Guilty Gear Wiki

The following is a list of quotes attributed to Nagoriyuki.

Guilty Gear -Strive-[]


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.

  • Generic:
    • (P2) "My name is Nagoriyuki. Let's begin."
    • (P2) "As a retainer of Kazusanosuke, I will face you."
    • (P2) "Let us duel."
    • (P1) "No words are needed in a duel."
    • (P1) "Let me answer you with my sword."
    • (P1) "I'll listen to whatever you have to say after the battle."
  • Self:
    • (P2) "Only a fool treads the path of the demon lightly."
      • (P1) "Heed your own warning, fool."
  • Sol:
    • (P2) "Accursed monster."
      • (P1) (Sol: "You're one to talk.")
    • (P2) (Sol: "You're a Nightless?")
      • (P1) "Do you know my master?"
  • Chipp:
    • (P2) "How do you know Tsuyoshi?"
      • (P1) (Chipp: "Took the words right outta my mouth.")
    • (P2) (Chipp: "Where did you learn those techniques?")
      • (P1) "I'd ask the same of you."
  • Slayer:
    • (P2) "Have a taste of my blade."
      • (P1) (Slayer: "I shall partake.")
    • (P2) (Slayer: "Samurai, eh? You found a fine path.")
      • (P1) "I fight to surpass you, and myself alike."
  • Elphelt :
    • (P2) "When you're steeped in temptation, you lose sight of yourself. Remember that."
      • (P1) (Elphelt : "I'll show you music born from temptation!")
    • (P2) (Elphelt : "Teach me how to free myself from temptation!")
      • (P1) "Very well. Hit me."
  • Giovanna:
    • (P2) "A feral one, aren't you?"
      • (P1) (Giovanna: "You looking for a fight?")
    • (P2) (Giovanna: "If you die, I apologize.")
      • (P1) "I look forward to it."
  • Chaos:
    • (P2) "I cannot let you leave here alive."
      • (P1) (Chaos: "Aww. Y'know, I don't get that as often as you'd think.")
    • (P2) (Chaos: "Can I offer you a hundred years of freedom?")
      • (P1) "All's well, so long as you're gone."
  • Baiken:
    • (P2) "If you'll teach, I will learn."
      • (P1) (Baiken: "Try learning by doing!")
    • (P2) (Baiken: "First, taste defeat. Then we begin.")
      • (P1) "A taller order than I can fulfill."
  • "Rest now, lest your wounds open up."
  • "Do not wallow in defeat. Take pride that you did your best."
  • "Disappointing. With more training, you may have stood a chance."
  • Sol: "Refine your skill. You're overreliant on your strength."
  • Zato: "It would seem you do not fully grasp the meaning of 'Dandyism.'"
  • Slayer: "How can you remain so confident...?"
  • Chaos: "You've lost, yet you still laugh. Accursed beast."
Taunts and Respects


  • "You're not even worth the cutting."
  • "The back of my sword should suffice."
  • "Know your limits."
  • "A single serving of onigiri provides energy, carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, zinc, and fiber. One can add fillings to include additional sources of nutrients to their liking... In addition to energy sources that fuel the brain and body, it also includes nutrients to help maintain them and build muscle."
  • "Your fundamentals are flawed. Strong emotions or motivations may lend you immense strength for a time, but those with unfaltering foundations are able to respond to such momentary, explosive power with ease. Furthermore, what keeps such foundations solidly intact is food... This... This is an onigiri, a nutritious food that has been eaten in the Far East since ancient times. I can tell you more about onigiri when we have a free moment."
  • "The great thing about onigiri is that they are highly portable and have a long shelf life. One does not need to be concerned about when and where to eat them, and they require no dishware to serve. Consuming one raises one's muscle glycogen levels, essential for a warrior heading to battle. They are also equipped to satisfy an empty stomach. This is because, as the rice cools down, the starch grows resistant, making it harder to absorb into the body. In other words, it's an easy snack to avoid overeating. It's tasty too."
  • Slayer:
    • "Praise from you? I'm flattered."
    • "You have inspired me to devote myself to food. For a few centuries since, I have been totally hooked on this onigiri. I don't know much about Western wine, but I cannot go without tomato juice. Even as we speak, I have a can stashed in my pocket. Now, where were we? Right! In the middle of a duel!"


