Guilty Gear Wiki

The following is a list of quotes attributed to That Man.

Guilty Gear -Strive-[]


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.

  • Generic:
    • 1 round, 30 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In thirty seconds."
    • 1 round, 45 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In forty-five seconds."
    • 2 rounds, 30 seconds / 1 round, 60 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In sixty seconds."
    • 1 round, 75 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In seventy-five seconds."
    • 3 rounds, 30 seconds / 2 rounds, 45 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In ninety seconds."
    • 1 round, 99 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In ninety-nine seconds."
    • 4 rounds, 30 seconds / 2 rounds, 60 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In one hundred and twenty seconds."
    • 1 round, 45 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In one hundred and thirty-five seconds."
    • 5 rounds, 30 seconds / 2 rounds, 75 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In one hundred and fifty seconds."
    • 4 rounds, 45 seconds / 3 rounds, 60 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In one hundred and eighty seconds."
    • 2 rounds, 99 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In one hundred and ninety-eight seconds."
    • 5 rounds, 45 seconds / 3 rounds, 75 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In two hundred and twenty-five seconds."
    • 3 rounds, 99 seconds:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done In two hundred and ninety-seven seconds."
    • None of the specified rounds and times:
      • (P2) "I'm sure I'll be done before my next breath."
    • (P2) "If I give up now, will you let me be?"
    • (P2) "Commencing Battle Method Turing test. Subjects: both combatants."
    • (P1) "Um, could you say that again? I was lost in thought..."
    • (P1) "Improvisation may trump a perfect plan... but I'll take my chances."
    • (P1) "Quiet, please. I'm calculating my chance of survival."
  • Self:
    • (P2) "If this gets scary, I'm quitting."
      • (P1) "Sounds like a plan."
    • (P2) "Is this a good time?"
      • (P1) "Yes. Let's finish this."
    • (P2) "How much more will you collect?"
      • (P1) "Honestly, I'd like to stop."
  • Anji:
    • (P2) "Can't you just say hello?"
      • (P1) (Anji: "Sorry. Old habits die hard.")
    • (P2) "Still have something to ask me?"
      • (P1) (Anji: "Something? More like everything!")
    • (P2) "Commencing collection."
      • (P1) (Anji: "If you're up to something, let me in on it!")
    • (P2) (Anji: "Look at us, dancing like this.")
      • (P1) "Dancing? Alas, I have no practical experience."
    • (P2) (Anji: "Hey there, handsome.")
      • (P1) "Another ambush? Really?"
    • (P2) (Anji: "No agreement necessary, right?")
      • (P1) "No, but you'll wish we had one."
  • Jack-O'
    • (P2) "Help me gather some data."
      • (P1) (Jack-O': "A Battle Method Turing Test? That doesn't really sound like you.")
    • (P2) "Hi. It's good to see you well."
      • (P1) (Jack-O': "Glad to see you, too. We both are.")
    • (P2) (Jack-O': "Trick or--Oh, it's you, Asuka.")
      • (P1) "Are my tricks or treats not good enough? That's... kind of sad."
    • (P2) (Jack-O': "Uh, you sure you got time for this?")
      • (P1) "All of my time is for this."
Asuka R♯
  • Sol:
    • (P2) "How goes life in hiding?"
      • (P1) (Sol: "Let's start with you. If you even know.")
    • (P2) "Well, someone hasn't changed."
      • (P1) (Sol: "I don't wanna hear that from you.")
    • (P2) "If only we were meeting under happier circumstances."
      • (P1) (Sol: "Some elaborate prank. Too bad it ain't funny.")
    • (P2) (Sol: "...The hell're you?")
      • (P1) "I'm Asuka."
    • (P2) (Sol: "...No one told me you had siblings.")
      • (P1) "Ah, so you can tell, can you?"
    • (P2) (Sol: "You sure seem like the real thing. How's that work?")
      • (P1) "You're innately conscious of me. Wonderful."
  • Jack-O'
    • (P2) "I'm sure you see right through me."
      • (P1) (Jack-O': "Yeah, but you're just as Asuka as any Asuka.")
    • (P2) (Jack-O': "Wow, Asuka! You really outdo yourself!")
      • (P1) "I do, if I may be so bold."
  • Chaos:
    • (P2) "The unprovable can be proven. Too bad you're the result."
      • (P1) (Chaos: "You always know just what to say.")
    • (P2) "Let's run some tests to see how immortal you really are."
      • (P1) (Chaos: "Going all out, Asuka? I never thought I'd live to see it.")
    • (P2) "I could destroy you with a strangelet."
      • (P1) (Chaos: "Two can play that game, but they don't make it through the Backyard.")
    • (P2) (Chaos: "...Back up. Asuka, Asuka, Asuka... You're a natural-born lunatic.")
      • (P1) "Turn it down a bit, Teacher."
    • (P2) (Chaos: "Battle Method Turing Tests? A psychophysical paradox.")
      • (P1) "I tried applying your Gaia Turing, too."
    • (P2) (Chaos: "Can I ask your name?")
      • (P1) "It's Asuka. For now, at least."
Asuka R. Kreutz
  • Sol:
    • (P2) "I'm analyzing some data. Will you help me out?"
      • (P1) (Sol: "Analyzing? So your clone here's doing all the field work, huh?")
    • (P2) "I've found a new hobby."
      • (P1) (Sol: "I'd say you should get a less scientific hobby, but that's not happenin', is it?")
    • (P2) "I'm researching tools for extralinguistic communication."
      • (P1) (Sol: "The universe's most precious book is just another toy to you, huh?")
    • (P2) (Sol: "Am I daydreamin'?")
      • (P1) "In a sense. Outside observers can't percieve anything as it's rendered in your brain."
    • (P2) (Sol: "You're not the real deal, are ya?")
      • (P1) "Your sensory data keeps me in sync with the situation. It's all real to us."
    • (P2) (Sol: "You're not a ghost, are ya?")
      • (P1) "It's all scientifically sound. We'll both feel every blow."
  • Jack-O'
    • (P2) "I'm sure you see right through me."
      • (P1) (Jack-O': "Yep, you're the Asuka I know.")
    • (P2) (Jack-O': "Incognito? It's okay, I won't tell Frederick.")
      • (P1) "Thanks. He should hear it straight from me."
  • Chaos:
    • (P2) "This is teacher versus pupil. Remember?"
      • (P1) (Chaos: "Be honest--it's an experiment. Now, which one of us is the guinea pig?")
    • (P2) "You'll make a rare subject for a Battle Method Turing Test indeed."
      • (P1) (Chaos: "Boring. You know I have no interest in myself.")
    • (P2) "Do you ever wonder how will intervenes in existence?"
      • (P1) (Chaos: "Will? You mean like, from up on high? You know, it does pique my interest.")
    • (P2) (Chaos: "Oh ho, did you just hijack my brain?")
      • (P1) "Rest assured I won't touch any resources other than your vision and feedback response."
    • (P2) (Chaos: "I see it's the quiet one today.")
      • (P1) "Well, you never taught me how to talk."
    • (P2) (Chaos: "Wanna make your broadcasts a liiittle more interesting?")
      • (P1) "It's my show. I don't need to explain my intent, let alone add extra drama."
  • "Beating people sure is hard. It's far easier to destroy them."
  • "How rude of me. I haven't an ounce of fighting spirit."
  • Anji: "I'm sure there are more peaceful ways to have a conversation."
  • Chaos:
    • "When knowledge and experience don't work, absurdity just might.
    • "You know... Neither of us look our best in physical combat."
Asuka R♯
  • "Sample gathered. Please cross-reference it with the books."
  • Sol:
    • "You'll be much stronger once you're free of discord."
    • "Our fundamental composition is quite similar. That's how I know."
    • "I knew the throughput wouldn't be enough, so I added a sequencer."
  • Chaos: "You're an easy read. You hesitate when I do things you think Asuka wouldn't."
Asuka R. Kreutz
  • "Add analysis and interpretation of results to my list."
  • Sol:
    • "I can't come here very often, but it is nice to see your face."
    • "Alright, we're in sync. Now transmitting via quantum teleportation."
    • "I should get going before the regret gets any stronger."
  • Chaos: "It truly seems that you're without bias. Whatever motivates you may eventually lead us to ascend."

