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The following is a list of quotes attributed to Ramlethal Valentine.

Guilty Gear Xrd[]

  • "It is my mission that gives me purpose."
  • "Surrender your future."
  • "You are a creature without purpose."
  • Sol: "Yes, I am. Surrender or die."
  • I-No: "Once? ...I don't really know."
  • Bedman: "What are you?"
-Revelator-/-Rev 2-
  • "Future..."
  • "Resist... the future."
  • Sol: "I will not betray... I wish to correct."
  • Sin (post-Rev 2): "I'm going to bet everything on the Double Chemical Burger. I'm not backing down..."
  • "That thing has no purpose." → "Get rid of it."
  • "Do whatever you want with it." → "What a mess."
  • "I'm done. Get rid of this thing." → "Disgusting."
-Revelator-/-Rev 2-
  • "Experience has more value than specs." → "This too, is studying."
  • "You've sustained more damage." → "Focus on recovery."
  • "I still don't know how to adjust..." → "I'm sorry."
  • Sol: "I don't have time to waste here." → "I need to save El..."
  • Elphelt: "Even you can't stand in my way..." → "I'll bring you back."
  • Instant Kill Outro (Round):
    • -Sign-
      • "It is my mission that gives me purpose."
      • "Surrender your future."
      • "You are a creature without purpose."
    • -Revelator-/-Rev 2-
      • "The match isn't over...I can't let my guard down."
      • "Humans... I must never underestimate."
      • "That was all I have. You shouldn't stand up."
  • Instant Kill Outro (Match):
    • -Sign-
      • "You are useless. Go away now."
      • "My head hurts..."
      • "Removal successful."
    • -Revelator-/-Rev 2-
      • "Win or lose, they both have meaning. Good... meaning."
      • "Right now, I don't feel weak."
      • "I think you fought well. You should rest."
  • Instant Kill reactions:
  • Herself: "I am meaningless. Therefore, so are you."
  • Sol: "If you were to be eliminated, then the threat to us would vanish. Therefore, you should go away."
  • Ky: "Good will and malice amount to nothing. Someday you'll lose all of it anyway."
  • May: "The definition of love is meaningless. One day everything of worth and significance will be gone."
  • Faust: "It doesn't matter whether you show your face or not. When the end comes, all of you will abandon your dignity."
  • Potemkin: "Size has no meaning. It is only superficial difference."
  • Chipp: "Feeling pride in your sacrifices is pointless. Someday even those sacrifices will feel pointless."
  • Zato: "There's no meaning to the things one sees with their eyes. Someday you won't be able to understand the difference anyway."
  • Millia: "There's no meaning to memories. Just a simple reflex mechanism."
  • Axl: "Your existence will make things complicated. I'd like you to leave. Now."
  • Venom: "Nothing is as meaningless as trust. Once a mutual understanding is reached, its worth is zero."
  • Slayer: "Still not enough. The power of your heart is no different from the others."
  • I-No: "...? Are you a redundancy, or...?"
  • Sin: "...Did that hurt?"
  • Bedman: "This has much more strength than I expected, and I've never heard of it. What is it?"
  • Leo: "There is no point to keeping records. Soon there will be no one left to read them."
  • Elphelt: "...I am a more effective tool."
Revelator/Rev 2
  • Herself: "I had a purpose... and so do you."
  • Sol: "You should take practice more seriously. If you lose, so will humanity."
  • Ky: "I don't know the meaning of justice. But even then, I know that you attract others around you. To me... that's somehow "wrong.""
  • May: "The stronger the feeling of "different," the stronger people become... I think I'm beginning to understand."
  • Faust: "It's not because you don't want others to see you... it's because you don't want to show yourself to others. That is why you hide...? Why are you trying to become an instrument?"
  • Potemkin: "If brute force is your only weapon, then you cannot defeat me. But, I think that is still your best asset. That is your own form of "different.""
  • Chipp: "I couldn't see your movements, but I could see your thoughts. Probably why I was able to win."
  • Zato: "You may not see, but you can still look up. I think the clouds are stars are so high up to remind you."
  • Millia: "If you judge everything from the situation alone, you'll lose sight of people. That's probably why you lost."
  • Axl: "You continue to be a threat."
  • Venom: "You're not only calculating the trajectories... you're calculating my state of mind..."
  • Slayer: "I know that you're holding back... why do you fight?"
  • I-No: "The question of whether you're human or not... It looks like you still haven't found your "different.""
  • Sin: "... Did it hurt?"
  • Bedman: "Right now, I understand "different." You're the one who taught me. so why are you helping Mother?"
  • Leo: "Do you think that my name will be in a dictionary? I hope there are good things, too... even if it's just a little."
  • Elphelt: "El, you smile when you win... I want to be that way, too."
  • Jack-O': "You're a Valentine, too? Mother never told me... who are you?"
  • Jam: "Do you like men? Are you "different"? Is your "different" the same as mine?"
  • Johnny: "Fighting to avoid risks is no good. Finding good risks with high value makes you strong... Someone taught me that."
  • Raven: "Wh-Why do you smile when you say, "No?" I don't think your smile is a good smile..."
  • Haehyun: "I think there's meaning in judging something for its absolute worth. But sometimes it's better to alter one's mind rather than their environment..."
  • Dizzy: "The ability to avoid fights... Possibly the strongest ability of them all. You must have a very important "different.""
  • Baiken: "Your feelings toward someone else are tormenting you. I can withstand you... But can they?"
  • Answer: "I have many questions, but I know little about the things I do know... For you, there's a lot that you do not know. Maybe that's your "different"..."

