?
Johnny: Welcome to the cutting edge of transportation.
Jack-O': Some cutting edge... You strapped on 12 PH J-59s, which makes this an antique. Speed is all it has.
Johnny: I think you and I are gonna get along just fine, Missy. But let's save the small talk for the dinner table. I don't think it'll be appropriate in front of our king.
Celestial Altar
St. Maximus: ... They're coming. Impressive...
Elphelt: Coming...? They are?
Illyrian War Room
Anders: Yes? O-Oh, right away. I'll put you through.
Leo: What is it? It's from the Third King, Daryl.
Daryl: [via comm] Sorry, I'm late.
Leo: Daryl!
Daryl: I spent a lot of time with internal affairs, per the Sanctus Maximus's orders. But I'm done... I'll take command of the fleet... You go handle the capital.
Leo: I appreciate it. Regarding the orders...
Daryl: Smash Justice to pieces with the artillery.
Leo: ...What? Are you mad!? Sol and Ky are headed over there.
Daryl: I realize the situation. But we need insurance, in case the plan goes south.
Leo: I agree with the insurance, but can you guarantee their safety?
Daryl: I can't. Although, I'll do my best.
Leo: You can't...!?
Daryl: I said I would do my best. Besides, if it comes down to the artillery... I think their safety is the least of our worries.
Leo: B-But, are you certain you can make the right call?
Daryl: You'll have to trust me on this one. As soon as I determine the situation to be out of control... I'm afraid Sol will be in the line of fire.
Leo: N-No...! I can't do it. I'm going to take command here.
Daryl: I respectfully decline, sir. The 13th fleet was mine to begin with. Now that I've returned, I don't believe you have the authority to make that call.
Leo: What!? You don't even know them... You have no idea what they've been through!
Daryl: That's right, I don't know them. Which is why I can view the situation objectively. Can you say the same?
Leo: You might be able to destroy Justice and Sol in the flesh, but their core is immortal... We'll just delay the inevitable!
Daryl: And give us time to come up with a new plan.
Leo: No! If Sol dies, then there will be no more cores with a human mind. All the planning in the world would be meaningless!
Daryl: Then we need to pray... that it doesn't come to that.
Leo: ... You said you were going to destroy Justice... How were you going to do it? Armies have thrown everything they had at it, and not even a scratch...
Daryl: My fleet is equipped with the Collider Cannon. Something we built under the Sanctus Maximus's orders. It didn't meet the output she had wanted, so the project was suspended... But dare I say, its power is unprecedented. If we hit Justice almost anywhere, I believe we can hinder her progress.
Leo: ... Alright... But whatever you do, don't rush this decision.
Daryl: Our time limit won't wait around for your decision.
Leo: Dammit! Insurance, my ass! [starts running away from the screens]
Anders: Um, sir... where are you--
Leo: Insurance! I'm gonna go get some, too!
Gullinkambi Dark
Jack-O': It feels like forever... The 40 minutes where humanity's fate lies in limbo.
Sin: Well, we can talk.
Jack-O': About what?
Sin: Let's see... I've been thinking for a while, but... Is the old man related to Mom in any wa--
Sol: Sin! Let's... not bring that up...right now.
Ky: What're you talking about?
Jack-O': I think I am quite qualified to answer that...
Sol: JACK-O'! I said. Let's not bring that up. Now, everyone...don't think about anything.
Sin: Why?
Sol: BECAUSE! ...Because... it'll just be better that way. We've got the final battle ahead of us. I don't need any weird feelings getting in my way.
Ky: W-Wait. Of course... How did I not realize sooner. Dizzy is Justice's daughter. So that would make... [realizes] No... I don't believe it! Sol, that would make you my father-in...
Sol: KY!
[At the same time:]
Ky: W'aaaah!
[They both fall from their seat in despair.]
Johnny: So...who won that shouting contest?
Jack-O': Wow, Sin... You really know how to make a journey fun.
Sol: Look around you, people... This is no time to be shootin' the shit.
Johnny: Settle down, partner. Call it shootin' the shit or call it hypocrisy -- it doesn't make a difference to me. But I welcome it. The world goes 'round because people can speak their mind. Speak what's right... Even if it were an innocent lie. Now, you know the world's gonna be over when people stop talkin'.
Ky: ... The Universal Will hated humans... I could feel the hatred. But, at the same time, it seemed like it wanted to define the "perfect" human.
Jack-O': Perfect...?
Ky: You are both human and god... How do you see the fate of humanity? What I mean is...
