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The Roegadyn of Final Fantasy XIV bear wildly different names depending on their clan, but are based in the same ancestral language. The Sea Wolves' names are very difficult to read and pronounce, while the Hellsguard names are adapted to the common Eorzean language.

Sea Wolves[]

Sea Wolf forenames are all formed from two words taken from the ancient Roegadyn language that the race's ancestors spoke before they came to Eorzea, typically a descriptor and a noun. They can be intimidating for the uninitiated to pronounce, with their sometimes five or six consecutive consonants defying common wisdom. Pronunciation of the names can be made simpler by splitting the name into its two parts. For example, the name Ahldskyf can be broken into two words���"Ahld" and "Skyf".

Male Sea Wolf names allow for more freedom than female names, as the second word in female names is almost always one of the following:

  • Swys (Sister)
  • Thota (Daughter)
  • Wyda (Willow)
  • Geim (Jewel)
  • Wyb (Woman)
  • Rael (Doe)
  • Lona (Gatherer)
  • Bryda (Bride)

Sea Wolf surnames are taken from their fathers' forename, with the addition of the suffixes "syn" (meaning "son of") and "wyn" (meaning "daughter of"). Bloefhiswyn can be translated to "Daughter of Blue Fish".

The known Roegadyn dictionary can be found at this link.

Example names[]


  • Greintoum (Bronze Dream)
  • Mytemyrgan (Middle Morning)
  • Ahtmhas (Eight Scars)


  • Aermswys (Poor Sister)
  • Klynthota (Small Daughter)
  • Dyrstwyda (Thirsty Willow)
  • Rhotgeim (Red Jewel)
  • Merlwyb (Sea Woman)
  • Doesrael (Two Does)
  • Styrnlona (Star Gatherer)
  • Blyssbryda (Blossom Bride)

Random Sea Wolf names[]

The following are the potential names generated by the in-game name generator for Sea Wolf characters. While male and female surnames are drawn from separate lists, they are at their base the same names, with the only difference being their use of the "syn" and "wyn" suffixes respectively.

