Guilty Gear Wiki
Ggxxacpr St Chipp
This article features an unofficial translation as its release is yet to be localized. Mainly credited to: Edward Chang.
If something has been mistranslated, the issue can be discussed.

The following page comprises the full verbal transcript of Guilty Gear X Plus.

  • This transcript contains cutscene dialogue from Story Mode.
  • Transcriptions of battle dialogue and arcade quotes are found on character's individual quote lists.
  • Dialogue is sorted by character name, then a tentative story path name, and then by character battle.


Hunter. Revenge-seeker. And atoner. For the space of 150 years, those were the masks that the man wore. Having once been altered in body to become a living weapon, the man threw away his own name, and the bounty hunter known as Sol Badguy was born. What goes on in Sol's heart as he searched for unknown Gears?
VS Faust
Sol: 邪魔が、どけ?
A bother. Go away.
Faust: あなた、修羅にしては迷いがある。迷いがあるにしては陰りがない。なにゆえ覇道を歩かれます??
You seem troubled despite being a warrior. Yet there is no shade over your troubles. Why do you walk the military path?
Sol: 医者の出る[?]か!?
This isn't a time for a doctor!
VS Anji
Sol: そこのジャパニーズ、隠れてねぇで出てきな。?
You Japanese. Stop hiding and come out.
Anji: 悪りっ、[?]れてつけるなんざ男らしくなかったな。なぉアンタなら、[?]ってんだろ、あの男のことをよ??
Sorry. It wasn't very manly to hide and trail you... Hey, you know about That Man, right.
Sol: やめとけ。?
Better stop there.
Anji: 深入りすると死ぬってか??
Dig too deep and I'll die, right?
Sol: ……いや、殺す?, I'll kill you.
VS Johnny
Johnny: Hey, it's been awhile. Where are you going?
Sol: Don't matter to you.
Johnny: I know a good place. It's got good sake, and beautiful ladies, a real paradise. How about it, wanna come along? More fun than killing Gears.
Sol: Why do you cover her?
Johnny: Hm? Sorry, but I'm always on the ladies' side.
VS Axl
Axl: Hey chief, long time! Did you find him?
Sol: What do you mean?
Axl: Your acquaintance? That weird guy...
Sol: ...don't say anymore.
Axl: Why not? When we met in the 23rd century we... ow!
Ky: Stop, Sol!
Sol: ...
Ky: The International Police will take care of that Gear.
Sol: Move.
Ky: Sol! I said don't move.
Sol: drew.
VS Testament
Testament: So it was you. I've been waiting.
Sol: I'm tired of seeing you.
Testament: Finally some cynicism... and to think I was about to give up on killing you.
Sol: ... just go away.
Testament: I will not lose. For her sake.

VS Dizzy
Sol: Here you are.
Dizzy: Did you... come to kill me?
Sol: I came to find out. Hey... you're a Gear?
Dizzy: Don't Gears have a right to live?
Sol: Gears are weapons. Even their hearts.
Dizzy: I may be a weapon... but I don't want to hurt anybody!
Ending 1
Dizzy: Aren't you... going to finish me off?
Sol: I made a mistake. There are no Gears that want to die.
Dizzy: Then... might as well be a Gear. This power to kill...
Sol: Don't cry. It's annoying.
Dizzy: Will we meet again?
Sol: Do as you like.

VS Dizzy
Dizzy: Please don't stand up again...
Sol: Can't be helped. This is my ace.
Dizzy: What is this feeling? Please, don't show hostility to me! Stop it, Necro!
Ending 2
Sol: (I thought she was just a wimp who wanted to die... so why... why. It seems she has the will to live. To think she had that much power, though... I tried to catch up, and I ended up like this. Not bad... not bad at all...)

VS Justice
Dizzy: Please, go away...
Sol: Wait... this feeling is...
VS Dizzy
Sol: (No mistake. It's the same as back then.)
Dizzy: Stop it, Necro!
Ending 3
Servant: That is all.
That Man: To think there was a daughter... most interesting.
Servant: What shall I do?
That Man: She's an important sample. Monitor her without being noticed.
Servant: Understood.
That Man: Now, yet another reason to be killed by him...


Ky Kiske's youth was in the battlefield. The Holy Order that protected humans from Gears. As the commander of that Holy Order, Ky was always looking at the carnage in the world. Days and months passed... and now news of a Gear revival leads Ky once again to the battlefield. Not as a military man, but as a citizen, as a human.
VS Potemkin
Potemkin: I had no idea the International Police was involved. I was careless.
Ky: Not at all, I had no idea Zepp was interested in Gears.
Potemkin: I am not acting officially. Here, I'm just a regular bounty hunter.
Ky: I see... then, as fellow bounty hunters, let us settle this here.
VS Venom
Ky: Who are you looking for?
Venom: ...a dog. I have no use for you.
Ky: I am not on duty, but even so I am a public servant. If this involves the Guild, I cannot ignore it.
Venom: Then, let me see the conviction you pride so much.
VS Jam
Ky: Excuse me, the forest ahead of here, how can I...
Jam: (Aiya! What a nice looking boy!) The Forest of Demons very dangerous. You should stay away.
Ky: Thank you for your concern, but it's my duty...
Jam: Then I test if you ready for the forest! Draw!
Ky: W-w-wait a second!
Jam: If you lose it's washing dishes for you!
Ky: Huh? Wait!
VS Zato
Ky: First-class bounty Zato, I presume.
Eddie: That is this body's name.
Ky: How pitiful... already taken over by the Forbidden Magic... then, let me at least give you peace.
Eddie: How charitable... is this what you call "humanity"?
Ky: Not charity. This is... justice.
VS Millia
Millia: Zato!?
Ky: Who are you? He was on the verge of dying just now.
Millia: I was too late... I came to kill him, you know. Now, I'll take my revenge.
Ky: Huh?
Millia: I'm sorry. It would take too long to explain. You see, despite everything, he was my benefactor... so much so I want to kill him.

VS Testament
Testament: Return, child of man.
Ky: I can't do that.
Testament: The Forest of Demons is a place of peace. Do not bring the filth of outside in here.
Ky: Just pulling your hat over your head won't make the storm go away.
Testament: "In front of the populace I shall be a shield from the storm and a rock of support."
Ky: That's... a Holy Order oath!?
Testament: I am the shield. I won't let you lay a single finger on her!
VS Sol
Ky: I've been waiting.
Sol: ...annoying...
Ky: That fight we started then... we'll finish it here!
Sol: This isn't a place for a boy!
Ky: Fight seriously!
VS Dizzy
Ky: I'm sorry, but I've come to pick you up.
Dizzy: Why... can't you just leave me alone?
Ky: You have a great power.
Dizzy: I didn't even want this power...
Ky: I sympathize. But, I cannot leave you.
Dizzy: Why! If you did, everyone would be at peace...
Ky: You must learn... the meaning of having power!
Ending 1
Ky: Please, stand up. The outside world is waiting for you.
Dizzy: Why... is that?
Ky: Even if it's a power we didn't want, we all have a responsibility to our powers. Instead of running, you must show the world what kind of person you are. That is what it means to live.
Dizzy: But... if I leave here, it will become a burden to everyone...
Ky: Didn't you know? To live is to be a burden on others.
Dizzy: I... didn't know.
Ky: See? There are good things to living as a person as well.
Dizzy: To live as a person... can you teach me that?
Ky: That's why I came.