Jack-O': You're asking me if I understand the Universal Will? ... Humans continue to fill up the ocean, and expand the coast as far as they can...for their own security. To move forward... But the ability to go anywhere will naturally decrease its value. Turn around, and the border between water and coast is blurred. People don't know what to call home, and as a result, they lose the desire to return. The high waves and deep sea advised against it. To "stay where they belong," or something along those lines...
Ky: Didn't you say something similar, Sol?
Sol: Don't remind me. That was just an old man blowing off steam.
Sin: Hey, Raven said that, too! I think? Too much delicious steak will make you forget how it tastes.
Jack-O': Tee-hee. Don't get me wrong... I'm no god, but let me try to spell this out... If humans could be happy with a single injection. Say, you don't need to eat, or think...or anything, really. Would you call that happiness?
Ky: That sounds like...being a machine.
Jack-O': Exactly. The Universal Will doesn't want that kind of future, either. But I would argue that too is a form of happiness. Calling that "destruction" is the subjective opinion of those who live in this era. A fleeting perspective.
Ky: think that is our happiness?
Jack-O': I said, "too." People have the freedom to choose.
Ky: ... We can never lose that right...
Sol: Not all fireworks burn the same... Heh heh heh.
Sin: Fireworks...?
Sol: Walk into someone's house and show disrespect... You get burned. ... We're taking Elphelt back.
Sin: ... Hell yeah! [this ship trembles] D'wah!
Jack-O': Eek!
Sol: The hell just happened!? Floating rocks...?
April: That's not all. [Gears look at them from the floating rocks.]
Johnny: Looks like we had the right target. Hang tight, y'all. But...keep the seats clean.
Celestial Altar
St. Maximus: Are you actually...happy? They're supposed to be your hope? Very well... I will turn you into my new humanity! A fitting beacon of hope. But make no mistake... Chances are everywhere and frequent. What's important is the ability to recognize it. Normally, it's not something that can be taught. Which is why what I'm about to tell you is so valuable. In a few moments, you are going to become the loneliest creature on this planet. But when that happens... ...A few people on that ship might actually live. But if they come here, they'll die. Because I'm going to kill them. I can, trust me.
Elphelt: ...
St. Maximus: Which is why I draw my sword... I unlatch the strap and gracefully caress the hilt, from base to tip. And as I slowly draw the sword, the blade scrapes against the sheath, in a symphony of metal that resonates the tune of inevitability. Everything up to here is me... ...But what follows... That is my duty! Do you want to kill every last one of them?
Elphelt: Are you suggesting I make them... turn around?
St. Maximus: I'm telling you to think about what "hope" really means.
Elphelt: ... They came to save the world... Nothing I say can stop them. Sol's going to get mad at me again... ...If I say things like "impossible" or "can't." So I believe them... All of them! That is what HOPE looks like!
Sol: [outside of the ship's windows] ELPHELT!
Elphelt: ...!
Sol: You enjoying the view?
Elphelt: ...Huh?
Sol: I asked if you like the view from up there. Because this'll be your last chance to see it. I'll pick you up by dinner.
Elphelt: ... [with tears in eyes] What's for...dinner today?
Sol: Your choice. When humans are saved...or when they're extinct. Decide then.
Elphelt: ...Oh.
St. Maximus: [hits the ship with a shockwave slash] Mistake...!


[The ship steers clear of Justice, but Ky, Jack-O', Sin and Sol remain behind.]
Sol: Jack-O'... You head over to Elphelt. And all that's left is...
Sin: Kicking your ass!
Ky: Sin, language.
Sol: What am I supposed to say!?
Ky: Time to kick some ass. Just this once, alright? [Sin smiles. Jack-O' floats over to Elphelt.]
Elphelt: Who are you?
Jack-O': Your other mother. Or I guess I would be...your sister?
St. Maximus: Are you planning to change bodies...? Clever, I admit... But you won't LIVE THAT LONG! [The three charge at her, but she fends them off.] What's the matter, you monsters? That's the best you can do?
Sol: Rraaaaaaaagh! [is blocked] Dammit, you...!
St. Maximus: You think I've been sitting around with my head up my ass all day!? That I wasn't prepared for this?!
Sol: [activates Junkyard Dog] Get out of my sight.
St. Maximus: Please. You insult me with that toy.
Sol: Output's three-fold. I could smash a mountain with this.
St. Maximus: A mountain...? [takes a fire blast but is intact, but the attack cracks the ground near Justice] Why don't you use your Dragon Install?
Sol: ...