Guilty Gear -Strive-[]


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.

  • Generic:
    • (P2) "I'll create... the future."
    • (P2) "What makes you 'unique'?"
    • (P2) "Commencing assessment of the target."
    • (P1) "If you're done talking, let's begin."
    • (P1) "I'll see for myself what you mean."
    • (P1) "I'll do my best. Really."
  • Self:
    • (P2) "I won't reject you."
      • (P1) "Thank you."
    • (P2) "I won't deny myself."
      • (P1) "Then we can both accept each other."
  • Sin
    • (P2) "I was saving something... Where'd it go?"
      • (P1) (Sin: "Oh, that? It was so tasty, I flipped!")
    • (P2) (Sin: "Ready when you are, Ram!")
      • (P1) "I'm ready, too. Tell me if it hurts."
  • Elphelt:
    • (P2) "Long time no see. Give me all you've got."
      • (P1) (Elphelt: "We've both been super busy, huh? Here goes!")
    • (P2) "Let me hear your 'zongevas.'"
      • (P1) (Elphelt: "But... But I wanna hear YOUR 'zongevas!'")
    • (P2) "Missing hamburger incident log: Prime suspect found. Beginning interrogation."
      • (P1) (Elphelt: "It wasn't me! Wait, mine's gone too!!")
    • (P2) (Elphelt: "I could use more exercise...")
      • (P1) "All right. Time to sweat."
    • (P2) (Elphelt: "Ram, listen to my new song idea!")
      • (P1) "Prepare for constructive criticism."
    • (P2) (Elphelt: "Can you make it to my show this weekend?")
      • (P1) "I've already mapped the shortest route. Relax."
  • Leo
    • (P2) "Please praise me if I do well."
    • (P1) "So cool..."
  • Bedman?
    • (P2) "Begin suppression operation."
      • (P1) (Delilah: "As long as you don't break it...")
    • (P2) (Delilah: "I'm trusting you, here.")
      • (P1) "Thank you. I'll do my best."
  • "We can go home now. Let's go."
  • "I didn't win anything. I'm just strong."
  • "This meant something, but I don't know what. So I'll keep going."
  • Elphelt:
    • "Sorry. I'll buy you a burger to make up for it."
    • "Your songs are soothing. I want to listen to them forever."
    • "I'm excited for your show. Good luck."
Taunts and Respects
  • "Your value does not lie in battle."
  • (Lucifero: "'re things?") "What?" ("I mean, how're you holding up? The human side of you...have you been exploring that part of yourself?") "Why are you asking?" ("Sorry, I'm not being specific...have you been feeling lonely?") "I understand-- Ky, Sin and Dizzy...Elphelt and the others. I miss them so much when I can't see them sometimes. I never felt this way when I was alone." ("So that's what's been botherin' you...well it's good to hear why! But it's a real shame that you don't count me in the list of people that you miss, eh...") "That's because you're always here with me." ("Yeah, even in the bath and when you go to the toilet!") "Self-destruct!"
  • "There are too many unknowns..."
  • " surpass even theoretical limits."
  • "Leo might like that."