VS Robo-Ky
Robo-Ky: Target acquired. Identified as Ky Kiske. Just you wait, Ky. I was made just to defeat you. Now is the time for my raison d'etre!
Ky: *sneeze* ...for some reason I'm shivering...
Ending 2
Robo-Ky: Hey, Ky! Where did you go?
Ky: ...oh man.
Robo-Ky: I haven't lost yet!
Ky: Getting so serious even after he lost...
Robo-Ky: Fight me seriously!
Ky: And so persistently annoying...
Robo-Ky: Wheeeeeeeere aaaaaaare yoooooooou hiiiiiiiding...
Ky: What an annoying person. ...huh? Haven't I heard that somewhere before?
Robo-Ky: There!?
Ky: Eh?!

VS Testament
[Same as above.]
VS Dizzy
Dizzy: hurt him, didn't you.
Ky: The black-clothed Gear? Unfortunately.
Dizzy: Once again, someone is hurt for my sake... if I'm chased no matter where I go, then I will fight!
VS Sol
Ky: Sol! I know you're there.
Sol: You did pretty well for a boy.
Ky: Her power was overwhelming. But by reading her movements and acting to stop them I could beat her. Sol. Do you still say I have no right to face you?
Sol:'ll regret it.
Ending 3
Ky: (I see it... his sword... I can see his movements...) There!
Sol: Gah!
Ky: (Have I won?) Stand up, Sol! You should still be able to fight.
Sol: ...shut up. It's my loss.
Ky: What are you saying?
Sol: Dragging someone along for the ride and you're still not satisfied?
Ky: that really your full strength?
Sol: I was being serious but I lost here. Or by full strength do you mean killing each other?
Ky:, sorry for doubting you.
Sol: If you understand, then hurry up and go away.
Ky: No, I can't do that. As former Commander of the Holy Order, I can't just stand by and watch such negligent technique. We'll train now and fix it.
Sol: Such a spoiled...
Ky: That was a joke.
Sol: ...
Ky: Is something wrong?
Sol: (...bastard.)
Ky: You want another match?
Sol: No way, yeesh.


It was a rainy day. That person came and extended an umbrella. I was looking for a father, so that man became him. But I am selfish. Right now I want something more than a father. Tomorrow is Johnny's birthday. So... I have to find the greatest possible present.
Ky: Excuse me, miss.
May: (Hey, what a nice man!) Huh, what?
Ky: It's dangerous from here. Bounties show up...
May: That's great! I'm looking for a bounty.
Ky: It's dangerous, so I think it would be better for you to go home.
May: Aa! Are you trying to treat me like a kid!? Just see my bounty hunter prowess and you'll go away!
Ky:, I'd stop adults too, and... oh no.
VS Chipp
May: Have you seen a bounty around here?
Chipp: A brat, huh.
May: What did you say! You're a young guy with white hair!
Chipp: ...punk! From a little brat! Brat brat brat!
May: From a white-hair! White-hair white-hair white-hair!
VS Millia
May: (Such a pretty lady...)
Millia: What's the matter? It's dangerous here.
May: Um, I'm looking for a bounty...
Millia: I see. I'm looking as well. I'm sorry, but could you withdraw?
May: Um... but Johnny's birthday...
Millia: Good eyes... those are eyes that know happiness... but I can't let you have this one.
May: (Such sad eyes...) I'll be your opponent!
VS Johnny
May: Eh!? What're you doing here, Johnny!
Johnny: Isn't that my line? Didn't I leave the ship to you?
May: Um... (I can't tell him...)
Johnny: I have a little business here... don't go any further.
May: "Business"?... another pretty girl, isn't it!
Johnny: No, that's not at all... (well, it IS true...)
May: I knew it! Step aside!

VS Testament
Testament: Hm? A child. Weren't you told not to enter this forest?
May: I'm not a child! I came to find the Gear with the bounty!
Testament: To have someone so young use killing as a livelihood! Mankind is more corrupt than I thought!
May: Um... (I only want to catch them...)
Testament: With this body I cannot hold back even for a child. If you do not wish to die, go home.
May: W-w-wait a second!
VS Dizzy
May: Found you!
Dizzy: My, what a cute guest. Did you come to play?
May: (We're on two different frequencies here...) Um, it's not that.
Dizzy: That's unfortunate... I usually don't see people from the outside...
May: Isn't that because that guy keeps chasing them all away?
Dizzy: Yes... he helps protect me, but...
May: A pretty ferocious 'protector'... Ah, I'm sorry. I came to catch you.
Dizzy: To... catch!?
May: I don't have anything against you but I'll have to tie you up, ok?
Ending 1
May: I'm sorry, did it hurt?
Dizzy: I'm all right. Just... a little sad.
May: (This person wasn't fighting seriously at all...) I'm sorry, it looks like my misunderstanding. I heard you were a bounty so I assumed you were a bad person...
Dizzy: My crime is being a Gear... being different from humans...
May: That's not right at all!
Dizzy: You are very kind. But in the world of humans there's no place for me...
May: There is! Just a little illegal, though... sometimes we get chased by the police...
Dizzy: ...Sounds fun!
May: Ok, it's decided! A new member... that should be a nice present for Johnny.
Dizzy: What is this Johnny like?
May: Johnny? I can explain lots of things about him.

VS Anji
May: Aah, I lost...
Anji: Young miss! Perhaps you would care to witness a dance?
May: Another weird one...
Ending 2
Anji: No mistake. You're Japanese, aren't you.
May: Huh? What's Japanese?
Anji: Hmm! To think there are Japanese out here even in this time after Justice was sealed... whoa!
Johnny: Go away! Right now.
May: Johnny!
Johnny: Yo! Is my princess all right?
May: Hey Johnny? My parents... (were they Japanese?)
Johnny: Hmm?
May: ...are Johnny and everybody, right?
Johnny: Yeah. If you're okay with me. (Some day I'll have to tell her. Just not now...)
May: I love you, Johnny!


A doctor that fell under the sin of hubris. That was the cross he bore upon his back. Named a genius and the doctor who could forestall death. But, with only one failure... he fell into madness. No matter how many people he cured, the lives he stole would not return. To repent the unrepentable sins he continued travelling...
Ky: Suspicious... who are you!
Faust: One who used to be a doctor.
Ky: It's best if you go home soon... this place will soon become a battlefield.
Faust: Don't you think a battlefield is the most appropriate place for a doctor?
Ky: Sorry to be rude, but I cannot trust you. Please withdraw.
Faust: You are a virtuous one... but, single-minded virtue can easily break. You must conduct body and mind softly... like this.
Ky: M-maniac!
VS Baiken
Faust: You miss, travelling over there.
Baiken: By 'miss', you mean me?
Faust: Why do you have such sad eyes?
Baiken: Aren't your eyes holes in a paper bag? How are these sad eyes?
Faust: The sadness you've stifled in your heart is peeking through.
Baiken: A lecture from an all-knowing one? Makes me want to vomit.
Faust: Even though you burn in the flame of revenge you do not forget your sadness. That's a wonderful thing.
Baiken: Shut up!
VS Millia
Millia: Who are you?
Faust: A doctor just passing through.
Millia: I see, a doctor...
Faust: Is there a problem? If it's anything I can help with I'm listening...
Millia: I feel as if I'm trying to grasp something that won't come back. I will kill him with these hands. That's the only way I can live on.
Faust: You realize that that is the path to carnage?
Millia: I don't want saving. But... just in case, you know.
Faust: You want to be stopped by somebody?
Millia: ...I'm sorry. Please forget what I said.
Faust: Unfortunately I cannot let it go once I hear it.
Millia: You'll die, you know?
Faust: There are times when a doctor just can't pull back.
VS Venom
Venom: The dark doctor Faust...
Faust: I would be presumptuous to call myself a doctor...
Venom: Allow me to test your skill.
Faust: I am not a warrior, you know. What do you hope to test by fighting?
Venom: I require the strength to save him, living.
Faust: I've understood your earnest request. Let us go.