St. Maximus: I already know the answer to that. You couldn't even if you wanted to... Do that, and you could amplify the Information Flares. This mission would have been impossible... And before, I only saw you as a force stronger than me... ...And Ramlethal. If I had to send my troops to shut her down, I would've lost many pawns... But, thankfully she was defective. Put a child's life before her own, and now she's not my problem. Oh you guys really saved me a headache.
Sin: Don't you DARE say another word!
St. Maximus: [is pulled back] Wha...!?
Sin: Ram never said a single bad thing about you! And, she wanted you to stop doing bad things! Because no matter how bad you were still her mother! And you...
St. Maximus: You thought that leaving her alone would make her happy? So, she may have joined you guys, but that doesn't make her a redundancy. She would be living a life of solitude. [evades Ky's attack] K'uh!
Ky: [locking swords with Ariels along with Sin] But that's no deprive her of her right to live!
Sol: [joins them] Keep buying time... I don't think anything can withstand twenty-fold.
Jack-O': [in front of a magic circle between her and Justice] Sorry for the wait.
Elphelt: What're you...?
Jack-O': I'm going to take over your job now. Just hang tight, okay?
That Man's Laboratory
Zappa: Jack-O' is now in position.
Paradigm: Alright... Re-confirm coordinates, and prepare to fire at will. We're running out of time!
Zappa: Releasing all safeties. Commence countdown.
That Man: Hm? Wait! The coordinates are off.
Paradigm: What!? That's impossible.
Sacred Tree
Haehyun: Nrrrrrrrng!
Baiken: What're we waiting for!?
Celestial Altar
Jack-O': This is it...
Sol: What the hell is it now!?
Jack-O': The collapsing!
Paradigm: [via comm] What!?
Sol: That's the least of our worries right now. Blast this thing!
That Man: We can't. We've exceeded our standard deviation... If we act now, I cannot guarantee the desired results. Jack-O', can you adjust for the offset?
Jack-O': My hands are... kind of tied right now.
Ky: Sol, can I leave this to you?
Sol: Go. Get out of here!
Ky: [runs off to one of the chain pillars and, his eye crimson, pulls from it] Haaaaaaaaaaaargh!
Sin: Wh-Whoa...
Sol: He just stopped it from collapsing. Sin, go support the other side. I've got this under control.
Sin: You got it! [runs to do the same] H'raaaaaaaaaaah!
St. Maximus: Under control, you say...? Why do you fight for these redundancies? You are like a god to these creatures. They're like parrots, trying to become humans. And eventually, they will mistake omnipotence for evolution. But they'll never evolve... They will just have knowledge. Imagination is infinite...but understanding, has limits. They lose sight of what it means to be "human." Do you really want to live a lonely life in a world that won't accept you?
Sol: You like fireworks?
St. Maximus: ...?
Sol: I make it a habit to be alone. Always have... That's the path I've chosen. The world I've started to like. Then all of a sudden a whole bunch of people start to butt into my peaceful life with ideas of their own. ["Icarus" starts playing.] I'm in love with this, I want to protect that, I want to rise up, I want to reclaim those, I want to redo everything... You can see how that'll get on a man's nerves. It's like watching fireworks. But you know, that's helped me realize something... That I'm not just "one," I'm "one of many." My world existed in a box of freedom that was handed to me. So, you try and change the world according to your plans, but in doing so you affect and are affected by others... How's that any different from what you're trying to do!? This world's like one huge-ass firework. How the hell can I miss it?
St. Maximus: Guh...!
Paradigm: [via comm] Yes, yes. The offset is being corrected!
Sin: [his chain breaks, "Icarus" stops] Just a little... MORE!
Ky: Wha...!?
Sol: Dammit! [rushes to take the chain]
That Man: [via comm] Frederick, are you ready yet!? 10 seconds to launch!
Sol: Shit.
St. Maximus: Ah... Heh. This is what you people call...the tables turning? [slashes him]
Sol: Hrrrrrng!
Tha Man's Laboratory
[The Saint Oratorio is fired.]
Zappa: Bombs away!
Celestial Altar
Ky: Sin, don't give up!
Paradigm: [via comm] End of the line...?
Ramlethal: Don't give up... [teleports in with bandages over the right arm and leg, alongside Raven]
St. Maximus: Ramlethal!? Impossible!
Elphelt: Ram!
Sin: How are you...!?
Ramlethal: [uses on her greatswords to affix the chain] Just keep lifting. [Sol drops the chain and jumps to confront Ariels.]
That Man's Laboratory
That Man: Target, offset corrected.
Celestial Altar
St. Maximus: Shame... I was hoping to keep you around as a sort of "bridge" to the new world. But, my objective has been a hundred percent achieved!
