Guilty Gear Wiki

The following is a list of quotes attributed to Happy Chaos.

Guilty Gear -Strive-[]


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.

  • Generic:
    • (P2) "Show me your theme."
    • (P2) "Let's start the audition."
    • (P2) "Already read the synopsis."
    • (P1) "Skip the explanation, and let's just have fun."
    • (P1) "My script has no room for accidents, got it?"
    • (P1) "Okay, now this story has its opening line."
  • Self:
    • (P2) "Wait, which one of us is real again?"
      • (P1) "Beats me."
    • (P2) "Can I play the antagonist?"
      • (P1) "Sure, then I'll be the protagonist."
  • Sol:
    • (P2) "Can you collect a bounty on someone who doesn't die?"
      • (P1) (Sol: "That's why it's good money.")
    • (P2) (Sol: "Wonder how much I'd get for turning you in...")
      • (P1) "Whatever it is, it's still going up."
  • Axl / Baiken / Jack-O' / Bedman?:
    • (P1) "I'm happy to see you, too."
    • (P1) "I'm not always the enemy, mind you."
    • (P1) "I'm not really a direct combat guy."
  • Baiken:
    • (P2) "I've never seen an eye like that before."
      • (P1) (Baiken: "That's 'cause I've never seen one like you before.")
    • (P2) (Baiken: "I've gotta admit... I didn't think I'd be this calm.")
      • (P1) "Ugh, why'd it have to be you? Here I thought I was all done with fear."
  • Johnny:
    • (P2) "Nice shades. You've got good taste."
      • (P1) (Johnny: "Nice shades! I like your style.")
    • (P2) (Johnny: "A strong foe appears, a hero rises. We know how this ends...")
      • (P1) "If you're trying to foreshadow a twist, you'll be disappointed."
  • Anji:
    • (P2) "So you're the one who's been looking into me all this time."
      • (P1) (Anji: "You're not... exactly what I'd imagined, though.")
    • (P2) (Anji: "I may be the only one who knows the extent of your wrongdoings.")
      • (P1) "The extent? Oh, you don't know the half of it."
  • I-No:
    • (P2) "Are you the reason for my existence?"
      • (P1) (I-No: "I'm also the reason for your destruction.")
    • (P2) (I-No: "The future is mine to create.")
      • (P1) "Delusional, but ambitious. Great stuff."
  • Sin:
    • (P2) "Care for some Milpico?"
      • (P1) (Sin: "Hah, does it taste better than sugar water?")
    • (P2) (Sin: "Don't you know? Heroes always show up late!")
      • (P1) "Oh, but the curtain goes up on time regardless."
  • Nagoriyuki:
    • (P2) "Can I offer you a hundred years of freedom?"
      • (P1) (Nagoriyuki: "All's well, so long as you're gone.")
    • (P2) (Nagoriyuki: "I cannot let you leave here alive.")
      • (P1) "Aww. Y'know, I don't get that as often as you'd think."
  • That Man (Asuka R♯):
    • (P2) "...Back up. Asuka, Asuka, Asuka... You're a natural-born lunatic."
      • (P1) (Asuka R♯: "Turn it down a bit, Teacher.")
    • (P2) "Battle Method Turing Tests? A psychophysical paradox."
      • (P1) (Asuka R♯: "I tried applying your Gaia Turing, too.")
    • (P2) "Can I ask your name?"
      • (P1) (Asuka R♯: "It's Asuka. For now, at least.")
    • (P2) (Asuka R♯: "The unprovable can be proven. Too bad you're the result.")
      • (P1) "You always know just what to say."
    • (P2) (Asuka R♯: "Let's run some tests to see how immortal you really are.")
      • (P1) "Going all out, Asuka? I never thought I'd live to see it."
    • (P2) (Asuka R♯: "I could destroy you with a strangelet.")
      • (P1) "Two can play that game, but they don't make it through the Backyard."
  • That Man (Asuka R. Kreutz)
    • (P2) "Oh ho, did you just hijack my brain?"
      • (P1) (Asuka R. Kreutz: "Rest assured I won't touch any resources other than your vision and feedback response.")
    • (P2) "I see it's the quiet one today."
      • (P1) (Asuka R. Kreutz: "Well, you never taught me how to talk.")
    • (P2) "Wanna make your broadcasts a liiittle more interesting?"
      • (P1) (Asuka R. Kreutz: "It's my show. I don't need to explain my intent, let alone add extra drama.")
    • (P2) (Asuka R. Kreutz: "This is teacher versus pupil. Remember?")
      • (P1) "Be honest--it's an experiment. Now, which one of us is the guinea pig?"
    • (P2) (Asuka R. Kreutz: "You'll make a rare subject for a Battle Method Turing Test indeed.")
      • (P1) "Boring. You know I have no interest in myself."
    • (P2) (Asuka R. Kreutz: "Do you ever wonder how will intervenes in existence?")
      • (P1) "Will? You mean like, from up on high? You know, it does pique my interest."
  • "*sigh* Just a regular old unhappy ending."
  • "No... You're not the reason I exist. Not yet, anyway."
  • "I feel like we'll meet again. Given who you are..."
  • Self: "Want a ride? Just think what we could get up to."
  • Sol: "I'll be back. You're the star of the show, no matter what world I'm in."
  • Baiken: "(Sigh) Win or lose, there's nothing in it for me. This is the worst."
  • Johnny: "You're a star... but alas, you're not THE star."
  • I-No: "I'll give you a future, but you'll end up in the past."
  • Sin: "Come back when you're ready to push the plot forward, hero."
  • Nagoriyuki: "Hop in. We've got more trips to take."
  • Bedman?: "Rolling credits already? Really?"
  • That Man (Asuka R♯): "Your moves, your thoughts--they're too rigid. You've got to leave room for interpretation."
  • That Man (Asuka R. Kreutz): "Not a single surprise in your work. What a bore."
Taunts and Respects
  • "The passage of time rids humans of attachment, but is that aging or growth? There is an answer, but what is right and wrong depends on who's talking when and where. I'm an ally and an enemy to everything all at once. I simply go with the flow. You can destroy anything, you can save anything, so long as the flow continues. So yes, there is an answer. But I have no need for conclusions. And right now, neither do you."
  • "I don't care about winning, I'm just here for the pleasure. Not of the fight, but of you. You see? We may discover something that ties you, me and the world together. Your strength, your weaknesses. Your knowledge or ignorance. The burden on your shoulders that pushes you forward. Something truly unique. Any one of these things can be charming or despicable. But so far, I just find you intriguing."
  • "This world is a broad, colorful carpet. But if you pull a single thread from beneath your feet and start to unravel it, you realize, in the end, that the carpet's just made of one long thread. That thread's name is necessity. Everything is connected. One may witness an unfathomable sight and call it a miracle, but that's a misnomer. It's all cause and effect. And you should never mistake necessity for fate. Humans have the freedom of choice, but it seems you know that already."
Battle Quotes