VS Sol
Sol: Go away.
Faust: I am sorry, but I cannot leave this to you.
Sol: ...
Faust: It is I who will save her soul.
Sol: It's not something that can be cured by a doctor.
Faust: And you are saying you can save her? Are you planning to give her the mercy of death?
Sol: ...Gears must die.
Faust: At whom are those words directed? At the one living in the deep forest? Or...
VS Testament
Testament: Stop. To those who would despoil the holy ground is only death.
Faust: A dependent one. I'm sorry, but this will require some forceful healing.
Testament: Attitude of a doctor... what do you know!
Faust: You are protecting her. But at the same time, are being protected.
Testament: What do I care! This is the life I've found.
Faust: A worthy conviction. But... a healed patient no longer needs a sickroom.
VS Dizzy
Dizzy: Please don't come closer!
Faust: Miss... there is no need to worry.
Dizzy: I don't want to kill you!
Faust: Please calm down a little...
Necro: Burn to ashes!
Faust: ...isn't going to work, is it.
Ending 1
Dizzy: Huh? I...
Faust: Have you come to?
Dizzy: I'm sorry... I thought you were a bounty hunter.
Faust: You've realized it, haven't you? That forest is not something you can remain in any longer...
Dizzy: Yes... being attacked by all sorts of people... if I stayed there eventually I would kill someone. I don't want to do that... but... still I couldn't leave there.
Faust: Even once you know, changing your daily habits is hard. Let's make this the beginning. Do you understand? You've now died.
Dizzy: Thank you...
Faust: No need for that. This is all your will. If you had really thought differently I would've been erased just now.
Dizzy: Is it okay to think that way?
Faust: Certainly, stand up straight. And then began walking towards your future. This annoying doctor will take his leave now.
Dizzy: Um... your name?
Faust: I am called Faust...

VS Zato
Eddie: Heheheh... a doctor now, is it?
Faust: This certainly is a grave case...
Eddie: I won't let you lay a single finger upon me!
Faust: I will heal you... I bet this scalpel on it.
Ending 2
Venom: The shadow's been removed! Master Zato!
Faust: This person needs constant care. Can I leave it to you?
Venom: Of course. About payment...
Faust: Let's talk about it later. The operation is not yet finished.
Venom: You... the shadow?
Faust: A symbiote... this is also a precious life. Now, come in. You wanted a body, yes?
Venom: The shadow... is being sucked in!
Faust: Sorry to have bothered you. Whether this person opens his eyes or not is now up to you. Farewell!
Venom: What a man. That is the road of the doctor...


The technology that had become taboo was embraced by only the Independent Airborne State of Zepp. Upon hearing about the Gear with free will, they decided in secret to rescue that Gear. The one sent out was Potemkin. He was one with a stone-like body, and a stone-like loyalty.
VS May
May: Wow... so big!
Potemkin: So are you.
May: Hey, don't say such rude things...
Potemkin:, what I meant was you've grown taller since we last met.
May: Thanks! I'm still growing. But anyway, are you after the Gear too?
Potemkin: That's right. It's dangerous, so go home... isn't something you'll listen to, right?
May: Of course! A girl in love is invincible!
VS Chipp
Chipp: You big guy! Make way.
Potemkin: I'd make way but we're both going the same way.
Chipp: You're a bounty hunter too! Then I won't hold back!
Potemkin: You have good eyes... but are still too naive.
VS Jam
Jam: Aiya... you go to the Forest of Demons too?
Potemkin: That is correct.
Jam: Then let us fight fair and square!
Potemkin: You fight bare-handed! Then, women can be just as strong-willed as men. I am impressed. Now, let us fight!
VS Faust
Potemkin: Move aside. I do not wish to fight a doctor.
Faust: I'm afraid I can't... this is my duty. Doctors must be prepared even until the end.
Potemkin: I see...
Faust: I see that you are the same. You have duty in your heart as well.
Potemkin: If we both will not give up then we can only put our duty to the test and fight.
Faust: It seems that way. It's okay, it will be over quickly and it won't hurt at all.
Potemkin: I am not that skillful. Please dodge well.
Potemkin: A lot of people for a forest...
Ky: That is true... By the way, what does Zepp...
Potemkin: I'm sorry, but I am here only as a bounty hunter.
Ky: I see... I am too. How about it? As fellow bounty hunters, let us cross swords.
Potemkin: With you? Hm. It seems like it will be a good fight. We will put the bounty on the outcome.
Ky: Now then...
Potemkin: Ready!
VS Testament
Testament: you are the first.
Potemkin: Now let me pass.
Testament: This is holy ground. You cannot bring in the filth of outside.
Potemkin: Filth of the outside... that may be so. However, for people to live, they also need the outside filth.
Testament: I disagree.
Potemkin: Gears don't know... this is not holy ground. And there are filth greater than humans.
Testament: I will stop it!
Potemkin: Very well. You can try and stop me.
VS Dizzy
Potemkin: I was sent by Zepp. I have come to escort you.
Dizzy: Please go away. I do not intend to leave here.
Potemkin: ...I'm sorry. I won't say it's for your own good. But please come, for the sake of the people living around here.

Ending 1
Potemkin: It is a crowded country, but... what do you think?
Dizzy: Everyone is treating me well... they explain things to me too.
Potemkin: Because the major powers of the world were also involved... a civil war might have been the result. Just like he said, that is the filth of the outside. It's not your fault.
Dizzy: Even so, it was a mistake to hide away in the forest. I should have known what was happening because of me.
Potemkin: I see.
Dizzy: Yes... and in the end, I'm happy.
Potemkin: This is true. You have a great smile now. I only hope my drawing can capture it.

VS Johnny
Potemkin: So... here is Zepp.
Dizzy: This... is the outside world? What is that?
Potemkin: What is that ship? It's coming this way!
Dizzy: Watch out!
Johnny: Are you hurt, mademoiselle? I'm Johnny of the Jellyfish Pirates. It seems you had a run-in with our little princess.
Potemkin: Hmph. So the parent comes into the child's fight?
Johnny: No... I came to pick up this young miss.
Potemkin: To think the air pirates would pick a fight with Zepp.
Johnny: There is no 'impossible' for someone perfect like me.
Ending 2
Potemkin: I can't believe it...
Johnny: There will be more that come after her. So let's make it that she died in the fight between your and my ship. Got it?
Potemkin: To think that my superior might be convinced to go along with this...
Dizzy: Please don't worry about me.
Potemkin: Oh?
Dizzy: It's too bad, though... if I could've stayed here longer, I might've become friends with you.
Potemkin: We'll meet again.
Dizzy: Yes... um... farewell!
Potemkin: Yes, farewell.


There was a mistake. There was pain. Drowning in drugs, a daily life of crime. There was one who was able to reach a hand out to the boy, and the hand brought repentance and salvation. The young man trained himself, and burst forth. Overcoming mistakes, overcoming pain, he burst forth. So that one day he could become the helping hand.
VS Axl
Chipp: You sickle guy! Hurry up and fight me!
Axl: Not even thinking if it's convenient for me? Sorry, I don't like talk like that.
Chipp: Chicken shit! Always in battle! No rest for warriors!
Axl: Hey, I'm not a warrior... that's a little too rough for me...
Chipp: Here I come, ready or not!
Axl: Not listening? I see...
VS Anji
Chipp: Jesus! You there! You're Japanese, right? No use hiding it!
Anji: Hey, bro. You have good eyes. What if I am?
Chipp: Then hurry up and fight me!
Anji: Very well. A dance unparalleled in heaven or earth, let me show it to you!
VS Jam
Chipp: I heard there was the greatest kung fu user living around here...
Jam: Aiya! Mr. Customer, that's me.
Chipp: Huh? Ridiculous. A girl...
Jam: If you win I'll give you half-off lunch!
Chipp: Groovy! Don't cry to me if you lose!
VS Potemkin
Chipp: Holy Mountain! Hey, hugeass! Come fight me!
Potemkin: Young one... overflowing strength is meaningless.
Chipp: Shut up! I'll become stronger now! And then I'll change the world!
Potemkin: Hmph... you can't see the road, but you have conviction. Very well, I shall fight you.
VS Baiken
Baiken: You hiding over there! Come on out!
Chipp: So you found me. You're awesome. You're a samurai right? Fight me, please!
Baiken: Hmph! Not a samurai.
Chipp: Whatever! Just give me a match!
Baiken: Young brat... a killing sword isn't very gentle!
VS Johnny
Chipp: You in the black coat! I heard there was an iai master around here. Lead me to him!
Johnny: Sure. But, what are you going to do when you meet him?
Chipp: It's obvious! I'm going to beat him up!
Johnny: He's strong, you know. Think you can win?
Chipp: Of course! My strength is transformation. As soon as he misses it's The End!
Johnny: I see. Well now, this area should do.
Chipp: Hey, you punk!
Johnny: Phantom Hirofumi style, Swallow-Moon-Blade initiate Johnny. Here!