Male forenames Male surnames Female forenames Female surnames
Ahldfoet Ansamhasyn Aergwyb Ansamhawyn
Ahlduwil Blaetibaensyn Aermwyb Blaetibaenwyn
Ahtmhas Bleibornsyn Ahlbhyda Bleibornwyn
Ahtund Bloedornnsyn Ahldswys Bloedornnwyn
Aisbraena Bloegaezsyn Aiswyda Bloegaezwyn
Aisibhir Bloelaksyn Alyrwyda Bloelakwyn
Aismurl Borgbyldasyn Ankabhyda Borgbyldawyn
Bhaldwyrn Bryndoensyn Arenswys Bryndoenwyn
Broenfarr Doerdyrfsyn Barawyda Doerdyrfwyn
Broenfohc Drysfalksyn Beraswys Drysfalkwyn
Broenwyrn Eifaentsyn Berkwyb Eifaentwyn
Caersyng Ernafolgsyn Bhaldbhyda Ernafolgwyn
Denkyrtrach Ernahaemrsyn Bhaldswys Ernahaemrwyn
Drysnagl Eynfoetsyn Bhratwyb Eynfoetwyn
Elilwaen Eynmoensyn Bleiswys Eynmoenwyn
Eyntroeg Farredzasyn Bloewyda Farredzawyn
Eyrifrusk Fhilfhisyn Bornwyda Fhilfhiwyn
Eyrisunn Fiandoensyn Broenswys Fiandoenwyn
Faezmoen Flekkbornsyn Brotwyda Flekkbornwyn
Firkmann Floeransasyn Brynwyb Floeransawyn
Floernmann Floerasksyn Bylgwyda Floeraskwyn
Foerzagyl Fyrlihtsyn Caerswys Fyrlihtwyn
Fyrilskyf Geimfoetsyn Dennwyda Geimfoetwyn
Fyrilsunn Geissbornsyn Deongeim Geissbornwyn
Fyrmurl Ghimfolgsyn Doeswyb Ghimfolgwyn
Greinborg Ghutsaldsyn Drysgeim Ghutsaldwyn
Greintoum Glazghotsyn Dyrfswys Glazghotwyn
Grynewaht Glazhwabsyn Ernaswys Glazhwabwyn
Guldweitz Grymgaezsyn Eyngeim Grymgaezwyn
Gybetund Grymkoelsyn Fedarlona Grymkoelwyn
Helbhanth Guhtgeissyn Fhetnwyb Guhtgeiswyn
Helbstyrn Guldgarasyn Floerswys Guldgarawyn
Holskgeiss Guldhaemrsyn Fraeswys Guldhaemrwyn
Iyrnbroda Guolfyrsyn Frusklona Guolfyrwyn
Iyrnwoerd Guoljarrsyn Frutlona Guoljarrwyn
Junghbhar Gyrmoensyn Fyrgeim Gyrmoenwyn
Keltraeng Haerfrusksyn Fyrilswys Haerfruskwyn
Ketenborn Helbmannsyn Ganzgeim Helbmannwyn
Ketenramm Hezzfyrsyn Geimbhyda Hezzfyrwyn
Krystrymm Hirskhwabsyn Ghimswys Hirskhwabwyn
Loetsfeik Hollkoensyn Guhtgeim Hollkoenwyn
Loezkirz Hollmyrgansyn Gybalona Hollmyrganwyn
Lonwoerd Horskhundsyn Haelgeim Horskhundwyn
Merlzirn Hyllingilsyn Haldswys Hyllingilwyn
Moerfian Hyllkestsyn Hartgeim Hyllkestwyn
Mytemyrgan Hyrtberasyn Hyrtgeim Hyrtberawyn
Nystbyrm Hyrtfyrsyn Isilswys Hyrtfyrwyn
Nyunkrepf Kindlaentsyn Kestlona Kindlaentwyn
Ostsygg Klynkestsyn Khannthota Klynkestwyn
Ostyrgrein Kroemkhezlsyn Kletlona Kroemkhezlwyn
Pfrymloef Loetrlihtsyn Klynthota Loetrlihtwyn
Pfymborg Loetwilfsyn Krysslona Loetwilfwyn
Rhitahtyn Loezkhansyn Kyndthota Loezkhanwyn
Rhitskylt Loezmannsyn Lagonthota Loezmannwyn
Rhylharr Lonwoerdsyn Loetrgeim Lonwoerdwyn
Roehanth Lubbloefsyn Lynathota Lubbloefwyn
Rysstyl Lyngmholsyn Merlgeim Lyngmholwyn
Saesbroda Lyngroegansyn Mhaslona Lyngroeganwyn
Skaenryss Lyngwintsyn Moegrael Lyngwintwyn
Skarnmhar Maetironnsyn Nahctrael Maetironnwyn
Skoenliht Marmannsyn Northota Marmannwyn
Soemraet Merlskyfsyn Ofangeim Merlskyfwyn
Staelhundr Moegmhusyn Rammthota Moegmhuwyn
Sterrbroda Moeramohtsyn Rymmthota Moeramohtwyn
Sthalrhet Niunaglsyn Ryssrael Niunaglwyn
Stymmwaen Nyunmerlsyn Satznthota Nyunmerlwyn
Sundyrund Oebmannsyn Skaenrael Oebmannwyn
Swozramm Ostornsyn Skoenthota Ostornwyn
Swozwaent Ostyrmannsyn Snoegeim Ostyrmannwyn
Syhrdaeg Ostyrwilfsyn Sterrthota Ostyrwilfwyn
Sylbweitz Pfarskratsyn Styrgeim Pfarskratwyn
Syvinborn Pfymseiksyn Sundyrwyb Pfymseikwyn
Syvinmhas Rhansathsyn Sunnthota Rhansathwyn
Syznskoef Rhotsatzasyn Swaenwyb Rhotsatzawyn
Thosinwurth Rhutirammsyn Swerdwyb Rhutirammwyn
Trachtoum Rosnsathsyn Swygrael Rosnsathwyn
Tragghyr Saesraensyn Syznrael Saesraenwyn
Trahgwilf Seiksatzsyn Syznthota Seiksatzwyn
Waebahct Solksthalsyn Thorwyb Solksthalwyn
Waemterbin Sundwilfsyn Toegwyb Sundwilfwyn
Wannmaga Sunnskyfsyn Toffwyb Sunnskyfwyn
Wastlleid Swarsweigsyn Trachwyb Swarsweigwyn
Whasbyrm Swozstyrmsyn Ubilwyda Swozstyrmwyn
Whastrach Swyroegansyn Untawyb Swyroeganwyn
Wheibrot Sykursyn Usynwyda Sykurwyn
Wilfmoen Syvinsnoesyn Waemwyb Syvinsnoewyn
Wiltwaek Ubyltusyn Wannwyda Ubyltuwyn
Winstoura Untawhasyn Wardnwyb Untawhawyn
Wistsunn Wastbyrtsyn Webbrael Wastbyrtwyn
Wistyrnahct Wastgreinsyn Wilfbhyda Wastgreinwyn
Wunthyll Wastmyndsyn Wiltwyda Wastmyndwyn
Wunthyml Wastwebbsyn Wolkwyb Wastwebbwyn
Wysslorh Wintbrotsyn Wollwyda Wintbrotwyn
Wyznguld Wintfohcsyn Wurtwyb Wintfohcwyn
Zaesoeya Wintwyrnsyn Wysswyda Wintwyrnwyn
Zehkrepf Wistweinsyn Zantwyb Wistweinwyn
Zehrymm Wuntwilfsyn Zirnbhyda Wuntwilfwyn
Zirnberk Zeinkletsyn Zirnwyda Zeinkletwyn
Zwelfaren Zwynwyrstsyn Zoerwyda Zwynwyrstwyn


Where the the Sea Wolves adhere to their ancestral traditions, the Hellsguard are more prone to adapt, and thus often choose to translate their names from the old Roegadyn language to modern Eorzean. That said, the lines between the two clans aren't set in stone, and you will find some Hellsguard have chosen to use the old language in their names, and some Sea Wolves have given themselves translated names.