  • "Oof."
  • "Ouch."
  • "Tch."
  • "Well now."
  • "Yeesh."
  • "You got me."
  • "That's it."

Area Shift:

  • "How about that?"
  • "Hm?"
  • "Aaah."


  • "Now's your chance."
  • "Wanna have your way with me?"
  • "Can't take a joke?"
  • "You don't get it."
  • "That's risky."
  • "Ooh, got that one wrong."
  • "That ain't it, chief."
  • "Lucky me."


  • "Hey."
  • "See?"
  • "Here!"
  • "Yup."
  • "Here you go!"
  • "Will this work?"
  • "Gah, I suck at this."
  • "Give this a try!"
  • "There you go!"
  • "Right this way."


  • "Take a breather."
  • "So I can throw you."
  • "Ooh, there we go."

Wild Assault:

  • "I hope you survive this!"

Blue Roman Cancel:

  • "Now what?"
  • "Here we go..."
  • "Lucked out!"

Red Roman Cancel:

  • "Now what?!"
  • "Let's do this!"
  • "You're outta luck."

Purple Roman Cancel:

  • "Er, now what?"
  • "Scratch that."
  • "Nope!"

Yellow Roman Cancel:

  • "No can do."
  • "We're done here."
  • "Ooh, scary.."

Blue Psych Burst:

  • "Ta-daa!"
  • "I'm good on that."
  • "Okay, pack it up."

Gold Psych Burst:

  • "Maybe now?"
  • "Let's spice things up."
  • "Time for a plot twist."

Special Moves:

  • "Hmm..."
  • "Focus..."
  • "Wait for it..."
  • "Trick 'ya?"
  • "I'm over here!"
  • "This better help."
  • "Let's make this fun."
  • "What a lousy shot."
  • "Bang."
  • "Pow!"
  • "Blam!"
  • "Here!"
  • "Hope this hits..."
  • "Boom!"
  • "Kapow!"
  • "Shapow!"


  • "Focus..."
  • "Almost there!"
  • "Ngh!"
  • "Deus Ex Machina!"
  • "I need a good hook."
  • "Are you my protagonist?"

Combo Success:

  • "Is the the end, or a fake out?"
  • "A real protagonist can guide the author's pen."
  • "Mm... Photogénie!"

Round Loss (normal):

  • "There's always act two..."
  • "Oh... You've REALLY got it."
  • "That's a fair ending."

Round Loss (timeout):

  • "Could you just...step aside?"
  • "Outta time? Says who?"
  • "Don't be so cocky..."

Game Loss:

  • "That won't get rid of me..."
  • "What an encounter!"
  • "This feels like the start of something."
  • Nagoriyuki: "This is why I HATE katanas!"