VS Sol
Chipp: What is this, some rumbling is coming...
Sol: ...
Chipp: You! You fight with me now!
Sol: Move.
Chipp: ! Here I come!
Ending 1
Chipp: I-it's my win!
Sol: You done?
Chipp: ...
Sol: Bye.
Chipp: Damn! I was overwhelmed. I don't get him... but I'm going to have to start training again. Watch me, master. I'll do it!

VS Chipp
Chipp: Is that it? There's no match for me!
Shadow: You think so?
Chipp: What! You're... me?
Shadow: A shinobi is darkness. The darkness dies to the shadow it gives birth to. Can you surpass that fate?
Chipp: Hajakensei! You're my shadow. Nauseating! Then past you lies my future. Here I go!
Ending 2
Chipp: I did it!
Tsuyoshi: Well done, Chipp.
Chipp: That voice is... master?!
Tsuyoshi: Even if you sink into shadow, do not fall to it. You are carrying on my teachings. Just concentrate.
Chipp: ...damn. If I'm still worrying the dead master I'm not good enough. Watch me, master. I'll become even stronger. And then... I'll become President!


There is one who seeks strength. There is one who is seduced by darkness. The man sank into darkness, and took lives. The man gave up light, and made darkness his own. The man drowned in power, and eventually submerged in darkness. And then... finally the man realized. He wasn't seeking darkness. Not even power... just a little peace.
VS Baiken
Eddie: What an interesting sample...
Baiken: Who're you calling a sample?
Eddie: Your battle pattern is interesting. Let us see how many seconds you can last.
Baiken: Don't underestimate me, monster!
Eddie: That's what I am.
VS Potemkin
Potemkin: Wait.
Eddie: What?
Potemkin: You're a Forbidden Beast, aren't you. I cannot leave you alone.
Eddie: Vitality and crushing strength, I see. Very well... it seems I can get good data.
Potemkin: Forgive me... beasts have no crimes, but this is for my country.
VS Faust
Faust: Two hearts in a hollow body... you've been possessed, I see.
Eddie: That is right! I am ruling over "myself"!
Faust: Even if you are tarnished you are still sick. Let me fix you.
Eddie: What is that body! You... perhaps the same kind of power?
Ky: Former Assassin Zato-1. You are under arrest.
Eddie: Don't talk about what you can't do.
Ky: What?
Eddie: I am in a good mood. If you leave now, I'll let you go.
Ky: So you've lost your heart... even if this is what becomes of evil, I can't leave you like that.
Eddie: What? You won't go away? Then let me begin!

VS Venom
Venom: I've searched for you, Master Zato!
Eddie: Who are you?
Venom: You've taken Master Zato's body!
Eddie: That's right. I will borrow it... it is a good host.
Venom: Master Zato. I will save you now!
VS Millia
Zato: Milliaaaaaa...
Millia: Zato. I will finish you!
Eddie: Oh dear. "I" got a little overexcited...
Millia: So you were devoured by your shadow...
Eddie: Do not worry. He is still alive. He continues screaming inside me...
Ending 1
Millia: ...kill me.
Eddie: As you wish. What? What are you doing!
Millia: ...?
Zato: Millia... me...
Millia: Zato... is that you?
Zato: For...give...
Eddie: Stop it! You'll die too! Gyaaah!
Zato: (This is... the only... way I can repent.)

VS Dizzy
Eddie: Ohhh... I've found you.
Dizzy: Who... are you?
Eddie: A pitiful weapon made by humans. A parasite just like you.
Dizzy: I see... but I am not a weapon.
Eddie: Yes... but what is wished for, and what isn't, is complex for weapons... just like this.
Dizzy: Stop... don't come closer... these children will...
Eddie: I cannot stop. To think my battle functions would respond to a Gear...
Dizzy: Kyah, Necro! Stop it!
VS Millia
Millia: So I've found you. I'm glad.
Eddie: "Me too", "I" say.
Millia: I see... in exchange for power you gave up your soul. How sad.
Eddie: Kukuku...
Millia: What's so funny!
Eddie: You have someone just like me.
Millia: ...
Eddie: I can see it... your hair is consuming you...
Millia: Even so... I won't lose like you have.
Eddie: There is no win or lose. "I" and I are parts of a whole. You will learn that lesson!
Ending 2
Zato: (What are you doing! Don't harm her!)
Eddie: Do not worry. I am only taking her hair. My comrade... what do you wish, how do you live? Were you happy?, there is no happiness for us. Not for us, machines even in soul...


Assassins are heartless dolls. Acting as commanded, killing as commanded. There are no taboos for assassins, they kill without even having murderous intent. In the end, I wasn't a doll. That was because of the naiveness of he who raised me. Perhaps I should be thankful. The reason I have a heart is because of that. Even if that is... murderous intent towards him.
VS Jam
Millia: I'm sorry, but won't you leave this to me?
Jam: That bounty is mine! I will catch him and get the money to build my restaurant!
Millia: bright. You have a dream.
Jam: The greatest on earth, thousands of customers, Jam's restaurant!
Millia: Sounds like I'd want to visit when I'm done. But...
Jam: Do you understand? In that case, now is time for a match!
VS Axl
Axl: Whew! Hey, blond l-a-d-y!
Millia: ...
Axl: Won't you have tea with me?
Millia: Don't look at me with filthy eyes!
VS May
May: I'm going to take the bounty!
Millia: Can I ask you? What will you use the money for?
May: Of course... for Johnny!
Millia: Johnny?
May: Johnny's the number one coolest handsomest... a little dangerous mysterious and perfect! I'm going to use the money to buy him the greatest present!
Millia: A maiden in love. How beautiful.
May: Isn't it? Nobody is going to get between me and my Johnny!
Millia: So... go home. It would be best for you not to get involved in the underworld.
Ky: Millia Rage, yes? I am Ky Kiske of the International Police.
Millia: What does the police want with me?
Ky: I ask your assistance in catching a most wanted criminal Zato-ONE.
Millia: I refuse. He... is my prey. I won't give him to you.
VS Chipp
Chipp: Don't touch! If you get on my bad side you'll only get hurt.
Millia: You're the one getting on the bad side. What in the world are you going to use the money for?
Chipp: I... will become president! I will change this rotten world!
Millia: Fu.. hahaha!
Chipp: You...!
Millia: Don't be angry. It's been quite awhile since I've laughed. Now, let me see the skills of a future President!
VS Venom
Venom: I knew we would meet eventually, chasing the same man.
Millia: Those who run away are killed... isn't that the rule? Can you kill me?
Venom: I can... if it's for his sake!
Millia: ...for his sake, huh. Then, it's the same with me.
VS Zato
Millia: Zato!
Eddie: A visitor. What do you want with "me"?
Millia: ...he's been taken over. I have no use for you. Bring out Zato.
Zato: Mi-Millia! Milliaaaaa!
Millia: You are my past... now, I'll cut you loose!
Eddie: Interesting. Just try it!
Ending 1
Eddie: So this body is at its end...
Millia: Wait!
Eddie: Farewell!
Millia: Damn! I couldn't finish him...
Zato: Millia... that's you, right...
Millia: Why are you making that face! Why aren't you afraid! Beg for your life!
Zato: Millia... I... you...
Millia: Don't die! Don't run away from me!
Zato: Forgive... me...
Millia: You coward... you were always that way... why must you always...
Ending 2
Zato: Gaha!
Millia: Return to trash... so he died. Too little... What is this feeling... Even though he's dead I don't feel happy, or sad, just... yes. Endless peace. "Millia" died along with Zato. Then, who am I?
Fan: There you are, Ms. Millia!
Millia: What do you want?
Fan: Didn't I say it? I'm your fan.
Millia: The only one here is dead.
Fan: No way! I don't know what happened, but please cheer up!
Millia: That's it, huh...
Fan: Yes! Seeing you smile is the meaning of my life.
Millia: ...
Fan: Ah, a happy face is a pretty face. But... I guess...
Millia: Meaning of life. Can I find one?
Fan: Yes you can! I promise!
Millia: ...half-assed promises will only get you hurt.
Fan: I am prepared!
Millia: Good answer. I will test that preparedness.
Fan: Of course!