  • "I must admit, I am in awe."
  • "Pardon my impropriety."
  • "This was truly unexpected."
  • "Where did you refine your technique?"
  • "You've earned my greatest respect."
  • "What mastery."
  • Slayer: "You show no signs of faltering. I admire that."
Battle Quotes


  • "An oversight!"
  • "Got me!"
  • "Whoa!"
  • "A blunder!"
  • "Missed it!"


  • "Im...possible..."
  • "I...faltered..."
  • ""

Guard/Throw broken:

  • "Skillful!"
  • "Nimble!"
  • "Deft!"


  • "I see."
  • "Ah."
  • "Aha!"
  • "Oh!"
  • "So polished."
  • "Can't make light of that."
  • "Could be more coming."
  • "Need to stay on guard."
  • "Now that was something."

Dust Attack:

  • "Go!"
  • "Right here!"
  • "Now, then!"


  • "Careless!"
  • "You lack awareness!"
  • "It's time!"

Missed Throw:

  • "What?"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Worrisome!"

Wild Assault:

  • "Shortsighted!"

Blue Roman Cancel:

  • "気合!" (Kiai)
  • "喝!" (Katsu)
  • "I see you!"

Red Roman Cancel:

  • "Prepare!"
  • "Pardon!"
  • "Ease up!"

Purple Roman Cancel:

  • "Bad move!"
  • "A poor read!"
  • "Took the bait!"

Yellow Roman Cancel:

  • "Inevitable."
  • "Inexperienced!"
  • "Try again!"

Blue Psych Burst:

  • "What an ordeal!"
  • "Wasted effort!"
  • "No other choice!"

Gold Psych Burst:

  • "The game's over!"
  • "I've no time to waste!"
  • "This has gone on long enough!"


  • "Tsubuyuki!"
  • "Hm!"
  • "Hoah!"


  • "Kansetsu!"
  • "Humu!"
  • "Dah!"


  • "Shizuriyuki!"
  • "Break!"
  • "Hrah!"


  • "Fukyo!"
  • "Not there!"
  • "Eyes here!"


  • "Draw the curtain! Wasureyuki... Judgment!"
  • "Your fate is sealed! Forgotten Snow... JUDGMENT!"
  • "奥義! (Ougi; "Secret technique!") Wasureyuki... Judgment!"


  • "Zansetsu!"
  • "Run as fast as you can!"
  • "Get away from me!"

Combo Success

  • "I pity you."
  • "My knowledge is boundless..."
  • "I made sure to leave you alive."

Round Win:

  • "Interesting. Let's see more of that."
  • "In times of hardship, inaction is your greatest foe."
  • "Do not undermine yourself! There's fight within you yet."
  • "Ah... I see you're still conscious."
  • "I didn't think you were capable of that."
  • "I meant to end it in one slice."
  • Sol:
    • "You fight crudely."
    • "You're no more than a bully."
  • Chaos:
    • "Aren't you dead yet?!"
    • "I will cut you down as many times as it takes!"
  • Slayer:
    • "How long will you continue this charade?"
    • "I prefer you stop evaluating me."

Round Loss (normal):

  • "Heh heh... Hahahaha!"
  • "That was a fantastic bout!"
  • "How intriguing..."

Round Loss (timeout):

  • "Disappointing!"
  • "Time slipped from my mind."
  • "I will not make excuses."

Game Loss:

  • "Fine play!"
  • "Magnificent!"
  • "天晴れ!" (Appare; lit. "Splendid!")