While a Hellsguard's full name is comprised of a forename and a surname, both words form a singular given name. Highly independent in nature, Hellsguard despise being defined by the actions of anyone but themselves, and rarely keep any kind of family name, choosing only to be referred to by their given name. As a result Hellsguard often use their full name in everyday speech. Some Hellsguard may share a word in their given names that can potentially identify them as family, such as the brothers Hoary Boulder and Ocher Boulder, but this is not universal, as seen with the brothers Curious Gorge and Broken Mountain.

Hellsguard names draw heavily from nature, whether it be vegetable or animal, inanimate or animate, abstract or concrete. The only real difference between male and female names is that the latter more commonly include plant imagery, but this is not a strict rule. Female names can just as easily forgo such imagery as male names can use it.

Example names[]


  • Tall Mountain
  • Spinning Blade
  • Anonymous Moose
  • Still River
  • Bloody Catapult


  • Blue Lily
  • Weeping Orchid
  • Diving Sparrow
  • Silent Moss

Random Hellsguard names[]

The following are the potential names generated by the in-game name generator for Hellsguard characters. Forenames are shared between male and female characters, as are the surnames Crow, Elm, and Ghost. All names have an equal 1% chance of being chosen with the exception of the female surname Heaven, which has a 2% chance.

Forenames Male surnames Female surnames
Able Adder Abyss
Angry Ale Acorn
Ardent Ant Amber
Auburn Antelope Apple
Awful Aurochs Bat
Bitter Axe Bee
Bloodied Bear Blossom
Blue Beetle Bream
Bounding Boar Bride
Brazen Bone Bridle
Bright Boulder Calf
Broken Brother Clam
Burrowing Buck Cloud
Climbing Buffalo Comet
Colied Bull Condor
Crooked Buzzard Crane
Dancing Cactus Creek
Deep Castle Crow
Diving Cedar Current
Dour Chocobo Daisy
Drifting Coeurl Daughter
Drowning Copper Dawn
Drunken Coyote Diamond
Dull Crab Dodo
Eager Crow Doe
Early Cyclone Dolphin
Eastern Desert Dove
Falling Dragon Dream
Glorious Dragonfly Duck
Graceful Drake Dusk
Happy Eagle Eddy
Honorable Elm Elm
Ivory Falcon Emerald
Jagged Fir Eve
Jealous Fire Fawn
Jeweled Flame Feather
Joyous Forest Firefly
Keen Fox Flower
Kicking Frost Frog
Kind Galago Gem
Knotted Geyser Ghost
Late Ghost Glass
Laughing Glacier Goddess
Lazy Gnat Gull
Leaping Goat Hare
Lost Goobbue Heaven
Loud Gorge Heron
Lugubrious Griffin Herring
Missing Grotto Ivy
Modest Hammer Jewel
Nimble Hand Ladybug
Noble Helm Lake
Northern Herd Lamb
Painted Hill Laurel
Patient Hornet Light
Poison Iron Lily
Proud Island Mahogany
Raging Jackal Marmot
Rampaging Jungle Meadow
Red Knife Moon
Rising Mesa Moss
Rolling Mite Oak
Running Mole Ocean
Sad Morbol Orchid
Shadowy Mountain Orobon
Shining Mouse Pearl
Silent Mythril Pelican
Singing Needle Plain
Skittering Oak Plum
Sleeping Peiste Rabbit
Slippery Pine Rafflesia
Slow Rain River
Solid Raptor Rose
Southern Rat Ruby
Spinning Ravine Salmon
Spiraling Scythe Sapphire
Stalwart Sentinel Sentinel
Staring Shadow Siren
Steaming Shield Sky
Still Smoke Smile
Strident Snake Sparrow
Striking Snow Spring
Sulking Spear Squirrel
Talking Spire Star
Tall Steel Stork
Tanned Stone Stream
Terrible Stump Swan
Tiny Sword Thorn
Towering Thunder Tree
Valliant Toad Trout
Walking Tomb Tulip
Wandering Tower Turtle
Weeping Tree Veil
Western Volcano Waterfall
Whispering Walnut Wave
White Wasp Whale
Wise Wine Whirlpool
Yawning Wolf Willow
Yellow Wyvern Wool
Zealous Yarzon