The teasing of women is the resource of men! That is Axl Low's creed. Born in the 20th century, he became a lost child of time and space. Even burdened with such a cruel fate he did not give up. He believed that the pranks of Lady Luck were proof that she was interested in him. Axl Low. He is the ultimate optimist.
VS Venom
Axl: Let's see, Faust, Faust. Wonder where he could be?
Venom: Wait. You seem quite skillful.
Axl: I don't mean to brag, but that's very true.
Venom: Perhaps you'd like to enter a syndicate? Let me see your skill.
Axl: The mouth is the source of disaster, they say... aah, just my bad luck.
VS Chipp
Chipp: I saw it, I saw it! That man, he's a leader of the Guild, right?
Axl: And if he is?
Chipp: Go to hell! I won't forgive anybody who associates with them! I'll punish you!
Axl: Hey, wait, I said listen to me! Don't tell me this is more bad luck!
VS Millia
Axl: It seems my luck finally turned! Excu~se me, blond miss! Have you heard of a doctor called Faus...
Millia: Don't disgrace me by calling at me.
Axl: Ah, in a bad mood?
Millia: Get lost!
Axl: No, more bad luck...!
VS Anji
Anji: Axl, right?
Axl: Stop. Don't tell me you're going to suddenly attack me!
Anji: Ok, my name is Anji. Anji Mito.
Axl: Thanks for being polite. I'm Axl Low.
Anji: Now, let's have a fair fight!
Axl: Why is it coming to that!
Anji: Hey, I properly named myself, didn't I?
Axl: Like I said, why are you picking a fight with me?
Anji: I just wanted to see for myself one of the chosen by the Second Holy Order tournament...
Axl: Gimme a break, already!
VS Sol
Axl: Hey chief! Long time!
Sol: I don't have time to fool around with you.
Axl: Oh dear... I've had too much of fighting today.
Sol: Then what do you want?
Axl: Chief, you know a lot of things. You know about a doctor named Faust?
Sol: Him, huh... if it's him, I'll defeat him.
Axl: Hey, wait a sec!
Sol: No mercy for those who chase Gears. Draw!
Axl: Of course it comes to this...

VS Faust
Axl: Are you... Faust?
Faust: I certainly am the one called Faust... You appear to need treatment.
Axl: That'd be great! I'd like to have my body fixed...
Faust: Hmm... so your body randomly time slips on its own. A strange disease unheard of in prior times. Very well. Let me examine you.
Axl: ... um, why are you holding that scalpel then?
Faust: I must measure all of your body's capabilites. It won't hurt, so please do not worry about it.
Axl: Geh!
Ending 1
Faust: Cheer up. The results of the examination have come.
Axl: Haa... good...
Faust: Unfortunately... there's no cure.
Axl: You serious?!
Faust: One could say that you're a foreign body caused by the Law of Causality.
Axl: What's that?
Faust: To put it simply... in this dimension, there are two of you. Thus, you've become unstable.
Axl: I have to find him?
Faust: Yes, if you do, perhaps... interesting, your body is becoming transparent.
Axl: It's happening again. St-stop me!
Faust: How interesting. Let me record this for posterity...
Axl: Hey, come on...!

VS Kliff
Axl: Ow... so the aftershocks of fighting with Chief caused me to fly... so where am I?
Kliff: On top of me. Get off!
Axl: Hey, Commander Kliff! Long time no see! What time period is this?
Kliff: Quit fooling around! Spoiled brat! I'll fix you up!
Axl: Hey, th-that's dangerous!
VS Justice
Axl: Whew, I finally got away from Commander Kliff... now... what time period is this?
Justice: KYOOOO!
Axl: ... oh, this time period.
Ending 2
Axl: [?]...女の意地悪は男の甲斐性!運命の女神はよっぽど俺に気があるらしい。…ただ、今回ばかりはちょっとやばいかも?
...flown across time again. Seems like Lady Luck really has an interest in me. The teasing of women is the resource of men! Just... this time might be really bad...


There once was a kind young man. To protect the country, and the people, he became a knight. But his simple wish was betrayed. As a Gear, he was converted, controlled by Justice, and bared his fangs against humanity. Once freed, all that was left to him was an unbearable void...
VS Dizzy
Dizzy: Haa... haa... if I run this far...
Testament: Who are you!?
Dizzy: Please don't chase me!
Testament: Hmm... what interesting power...
VS Baiken
Dizzy: I'm sorry! I thought you were chasing me...
Testament: I see, so you were chased out of the village...
Dizzy: Um... you are...
Testament: I call myself Testament... I am a monster just like you.
Dizzy: You aren't a monster...
Testament: Will you say so after seeing this?
Testament: It seems another chaser has come...
Baiken: So the monster is here, eh?
VS May
Testament: Hmph, got away...
Dizzy: You are very kind.
Testament: ...what were you watching?
Dizzy: You were protecting me. And... you were trying your best not to kill that person.
Testament: Stop saying such ridiculous things!
Dizzy: ...I know because I'm like that too. When a battle starts, the power starts to flow... a voice says to me "Kill! Kill!"...
Testament: Gears are weapons. Killing men is our personality.
Dizzy: But... even so we are still living.
Testament: That is true... I've forgotten that. Despite what I am, I used to be a knight. Let me offer my sword up to you.
Dizzy: I'm so happy! So you mean you'll stay with me?
Testament: Yeah...
May: Ah ha! TWO bounties!
Testament: Please wait here. I'll be back soon.
Dizzy: Be careful...
VS Potemkin
Potemkin: I heard there was a bodyguard, but... so it was you.
Testament: You will not touch her. I will not turn her over to the major powers.
Potemkin: I know it sounds unreasonable. But simply having her here will start a war.
Testament: Hmph... even if an army comes, I will stop them.
Potemkin: With a mountain of corpses and a river of blood... you might be able to do it. But is that what you really want?
Testament: Shut up! You hypocrites!
Testament: Such an exaggerated outfit...
Ky: It's so I always remember the honor of being in the Holy Order.
Testament: That very Order seeks to make off with an innocent girl?
Ky: ...won't you at least let me meet her?
Testament: ... we demons shouldn't pretend to be angels. Fighting is what suits us best.
Ky: ... guess we have no choice.
Testament: Yes... that is best. The only one bloodstained should be me.