Sol: You mean zero...
St. Maximus: ...?
Sol: Do you REALLY think we'd just knock on your gates without doing our homework?
St. Maximus: Huh!? [The Saint Oratorio reaches their location; she blocks] Hrg... [Sol stands behind her.] Heh heh heh... HAHAHAHA! How long have you lived...? Tell me, how long have you lived!? Don't tell me you haven't seen the future! Where the world is headed... Everything you've experienced. Everything you've done will be denied. Is that really what you want? Remember...the past. You fall in love? You overcome your troubles to achieve something? You ever get excited about what the future holds? Tell me everything... ...about your past!
Sol: C'mon now...
Ky: You can't mention that...
Sol: Don't push your luck. [hits her against the Saint Oratorio]
St. Maximus: [swept off by the beam] U'rraaaaaaaaaaoh! [the beam reaches Jack-O' and Ariels falls off to the ground, beaten; Elphelt is separated from Justice]
Ramlethal: El!
Elphelt: Ram!
[They hug each other in the air. Jack-O' fuses with Justice through her Gear mark.]
Ky: We did it...
[The 13th fleet appears.]
Sol: What? ...? [receives call]
That Man's Laboratory
Haehyun: [via comm] I'm limit...!
Paradigm: Lord Haehyun? What's going on?
Zappa: What's going on over there!? Give me a sitrep! The flares are still coming!
That Man: What...? Frederick!
Celestial Altar
Sol: I hear you. Justice still isn't human... What the hell's going on here?
Jack-O': I get it... Aria doesn't want to become human... She's denying it.
Sol: WHY!?
Jack-O': I think she's unconscious... She can't forget about her rampage. She's been tormented by that memory this entire time.
Paradigm: No...
Jack-O': There's one way... If you can give me enough energy again, I can momentarily override her consciousness and force the merge. But...
Ky: But?
Jack-O':In order to do that, we'll need even more energy than before.
That Man: ...I couldn't possibly output more.
Fleet Airship
Daryl: Time's up.
Anders: [via comm] P-Please, wait... The Second King has not yet confirmed...
Daryl: We can't. Preparing the Collider Cannon to fire.
Celestial Altar
Ky: This is... Of course.
Illyrian War Room
Anders: Where's Lord Leo!?
Celestial Altar
Sol: Paradigm, can you fire another!?
Paradigm: What are you...?
Sol: Give me a yes or no!
Paradigm: Yes, I can, but what's the point in firing it if it has no effect...?
Sol: I'm gonna light up the Junkyard.
Paradigm: Wha...?
Sol: I'll stick the Saint Oratorio in this thing and kickstart it.
Paradigm: How fast do you think this thing is... There's no way you can capture it!
Sol: Shut your trap. If you've got time to waste talking, then fire the damn thing already.
Paradigm: ... Lord Zappa!
Zappa: Yes!
Fleet Airship
Daryl: Aim complete, target locked onto Justice.
Ky: [via comm] Can you hear me, Daryl?
Daryl: I hear you... Sounds like the mission was a failure.
Ky: So it seems...but it looks like we've got one last trick up our sleeve. A few minutes is all we need... Can you hold your fire?
Daryl: This cannon IS the trick up our sleeve. I'm not placing the fate of the entire human race in Sol Badguy's hands. Forgive me, but I'm in no mood to estimate the rate of success. I will not jeopardize our chances by waiting any longe--
Ky: Leo?
Leo: The United Kingdoms of Illyria's Constitution! Section III Paragraph 12! With the joint signatures of First King Ky Kiske, and Second King Leo Whitefang, we hereby remove you from your command as Third King. BELAY HIS ORDER!
Daryl: What the hell!?
Leo: I know... Fighting over human emotions and semantics right now is...pointless. But, even then I'm willing to gamble everything we have on that man, Sol! At the very least, I can say...if we kill him with some stunt like this, and EVEN if we succeed...we'll lose the right to be happy about anything. Ever. Ky, I've already signed... It's your move. [opens book, and the signing magic circle]
Celestial Altar
Ky: [circle appears in front of him] ...
Daryl: [via comm] Ky, have you lost your mind!? Calm down and think this through!
Ky: I'm... ...I appreciate your effort Leo, but Daryl has a point. I will not grant your request.
Leo: [via comm] What!?
Ky: Instead... Do you have a teleportation device on this ship?
Daryl: [via comm] Of course. At this distance, we can bring everyone back, no problem. That was always the plan.
Ky: Wonderful. But, if you plan on targeting Sol, then you must leave me behind, as well.