Round Loss:

  • "Recompiling fears."
  • "I can't treat this as a thought experiment."
  • "I always struggle with the first principle."

Game Loss:

  • "My power, speed, sensitivity, and - most of all - fundamental strength, all come up short."
  • "The unexpected is approximately equal to the fatal."
  • "I swear I get sick whenever I leave the cleanroom."
  • Sol:
    • "His latency is low due to a total lack of pretention. I can't compete."
    • "You're using an aggressive high-pass filter to blend into the mix. How unexpectedly thoughtful."
    • "I know you hesitate a bit out of concern for Asuka. It's a...tricky feeling."
  • Chaos:
    • "I didn't expect you to run a standalone program in the background."
    • "One look at your spectrum reveals all your abnormalities."
    • "I'll never defeat you as long as I cling too close to form."
Taunts and Respects
  • "With survival on the line, I can win. One hundred percent."
  • "Just so you know, I'm fairly sure I can die form pain."
  • "Is there a way to win without knowledge, experience or motivation?"
  • "I think I'll turn this whole place into a vacuum."
  • "You'd make a fine surfactant."
  • "How does one decide what's fair or not in battle?"
  • "Warriors and I are...isomers."
  • "No Hamiltonian could describe this."
  • "I suppose nullifying potential energy won't work."
  • "End Combat Model 01: Senescent Sequence. Switching to Model 02."
  • "I'll need to unlock a few interlocks."
  • "Can hostility be reencoded into love?"