VS Sol
Testament: Why do you seek Gears?
Sol: ...move aside.
Testament: We only wish to live in peace! Do you mean that even you follow the ego of the filthy humans?
Sol: Gears must be killed. That is all.
Testament: But you... you are a Gear, aren't you?
Sol: That's precisely why.
Ending 1
Dizzy: It's such a nice forest... nobody comes to find me... but I wonder, does the outside world fear us?
Testament: We made them afraid. That is why they do not come anymore.
Dizzy: Some day... maybe they will understand.
Testament: Humans? Can there be a time when they see us as something other than weapons?
Dizzy: Everyone dislikes Gears because of their memories of the Crusades... Maybe in a thousand years they will forget about Gears... then... maybe we would be able to talk to them.
Testament: Haha... That may be. Just being with you gives me hope. (Until those thousand years pass, I will protect you. That is my atonement.)

VS Kliff
Testament: A knight... dear father... if you saw me now, what would you say...
Kliff: My son. Why are you worrying?
Testament: Father? Am I... seeing a mirage?
Kliff: What is the matter? I'll crush your worries myself!
VS Dizzy
Testament: Father, please tell me. Is what I am doing the right thing?
Kliff: My son, you should already know. A knight is protection. A knight is a wall. But a knight is also...
Testament: Father!
Dizzy: Um, Testament?
Testament: ...ha!
Dizzy: ...I can't explain well, but I want to leave this forest.
Testament: If you stay here you can have peace, you know?
Dizzy: Um... I don't exactly know how to say it, but... I think just having peace isn't enough.
Testament: I see. Then, you must be able to exceed me!
Dizzy: Testament!?
Ending 2
Dizzy: Why did you attack me?
Testament: My father told me. A knight is a wall, a knight is protection. And also... a knight is support. I was suppose to support you, but instead I shut you up in this forest.
Dizzy: When we first met... I needed this forest... I needed a sanctuary.
Testament: I also... needed to protect you.
Dizzy: Now I have the courage to leave because of you.
Testament: Then go. My duty here is finished.
Dizzy: That's not it! It's not about protecting or being protected... can't we go together?
Testament: ...!
Dizzy: Testament... won't you come with me?
Testament: Two bounties together? We'd stick out.
Dizzy: Then we'll run away together.
Testament: You make things sound so simple...
Dizzy: I trust friends, that's it.
Testament: It will be a tough journey, you know.
Dizzy: It won't be that tough. Because...
Testament: Because of friends, right...


A lone woman on a path of carnage. The cold blade whistles out of its scabbard and cuts aside demons and spirits. The flame of enmity burns in her breast. Destroying those who took her parents, when will her revenge come? Whether she goes west or east is up to the wind. Today blood will flow yet again.
VS Zato
Eddie: Hmm? A bounty hunter. I have no use for you.
Baiken: Someone possessed... so the dweller has taken over the host. How wretched.
Zato: Please... tell her... Millia...
Baiken: That's what's so wretched! Let me give you a requiem!
VS Potemkin
Baiken: You monster over there. Wait.
Potemkin: Are you talking about me?
Baiken: Who else is there?
Potemkin: I'm sorry to surprise you, but this is the body I was born with...
Baiken: No arguments!
VS Faust
Baiken: ...
Faust: Is something wrong?
Baiken: Hey. What kind of monster are you?
Faust: I'm called Faust, but...
Baiken: Monster "Faust". I'll punish you!
Faust: Monster? Hey, this is just some improved functionality...
Baiken: Enough tedious talk. Draw!
VS Sol
Baiken: Guy over there. Wait.
Sol: So annoying...
Baiken: You might be able to hide your body, but you can't hide that aura gushing forth...
Sol: Trying to pick a fight?
Baiken: I kill monsters. That is all.

VS Testament
Baiken: Time for another monster, huh.
Testament: Filthy bounty hunter. You will not draw near to her!
Baiken: Talking such exaggerated talk too...
Testament: Say what you want. I will kill you and protect her.
Baiken: Don't make me cry... I'll finish you in a minute.
VS Dizzy
Dizzy: What happened... to him?
Baiken: Exterminated him.
Dizzy: Because he's... a Gear?
Baiken: That's right! The race of Gears, the enemy of mankind. I won't let a single one get away!
Dizzy: ...and even though I don't want to fight...
Baiken: Then die!
Ending 1
Baiken: ...this is it!
Dizzy: ...
Baiken: ...what are you trying to do?
Dizzy: What?
Baiken: Holding back in battle. You want to die?
Dizzy: I... what should I do...
Baiken: Listen. If you want to die, die by yourself! Don't think of using me.
Dizzy: ... I'm sorry.
Baiken: Annoying to see you apologize after getting cut up. That guy's not here either, so it looks like I overstepped myself.
Dizzy:'re not going to kill me?
Baiken: I've lost the desire. And... that Testa-whatever guy. I cut him deeply but he's not dead.
Dizzy: What? ...ok!
Baiken: Yeesh, what am I doing.

VS Johnny
Johnny: Bravo! What a special lady.
Baiken: What do you want? If you've got no business hurry up and go away.
Johnny: Taking sake with a beautiful woman is exceptional. Would you grace to join me for a while?
Baiken: Huh, so you're flirting. Then I'll have to test your skill. That thing by your side isn't just for show, right?
Johnny: If it's a lady's wish, then that's what I'll do.
Ending 2
Johnny: Man!
Baiken: Hm? Finished already?
Johnny: Yeah. It's my loss.
Baiken: Like they say, loose men have no money or power? Can't stand this...
Johnny: Whatever, but, so will you accompany me then?
Baiken: Fine, it's a promise. Just for today. If it's bad sake, I'm taking it out on you.


There was a man whose heart succumbed to loneliness. He knew the coldness of a world without love. Then the man realized. Love is not something that is received. It's something that is given. In this world, love is necessary. One who could extend his hand to lonely souls. That would be his way of living. "A Gear who did not hurt people". The man, in that, saw a lonely soul.
VS Jam
Johnny: Wow. Beautiful... and intense. A lady just like the sun.
Jam: What is it?
Johnny: I want to grasp the radiance that comes from you with my arms.
Jam: Grasp badly and you'll only get burned!
Johnny: Hey, playing with fire is my specialty.
VS Sol
Johnny: So you came after all.
Sol: ...
Johnny: Sorry, but could you leave this all to me?
Sol: Leave it to everyone.
Johnny: Ok, how about a sword match? The loser withdraws, we'll put it like that.
Sol: Enough talk. Let's begin.
VS Millia
Johnny: Cool and a beauty! A beauty like the calm moon, that's what you have. How about a cup of tea with me?
Millia: The moon... I see. It's true that I can only live in darkness.
Johnny: Non, non, non. The moon shines because it receives the sun's light. Why don't you join me?
Millia: The Jellyfish Pirates... I've heard the rumors. I don't like groups. Go away.
Johnny: Rather unelegant for the International Police to get involved, don't you think?
Ky: I'm only acting as a bounty hunter right now.
Johnny: ...I see. Then there's no need for me to hold back.
Ky: Just as I had hoped.
Johnny: You're too lacking in male refinement to be able to pick her up. Just leave it to the perfect Johnny and stop here.
VS May
May: Hey, Johnny!
Johnny: May! What are you doing here!
May: I heard from April! The target this time is a girl! So I've come to get her instead.
Johnny:'s dangerous here. Go back to the ship.
May: I won't! You're hiding something Johnny, aren't you!
Johnny: Oh, geez...