Daryl: [via comm] What!?
That Man's Laboratory
Zappa: 60 seconds until impact...!
Celestial Altar
Sol: What the hell are you doing!? Stay with Sin!
Ky: I am well aware that this is a one in a million chance... But, if I survive at the expense of my dear friend, then there is little reason left for my ruling this world as king.
[Jack-O' smiles.]
Fleet Airship
Daryl: Beam them up!
Sin: Whooa...! [is teleported in, followed by Ramlethal and Elphelt]
Ky: ...!? What is...? [is teleported in] How dare you...Daryl! Send me back at once!
Daryl: Forgive me, Ky... But like you, I have placed all my faith in this final card. And, humanity needs you to go on. FIRE!
Ky: SOL!
[Collider cannons prepare to fire.]
Celestial Altar
Sol: Jack-O'. Time to go for a ride.
Jack-O': Tee-hee. You don't give up, do you? Even to the very last second. But, I suppose that's okay. You kept your promise. You aren't alone...
Sol: [smiles] ...Let's call it even.
[They close their eyes as cannons fire in their direction, but they never reach them. Sol opens his eyes to see that everything just stopped.]
Sol: What's...?
Axl: ...Boss. Hey Boss, can you hear me?
Sol: I don't believe it... Axl!?
Axl: Heh heh... Not bad, huh? I compressed time in this entire area.
Sol: I don't believe it...
Axl: Everything that happens in here, happens in an instant, mate. Transform in here, and you can settle this before the world even notices.
Sol: What'll happen to you if you use this power...?
Axl: I know, I know... I can't go back to my original timeline. But you see... My girlfriend... Megumi's smile is really cute. Even if I abandoned this world, she'll smile and tell me, "It must've been such a tough decision." That's the kind of girl she is. ...That's not good enough for me. It's not good enough! If my eyes are so clouded...and I let that happen... How the hell am I supposed to see that smile of hers!? That's why I... [with tears in his eyes] Give 'em hell, Boss!
[Saint Oratorio reaches them.]
Sol: [tranforms into his Dragon Install form] You're damn right I will, Axl Low! THE FIRST ROUND'S ON ME! [intercepts the beam with Junkyard Dog] U'RAAAAAAAAAH! [then shoots it at Jack-O']
Fleet Airship
[The fusion occurs, time resumes and the cannon's fire continue their trajectory.]
[After the dust settles, Sol and a sleeping Jack-O'/Aria are floating in the air, with a barrier protecting them.]
Ky: Sol...
Celestial Altar
Sol: ... [sees that the barrier was erected by Ariels, who is too weak to stand up] You bastard...
St. Maximus: ...If you disappeared, then...I really will have no hope left in this world. I'm in no place to say this...but please take care of my daughters. That's the only proof of myself I have left in this world. [passes out]
Sol: ...
[The fusion sets in; Jack-O'/Aria glows, her halo disappears, and her hair turns completely red. Elsewhere, the Phalanx drop their weapons and deactivating before Chipp, Potemkin, Millia, Zato, Faust, Slayer, Gabriel, Baiken, Answer and May.]
Sacred Tree
Haehyun: restored. [stops her tuning]
That Man's Laboratory
Zappa: Please, take a look at this... Th-The flare is gone! It's GONE!
Fleet Airship
[The Illyrian operators celebrate, while Leo looks.]
Sin: Dammit, old man, you're invincible!
Daryl: ... Miracles cannot happen time after time... I don't believe you are a hero...
Sol: ...
Daryl: The rumors must be true. You're the God of War...and we welcome you.
Sol: Hah! That's great 'n all, but...
Gullinkambi Dark
Johnny: Well, I'll be damned... Can I bill this to you, Mister?
Sol: How about we head towards the alcohol?
??? (Mid-credits)
[Sol and Sin face That Man, Raven, with I-No having her back turned to them all.]
That Man: Frederick... Once more, we have avoided a crisis. Thank you.
Sol: ...
That Man: Take good care of Aria. All that's left... to settle our score.
Sin: Huh!? Wh-Why!? You two don't have a reason to fight anymore, right?
That Man: True... This world no longer needs the Gear Maker or That Man. But, you see... [drops his hood]
Sol: Take a good long look, Sin. Those are the eyes of a man. A real man trying to pick a fight. When you see someone with those eyes, there's no need to understand why... You just oblige. And he picked a fight with me. Alright... Asuka R. Kreutz. You're on.
[I-No smiles.]
??? (Post-credits)
[Robo-Ky's head deploys its helicopter blades and takes Venom's unconscious body away.]