VS Testament
Testament: You're dressed like someone who's just fooling around, but it seems you're actually quite good. However you are after all, only human. You are no match for my summoning.
Johnny: I'll only say one thing. I will never accept anybody who tries to keep a lady from me.
VS Dizzy
Johnny: Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm...
Dizzy: Stay away!
Johnny: that hurts.
Ending 1
Johnny: I'm sorry to have gotten rough.
Dizzy: You're...?
Johnny: I've come to pick you up.
Dizzy: It'd be better for you to give up. This power... brings sadness to people.
Johnny: What I want isn't your power.
Dizzy: Eh?
Johnny: I want your smile. I can wait for it, but just show me an extraordinary one.

VS Potemkin
Johnny: Ow... now, come on out.
Potemkin: So you noticed.
Johnny: That's right. Sorry, but I want Zepp to withdraw from this.
Potemkin: This is not a personal problem. It is an affair of state.
Johnny: Precisely. Rather than leaving it to Zepp, wouldn't it be better for the problem to disappear entirely?
Potemkin: Are you saying... trust air pirates?
Johnny: Yeah.
Potemkin: I'm sorry, but I can't do that after all.
Johnny: That's fine... because it'll be you who's regretting it.
Potemkin: Hmph. I have no choice.
Ending 2
Johnny: Talk about wasting time. I wonder if May did well... hey, I'm back!
May: Happy birthday, Johnny!
Johnny: Wh-what the...
May: It's a birthday party!
Dizzy: Congratulations.
Johnny: I see, today is... what I did was...
May: And later Dizzy's welcoming party too! Come on, let's start!


A drink of water to a thirsty man. A small flame to a frozen one. And... to an unloved one, a little love. Venom's heart was too kind for the darkness of the Assassin's Guild. Unable to freeze his heart, not holding the flame of hate and anger, he only shivered in the dark. A small flame extended... the sympathy shown to him by his superior Zato. At that moment, he swore his undying loyalty. When Zato succumbed, Venom set out. All the while wondering if a flame burned inside him...
VS Chipp
Chipp: You veiled guy! I've been looking for you!
Venom: Who are you...
Chipp: Revenge for my master! I will crush your guild!
Venom: It seems you've trained. But simply coming at me is too naive.
Chipp: What?
Venom: Why do you attack without preparation? Can you not wait until the perfect opportunity? I must teach you perseverance.
VS Axl
Venom: Hmm... interesting. I'd like to scout you. Can I test you?
Axl: And what kind of work is this for?
Venom: Do you have to ask?
Axl: Sorry, I don't like things like that... bye!...isn't going to work, is it.
Venom: Certainly not. Now draw.
Ky: Hm? You're the Guild's...!
Venom: Ky? I've heard the rumors.
Ky: Politeness can also be rude. Now that I've seen you I cannot ignore you.
Venom: Pardon my words, but do you even have a warrant? Or do officers arrest without warrants these days?
Ky: This isn't official. I'm only a bounty hunter right now.
VS May
Venom: Well now. May, correct?
May: Huh? What what?
Venom: I've heard of the Jellyfish's strength. If you only join with the Guild, a better future could await us both...
May: Don't put us together with killing and drugs! Now I'm angry!
Venom: ...has skill, but still unripe, I see.
VS Johnny
Venom: Well now, if it isn't Johnny. Please, say your piece...
Johnny: Shut up. It seems you attacked my crew. Sorry, but right now I'm very angry. Now let me engrave terror on that sneering face of yours.
Venom: Long-windedness makes one alone... That speaks of overwhelming confidence. Now let me test it...
VS Millia
Millia: So, you've come out.
Venom: Why did you betray him?
Millia: Are you joking? He was only using me as a convenient chess piece. I only did the same to him.
Venom: A piece? You did not feel any other sympathy?
Millia: sad. His weak emotions you saw as the highest love...
Venom: Woman. I will not permit further insolence!
VS Zato
Venom: I have been searching for you.
Eddie: Who are you?
Venom:! An imitation? No... that body is Master Zato's.
Eddie: That is true. It is a good host for me.
Venom: Do not disgrace him any longer.
Ending 1
Venom: Master Zato... your meal is ready. A nice wind is blowing today. Later let us take a walk.
Zato: ...
Venom: Yes, please take heart. I am always by your side. Some day you will return to normal.
Zato: ...
Venom: ...yes, now let us go.
Ending 2
Eddie: Now you've done it. This body is no longer useful.
Venom: ...
Eddie: Used up your strength, I see... then maybe I shall take your body!
Venom: you.
Eddie: You! You were still alive!
Venom: This was the only way to chase you out without harming Master Zato. Now you are mine.
Eddie:'ve won for now. But how long can you stand it? There is no more peace for you. When you give in to doubts and nervousness, you will lose yourself.
Venom: Idiot. It is you who depends on me for life. This body could burn away...
Eddie: ...stop! Stop it!
Venom: Master Zato... I am sorry I cannot be by your side, but I must leave on a journey for awhile. Take care...


The residents of a bow shaped chain of islands that once existed in the Pacific Ocean were called the Japanese. At the beginning of the Crusaddes, the Japanese and their islands were destroyed by the rebellion of the Gears. The few that remained were segregated in a sanctuary in the name of preservation. It was almost as if they were feared. Anji Mito. Japanese. One who searches for the cause of the destruction of Japan. His gait is still persistently light.
Anji: Hey! You're Sir Ky, yes? Former commander of the Holy Order?
Ky: Yes, but...
Anji: I'm a warrior-in-training. Could I maybe request a match with you?
Ky: Interesting, a style I've never seen before... let me witness it for myself.
Anji: And... could I ask you to tell me about a man named Sol?
Ky: I have nothing to say about him.
Anji: Is he really human?
Ky: ...!
Anji: Thanks.
Ky: What are you talking about? Let's go!
VS Axl
Anji: You're... Axl, right? Rumored to fly around time?
Axl: That's right, but... who're you?
Anji: Ah, sorry. Last name's Mito, first name's Anji. There's something I want to ask you...
Axl: Don't tell me you want to know about the future...
Anji: Just one. Have you seen a guy named Sol in the places you fly to?
Axl: ...hey, if you're going to joke you should just leave it at your dances.
Anji: I'm always serious. Let's go!
VS Baiken
Anji: Hey, you're Japanese, right?
Baiken: Huh? You trying to pick a fight?
Anji: I am too! It's for the sake of our common lineage, so how about a match?
Baiken: Huh. You're just going to get hurt.
Anji: No problem! And... tell me about "That Man", too.
VS Testament
Testament: One who appears to be a dancer has entered without knowing his limits...
Anji: So they exist after all! Human-type Gears.
Testament: You apparently want your tongue cut out.
Anji: Is that some hostile instinct on your part?
Testament: No, you're just too dirty.
VS Dizzy
Anji: So this... is the "Gear with Free Will"...
Dizzy: Did you... come to kill me?
Anji: Sorry, sorry, I'll leave right away. But can I ask you for a match first?
Dizzy: With... me? Strange person.
Anji: Sorry, miss.
VS Sol
Sol: Whaddya want?
Anji: I wanted to ask you something. Hey, are Gears really evil?
Sol: a moron?
Anji: ...sure, I know the war. Gears are those abominable killing machines.
Sol: ...
Anji: But what if... Gears didn't kill humans?
Sol: Idiotic. Gears are weapons.
Anji: Strong huge livestock are convenient for sickness... and anyway humans also...
Sol: Stop right there. If you go on... I'll kill you.
Anji: Artificial evo...
Sol: Shaa!
Ending 1
Anji: Geez... I thought I was going to be killed for sure. And if Gears aren't weapons after all... then the Man who made them... no, never mind. It's something I won't know without meeting him. Now, I wonder where That Man is...
Ending 2
Sol: See?
Anji: You fought with Justice. Then... it's not just Dizzy after all, independent Gears that is...
Sol: You like running your mouth.
Anji: I'm a man. I will neither run nor hide. If it's bad that I know the secret please go ahead and kill me right now.
Sol: As you wish! Sorya!
Anji: ... Oh, I'm still alive. For having lived 300 years he sure is sloppy on ending things...
Sol: You really want to die?
Anji: Waah! You're still here?
Sol: time I'll kill you.
Anji: Jeez... he got me that time. But I won't give up. One day I'll expose That Man's secrets!


Grilling, frying, boiling, deepfrying, washing, cutting, putting in oil. A cook who mastered the 100 martial arts of China. That is Jam. In order to found her new restaurant she set out on a journey. A journey to... the devil's forest. In there were said to be ingredients unknown to man.
VS Johnny
Johnny: Whoa. What a dangerous woman.
Jam: What is it?
Johnny: That beauty, body. There is only one place for you. That's in my arms.
Jam: I no like brusque men. Go away.
Johnny: How unfriendly...
Jam: How persistent!
VS Venom
Venom: Woman. Leave this forest.
Jam: Aiya... a man with shadows. Pretty likable.
Venom: Did you hear me? I said, leave.
Jam: Are you interested in washing dishes?
Venom: ...if you don't leave quietly I'll kill you.
VS Potemkin
Potemkin: If you wish to proceed further you must fight me.
Jam: Aiya, are you looking for ingredients too?
Potemkin: What?
Jam: Ingredients are for cooks! You could eat things in one bite.
Potemkin: Cook? What is a cook doing here?
Jam: Come on, fair fight!
Jam: Something smells good. It must be close!
Ky: Please withdraw.
Jam: Today's my lucky day... another good man! Why can't I go on?
Ky: Because there are bounty hunters lingering.
Jam: Bounty? There's a bounty out? I can't leave it like this!
Ky: Hey, wait!
VS Testament
Jam: Step aside!
Testament: I won't forgive anyone who bothers her!
Jam: I don't care as long as there are ingredients.
Testament: Atonement? That's something that stops here. If you wish it, you won't get it.
Jam: What! Are you bothering me? Then I won't lose to you!
VS Dizzy
Jam: Wow! All these ingredients I've never seen.
Dizzy: Who are you? Please go away...
Jam: Are you going to stop me by yourself?
Dizzy: I don't want to hurt you...
Jam: Don't worry. I just need to take some ingredients...
Dizzy: Are you... going to eat me!? Please don't come any closer!
Ending 1
Jam: I SAID... I don't want to eat you.
Dizzy: I'm sorry... but you were carrying a knife and licking your lips...
Jam: Sorry... ooh, this mushroom is nice. Now I can start a restaurant. You can come to it too.
Dizzy: Which restaurant would that be?
Jam: The most popular restaurant in the city, of course!
Ending 2
Jam: Aiya! It's good that I won but the fields are all burned up...
Dizzy: ... you're going to kill me, right?
Jam: Don't misunderstand! I'm just looking for ingredients...
Dizzy: Huh? Then I... suddenly...
Jam: I'm the one who wants to cry... my restaurant...


An abdominable abandoned child. Descendent of man and demon. An impossible being. Her name is Dizzy. The strongest Gear on Earth, who possesses a heart. A strength that can rend the earth, burn the heavens, and destroy humans. While holding a strength the powers of the world seek for, what she seeks... is just some contact.
VS Testament
Dizzy: Please. Let me go.
Testament: Before you is the world you threw away, a world stained with blood and hate.
Dizzy: I'm sorry. Even so I want to see it.
Testament: You are too kind. When you meet the fools out there, it is you who will be hurt.
Dizzy: ...even so, I want to go.
Testament: Then show me how willing you are to go through with it!
VS Potemkin
Dizzy: Hello... are you a soldier?
Potemkin: By the orders of Zepp I must take you.
Dizzy: ...that's somewhat of a problem...
Potemkin: I'm sorry. It's an order from my commander. You won't be hurt.
Dizzy: ... it's dangerous...
Dizzy: Are you also someone out to get me?
Ky: I'm afraid it will end up that way.
Dizzy: Is there... no freedom for me?
Ky: Those who cannot fight do not have freedom. Right now your very existence is a threat.
Dizzy: And I didn't want this power in the first place!
VS Zato
Eddie: I-I've found you, parasite.
Dizzy: Who are you?
Eddie: The same as you. A fighting machine with a heart.
Dizzy: How pitiful... the same as me. You've been enduring loneliness too, haven't you.
Eddie: You know? Then give me that body! I want to see your heart!
Dizzy: Kyaah!
VS Faust
Dizzy: Enough! Everyone wants to catch me... and then I end up hurting them. Because I have this power!
Faust: Raise your head, young lady.
Dizzy: You've... come to take me too!
Faust: How terrible. Innocence closed off in sadness and fear. I hate to presume, but allow me to heal you.

Ending 1
Dizzy: I-I...! What have I done?
Faust: So you've come to... good...
Dizzy: I'm sorry...
Faust: To fall while pursuing medicine was this body's fate. Please don't be concerned...
Dizzy: Mr. Doctor... please don't die!
Faust: Listen. Humans may be foolish, but it will not do to despair. One day your day will come.
Dizzy: Mr. Doctor... this world has no place for me. But... I won't despair anymore. I... will sleep until the day comes when someone can accept me. No matter how long it takes... I will never forget you.

VS May
Dizzy: What... I was...
Faust: Good, have you come to?
Dizzy: I'm sorry.
Faust: You've been lost, haven't you? Searching for somewhere to be.
Dizzy: Just because I'm here... just because I'm alive, it seems a lot of people are troubled.
Faust: No need to worry. As long as your heart is free, the path will open to you.
(Three days later.)
Dizzy: Well I was told to come here, but where is this?
May: Kyaah! Watch out!
Dizzy: Eh? From the sky?
May: Ow ow...
VS Johnny
Dizzy: Um... are you sure you only feel hurt?
May: Yeah! I was just a little surprised but it's my fault anyway. You're Dizzy, right? Johnny's waiting for you.
Dizzy: You're... sky pirates?
Johnny: Yo, looks like May found you all right. Welcome to the Jellyfish Pirates.
Dizzy: I'm... allowed to stay here?
Johnny: To this Johnny, there is no "No" to a pretty lady... is what I'd like to say, but let us test your skill...
Dizzy: That's dangerous! Please don't come any closer!
Johnny: If you don't lose yourself in battle you pass! Try winning without killing me!
Ending 2
Johnny: Whew! Ok, you pass, you pass.
Dizzy: That was dangerous... since everything was so serious...
Johnny: Hey, this Johnny will put his life on the line for a lady. You're a kind girl. You've just had some bad luck with men up to this point. So once again! Welcome to the Jellyfish Pirates!
Dizzy: Y-yes, thank you very much.
Johnny: Now everybody, preparations for the welcome party!
Ending 3
(And then 100 years passed...)
Dizzy: Johnny, the reason I am here now is thanks to you. You were always cheerful and playful... and even so you were always fighting to protect something important. Now I have something to protect as well. Please, watch over us today.
(That same day.)
Subordinate: Rising to 6000 meters.
Dizzy: Jellyfish Pirates! After me!
Subordinate: All forces in formation!
Dizzy: What about the other groups?
Subordinate: Third Holy Order, now deploying. Zepp Airborne Divisions #1-5 have arrived.
Dizzy: Ok! (Will that person not come?)
Subordinate: Unidentified high energy source coming from port. Communication coming in. "Idiot. Thinking of starting the battle without everybody here? Frederick."
Dizzy: The high energy source is an ally. Make way!
Subordinate: Understood! Giving recognition code.
Dizzy: Recognition code... "Sun". (Johnny, please watch us.) All forces, attack! Our target is the enemy force's axis!

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